Steam key, please don't forget to mark as received. Thank you and good luck...
These are all the giveaways submitted by everyone so far and I'll be adding more as I can.
Thank you to grubs, for teaching me how to do these, and thank you, each and every one of you who submitted giveaways!
Giveaway | Giver | End date |
Dead Age LV0 | grubs | November 11th |
Hustle Cat LV0 | grubs | November 11th |
Sonic Generations LV0 | grubs | November 11th |
Oxenfree LV0 | grubs | November 11th |
Huniepop LV0 | grubs | November 11th |
Meltdown LV0 | Kletar | November 11th |
Else Heart.Break LV3 | Golwar | November 11th |
Hacknet LV0 | Belmasv | November 11th |
Virginia LV5 | Wintermute75 | November 11th |
Screencheat LV0 | absolutely3rd | November 11th |
Tristoy LV2 | Flo4President | November 11th |
LEGO The Lord of the Rings LV1 | Mully | November 11th |
Five Guardians of David LV0 | Kappaking | November 11th |
Dungeon Souls LV0 | digge | November 11th |
Sakura Fantasy LV3 | Kathleen | November 11th |
Evolvation LV4 | fizzimizzi | November 11th |
Gryphon Knight Epic LV0 | Khayolin | November 11th |
Dead effect 2 LV1 | thoughtfulhippo | November 11th |
Dead Age LV1 | thoughtfulhippo | November 11th |
Dispatcher LV1 | thoughtfulhippo | November 11th |
Emily Wants to Play LV1 | thoughtfulhippo | November 11th |
Nevermind LV1 | thoughtfulhippo | November 11th |
Neverending Nightmares LV1 | thoughtfulhippo | November 11th |
Bulb Boy LV1 | thoughtfulhippo | November 11th |
Black Sails the Ghost Ship LV1 | thoughtfulhippo | November 11th |
Viscera Cleanup Detail LV1 | thoughtfulhippo | November 11th |
Hand of Fate LV0 | ikkiyakki | November 11th |
The Last Door LV2 | MouseWithBeer | November 11th |
Dead Age LV2 | MouseWithBeer | November 11th |
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut LV1 | Ctouw | November 11th |
Nevermind LV0 | Kamarae | November 11th |
Bulb Boy LV0 | Kamarae | November 11th |
Black Sails - The Ghost Ship LV0 | Kamarae | November 11th |
ABZU LV3 | CronosZ | November 11th |
fault - milestone one LV1 | robilar5500 | November 11th |
Valhalla Hills LV1 | robilar5500 | November 11th |
Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches LV1 | grez1 | November 11th |
Tank Universal LV1 | grez1 | November 11th |
Schein LV1 | grez1 | November 11th |
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain LV4 | Muonoit | November 11th |
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain LV0 | edaslambo | November 11th |
Satellite Reign LV0 | edaslambo | November 11th |
Call of Juarez™ LV1 | Padocs | November 11th |
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice LV2 | burntreynolds444 | November 11th |
Bayonetta LV2 | burntreynolds444 | November 11th |
Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location LV2 | Awoke | November 11th |
Legends of Eisenwald LV1 | emotionengine | November 11th |
Silence of the Sleep LV1 | canis39 | November 11th |
Anna's Quest LV0 | Yirg | November 11th |
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse LV0 | Yirg | November 11th |
Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold Collector's Edition LV0 | Yirg | November 11th |
Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena LV0 | stlpaul | November 11th |
Seasons after Fall LV2 | MyNameIsMud | November 11th |
Uncanny Valley LV0 | PlayfulKaitie | November 11th |
To Ash LV2 | Momo1991 | November 11th |
The Flame in the Flood LV1 | kiseli | November 11th |
Never Alone Arctic Collection (w/ Foxtales DLC and FREE Soundtrack) LV1 | kiseli | November 11th |
Year Walk LV2 | igel2005 | November 11th |
Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch LV1 | Szzzzzx | November 11th |
Sorcery! Parts 1 and 2 LV1 | hoder | November 11th |
Operation Flashpoint: Red River LV1 | hoder | November 11th |
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure LV2 | ScourgeTM | November 11th |
Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition LV2 | ScourgeTM | November 11th |
Wargame: Red Dragon LV3 | Timobkg | November 11th |
Sandmason LV0 | Retox | November 11th |
Company of Heroes 2 LV0 | Retox | November 11th |
Titan Souls LV0 | Retox | November 11th |
Merchants of Kaidan LV0 | Rayl1ght | November 11th |
Dark Arcana: The Carnival LV0 | verveeri | November 11th |
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain LV0 | DolCare | November 11th |
Full Throttle Remastered LV1 | DolCare | November 11th |
Everything LV1 | DolCare | November 11th |
Loot Rascals LV1 | Remnantall | November 11th |
Grim Fandango Remastered LV1 | Remnantall | November 11th |
TumbleSeed LV1 | Remnantall | November 11th |
Volume LV3 | BauerBoy24 | November 11th |
Governor of Poker 2 LV2 | Nask0 | November 11th |
Stardew Valley LV0 | ubercruiser | November 11th |
Pizza Connection 2 LV0 | Shelia | November 11th |
Green Cat LV0 | Shelia | November 11th |
Project Explore LV0 | Shelia | November 11th |
BROKE PROTOCOL: Online City RPG LV0 | Shelia | November 11th |
Darkstone LV2 | Kappaking | November 11th |
Nightside LV2 | Kappaking | November 11th |
ABZU LV0 | Novazch | November 11th |
Screencheat LV0 | msboring27 | November 11th |
Tiny Echo LV2 | BrownCity82 | November 11th |
Scanner Sombre LV2 | BrownCity82 | November 11th |
Eternal Maze LV1 | Myrsan | November 11th |
TIMEframe LV2 | Myrsan | November 11th |
Neverending Nightmares LV1 | Myrsan | November 11th |
ABZU LV3 | Myrsan | November 11th |
Void Destroyer LV0 | rEDkILLER | November 11th |
Candlelight LV0 | genkicoll | November 11th |
3D Sprite Renderer LV0 | genkicoll | November 11th |
CV Maker for Windows LV0 | genkicoll | November 11th |
Wolf Simulator LV0 | genkicoll | November 11th |
BLEAK: Welcome to Glimmer LV0 | genkicoll | November 11th |
The Banner Saga 2 LV0 | LastM | November 11th |
Grim Fandango Remastered LV0 | Hyoshi | November 11th |
Guild of Dungeoneering LV1 | Dudusch2 | November 11th |
The Count Lucanor LV1 | Dudusch2 | November 11th |
Wurm Unlimited LV2 | Lupushelveticus | November 11th |
Scanner Sombre LV0 | leniu | November 11th |
Seasons After Fall LV0 | leniu | November 11th |
The Shrouded Isle LV0 | leniu | November 11th |
Wargame: Red Dragon LV0 | leniu | November 11th |
Armada 2526 Gold Edition LV1 | CallMeKap | November 11th |
Neon Chrome LV1 | Threepw00d | November 11th |
SimplePlanes LV0 | ChaosV3 | November 11th |
The Elder Scrolls® Online: Tamriel Unlimited™ LV3 | Moony1986 | November 11th |
Hand of Fate LV0 | Vhajsuna | November 11th |
Her Story LV3 | trentjaspar | November 11th |
Gods Will Be Watching LV3 | trentjaspar | November 11th |
Else Heart.Break() LV4 | trentjaspar | November 11th |
Hand of Fate LV0 | mgbnn | November 11th |
A Long Road Home LV1 | Caractacus | November 11th |
Lethal League LV1 | SnowyK | November 11th |
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut LV0 | whyc1337 | November 11th |
Wurm Unlimited LV0 | whyc1337 | November 11th |
One Piece Burning Blood LV0 | whyc1337 | November 11th |
Guild of Dungeoneering LV3 | Praxa | November 11th |
Windward LV4 | QuickSTER | November 11th |
Fallen Enchantress LV0 | redsweater | November 11th |
Sorcerer Kings: Rivals LV0 | redsweater | November 11th |
The Political Machine 2016 LV0 | redsweater | November 11th |
The Corporate Machine LV0 | redsweater | November 11th |
Guns of Icarus Online LV0 | skoloniaris | November 11th |
Broken Age LV1 | YukinNya | November 11th |
Double Dragon: Neon LV0 | Diddles92 | November 11th |
Space Beret LV0 | Leeuw96 | November 11th |
Lumino City LV1 | Nightlily | November 11th |
The Bridge LV0 | entropia | November 11th |
Worms W.M.D LV2 | BlueLightning42 | November 11th |
ibb & obb - Best Friends Forever Double Pack LV0 | LordBaal | November 11th |
Satellite Reign LV2 | Raidus | November 11th |
Hand of Fate LV2 | Raidus | November 11th |
Darksiders Franchise Pack LV0 | parasitegod | November 11th |
Magicka LV2 | Dan6hell66 | November 11th |
World to the West LV5 | painman01 | November 11th |
Steam Heroes LV0 | Draconiano | November 11th |
The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dreams LV0 | Draconiano | November 11th |
Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek LV0 | Draconiano | November 11th |
Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood LV0 | Draconiano | November 11th |
Dark Arcana: The Carnival LV0 | Draconiano | November 11th |
ABZU LV0 | MiniTaurus | November 11th |
Blackguards 2 LV0 | Radboud | November 11th |
Grey Goo Definitive Edition LV5 | HellsRANGER | November 11th |
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty LV5 | HellsRANGER | November 11th |
Epistory - Typing Chronicles LV5 | HellsRANGER | November 11th |
Skyborn LV0 | ET3D | November 11th |
Human: Fall Flat LV0 | metyGAME | November 11th |
Emily is Away Too LV0 | Uroboros | November 11th |
Dead Rising® 2 LV0 | Uroboros | November 11th |
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition LV0 | Uroboros | November 11th |
The Elder Scrolls® Online: Tamriel Unlimited™ LV0 | Uroboros | November 11th |
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura LV1 | Fragy | November 11th |
World to the West LV1 | molwar66 | November 11th |
Silence LV1 | molwar66 | November 11th |
The Flame in the Flood LV0 | Selby | November 11th |
Scanner Sombre LV0 | Selby | November 11th |
Neon Chrome LV0 | Selby | November 11th |
Oddworld: New 'n Tasty LV0 | Uroboros | November 11th |
Epistory - Typing Chronicles LV0 | Uroboros | November 11th |
DEATHS MAZE LV0 | minigood | November 11th |
Borderlands: Game of the Year LV2 | canis39 | November 11th |
Borderlands 2 LV2 | Tetony | November 11th |
Wasteland 2: Director's Cut LV5 | NO9999 | November 11th |
Prototype 2 LV5 | NO9999 | November 11th |
Kingdom: New Lands LV5 | NO9999 | November 11th |
How to Survive 2 LV5 | NO9999 | November 11th |
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty LV5 | NO9999 | November 11th |
Epistory - Typing Chronicles LV5 | NO9999 | November 11th |
Grey Goo Definitive Edition LV5 | NO9999 | November 11th |
Gunpoint LV0 | AppleKing | November 11th |
ABZU LV0 | Selby | November 11th |
Lakeview Cabin Collection LV1 | yengg | November 11th |
Lakeview Cabin Collection LV3 | AskFire3 | November 11th |
Tharsis LV1 | yengg | November 11th |
140 LV2 | Erer08 | November 11th |
Candle LV0 | talgaby | November 11th |
DreadOut LV2 | yengg | November 11th |
Retro City Rampage™ DX LV2 | yengg | November 11th |
Grim Fandango Remastered LV | Selby | November 11th |
Mission Runway LV0 | Synchrocity | November 11th |
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride LV0 | Synchrocity | November 11th |
Waste Walkers LV0 | Synchrocity | November 11th |
Savage Lands LV1 | carefree | November 11th |
Solstice LV1 | carefree | November 11th |
Borderlands 2 LV1 | SirPacks | November 11th |
The Elder Scrolls® Online: Tamriel Unlimited™ LV1 | SirPacks | November 11th |
Seasons After Fall LV5 | Mikoy7 | November 11th |
Else Heart.Break LV0 | rUUk | November 11th |
Tempest: Pirate Action RPG LV0 | rUUk | November 11th |
Impossible Creatures Steam Edition LV0 | rUUk | November 11th |
Endless Space® - Collection LV0 | Migfsf | November 11th |
The Divine Paradox LV0 | Adel91 | November 11th |
Tempest: Pirate Action RPG LV0 | philosophi | November 11th |
Warhammer Quest LV0 | philosophi | November 11th |
FaceRig LV0 | philosophi | November 11th |
Sakura Angels LV0 | Acasyd | November 11th |
Sakura Beach LV0 | Acasyd | November 11th |
Sakura Beach 2 LV0 | Acasyd | November 11th |
Sakura Fantasy LV0 | Acasyd | November 11th |
Sakura Santa LV0 | Acasyd | November 11th |
Sakura Spirit LV0 | Acasyd | November 11th |
HuniePop LV0 | Acasyd | November 11th |
Human: Fall Flat LV0 | Acasyd | November 11th |
The Flame in the Flood LV0 | Acasyd | November 11th |
Killing Floor 2 LV0 | Acasyd | November 11th |
Tengami LV0 | Saikania | November 11th |
Steamworld Heist LV1 | uguleley | November 11th |
Road to Ballhalla LV1 | uguleley | November 11th |
Shadow Complex Remastered LV1 | uguleley | November 11th |
Technobabylon LV1 | uguleley | November 11th |
Evoland 2 LV1 | uguleley | November 11th |
Cook, Serve, Delicious! LV2 | Petronic | November 11th |
Power of Love LV0 | Rilke | November 11th |
Ionball 2: Ionstorm LV4 | Rilke | November 11th |
Back to the Future: The Game LV3 | MikeyMcMikenson | November 11th |
Evoland 2 LV3 | MikeyMcMikenson | November 11th |
Anomaly 2 LV2 | svenevil | November 11th |
Crayon Physics Deluxe LV 3 | BarefootMonkey | November 11th |
How to Survive 2 LV0 | psychocygnet | November 11th |
Prototype 2 LV0 | psychocygnet | November 11th |
Sakura Fantasy LV2 | oblueknighto | November 11th |
AI: Rampage LV0 | GrimPhantasia | November 11th |
Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded LV0 | GrimPhantasia | November 11th |
Broadsword: Age of Chivalry LV0 | GrimPhantasia | November 11th |
Earth 2160 LV0 | GrimPhantasia | November 11th |
Satellite Reign LV2 | Tewam | November 11th |
Wurm Unlimited LV1 | Morrigan11 | November 11th |
Out of the Park Baseball 18 LV1 | Morrigan11 | November 11th |
Grim Fandango Remastered LV2 | dazedconfsed | November 11th |
Furi LV1 | Audaxviator | November 11th |
9 Clues: The Secret of Serpent Creek LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
9 Clues 2: The Ward LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
ABC Coloring Town LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
Beastiarium LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
Black Hole Hazard LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
Crime Secrets: Crimson Lily LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
Duckles: the Jigsaw Witch LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
House of Snark 6-in-1 Bundle LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
INK LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
Larva Mortus LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
Mashed LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
Nightmares from the Deep 2: The Siren`s Call LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
Overlord II LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
RPG Maker VX Ace + DLC LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
Skyscraper Simulator LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
Space Trader: Merchant Marine LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
Supreme League of Patriots Season Pass LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
Swordbreaker The Game LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
True Bliss LV0 | ayuinaba | November 11th |
Apotheon LV2 | AlyssoRooder | November 11th |
FEZ LV1 | hucknduck | November 11th |
Brutal Legend LV1 | hucknduck | November 11th |
Gladiator School LV0 | EdgyOnion | November 12th |
Borderlands: Game of the Year LV0 | Bannish | November 11th |
Jotun: Valhalla Edition LV0 | LordBaal | November 11th |
Saints Row 2 LV1 | GeorgeMC | November 11th |
Portal 2 LV1 | Ruhenot | November 11th |
Grey Goo Definite Edition LV0 | Adiadi2341 | November 11th |
Epistory - Typing Chronicles LV0 | Adiadi2341 | November 11th |
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty LV0 | Adiadi2341 | November 11th |
Ara Fell LV2 | VolkovMsk | November 11th |
Home is Where One Starts... LV2 | VolkovMsk | November 11th |
Princess Isabella: The Rise of an Heir LV2 | KaiserDark | November 11th |
Puzzle Agent LV0 | blubbers | November 11th |
Space Pilgrim Episode III: Delta Pavonis LV0 | ElGitro | 13 Nov |
Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol LV0 | ElGitro | 13 Nov |
Endless Legend™ LV0 | ElGitro | 13 Nov |
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut LV0 | ElGitro | 13 Nov |
Superflight LV2 | Uroboros | November 12th |
I won't be adding any more giveaways; congratulations to all the winners!
Thank you so much to everyone who participated and helped keep the memory of Rita alive :')
285 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by pizzahut
187 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Gyhulhu
2 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Chris76de
70 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by FranckCastle
2,278 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by FranckCastle
4 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by spookypannkaka
1,046 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Lep9six
75 Comments - Last post 32 seconds ago by lokonopa
797 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by FireGolem
746 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Wintermute101
13 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by CultofPersonalitea
44 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by ObsidianSpire
17,314 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by cpj128
403 Comments - Last post 39 minutes ago by funname4funguy
Please BUMP the thread
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Awesome show of support!
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May I make a quick suggestion?
You can change that list into a table by adding 2 lines right above the first giveaway:
For example, right now the top 2 entries are written like this:
If you add a table header right above those, like so:
then the whole list will turn into a pretty table, like this:
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Thank you so much, grubs had actually already suggested that, but the table came out wrong in certain areas because I wrote the giveaways differently sometimes, like adding a | before the LV entry here and there and I kept meaning to fix it, but then forgot with all the lovely support messages coming. Thanks for reminding me actually get this done! :)
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Thank you! :)
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