
Here's one copy of the classic city builder up for grabs. Also, looks pretty decent for a game that's more than
ten years old.

Please refrain from adding mindless "thank you" comments (which will get you blacklisted).
Instead, maybe you could just paste a joke or a funny story? I also would appreciate feedback on the game itself
from the winner (I still haven't tried playing it yet myself).

Good luck.


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the wishlisted! I played it years ago and I own it in physical copy, but nowadays I don't own a CD/DVD-ROM anymore, so I hope it's alright if I enter.

PS: About the joke, Tarantino is better at telling it than I am:

8 years ago

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Oh yes, that's a really good joke. It hardly ever happens that I watch any videos on youtube
(the site's owned by the Empire of Evil, after all), but this time, I watched the whole thing.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Jokes on you I died before I could type anything out so there was no chance of me ever saying thank you.

8 years ago

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I remember playing this one a number of years ago, so I need to get a Steam copy :D

8 years ago

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I played this back when it was first released, before I had ever heard of Steam. It's a great, great game. I remember using a website called Simtropolis to connect with other users and to download new maps and buildings. I suspect it may not hold up quite as well in 2016, especially in comparison with Cities: Skylines, but it's worth a shot just for nostalgia's sake. I could not tell you where my physical copy of the game might have gotten to.

I am curious, do you really blacklist people for posting "thank you" messages on your giveaways?

8 years ago

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Yes, I do blacklist for posting "thank yous", but only if it's one of those automated, mindless messages
(the one below is a good example). I never blacklisted anyone, whose comment included more than just a
generic "thank you", showing they actually read the giveaway description.

I know, many people here on SG tend to disagree, it's a nice thing to say thanks, after all, isn't it?
Well, the point is, that I specifically asked people to refrain from posting these comments.
Also 90% of those comments are bots/automated entry scripts ... the rest obviously doesn't care.
I think it's blatantly rude and disrespectful.

Let me clarify with an example: let's say you're invited to a friend's birthday or wedding party and
they specifically ask you to not bring any flowers (for whatever reason) ... I'm sure, the first thing you do,
before attending the party is go to florist and buy the biggest bouquet you can find, right?
It's very much the same thing here, I give away a free game, no strings attached, just because I like the
idea of sharing stuff and all I ask in return is that folks read the description and act accordingly.
I think that's not too much to ask.

8 years ago

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It's not too much to ask.

But if we continue your example...

Let's say I did bring flowers, despite being asked not to. I suspect most people would simply accept them graciously and just move on, rather than kicking me out of the party and refusing to ever speak to me again.


8 years ago

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Okay, let's continue that example, let's say you were asked to not bring any flowers for a very good reason, for example, because your host has an allergic reaction to most flowers (that's not my imagination, my neighbor's actually one of those people) - just like I have an allergic reaction to bots (imho it's disgusting to script and bot your way on a website, where people give away free stuff for the sake of it.) Back to the example: while you'd probably not get kicked you out, it still would be a very rude present, don't you agree? Chances are pretty good you'd not get invited again. And that's exactly what I do by blacklisting those people, I do not "invite" those people to my giveaways again. I'd still give them their game (as required by the site rules) in case they win, even though I'm not happy about it. But I won't - with very few exceptions - remove the blacklist again. Forgiveness just isn't one of my virtues.

8 years ago*

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Hey, to each his/her own! I think you're overreacting but we all have our opinions.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the chance!

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Thanks :-)

8 years ago

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Thanks. :D

8 years ago

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Probably in my honest opinion the best modern city building game despite Skylines existing. I say that because unfortunately Skylines is limited by the Unity engine so you cannot reach the population and traffic clogging love of major metro areas today.However SC4 lacks the gameplay elements Skylines has, but with mods you have far more gameplay options and visual means. Once modders figure a way around the limits of the Unity Engine Skylines will then overtake SC4 as #1 in my book.

Now for the funny story: When I was a kid i used to leave Sim City 2000 running on my pc while at school and such, so I could come home and see how everything was doing. I loved doing it because it was like a living breathing world of lil people that I was growing. So I dunno what happened but I was asleep nice and soundly. Suddenly BOOM BOOM BOOM , I get startled awake. I am wtf is goiing on , I went looking out my window to I see nothing. Then I hear the very loud boom boom boom boom again. I jumped again,then I looked over and saw my pc wast still on, hit the mouse button.

GG me , I left my damn game running and my transit was crashing all over the place because I set up improperly. My whole city is on fire. Never left my pc on while I slept again.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Why do we tell actors to "break a leg?" Because every play has a cast. Did you hear about the actor who fell through the floorboards? He was just going through a stage.

8 years ago

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Thanks :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks for a chance! ;)

8 years ago

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Thanks carlica! I haven't played a SimCity game since the original, many years ago. I'll let you know how I get on with it.

8 years ago

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You're welcome. And sure, any feedback how you get on with it would be welcome ... I haven't bought a copy
for myself yet. Doubt I'd have the time to play it anytime soon anyway ... I kinda have a huge backlog.

8 years ago

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I've finally had the time to sit down and try the game. It's a bit clunky, which understandable for a 13 year old game, and I'd be happy to wade through it to better get to grips with the game but it just keeps crashing. It makes getting through the tutorials and learning the game a chore.

I'm not that big into city management games but if I were I would have to say skip this and pickup a more up to date and stable game like Cities: Skylines.

Thanks again carlicia. :)

8 years ago

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Ah, thank you for the feedback, it's appreciated. Also, I'm sorry to hear about the stability issues.
Guess that's always a bit of a gamble with classic games, sometimes you also have to turn to
community patches, e.g. I found that "Vampire the Masquerade" runs very smooth and stable once
I applied the unofficial community patches, while it wouldn't even run without. May I ask what OS
you're running the game on? If it's 8.x or 10, maybe it's easier to get it working on Win 7. I only
have experiences with Skylines from a free Weekend on Steam, sure, it's more up to date,
but I also felt it has a few issues like many citizens dying in waves roughly at the same time.

8 years ago

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I'm playing on Win 8.1. I've had a look around and there are some tweaks that can be made, like forcing the game to use one CPU core and switching to software graphical rendering, which are supposed to help with stability.

I haven't actually played Syklines so perhaps I shouldn't be name dropping it, I only mention it as that's what I hear whenever Simcity is brought up these days.

8 years ago

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