Hi everyone,
This is my first game published. The development of this game started as a hobby project, more specifically I combined my two leisure activities, cooking and playing video games in one, and this game is the result. I started this project in October 2019, working alongside it and going to university. The project took 17 months to develop and then it appeared in the Steam store.
The game was not developed by a small team, only by me. I drew a significant part of the graphic elements (food, ingredients and menus) in the game.
I will try to expand the game with additional content in the future, which I am currently planning to implement in the first round is the Achievement system. I would also like to expand the repertoire of menus related to different nations in the game. Furthermore, I would also like to port my game to mobile phones.
I am going to offer steam keys every week this month. (This is Week 1 giveway).
I hope this arouses your interest.
I wish a great time in the virtual kitchen for the winner.
109 Comments - Last post 49 seconds ago by Bohemius
12 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by pb1
52 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by Fluffster
33 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by Spartaaaaan
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442 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Fluffster
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72 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by Yamaraus
215 Comments - Last post 53 minutes ago by skoloniaris
thanks for the chance
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Looks really cool. As a professional cook, I must say a lot of "cooking games" tend to be gross because you are often mixing ingredients that really don't belong together. Looks like you put a lot of work into it and the concept seems very fun. Kudos on the art and on already planning to expand the game.
Good luck to you and congratulations on managing a finished product in less than 18 months:!
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In your expert opinion, what are the best cooking games on Steam / Android; or can you think of some that you enjoyed playing? I'm open to recommendations, since I like this genre a lot.
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Oh you do? Then I should be the one asking what's the one you've enjoyed the most so far ;)
Most cooking games tend to focus on time management and not on the actual end product, which is a shame when you like to cook but this being said, there are still some fun cooking games. My favorite on Steam is Cook, Serve Delicious 2. I heard the devs were implementing some kind of recipe creator in CSD3 but haven't read much about it. That would make it perfect.
There used to be a Top Chef game. I think it was Big Fish but I can't find it now. That was quite fun. A big part of the score was about pairing the right ingredients together, and it's the only game I've played that ever cared about that. Of course the end product was gross but at least you got to use some palate to create it lol
I also spent a while on The Cooking Game on Steam and I think it's free to play now. It's not as good as CSD but it's great for the price ;)
Besides that I have yet to try it on Steam but I've played Cooking Simulator on the tablet. It's pretty cool even though it's kinda basic when it comes to recipes unfortunately in the realistic setting. Well, only as realistic as it can be when you're throwing things around and have a huuuuge kitchen without the usual 10 people running around with hot and/or sharp and pointy things.
Which one(s) do you like the most?
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I've tried all sorts of cooking-related games, from mobile ports to simulators, but I can't say that I was impressed by any of them - I didn't manage to find "the one" yet.
I guess my favorite on Steam is Good Pizza, Great Pizza - Cooking Simulator Game (review here) because of the fun dialogues and easy gameplay. They started to add seasonal events so I find myself coming back to it now and then and enjoying it as much as when I played it for the first time. On the downside, it's pretty grindy.
Overcooked games are also nice, but it can get get very stressy and tedious as you progress through the game; plus, since it's a couch co-op game, I always feel pressured by having to perform so I don't let down my friends.
In terms of simulators, Cooking Simulator is indeed pretty realistic - sometimes even a bit too realistic for me. Considering that I spend time in the kitchen daily as a routine (like most of us), I don't enjoy that much the fact that I need to perform the exact same tasks in a game. From picking ingredients to cleaning your dishes and wiping the floor - I have to do it all, then go to the kitchen and do that again, for real this time.
I also have a lot of hours in The Cooking Game - still need to finish it though. It's ok, but not stellar.
Not cooking games (they're time-management games), but still my all-time favorite games with a cooking thematic: Delicious series. Scratch that, I just love all GameHouse games, not only these - the devs pour their heart and soul into making them.
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Yeah most of the ones I tried are about time management more than about cooking and they can be too grindy or microtransaction bonanza especially on the mobile side.
I will try that. I was looking for a relaxing pizza game and the one I had was more management.
Also I didn't know you had a curation Lilly! I'm a little slow sometimes.
Heh that's exactly why my gf won't play CSD or Overcooked with me. I get why you could feel this way about them but trust me, even at the higher levels, the chaos and stress of these games is nothing next to the chaos and stress of a kitchen during service, and you don't have anyone screaming, and you can just reset and start over if things go wrong so it's like a vacation for me lol
lol sometimes sim games go a bit overboard. Nobody would play the Sims if you had to spend 2 hours a day paying bills and doing chores. Plus like I said the cooking is too basic to really want to bother with all the rest. At least for me. If I want to flip burgers, I can just pick up shifts in a fast food joint.
I gave up after a bit because of the grind really. It was fun but then it's... meh
They look cute. I may actually pick one up to play with my niece. She is very curious about what I do and she enjoys playing pretend cook but she's a little small to play with me any of the more hardcore cooking games. She might like the cartoon style.
How is the pace? Do you think it might be too hard to play with a 7 year old?
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Hmmm I think they can be played by a 7 year old with a bit of help as long as you're not aiming for 3 stars or achievements. Some levels are quite fast-paced and you need a lot of focus, also there are several things happening simultaneously. It's hard to tell for sure, but newer generations are quicker to pick up the pace in terms of gaming so it might even be easier for her than I imagine.
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Thanks Lilly. We'll play together so I'm sure she'll manage. She is a quick study and will kick my ass in co-op games very soon.
Maybe I shouldn't encourage her but I love playing with her :P
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Thank you for kind words :)
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Thank you
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Hey! The game looks lovely! I'm actually in the process of reviewing a similar but at the same time not-so-similar cooking game, Make the Burger (at the moment I'm waiting for a fix so I can progress further), but your game looks even lovelier than that (I already had it wishlisted). I'll be following your upcoming giveaways for sure.
Any plans on adding Steam achievements? It looks like it could use some.
Thanks for the chance and for the upcoming opportunities to win the game!
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Thank you :)
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Hey best wishes, from the curation Masafors Group of Friends, for you and the game.
It give a good first impression with a trailer music that push into a positive mood :o)
You plans for the game sound good.
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Thx for the giveaway!
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Thank you! Would you like to join my giveaways group? https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/J4Qd1/peekyboo-giveaways-come-say-hello. Good luck and hope you have a great day!
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Thank you sooo muuch!!~~ ✌(^▽^)ノ
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Thanks alot for Giveaways <3
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Thank you!
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Thx ツ
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