Do you know those posts that advertise gamer communities? Consider this the exact opposite - I'm looking (reluctantly and carefully because introverts gonna introvert) for a relatively small and friendly gaming group that could help me re-learn to enjoy online gaming :)
Self-promoting pitch: I'm 30F living in Europe, still very unused to "3" in the front, speaking fluent decent-ish English, broken but steadily improving German, native in Polish, compulsively polite and always writing too much (as depicted). I've played a ton of games in the past - I used to be an okay support in MOBA games, a team mascot with mean random aim in shooters, and a designed wood collector/interior designer in various suvival sandboxes. I also always enjoyed hanging out in voice channels (good ol' times of TeamSpeak), talking about all the things, from cascading sarcastic jokes, through the most convoluted nerd ideas, to very real IRL stuff. Speaking of IRL, I also do some sport (recently bouldering and about to get back to cycling), drawing, learning to play guitar, can complain for far too long about SSRI-s, and currently reading the crap out of Horus Heresy books (pre-WH40k). Plus I'm a dog person.
I'm probably one of those weird people who have too many games to play, too little motivation to do so, especially online, having absolutely no tolerance towards toxicity. There is a bunch on my hard drive or in my scope of interests: Escape From Tarkov, Final Fantasy XIV, Guild Wars 2, Apex Legends, Warframe, Path of Exile, Elite Dangeours, Project Zomboid, No Man's Sky, still struggling to finish Baldur's Gate 3 and Hades, soon to lose a couple of days to new Rimworld content, and some more to modding.
Does any of it sound familiar? If you by any chance search for someone to join the ranks of your gaming friends, also if that concerns the games not listed above, feel free to send me a message here or on Steam - I promise to be more socially awkward than you :)
If not, then thank you for reading this wall of text anyway, and I hope you have a great day! ^^ Extra whitelist cheat-code: post a picture of your favorite animal in games. Fantastic creatures also count!
The key comes from an old bundle, but it should work without any problems!
9 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by pb1
160 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by bob12857
45 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by gonsi
125 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ewoda
1,214 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by CasualGamerMe
111 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Bohemius
16,702 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by mjy
28 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Keepitup
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355 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by ZeePilot
1 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by Codric
34 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by kodonokami
8 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by andremarques971
30 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by lycankai
Much appreciated!
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I'm not a player who plays a lot. When I do play something, it's often slightly older titles. Recently I started perfecting the games I play, which takes much more time. Additionally, I don't play all titles on Steam. So I don't have many games played, especially the newer ones, and I sincerely doubt that I will be any motivation for you. However, if you think otherwise, feel free to send an invitation.
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I appreciate that you left a comment either way :) There is nothing to lose in sending an invite, so I'll just do it if you don't mind ^^
You got me a bit curious: by perfecting the game, do you mean achievement hunting, or clearing 100% of the content?
BTW I see Polish flag on the profile, więc pozdrawiam zza zachodniej granicy :)
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No to jak już płynnie przeszliśmy na język polski, to będę tak kontynuował. Pisząc "perfekcjonowanie" miałem na myśli wbijanie osiągnięć. Dodatkowo dla każdej gry, w której uda mi się zdobyć 100% osiągnięć na Steamie, piszę recenzję - to takie moje drobne postanowienie żeby lepiej zapamiętywać gry, w które grywam. Korzystając z okazji - zapraszam do lektury - :)
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Brzmi bardzo solidnie, 100% aczkiów daje ci na pewno pełne kompetencje, żeby napisać rzetelną recenzję! ^^ Co ważniejsze, dobrze się czyta i zgadzam się w pełni na przykład z recką Limbo, podoba mi się też, że zamiast standardowych plusów i minusów przyjmujesz bardziej elastyczne kategorie "polecam/odrazam, jeżeli" :) Chętnię zostawię kilka lajków, tym bardziej, że wygląda na to, że mamy całkiem podobne preferencje, szczególnie jeśli chodzi o estetykę i docenianie fabuły.
No i propsy za 100% Starfielda :O
Edit: dejm, chyba połowa mojego polskiego to kalki z angielskiego xD
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Dzięki wielkie za czas poświęcony na przeczytanie tych recenzji i pozytywny feedback. Większość ludzi raczej unika tych długich tekstów, ale sam wychodzę z założenia, że robię to przede wszystkim dla siebie, a jak znajdzie się garstka ludzi, którym będzie się to podobać, to będę więcej niż szczęśliwy. Swoją drogą pierwotna recenzja Starfielda była mniej więcej o 30% dłuższa, ale jak się okazało - Steam ma limit znaków na recenzję i musiałem obcinać.
Jeżeli chowasz może jakieś mniej pozytywne uwagi, albo jest coś co sam chętnie zobaczyłbyś przy takich recenzjach, to ja chętnie też się o tym dowiem ;)
Tak swoją drogą jakbyś miał ochotę zagrać w jakąś grę, którą mam w posiadaniu, w trybie online, to pisz śmiało.
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Ach, piękno żonglowania językami - gdzieś w wirze gramatyki musiał się schować detal, że jestem kobietą :D
Wspomniałeś dokładnie o detalu, który przyszedł mi do głowy może nie jako "negatywna" uwaga, a po prostu specyfika Steamowych recenzji i ich odbiorców: długość. Wąska kolumna okienka sprawia, że nawet średniej długości teksty wydają się dłuższe, a przez to potencjalnie mniej zachęcające typowego gracza do czytania. Swego czasu pisywałam recenzje książek, więc doskonale rozumiem argumentację, którą przytoczyłeś - piszesz przede wszystkim dla siebie i jeśli ktoś znajdzie w twoich tekstach coś fajnego i przydatnego, to mamy sytuację win-win i nie ma co się ograniczać! Z tego punktu widzenia, nie sugerowałabym pisania "krócej" (tym bardziej, że i tak limit znaków nie jest wysoki), ale raczej zwiększenie przejrzystości recenzji formatowaniem. Może jakieś "catchy" śródtytuły albo wyboldowanie co ważniejszych/fajniejszych stylistycznie zdań? My gracze dysponujemy w końcu poziomem koncentracji na poziomie polnej myszy :D
Dzięki za zaproszenie do wspólnego grania, na pewno będę o tym pamiętać w toku pracy nad moją wirtualną socjalizacją :)
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Przepraszam najmocniej. Gdybyśmy pisali w języku angielskim, to bym takiej gafy nie strzelił 🤦🏻♂️Nie dostrzegłem nigdzie wcześniej odmienionego czasownika i założyłem co założyłem. Przepraszam.
Boldować raczej nie będę, ważniejsze elementy i tak wypisuję już w charakterystyce, ale nad śródtytułami na pewno się zastanowię. Dzięki za opinię.
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I used to love online games, so much so that I played almost exclusively such games. And wanted to chat with the other players as well. Unfortunately, I feel the gaming community as a whole got a lot more toxic the last "few" years and I got bored of it. My IRL friends stopped gaming almost completely due to similar reasons, and personally I have way too many games but I play almost exclusively older titles through emulation...
I'm a cat person but I like dogs as well
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On the emotional level, I share the idea that the gaming community got more toxic, although now that made me consider the reason, or "logical" level behind it. Do you think it has something to do with the shift of generations: like the "older" generation moving further in life, past their 30s or 40s, and therefore becoming more bitter or cynical (plus the fact that our gaming friends often just stop playing at some point, leaving us quite lonely), and the "younger" generation coming in with a total lack of empathy or boundaries? That was my first idea, but I'm not sure, since I quite literally started to avoid the topic altogether by staying offline for years...
What older titles are you playing these days, if you don't mind sharing?
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While it's surely exaggerated by us becoming older and seeing things differently and more cynically, I really think it has to do more with the changes in the population of the internet. I don't see it only as a gamers issue, I believe the whole internet is much more toxic than let's say 20 or even 10 years ago, probably to the wider spectrum of users than the "few nerds/geeks" back then. Most users don't "care" anymore about the person behind the username so they don't care how they act (so easier to become toxic).
For example I made a lot of IRL friends through the internet, even in different countries, I remember going to meet ups of forums/clans etc. I don't see any of my younger cousins/nephews or their friends doing anything close to that
I'm trying to 100% GTA:SA for the 1st time, and I'm also playing Gran Turismo 4, Pokémon Renegade Platinum (modded version of the original) and Empire Earth for the most part right now
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Thank you for the chance! <3
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And what is the game in the image in the description?
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Baldur's Gate 3 - featuring a loyal doggo Scratch and his owlbear-cub friend :)
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The dog is so familiar, as if seen in some old game, and the graphics are similar :*
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Hey! :) I know this GA ended a couple of days ago, but I saved it because I wanted to leave you a comment, and just now I have some free time to do so.
Sadly, I'm not exactly what you're looking for, since I'm having issues myself with free time and motivation to play videogames. I'm 27M, and I understand how you feel because, even though I haven't reached the 3 in the front yet, I'm now a father (he's an 8-month-old baby now), and that certainly makes you feel older lol. I'm tired and super broke, and the time, energy, and motivation to play games aren't really there.
I wanted to send you this message because, in different circumstances, perhaps in another life, I'm pretty sure we could've been great friends. I write a lot as well; we share similar hobbies (although I'm more of a swimming and boxing guy), I love reading, and I adore dogs. I don't know; it just feels a bit nostalgic. But I do hope from the bottom of my heart that you find awesome friends that can accompany you through new awesome adventures in and outside of videogames. Best of luck!
I play pretty much anything, and I love mystery games and visual novels, but my favorite genre is fighting games. And come on, what can be more awesome and sweet than a kangaroo and his mother fighting together, trying to find his dad.
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