
Sorry, i have kind of give up the development of this, but it's because nobody plays it anyways ...
At least i can still give some free keys.



7 years ago

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That's sad man. Hope your next endeavor has a better attendance than this one did. Good luck, and thanks.

7 years ago

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sorry about your game, man... but thank you for the giveaway, and good luck in the future. :)

7 years ago

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I'm sorry

7 years ago

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:( I'ts a very sad story.
Good luck in the future!!

7 years ago

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Have a nice day.

7 years ago

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Satanic giveaway! XD Thank you!

7 years ago

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Actually, satans numbers is upside down. not 666. 999. Have you heard Black Bible? Read it if you find it somewhere.

7 years ago

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Oooookk, ('¬.¬)...... Buuuut...... no, maybe later.... or never XD

7 years ago

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with that number your next game will be a hit! :D


7 years ago

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666 lucky number!

7 years ago

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Thanks Spychopat =)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thank You

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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thanks :D

7 years ago

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666 for Rock'n'roll. Awesome xD
thanks :3

7 years ago

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Awww dont give up when the game is good enought the gamers will come ^-^

7 years ago

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Yo man, don't give up, just keep working on it as a hobby, improve it when you can, players will eventually come, i know it's sad when we put our efforts into something and people don't seem to appreciate it, sadly I go thru this with basically everything in my life, so i know what it feels like, but don't give up :)
and ofc thanks for the giveaway, hopefully i'll win it

7 years ago

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Thanks to you and all the other people who's trying to motivate me.
In fact, i made this game in a period when i had a lot of free time. I had to stop it for a while because i got a new job and i had a lot of work to do. Now, i have a job with regular schedule, and i could keep working on this during my freetime, but my job is about reading and writing code all day, when i come home i need a break, the last thing i want to do is more code.
I would keep working on it if it was more popular, but i know it's not really a good game. I understand that people will not play this a lot, it's just like a flash game.
There's also some people who said it's a sad story in comments, but it is not. I did this as an hobby during my free time. I did it because i enjoyed doing it. I knew it would not be awesome. It's my really first game ever, i never learnt how to do videogame. Achieving to get the game on steam is already an huge success !
But now, i don't have motivation to keep working on it. I don't have much free time anymore and anyways, most people who will try it will not even unlock 100% of the current content, so i feel like it's not worth to add more content.

My only regret is the price, i was planning to add so many great things, but it will never come. I should probably request Valve to lower it to 1€ or 2€, it would be more honest. I did not make this to earn money, it was just a hobby.
It was a great adventure and i enjoyed spending hundreds of hours doing this.

Maybe i'll work on it again if i become jobless again, but i would more likely be tempted to make another game instead.

7 years ago

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You don't get it. You have honest reviews of people who liked your game despite a few flaws.

-The worst thing mentioned in one of them was "it's too easy", He had fun but it wasn't challenging enough so it lost it's replay value.
-The other said it has a wacky leveling system and no unlocks to start again faster, easily fixable.
-Terrible pick ups and too many useless weapons? Increase up range and remove the guns that are too useful.
-Graphics are simple, but that's good when enemies come in swarms so players can understand what's happening.

Do you understand what I'm saying? You created a fun and enjoyable game that has few and easily fixable flaws. As a first timer and as a hobbyst. You should be proud of yourself.

Even better, you should release an update with those quick simples fixes, lower the price tag and have zero regrets.

7 years ago

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I know about these points, but i'm just not really in the mood to continue working on it. It's really time consuming.
I'll probably end up doing a final update to fix obvious issues and add some content when i get more free time, but i have no idea when i'll got some vacations :p

Maybe i poorly writed the GA description, the game is not a fail, it's a success to me. I'm happy i made it, but i'm not in the mood to keep playing it. The feeling is like when you finish a really great game, but you're not feeling like finishing at 100%. It was awesome, and you will maybe return later, but at the moment, you have enough. :p
Just understand that i made it for myself, to have fun. But yea, since it's not free, i feel a bit like i "steal' people with not finished work. That's why i give a lot of free keys, and people can refund anyways xD I just the dev cost and greenlight fee refunded, thing that i already achieved :p

7 years ago

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Sounds great then!

7 years ago

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It's just so pleasant to run into a developer who's so honest and down-to-earth. Kudos to you.

7 years ago

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A price drop to 3€ would maybe be less 'offensive' to people who bought it beforehand ("oh, I paid a fiver and now it's just a euro" kind of logic). Agree about the idea of it though.

If you limit your giveaway to Level 1+ or Level 2+, you get a better ratio of actual humans versus just bots entering :D

Also, can I ask how accurate SteamSpy's estimates about your game are?

Thanks for the giveaway, of course.

7 years ago

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SteamSpy is pretty accurate. Something that it doesn't know : around 200 copies have been sold, the other owners got it for free during giveaways. 200 copies includes people who refunded and copies bought on sale, so i end up earning 300$. I had to invest around 200$ to get this game on steam (greenlight + unity + promotion). So, i'm still winning, but with the time i spent making it, it's not really a good way to earn money xD ( i earned 0.30$ per hour ? xD).

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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666 copies lol:D

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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