
Do you know those posts that advertise gamer communities? Consider this the exact opposite - I'm looking (reluctantly and carefully because introverts gonna introvert) for a relatively small and friendly gaming group that could help me re-learn to enjoy online gaming :)

Self-promoting pitch: I'm 30F living in Europe, still very unused to "3" in the front, speaking fluent decent-ish English, broken but steadily improving German, native in Polish, compulsively polite and always writing too much (as depicted). I've played a ton of games in the past - I used to be an okay support in MOBA games, a team mascot with mean random aim in shooters, and a designed wood collector/interior designer in various suvival sandboxes. I also always enjoyed hanging out in voice channels (good ol' times of TeamSpeak), talking about all the things, from cascading sarcastic jokes, through the most convoluted nerd ideas, to very real IRL stuff. Speaking of IRL, I also do some sport (recently bouldering and about to get back to cycling), drawing, learning to play guitar, can complain for far too long about SSRI-s, and currently reading the crap out of Horus Heresy books (pre-WH40k). Plus I'm a dog person.

I'm probably one of those weird people who have too many games to play, too little motivation to do so, especially online, having absolutely no tolerance towards toxicity. There is a bunch on my hard drive or in my scope of interests: Escape From Tarkov, Final Fantasy XIV, Guild Wars 2, Apex Legends, Warframe, Path of Exile, Elite Dangeours, Project Zomboid, No Man's Sky, still struggling to finish Baldur's Gate 3 and Hades, soon to lose a couple of days to new Rimworld content, and some more to modding.

Does any of it sound familiar? If you by any chance search for someone to join the ranks of your gaming friends, also if that concerns the games not listed above, feel free to send me a message here or on Steam - I promise to be more socially awkward than you :)

If not, then thank you for reading this wall of text anyway, and I hope you have a great day! ^^ Extra whitelist cheat-code: post a picture of your favorite animal in games. Fantastic creatures also count!

The key comes from an old bundle, but it should work without any problems!

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It sounds very familiar to me!
I will send you a friend request in Steam, so nice to keep polite people in group together.

The same for me, it is so hard to find introvert-ok human so much polite that me will feel “Oh, I have the place to grow”.
I am Ukrainian, not-native English (B2+, maybe), but Polish understand Ukrainian. So, wherever between we will find some similarities ;)

And, one more time, blessings to you!
May your small group of compatible people grow and flow!

11 months ago

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Thank you for the invite, I'll accept it promptly :) I enjoy a lot talking with people from different countries about differences and similarities between cultures or languages, so that fits perfectly!

There are those memes presenting how the majority of introverts' contacts are either dogs or the extraverts who adopted them, and I find it all too accurate ^^;

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11 months ago

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Show this picture to my wife, together little laughing! Thanks for piece of humor in our life ;)

11 months ago

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My pleasure :) Sarah Andersen's comics are amazing in how real and hilarious they are at the same time!

11 months ago

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11 months ago

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I've actually considered doing something similar but I'm often not as interested in online games. I'll send you a friend request too and maybe I'll feel up to it some day haha

Edit: and a Pratchett quote on your profile? I think we can be friends XD

11 months ago

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Hey, a fellow Pratchett enjoyer? Instant invite indeed :D

I feel you, it's a weird thin area between "it would be cool to meet new gaming friends" and "oh damn, I just don't want to deal with anybody today" ^^; So feel free to follow up in any form you want, whenever you want :)

11 months ago

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