Base free game:
Good Luck.
91 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by SoulNibbler
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109 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by SoulNibbler
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73 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by wigglenose
29,691 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by MyrXIII
Is this the Time Travel Free Beginner's Pack or the Time Travel - Traveler's Pack? There's two different packs with similar names. If I'm not mistaken there's no key for this DLC, so it needs to be given directly as a steam store gift. If it's a key then it's for the Free one not the one this GA is for.
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The supplier of these keys says: "Tap Adventure: Time Travel - Traveler's Pack"
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The "supplier" is wrong apparently cause Draconiano just stated below that he won it and it's the Beginner's pack which is free, not what the GA states.
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You are right! Sorry, buy its was not my intation to privide a wrong key. This key where sent to me for a friend. But I dont like this game's style. So I have decide to donate in a GA.
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That also means that this GA is also incorrect
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Actually, he can't delete this giveaway unless both winners agree to, and I don't.
I will just mark it as not received unless he provide a key for Traveler's Pack.
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Yes that's correct. And if you don't agree to delete it then he needs to provide the correct DLC or face suspension.
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I'd like to know if the other winners had received the correct keys or they just marked it as received because they didn't own it. 🙄
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Not going to report him anyway, I have tickets from 6 months ago without answer, it's a waste of time, at least for me.
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How I said below, its was not my intention. If it cannot be Deleted, I Agree with the Punishment. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Sorry for the incovenience. Its was a gift to me and I decided to donate the keys. Unfortunately, in this moment I don't have the money to provide the DLC to you. Unfortunately, all the keys that I Have in this moment You have the game.You have a huge collection. So, I understand your right to solicit de Mods to penalize me for this episode. I'll be punished for a inconvenience caused by a friend, but there is nothing I can do for it in theis moment. Realy, realy, sorry. My bad.
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I said I'm will not report you, not worth my time, I'am going to leave this as not received, that's all.
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I appreciate your decision. I really haven't to try to convince you, just to apologize, because I know I did not want to provide the wrong keys to anyone. Since there were 2 keys, unfortunately I can not confirm what the other winner's position will be and I will respect what you decide. I appreciate your understanding.
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The other users would need to mark them as not received as well. Basically if they marked as received and they don't have this in their steam library they will get in trouble also. The best thing to do in this situation is let the other person that won what happened and to mark it as not received and then contact the GA winner that I linked for the same DLC and let them to also know to mark it as not received, cause they've marked it as received already.
Accidents happen and it's unfortunate that whoever gave you those told you wrong. But you seem humble about making a mistake and manning up ready to take the punishment and that's respectable. Best of luck to you xL1ON.
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Thanks man! I have follow your advice.!
What I learn with this is: never more to donate received gifts keys.
My best regards!
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He has deleted my question on his profile, but aswered on mine.
His answer in Portuguese: "era o certo s"
Translation: "Yes, it was the right"
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I don't know. Only the winner can confirm the key after the redeem. The origin was the same. I received some as gift, not much, but only giveaway this in my account. The anothers I'll erase.
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I wanna it)
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Better luck next time! :)
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Sorry, but the key is for Tap Adventure: Time Travel - Beginner's Pack and I already own it.
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That's the free pack not the pack listed for the GA.
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Sorry, Its was not my intation and I surprised. What I think I can do is solicit to the Mods to Del this giveaway, becose its a wrong key.
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Hola Draconiano. Lo siento por una vez más molestarle sobre el problema del DLC. El otro ganador señaló como clave recibida. Él es Chino y estoy tratando en ponerme en contacto con él, para saber si la clave estaba correcta o no. Debido a que he pedido a los Mods a anular el Giveway debido al problema, como se sabe que piden a los ganadores confirmar esta autorización. Entonces, por eso, le pido una vez más, para que usted responda el estado del giveway como No Recibido y autorizar a los Mods a borrarlo escribiendo aquí. ¡Muchas gracias!
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Ya dejé mi postura clara, normalmente si fueras alguien que lleva mucho tiempo en esta página y ya tiene muchas giveaways hechas, no tendría problema. Pero viendo que ya te paso otras veces cosas parecidas en tan poco tiempo:
Prefiero dejarlo como no recibido y que no se borre la giveaway.
Tenés 2 posibilidades, conseguir la key de Traveler's Pack para que la pueda marcar como recibido, o volver a preguntarme cuando ya tengas 1 año en steamgift y vuelva a replantearme esto.
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Hola Draconiano. Vamos por partes:
1) Sólo descubrí este sitio hace 1 mes. Así no podría estar aquí a más tiempo.
2) En Forge of Gods, por casualidad, copié y pegué la llave incorrecta. Cuando el ganador me advirtió de esto, cambié y le di la clave correcta al ganador porque lo tenía y iba a estar en ese sorteo.
3) En Awesomenaults, la clave es presentada por el propio Dev. Puedes verlo tú mismo aquí . El ganador realmente necesita confirmar eso. Porque si estás equivocado, el Dev envió equivocado. Sin embargo, tengo otras llaves de esta piel. Y si estás equivocado, el ganador lo prueba. Tendré que arreglarlo.
4) Es justo como usted ha dicho, usted puede dejar como Not Received. Para mi esta "Awaiting Feedback". Si no quiere autorizar la supresión, está bien. Es tu derecho. Usted puede estar seguro de que si yo tuviera el saldo disponible en mi cuenta, yo le habría dado este premio, por lo que no sería capaz de pasar por todo ese estrés. No quiero engañar a nadie.
5) Aprendí, con todo lo que nunca volveré a donar llaves que no compré (recibidas como regalos). Se puede ver en mi logs que he donado más de lo que he ganado. Hay pocos, debido al tiempo que uso el sitio. Pero no voy a donar más, porque incluso cuando queremos hacer la alegría de los demás, podemos pasar por el estrés si algo malo fuera de nuestro control sucede.
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Por favor verifique la nueva llave enviada.
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Se activo correctamente, gracias. 👍🏻
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Ok, problema contornado. Agradezco mucho a un amigo que puede me ayudar en este desenlace. Sólo pido por favor que no tome otros problemas, que infortutamente sucedieron, como armas contra mí, sin al menos saber la versión del otro lado. Aprendí que mi conducción y postura debido a estos casos será no más donar llaves que son recibidas como regalos de fuentes que no se puedan cuestionar.
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