
Hacker Evolution - Untold is a game that has elicited mixed reactions from players, primarily due to its challenging and specific gameplay style. It's important to note that this game is not a traditional hacker game, and those expecting a straightforward hacking simulation may be disappointed. Instead, it offers a unique experience that combines command-line puzzle solving with a narrative-driven adventure.


  1. Challenging Gameplay: Many players appreciate the game's difficulty, finding the puzzle-like command-line tasks engaging and rewarding.
  2. Command-Line Interface: The use of a command-line interface adds an authentic touch for those interested in hacking or IT-related activities.
  3. Storyline: Some players find the storyline intriguing, providing a decent backdrop for the game’s activities.
  4. Game Mechanics: The game includes interesting mechanics like managing trace levels and resource allocation, which adds depth to the gameplay.


  1. Steep Learning Curve: The game is quite challenging, which can be off-putting for some players, especially beginners or those not deeply interested in hacking or IT.
  2. Limited Graphics and Presentation: The game’s presentation is basic, with repetitive visuals that might not appeal to players looking for a more dynamic visual experience.
  3. Frustrating Aspects: Certain design choices, such as the inability to save during missions and the need to restart from the beginning in some cases, have frustrated players.
  4. Abrupt Ending: Many players feel that the game ends too suddenly, leaving the story feeling incomplete. (But there is a sequel.)

General Reception:

  • Players who enjoy text-based games, movie-style hacking, and high difficulty may find this game appealing.
  • It's often compared to other hacking simulation games like Uplink, with some players preferring the alternatives.
  • The game is seen as more suitable for those with a passion for IT, hacking, and challenging puzzles rather than casual gamers.

Overall, Hacker Evolution - Untold is a game that caters to a specific niche. While it offers a challenging and unique experience in the realm of hacking simulations, it might not be the right fit for everyone, especially those looking for a more accessible or visually dynamic game.

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Thanks. πŸ™ƒ

Thank you very much :D

4 months ago

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Thank You Very much Boss

3 months ago

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Thanks for the opportunity!!!

3 months ago

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Reassuring to know that even if you don't have experience hacking per se, that if you have a love for puzzles and technology it should appeal greatly! I love hacking games but there aren't many of them, wish there were more! Text-based games are one of my fav genres. :) Thanks for the giveaway!!!

3 months ago

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Many thanks for the opportunity!

3 months ago

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Thanks you^^

3 months ago

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Thank you for the chance!

3 months ago

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Thanks! Good luck everyone!

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Thx, GL

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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