
This will be a steam gift, I will invite the winner.
Tell me about your early 2000s gaming experiences.

hmm... early 2000s gaming... I guess my fondest memory would be The Settlers 3 one of my fav games back then. but granted, we had much less games to chose a favourite from. especially as a kid with no disposable income. but those were the good days - physical media, big boxes (although they were already dying), magazines with demo CDs and diving through bargain bins to find a cool title... yeah, those were the days :)

3 years ago

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i will tell you one funny,when i was kid i still play in arcade room a game name mortal kombat,and while i play is happen to me jhonny cage do fatality about remove 3 heads instead of 1...
So then i go around city and my friend tell this happen,but after they try many times do same and see never happen no one believe me hahaha
After 1 year that already all people say i lie and blablabla come out a Paper Magazine with the list of all the fatality people can do and then have the 3 head fatality so then me and my friends have a lot of fun talk about this because then they know i was say the truth :D

this said i like play warlords,elite (now elite dangerous),captain blood, (game about explore planets and learn alien language),black tiger, new zeland story,monkey islands,capitanhook,north and south and games like this

warlords i play with my dad and because him passed away and i miss him much sometimes when i sad i play warlord (i rebuy it on gog) it help me little bit to feel dad near me,i do the same with some torchs and solarsunlight that was his own and i always put at sun now and night keep near me,same can be said for some other games thtat i play with my dad but they is very old,people now not like that games same warlord etc

3 years ago*

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It was mainly RTS -Age of Empires, Starcraft, Total Annihilation(original and Kingdoms)-, RPGs(the various final fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Zelda and such) plus racing games(well Mario Kart really).
Aside from those scattered mega drive and snes games based on which my extended family and friends thereof had and we traded around.

3 years ago

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Thx for this awesome Game. 😀

3 years ago

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Early 2000s was mostly Diablo II for me, plus a few games on my Mac (Hexen, some shareware games, etc.). Once I finally got my own Windows rig in 2002, I still played a lot of Diablo II, but I mixed in Morrowind and the first Dungeon Siege. Good times!

3 years ago

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Early 2000's I was playing lots of FPS (QuakeWorld, etc) and NFS games.

3 years ago

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⚜️ Good luck to all 👍

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I was but a small child in the early 00's so the games I played then tended to be more casual and chill.

I would spend so much time on my PSOne, playing Spyro, Crash 2, Crah 3, CTR, Crash Bash and Hercules. Oh right, I had one of the demo disks that had the T-rex and Manta demo that I would watch for hours because of how relaxing they were to me 😊

Then, when I got an at least somewhat capable PC I remember playing The Sims 1, SimCity 4 (and a bit of SimCity 3000), Heroes of Might and Magic 4 (that was one of my go-to games when I was bored), Zoo Tycoon, and Zoo Tycoon 2.

Of course, there was also with its assortment of games, the ones I remember the most are Motherload, Bubble Trouble, and some horse riding game that I don't remember the name of (I can remember the graphics pretty vividly, but there were soo many horse games on Miniclip haha).

Oh, how could I forget? There was also a ton of Warcraft 3 and Age of Mythology and some Morrowind (but I mostly watched my brother play it, it was far too complicated for my young child brain haha)

Soo, I think that's pretty much it, at least from a very quick trip down memory lane 🙂

Also, thank you for the giveaway

3 years ago

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maybe a bit of vice city

3 years ago

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Thank you so much for the gift!
To join the discussion, these come to mind for the early 2000s
Medal of Honour: Allied Assault
Max Payne 1,2
Warcraft 3
Diablo 2

3 years ago

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