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Hello Zaugr.
Blocking your winner even before they gave feedback is a bad idea when it comes to communicate regarding issues with the gift. But of course you are free to blacklist anyone you want.
Mod note: https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/4oj85zC
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Hi Eiion, I'm afraid I can't see what that mod note is about as the link just takes me to the home page. In terms of it being a bad idea to blacklist winners this early because of the risk that something is up with the key, personally it's not been too much of a concern for me thus far because I only get my keys from trusted sellers, and haven't, as far as I can remember, had a single issue so far in my 900 giveaways. I also assumed they could still easily reach me on steam, either through a request, or a comment on my profile.
I quite detest users who are both leechers (I don't really like that term but it's relevant here) and who also do not at least say thanks/give any sort of reply to the people who gift them those games. I don't know if your comment is referring to this winner specifically, but that is why I eagerly blacklisted them. And it'd pain me to be honest to see them actually write a response on this giveaway - but only because there was something wrong with the key this time round.
So it's hard for me to feel much sympathy for the case (particularly if they couldn't even be bothered to take the time to try and reach out to me on steam about it - something that still takes less time and effort than me making and delivering the giveaway).
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It's called "Mod note" because it's a note for us mods ;-). I'm aware that you are not able to read it.
Well, you might not have run into an issue thus far, but now you have. There's a first for everything.
A winner is not obligated to ever reach out to you, especially not on other platforms. According to the rules it's enough to give proper feedback and move on with their life.
If there's an issue with the gift and they want to reach out to you though while you have blacklisted them hours after the giveaway ended, well, you're kinda sabotaging yourself. The outcome in this case will be not received feedback, I guess.
I don't care why you blacklist a user - anyone can blacklist whoever they want for any reason they can think of. It's just not very smart to do so when it's a winner who hasn't even given feedback, yet. So with this view on things it's kinda hard for me to feel much sympathy when there might be a reason your winner didn't thank you, yet and when they wanted to reach out to you but couldn't. But again, you do you. I just wanted to nudge you in a direction that might have helped you out with the situation.
Have a nice day.
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Hey Eiion, I'm having to assume again that it is the user of this giveaway that you are referring to. I just took a video showing me redeem the same key I supplied to Beikenbarch on a spare account. It worked perfectly fine and redeemed the game. I took the video on my phone, showing my laptop screen (that also showed your comment for extra proof).
Considering that this user evidently lied about the validity of the key, what steps will be taken? I'm sure regardless of our disagreement on personal blacklisting conduct, it's not appropriate to just lie about the validity of keys on this site, and falsely report games as "not received" when they in fact were.
By the way, I get you don't care for this conversation or why users might blacklist other users, but I do feel the need need to clear up a misunderstanding since you seem to have put unfamiliar words in my mouth, and especially when the whole message reads as needlessly condescending to me. To be clear - there was never any issue with the winner not having 'thanked me' within a specific timeframe, I was speaking on them not thanking their wins/any win in general.
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It is/was also ROW key, and says as much in the 'activation successful' message, just to be clear.
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Hello Zaugr.
In short, the winner could've simply given 'Not Received' feedback and move on with their life. Instead they wanted to reach out to you but couldn't - which is how we learnt about the issue in the first place, because you had them blacklisted hours after they won. And before you make false assumptions again, they've provided evidence of everything. And no, it's not our duty to inform you about that - what we have to do in this case is tell the winner to give not received feedback if they are blacklisted, unable to tell you about the issue.
Also, I have absolutely no horse in this race, I couldn't care less. I went out of my way to attempt two things: Help you with your giveaway, so you can potentially resolve the issue and help the winner so you guys can talk and figure things out. You made the mistakes in this case though, not your winner.
That you want to take this as 'condescending tone' towards you - I'm giving you plain information, nothing more nothing less. But I can see how feeling confident in your own point of view can make you see it as me being condescending towards you, when I'm basically telling you that you're wrong.
For the future I know not to waste my time and just tell the winner: If you are unable to contact the giveaway creator, just stick with the rules and give feedback accordingly.
Have a nice day.
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Okay, I'll try and respond point by point because that is one gigantic message.
I was trying to be polite, but your original comment lacked any meaningful (read: HELPFUL) context whatsoever. It didn't even inform me specifically that the winner had an issue with the key. It was only until your second reply that I figured that out with some degree of confidence (and only a 'degree'). You are not doing a particularly great job as a mod if you are expecting people to infer the majority of the meaning behind your messages rather than simply stating it. It's a bafflingly worded comment, even ignoring the whole "mod note" with a link that apparently I am expected to know isn't for me (even though it's in the message sent to me). Honestly? 100% yes it would have been more helpful if you'd never commented here at all. Assuming you did come here to try and offer some help for me, perhaps listen to that feedback.
I am operating on the assumption that when Steam itself says its a "ROW" key, it is a ROW key. This is not some sort of grand, leap-of-faith type assumption. Again, with the completely pointless (read: UNHELPFUL) and weird patronising from you. It is a totally fair assumption to make as far as I'm concerned. But yes, you are right. I now know that steam cannot be trusted with this, thank you I guess.
Once again, I have very patently not "prevented" anything. It is weird to me, that when gifters cannot contact the winners of their giveaways on this site, you moderators are quick to recommend reaching out to them by email or on their ((connected)) steam account. This has happened for me before. But here, in this case, when the winner cannot contact the gifter on this site, apparently it now becomes very wild to expect them to try and contact them on steam. Regardless of your opinions on this though, I have not "prevented" contact. I am curious though exactly how you would interpret a key being revoked a few weeks after giveaway (or months or years), and the winner having been blacklisted by the gifter before that. I guess no one should blacklist anyone on this site, because they'd be ""preventing contact"" in that rare eventuality...
I love the accusatory wording by the way. I redeemed the key because you came here, gave zero meaningful context but implied the winner couldn't redeem the key - and uhhh, expected me to do what, exactly? Not test the key? Is that truly an unpredictable and strange series of events for you?? How have you been THIS unhelpful, and don't realise at all the role you've had in this chain of events?
You are evidently correct. I wonder if you realise though that you wouldn't have had to write those 700+ words to me if you'd just, in your original two comments, stated the fact (which I now know you were aware of) that the winner couldn't redeem the key because of a region restriction, and that the key likely came from a region restricted bundle. I am going to have to guess again that instead of actually trying to be helpful here, you were instead trying to make some condescending 'lesson' to me about not blacklisting that early and had no real interest in being helpful or actually sorting out the issue. Thanks again?
Nice, thanks for answering a question that is obviously no longer valid or going to be asked by me I guess? More useless (read: UNHELPFUL) patronising, that absolutely isn't "just stating info".
Before this message, that finally provided me key detail, you provided little of nothing. Make no mistake there, please. This has perhaps been the least helpful and most confusing interaction with a moderator I've had yet. I really question why you conducted yourself in this way. Just out of pure spite at this point - I feel the desire to keep blacklisting winners I don't like early. So if your intention was to remedy that, I can't say you succeeded. Because the issue here wasn't actually rooted in my blacklisting, it was rooted in my ignorance of, and failure to check the region restriction. If I hadn't blacklisted the winner, they still would not have been able to get a working key from me - and the giveaway would either of been deleted or remained as it will now. There's not much difference in that chain of events compared to this one, other than your confusing, unwelcome and unhelpful input. And I guess my ability to re-giveaway the key? Though I can't say this is a mistake that I'll repeat now I realise the importance of being sure of region restrictions. It is also clear to me now that this is a worse issue than when I was previously very active in giving away games.
Again, this is just wrong. Writing to me on steam takes less time than it does writing a message, with supplied 'evidence', to support. You know this. And literally expect this, if the case were reversed....
Please re-read your initial messages and get back to me on how you actually think they help with this supposed aim. You did not tell me the situation. You did not tell me what was actually wrong. You did not give me recommended steps. You didn't even specifically state what key it was. If this is REALLY you "going out of your way", I have to ask - what on earth are you like normally?
Again, if you came here to be helpful, let me repeat: you have not been helpful to me in the slightest, other than finally telling me now that the key was not ROW and steam's "ROW" isn't trustworthy.
IF ONLY that were the case, man. I'd actually take you being condescending but actually still giving me information, over you giving no information at all. You did the latter while also still being condescending, which is sort of crazy.
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Let's keep this short:
It's not my job to inform you about any of this - that's the whole point why I kept it with what I wrote in the first place, I've already explained that to you in great detail.
If you deny the winner to contact you and reject what you are being told as help when I contacted you, that's your problem. Simple as that.
Just that Steam didn't tell you that - some shop did. Steam does not sell keys.
Alright, enough of that. I'm not reading any of the rest, I don't have the time for that or someone not able to take accountability. Especially after already having spent way more time that with it than I can justify, even when my intent was trying to help you. Twist it however you want.
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Yes, it is not your job. That's fair and obvious, and I don't expect it to be. But yet you repeatedly stated to me that you came here to be "helpful" both to me and the issue. So which is it?
1- It's not your job, so you didn't come here to be helpful (which leads to: why did you come here, and repeatedly message me?)
2- it's not your job, but you did come here to be helpful (which leads to: how were your actions initially in any way actually helpful to me or the problem at hand?)
What a lovely bit of "totally not condescending" assumption you shared there. This is what I meant by "Steam telling me". I now know that what you read in the message isn't necessarily the truth. I'm guessing it's just the title of the key that was provided to steam. This is a lesson learned - very painfully, thanks to you, I guess.
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