
Happy holidays! This is an openworld do-anything royalty simulator. You can, if you so wish, marry a trash bin or knight a bookshelf.

Thank yous are always welcome, but if you'd like to answer a question instead: what's your favourite holiday food? (The holiday doesn't have to be Christmas!)

Hanukkah has a lot of lovely foods, such as sufganiyot, which are jam-filled donuts without hole (similar to berliners), but my favourite has to be latke, which are kinda like hash brown. I love myself some potato stuff heh.

2 years ago

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I've had latke before! They were delicious, especially when I had them with applesauce. (Though I don't know if that's traditional or just a spin that the German market stall I bought them at added.)

2 years ago

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I've usually seen latke being eaten as savoury food, but I know apple latke are absolutely a thing. I've also heard of people enjoying them with berry jams and such, too! Either way, I'm glad you liked 'em! :)

What's your favourite holiday food?

2 years ago

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Saltfish fritters! Hardly a traditional Christmas food, but my grandparents are very, very Jamaican and always had a freezer full of them ready for us when we showed up at their house to celebrate. They were also the default food for family members to make during any kind of vacation or reunion we had, so long as we had access to a kitchen.

2 years ago

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Oh that sounds sinfully delicious!

2 years ago

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Uuuummm... I'm not quite sure what would constitute a "holiday food", but my mom usually makes her version of banitsa for New Year (I mean, she can make it any time, but she doesn't like to cook so it's very uncommon; also there are different versions of banitsa in pretty much every bakery around here always, but I like hers the most). There is this whole tradition where people put little luck notes ("good health", "money", "new car", a coin, etc) in all the pieces and whichever you draw with your piece is supposedly what you'll have throughout the next year and blah blah blah... I'm just in it for the food. ^_^'

Aaanyway, thank you very much for the giveaway and Happy Holidays. :)

2 years ago

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Oooh, that's lovely! I've never heard of banitsa before. There's a similar tradition here in China using dumplings on New Year's, where if you get the one with a coin in it it's good luck. Having all sorts of different things in there sounds like even more fun!

2 years ago

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Kinda has that early Ultima games feel.
Added it to my wishlist.

Fav Holiday food = sweet potatoes! :)

2 years ago

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Sweet potatoes are excellent. Do you mean roasted, or prepared in any particular way?

2 years ago

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i just luv em... anyway they are cooked, with a little butter.

2 years ago

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Best game description ever! :-)

Thank you for the chance.

My favourite holiday food: Pizza or Sushi or Couscous

2 years ago

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I'm from Sweden, and we only have one kind of holiday food: Pickled herring.

2 years ago

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Thank you for the opportunity, best of luck to all!

2 years ago

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Much appreciated!

2 years ago

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Oh, cool! It uses the same kind of graphics as the early Ultima games did! I loved playing those games on my C64! :)

As for your question, stuffing is undoubtedly my favourite holiday food! I love, love, LOVE it!!! :)

Merry Christmas! :)

2 years ago

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Tks for this giveway good luck to all

2 years ago

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thank you.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Thank you~

2 years ago

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thank you matey!
my favourite food is Haluลกky, look it up

2 years ago

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