
A quick open for all


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3 years ago

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hi! just letting you know that this is a notoriously problematic one and nobody can enter those. See steamgifts does not allow entering for DLCs for games that you don't own. The way steamgifts checks for game ownership is through steam api which is unable to return ownership of DLCs. now due to a mistake (probably) on the developers side this is listed as a DLC for Sword of the Stars: The Pit - Gold Edition DLC which is itself a DLC for the main game instead of directly to The Pit main game. Thus to let you enter this GA steamgifts asks steam api if you own the base game, which is listed as a DLC so api fails to detect it and responds with negative answer and sg blocks you from entering despite you owning everything it needs to run. So you'll most likely end up with 0 entries
in case anyone reading this knows a way to circumvent this issue please let me know, I've been hunting this DLC for a while now

3 years ago

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