Vito Scaletta has started to make a name for himself on the streets of Empire Bay as someone who can be trusted to get a job done. Together with his buddy Joe, he is working to prove himself to the Mafia, quickly escalating up the family ladder with crimes of larger reward, status and consequence… the life as a wise guy isn’t quite as untouchable as it seems.
Intense gunplay, white-knuckle car chases and visceral hand-to-hand combat —it will take all that and more to become a “made man”.
Inspired by iconic mafia drama, the compelling characters and cinematic presentation will pull players into the allure and impossible escape of life in the Mafia.
Enter the world of Empire Bay - World War II is raging in Europe and the architecture, cars, music and clothing all echo the period in stunning detail. As time passes, hot rod cars, 50s fashion and some of the era’s best music reflect the birth of a cool new era.
2K Czech’s proprietary Illusion Engine, allows gamers to explore Empire Bay’s 10 square miles of beautifully rendered outdoor environments and intricately designed interiors.
Players will be immersed in the Golden Era of America as Mafia II features tracks from some of the era’s most influential artists.
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111 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by SerenaM
Have it but still can enter.
Thanks anyway!
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Okay, thanks for the heads up.
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Would you mind if I entered for the DLC?
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Sure, if you remember bumpin' >:-D
Some thing for some thing c:
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of course I'll bump, thanks!
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Good luck, did you remember to join the blue heart army giveaway there ends in 8-9 hours? c:
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Yes I did. I always do :). Thanx again Witte.
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Ah, soz you want us to 'bump' 'im off? Sure thing, I'll get Sanchez to jump his wollie and then I'll gojiet it. He won't have a second to hoistey-durst.
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It doesn't contain any DLC. It's the base game + some skins and an artbook.
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Really? It doesn't contain the DLCs listed on steam? That's a bit strange for a deluxe edition. Thanks for letting me know.
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Entered for the DLCs :) To the BUMPmobile!
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Just to let you know, this doesn't include any DLC - just the base game, some skins and an artbook.
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Entering for the DLC as well. Thanks for being cool about it, Witte :)
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No problem, good luck c:
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Just to let you know, this doesn't include any DLC - just the base game, some skins and an artbook.
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It is not very tactful to entry only because of the DLC. People who really want this game have low chance to win because of people like this.
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I know, only saying yes because I want to give some thing to the SteamGifts community.
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I know you intentions are good. Just the users could be more tactful. I also guess they will regift the main game then and no one will find out to punish them. It's bad that this is possible.
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Assuming its on key then there's nothing to re-gift. There's also no way to upgrade without buying the whole game again so it's understandable that some of them would want to enter for the extra content.
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You are right with the regifting. But why is not possible to buy the DLCs?
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Because none of the content in the Digitial Deluxe is sold as DLC. You can buy Mafia 2, or Mafia 2 DD, you can't buy MAfia 2 and then upgrade to DD.
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But the users here are talking about DLCs and not some soundtracks or art books. So they have the game which is worth 29,99€ and want for example the DLC Mafia II DLC: War Hero Pack for 2.99€ and that's why they enter this GA and waste this edition for 39,99€.
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It isn't DLC as such, they just noting that they are entering for the extra content
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Ok, then it is fine with me if it is because of the extra content. :) Thanks for calming me. :)
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Just to ask the question because I have never understood when people are against users who want to join for DLC.
What is the reason that it should only be OK for a user who havent spent any money at all getting any of the content, to have a change to win alot. And not OK for a user that have actually paid money for the game to not enter at all, "because he has the main game".
Imo I think a person that acutally already own the game appriciate it more if they get extra content.
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It's about wasting the game itself. If a game is worth for example 40 euros and a DLC is worth 2 euros. A person who have the game and won it in a package will activate only the DLC and all the 40 euros are wasted because no one will activate the game. I think it is more OK just to buy the DLC for the damn 2 euros than to waste the game for 40 euros.
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Yeah, this is a valid reason, but I thought more in general. For this game Im not actually sure what the user get because deluxe version doesnt include any DLC from what I know. I was thinking more in general when I see user rage about someone that only has base game and the whole pack cost like 50-100$ worth of DLC content.
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People wrote the word DLC so I assumed that it contained DLC, but they didn't mean DLCs but some other extra content so my post was pointless in the end. If the game would be worth 20 euros but all the included DLCs, for example, 100 euros, it would be a bit different issue. But it's hard to say what ratio is still acceptable and what is already not. I have never thought about it, I just imagined the case with cheap DLCs and expensive game.
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Yeah, I totally agree with you in those kind of scenarious. Was just curious and finally wanted to ask "one of those users" that are against DLC entering. But guess my question to you was kind of pointless too because it seems we kind of agree with each other :) Funny thing about this version is that 99% of the users that own base game probably dont know what they are getting.
I hope the person that wins enjoy the extra 10 dollars worh of content because from what I read, Im unsure what they actually get and it seems kind of pointless. They should have also added all the DLC to make it worh it.
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0P? did this used to be free?
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No, just think it's because there is no store page for it.
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