
당신이 이 나눔에 동참한다는 것은, 어떤 문제가 생길 경우 어떠한 조건 없이 이 나눔의 취소에 동의한다는 것으로 간주한다.

Your participation in this sharing is deemed to be in agreement with the cancellation of this sharing without any condition if any problems arise.


There can't be any additional conditions or obligations to enter in giveaway. So "by entering GA you agree for deletion *if" is not valid reason for deletion.

Winner can expect to get key / gift for game they won. If is was already used, expired or is no longer available, winner should mark giveaway as not received.

It is possible to delete giveaway. But for that winner permission permission is needed. And this permission can't be forced on user in any way.

6 years ago

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but he didn't receive friend request.
so i can't find way to make agreement for him.
how can i do?

6 years ago

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You wrote that key was "broken". So winner is allowed to leave not received status.

It would be better, if they would write under giveaway "duplicate key", to leave trace why they marked giveaway as received. But it does not mean they must add you to their Steam friends, and then agree on giveaway deletion. It's their choice, if they want contact with someone further.

Some people don't like to add users they don't recognize. In that case it may help to firstly comment on their profile, why you want to add them. But I can't help here any further.

6 years ago

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