
It is sent as a gift to the email


3 months ago

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Thank you!

3 months ago

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I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.

3 months ago

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Thx, GL

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Thanks, GL all

3 months ago

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Thank you for this giveaway :)

3 months ago

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Many thanks for the opportunity!

3 months ago

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Thanks ❤️❤️❤️

3 months ago

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Thanks! Good luck to everyone ^^

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Ty! <3

3 months ago

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Thank you for giving me this opportunity!

3 months ago

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You're Breathtaking

3 months ago

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Thanks mate!

3 months ago

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Hi. I won. Got the Indiegala game gift email but the link doesn't work. Just gives a 404 page not found error.

3 months ago

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Because many days have passed and he takes it as if nobody uses it. I send it to you again

3 months ago

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Got the new link. Same problem, sorry: "404 - Page not found.
Oh no! It seems we can't find the page you are looking for...
💡Don't worry, try double-checking the url you entered or alternatively restart from:

If there's no solution, feel free to ask steamgifts to cancel the giveaway. If they won't and I can't receive and activate the game, I'll have to mark it as 'not received', otherwise my account will get suspended (at some point, which happened to me recently).

3 months ago

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I sent it to another email and you can access it without problems to claim the game, it gives you the option to click to reveal the key for steam. It does not throw a 404 error. I can try to reveal the steam key with another account and send you that instead of a link, but I don't know if the key is linked to that account once the key is revealed.

3 months ago

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(I was away for the weekend.) Re. your last message: that's interesting but doesn't change things for me. I've tried on PC and iPad, same story. All I can think is that the problem might be that I have an Indiegala account that already uses the email address you've used. I don't know. Indiegala is just a bit janky!

You could try sending to and I'll try again. Or you could just reveal the key. As long as you don't activate the key on Steam, it doesn't matter - I'll still be able to use it.

Sorry this is causing you trouble! Steamgifts should be all about spreading goodwill and happiness!!

2 months ago

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No problem, I thought maybe you didn't want it anymore. I'm going to upload the key via Steam Gift. It should appear here on the page so you can try it. I can't think of anything else, since it won't let me send the game link for the third time.

2 months ago

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Activated! Thank you!!!

2 months ago

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