Dabado Puzzles is a challenging puzzle game that takes its inspiration from the classic Tetris, but provides a completely different approach to block stacking.
It's a brilliant and unique idea, although the way it's designed is aimed mostly at people who have a high degree of patience, don't mind repetition for the purpose of learning and are ok with a slow progression.
Since its release in Jun 2021, the game has received several major updates which improved the gameplay considerably, adding tons of new content, making it much more balanced, more pleasant and significantly less grindy.
This giveaway was brought to you by 7Games. The developers would appreciate if you supported the game by pressing the follow💙 / add to wishlist button 💙 on the store page or share it on social media 💌 and would be tremendously happy if you try the game and / or leave a feedback / review 📝.
They're very friendly and easy to talk to.
21 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by drbeckett
16,662 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Inkyyy
318 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by druminy
231 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Adamdoodles
27 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by WastedYears
1,178 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Tyln
65 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by yush88
19 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Msbarreto
513 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by Codric
58 Comments - Last post 56 minutes ago by lewriczin
415 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Codric
892 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by idontknow23
730 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by AceBerg42
780 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by AceBerg42
Kindly thank you for the game!
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Thank you very much for the giveaways! :D
Erm, I can't really promise a review (I'm not good with... words) but I will play the game as soon as I am able to. ^_^'
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All done.
Honestly, even after 100%-ing the game, I don't think I can say anything that you haven't already said in your own review. And if I were to restate it, I'd probably be a lot harsher than you.
To be fair, the worst aspects of the game (the pointless grind and the obnoxious RNG reliance which is at the core of the gameplay) do get mitigated a fair bit later on, but that's after several hours of mindlessly gathering the in-game currencies to get the permanent upgrades- in particular the one that lets you choose the next piece and its improved version. By all means those should have just been active from the start since they're huge game-changers- first one turns the game from pointlessly irritating to actually somewhat playable, and the improved version then actually finally injects some fun and strategy into the game. I'd imagine having to grind for those would put a lot of players off (looking at the game's update history, it used to be even worse at launch).
After getting those, the game works pretty well for the most part. Gameplay feels unique and creative (although you still get screwed over by RNG which is never "fun"). I encountered only two bugs (which... I guess I'll report on the game's Steam Discussion page... just... need to gather some courage since it's awkward to post a bug report as the second thread there... :X ). Game kinda has the annoying habit of telling you to "Search every corner to find hidden secrets!"... when there really aren't any. And the "secrets" that are there are reliant on pure brute-force with you having no real way to find out about them without running into them by accident or someone else telling you (such as your review showing me where to find a Secret Box). I'd imagine if the game was more popular and there was enough discussion about it for someone to gather all the relevant information into a guide on Steam, finding that stuff would be a lot less annoying.
Story-wise... BLEEEEEHHH. Spirituality and crap. Those "scrolls" got more and more cringe-inducing and I couldn't get myself to read any of the latter ones beyond the first sentence. It might just be me being a grumpy cynical realist, but I found a lot of the game's "themes" unbearable.
The translation is surprisingly good though. I gotta admit that I went into it fully expecting the translation to be bad since when I looked up the game when I first saw your giveaways I noticed the conspicuous presence of a Bulgarian language option and the only reason a game this niche would have that is if it originated from the trash-heap-land which I happen to live in. Well, apart from some caveman grammar here and there and some directly translated phrases which kinda lose their meaning, the English translation is pretty good. Considering how overly-complicated they made the original Bulgarian script, the translator really couldn't have done any better. (There was only one spot where a hint was completely incomprehensible in English, but even in Bulgarian it took me at least three re-reads to understand what it was saying.) Translating from Bulgarian to English (or vise-versa) is really hard so there definitely was a lot of effort put there.
So, yeah... since Steam doesn't have the option to write a "Mixed" review I can't really justify trying to post one there. I can't "Not Recommend" the game because it clearly had a lot of effort put into it and it is an actual game (which in today's gaming climate is becoming more and more of a rarity <.< ). But I can't "Recommend" it because I disagree too much with that it was going for and it really spends way too long feeling like a glorified mobile game until you grind enough to make it playable.
So... um... yeah... that's all I've got for you. Sorry... :/
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I believe in you. You can do it. 👍🏻
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...Wait... how did you know about my random comment in a random giveaway that ended a whole month ago in order to reply to it? O_o
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Thank you very much for this detailed comment and for trying out the game.
Although I have spent several hours on it already and I usually push though a game until I get that 100% achievement completion, I am secretly hoping for a guide to appear before I engage in the rest of the game. And while I considered writing one myself, I soon realized it's not only nearly impossible (so much time would be needed at least for finding the correct pixel in every level for placing the base block, let alone for trying out different configurations that can lead to a solution, plus discovering how the secret achievements work and an optimal way to spend your coins on upgrades) but it would probably also completely defeat the purpose of the game and the original intentions of the creators of providing this kind of slow-paced, RNG-based experience. From the discussions I had with them, I concluded that the game is targeted only at certain players who enjoy this kind of playstyle and perhaps you and me do not fully belong to that group.
The bug reports will certainly help, and if you don't feel comfortable posting in the game forums, then maybe sending a direct email to the devs is a better approach? Let me know if you need their email or other contact info.
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An e-mail would be even more awkward so I posted a report on the forum... ^_^'
I could try guiding you through the game if you want. Past the initial grind for those vital upgrades it's (mostly...) straightforward. (You only really need to do one Secret Box for the achievement and then never search for them again.) Though still with a lot of dumb RNG messing things up often.
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Thank you, it's refreshing to know that I now have someone to ask when I am stuck. 😊
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