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EDIT: Well humble choice decided to run me over with a truck and ruin my plans (and my full CV). Oh no the misery.

Friendly note: I'll add you on Steam if you happen to win in order to gift you the game, so please accept the request!

Ok so, it's hard to describe this game. It's like... God of War 2018. I mean, exploration areas with puzzles and collectibles followed by open combat zones, having to manage NPCs in a fight, child... except somehow better? I mean, the combat is by far deeper in GOW, but Guardians... excels in atmosphere. And while the graphics are an eye-candy, the characters do the heavy lifting. Oh yeah. They never, NEVER, NEVER stop talking... but I dont mind. Yeah, I know, it's annoying sometimes. But that's the charm. Come on, we all have that friend who never shuts up. Same here, except it's a raccoon. There's a boatload of dialogue, for every single little thing. Shooting your guns? Dialogue. Looking at something? Dialogue. Idling? Dialogue. Taking more than 0.1 seconds to solve the puzzle? Dialogue. Not the "here's the solution" kind. The "look at this idiot" kind. Same with going off path for a millisecond. No Gamora I'm not lost just let me grab the collectible, please god...

It's not perfect by any means. The conflict is VERY forced, most of the choices amount to nothing... but it's fun. And it has a kickass soundtrack. And you can let your teammates down, so it's realistic. Yeah, I failed every single motivational rage-mode-thingy speech and I'm proud of it. Also, it gives you a child. I LOVE video game children. Like. Give me a small person. Make it call me dad. I'm sold. Only if they have a personality, though. No amount of calling me dad will make me care for Skyrim/Stardew children.

Question: what's your favourite video game kid? Specifically ones you're the parental figure/care for.

I skippe the first question, because I didn't have an answer to it (I don't even know if I ever came across a character like that, would you happen to have an example??), however, I can tell you my favourite video game kid: it's Krato's son Atreus. He's a badass, just as his dad :)

6 months ago

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First of, thanks for answering. I haven't played Ragnarok, but yeah, Atreus is pretty much up there when it comes to video game kids.
As a "legally-distinct-character", I usually think of Quan Chi from Mortal Kombat (never played it, but that's just skinny Kratos, come on), William from Nioh (TOTALLY not a Geralt from Witcher ripoff!), Ragna from BlazBlue (Capcom called, they want Dante back), Kaz Miller from Metal Gear and Albert Wesker from Resident Evil (no idea which one came first lol).
Or... half the Pals in Palworld. Or any "generic action man in 2010s shooter" lol.
Personal favourite? Protagonist from Scalebound, an unreleased Xbox game. Rebellious teen, demon arm, big sword... totally haven't heard that before! Right, Devil May Cry 4's Nero?

6 months ago

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Aaah, now I get the concept. Thanks for explaining. :)

6 months ago

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what's your favourite video game kid? Specifically ones you're the parental figure/care for.

Boring answer, but probably Ellie from TLoU.

6 months ago

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I've only played the first one, but yeah, the game makes a GREAT job at making you care for her. Especially that moments after fights/story moments when you can high-five her. Loved doing that.

6 months ago

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And that after already having managed to make you care almost equally for Sarah.

6 months ago

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At the cost of being controversial... Sarah had way too little presence. Like, don't get me wrong, we hear about her a lot, but I would have liked more flashbacks and such.

6 months ago

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True, but that might have taken away from Ellie's presence and the slow transition of her relationship to Joel. At least I could understand, if they refrained from doing that because of this.

6 months ago

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Favourite video game kid: Kirby

Ok, it's unclear if Kirby is actually a kid. Only in the anime he is stated as a baby, but he is definitely a little guy ;)
He would be kind of the perfect kid. You don't have to worry about him getting hurt, he eats bullies literally for breakfast. He is very good at making friends, has no problem with cleaning a room, saves whole worlds and planets regularly and is not a picky eater. He even loves vegetables like tomatoes. Oh and of course he is a great dancer.

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6 months ago

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Might have to put a lock on your fridge door, but aside from that it's a great choice!

6 months ago

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Clementine from The Walking Dead, she is just a sweetheart and you want to protect her at all costs! Following her through the series was pretty emotional. <3

Skipped the rest of the questions as I don't have a proper answer for them. ^_^

6 months ago

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Good one as well!

6 months ago

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Ha, I suppose the feeling will be very similar with Ellie. ;)
Have yet to get the game though. ^^

6 months ago

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I swear, my first run had me make choices based ONLY on "what will happen to Clem if I do X?"

Also, dw! The questions were there just for fun, if anything thanks for answering!

6 months ago

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You and me both. xD

6 months ago

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Hrm. I have to agree with you about the Stardew kid. Needs something. I wonder if there's a mod for making them less boring...

I haven't played many of the more modern "take care of kid" games with sad stories and such. I'm gonna go with Yoshi and Baby Mario, in Yoshi's Island. The pass off between worlds is adorable. Having to carry baby Mario makes a different kind of stressful platforming..

6 months ago

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Regarding Stardew, there was this mod called "The Farmerìs Children" that kind of did that, although your kids basically became baby version of your spouse... being a copy is better than having no personality, right? But I havent played (let alone modded) Stardew since before the 1.6 update, so who knows if it still works.

Baby Mario stuck the perfect balance between "I hate this little monster" and "whoever touches him is DEAD". But yeah, as you said, it's kinda weird how "take care of a kid" is kind of becoming a trope in modern games. Well, better than many other modern tropes I guess...

6 months ago

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I didn't start modding Stardew until 1.6 came out, and there are, indeed, a large swath of intriguing mods that are languishing in an incompatible status. But some of the important core ones were migrated, and it sounds like 1.6 made some mods just so much easier to make, particularly little text adds and such. I'm enjoying my replay, and trying out Stardew Expanded for the first time. Between the two, a lot of new things to find.

...from your comparison, now I'm just imagining some mashup of modern survival kid care plus Yoshi's Island, with Yoshi holding a shiv fighting off Zombies while protecting Baby Mario. :D (Yoshi would totally yum Zombies and regret it later.)

6 months ago

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You may or may not be talking me into trying the game again... yeah, Expanded is a MUST. Tried playing without it once and I kept hitting walls/fences/whatnot trying to go to Sophie's place to shortcut from the beach to the farm... muscle memory playing on me...

WE NEED TO CALL NINTENDO WE HAVE A MONEYMAKER IDEA. About time for a new Yoshi's island, might as well as make it suitable for modern audiences, no? ;)

6 months ago

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If you enjoyed the mining/exploration aspect of Stardew, I'm playing Core Keeper and enjoying its light combat and sort of homey base building feel. It's sort of ... Minecraft/Stardew-ish. Just released at 1.0 and feels well loved in production.

6 months ago

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Added to wishlist, I'll probably check it out soon-ish. Thanks for introducing it to me, never even heard of it.

6 months ago

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Same as Kyrrelin.
Clementine from Telltale's The Walking Dead.
She wasn't annoying or stupid (like that other kid 😃) but she really made you feel like a parent.
She was "your" child, your responsibilty.
And later you were her and carried the weight of the decisions you made.
Played tnearly all episodes on Xbox, never got around to the final one though.

6 months ago

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Favorite video game kid ? I'd say Arabella from BG3.

Didn't finish the game yet, so something atrocious might still happen but she gets her own character development and becomes actually worth remembering. I mean, those eyes, don't they show compassion and tenderness ?

Thanks for the GA Conti!

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6 months ago

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I swear I'll get around to play BG3 eventually! (and I mean eventually...)

But yeah, the kid looks like a perfect middle point between "awww you little scoundrel" and "wait, where did my wallet go?"

6 months ago

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It's not even DnD if you don't go around adopting everyone!

6 months ago

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Taking away children who you don't care much for and spoilers, I think I'll go with Haruka from Yakuza!

6 months ago

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I also loved Daniel from Life is Strange II, although both children there needed help asap... so dunno if he counts.

6 months ago

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I was gonna write an answer saying how I think Haruka was done decently but got dragged on too long, but then I remembered the single best dialogue in the entire series.
"What's up, Unlce Kaz?"
"The sky, Haruka"
More of a Kiryu moment than a Haruka one, but still counts I guess.

6 months ago

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Not sure if this counts: Amelia from This War of Mine: Stories - Father's Promise. You don't actually see this kid but the story is about her. You start to care for her and trying to help Adam as much as you can, and then the ending... hits so hard...

6 months ago

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I found the overall driving plot to be pretty interesting really, some nice cosmic Marvel fare enhanced by the backstory often only referenced by some of the other characters and the different notes you can find. But yeah, I loved the kid.
As for favorite kid, however... oof tough choice. I'm going to refrain.

6 months ago

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In BioShock 2 the main character is a Big Daddy and acts as a protector for the Little Sisters. The relationship between the Little Sisters and the Big Daddies embodies a caretaking dynamic that really influenced my experience ... if you don't choose to ... kill them and take all of their "Adam".

6 months ago

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Oh, didnt even think of the Little Sisters! That animation that plays when you save a Little Sister, you sorta reassure them... once seen it I just didnt have it in me to harvest any of them.

6 months ago

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I watched several videos to get the maximum output which was like harvesting about a third of them ... but I couldn't even harvest one of them ... too much drama for my poor peace loving soul, I guess ^^

6 months ago

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I'm totally with Kyrrelin and LittleBibo1 on this: our precious Clem! :D

6 months ago

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In Overlord 2, you play in the tutorial as the kid whose destiny is to become an evil lord.

I loved this kid . And I often feel that many of us kids would have loved to become an evil lord once grown up.

6 months ago

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Yeah, maybe it's just because you play as him so you feel more connected... but I couldnt help but take IMMENSE JOY in raiding the village later on in the game.

6 months ago

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Same!! But then i love all characters in Overlord(1-2).
I never tought of becoming an evil Overlord as a kid but i hadnt played Overlord back then. An evil overlord like that, with an army of gremlins wrecking havok? Hell yeah!!

6 months ago

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You're a skeleton of taste.

Did you dare to play Overlord 3? I did not, I"m too afraid my dreams lie all shattered on the ground after that

6 months ago

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There has only ever been 2 overlords. 2 and a half if one considers raising hell standalone as a title too.
Legend says there was some sort of overlord on wii, but i never had a wii and i chose to not believe such legends.

I do not know what 3 is that you speak of. You must be daydreaming. Nothing ever came after Overlord 2.
I do not believe it. I will not believe it. You wont deceive me.

5 months ago

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5 months ago

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Besides the ones already mentioned, one I really liked and whose story I got very emotionally involved with was Amber in Bear With Me. Technically you're not a parent in charge of her, you're a teddy bear who feels responsible for her. The story gets pretty dark though but you can't help but feel like you're in charge of her well being and she's a great character.

6 months ago

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Never heard of the game, I'll give it a try, you made it sound super interesting. Not a big fan of "episodic" games, but the atmosphere looks pretty well done and, I mean, the first one is free.
Plus... "Ted E. Bear". How can I say no to that?

6 months ago

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Haha yeah Ted is a character too. Lots of easter eggs and little jokes like that in the game.
It's really a nice Noir atmosphere with humor and dark turns.

6 months ago

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6 months ago

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In the old Firaxis, The Sims gaves to a couple a baby to raise it. The animation when the baby "just pop up" was hilarious, and well, taking care of him/her until growing up was very fun.

6 months ago

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happy cakeday!

5 months ago

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I also skipped the first b/c I didn't have an answer :p This one I can answer though, it's definitely Clementine from The Walking Dead Season 1. Both Clem and Lee are so well-written and I ended up caring much more for them than I expected.

Quick edit: I thought this would be a popular answer and as expected, I was the third one that picked Clementine haha.

6 months ago

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I've been playing Life is Strange 2 and so far I really like Daniel and his bond with the playable character, his older brother. Their relationship is basically the main focus of the game and it does a good job making you care for him. Also, from a gameplay perspective, it's pretty neat that his personality and actions are both directly and indirectly affected by the choices you make in the game.

6 months ago

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Sorry, I don't remember even really taking care of a kid in games... being a kid, yeah, so if those counts, I'd say the kids from Doraemon Story of Seasons. Otherwise, it'd be my Tamagochi pet when I was young haha.

6 months ago

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Your younger brother in Submerged. He spends the entire game lying silently in the boat. Perfection! ;)

6 months ago

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Brothers- the tale of two sons. Both kids. 😢
But wait.....have you been to Sakurajima?

6 months ago

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Oh, no, that's just the name of the final area in Palworld (while Plateu of Beginnings is the first one)
Just something I do to avoid having the same Back/Next buttons (and also to have them sized slightly differently so people have to move their mouses and can't just spam click. just to be a little mischevious).
Yeah, Brothers hit hard. Especially one of the last scenes where the younger brother has to cross the water alone...

6 months ago

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Oh my, i generally take some time thinking 'whats my favourite X' - favourite game kid and youre the parental figure? I could pratically see him crying inside a floating bubble when i read the question

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6 months ago

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jimmy hopkins from bully

6 months ago*

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Ellie is high on the list from The Last of Us... but I think I'll go with Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite
Mood music

6 months ago

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I have 3:
Ciri from Witcher 3: probably cz the protectiveness I felt as I played Geralt.
The boy from Limbo: A small kid facing messed up puzzles to save his sister. Yes!
Hugo from A Plague Tale: Protective feeling, and how he holds my hand as I play Amicia. That felt very precious and innocent.

I cant recall anymore.

5 months ago

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