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No reason behind my two questions. Just curiosity. I discovered internet when it became public and I find strange SG still uses board discussions. (Don't get me wrong, i love that)

You're an internet old timer too! How early was your first browsing? (Just asking for a friend and not at all trying to feel less old here)

2 weeks ago

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I'd say around 1995, or something like that , I remember using netscape :p

2 weeks ago

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Same. I was in school and I remember waiting like 5 entire minutes for a picture to display lmao
Still, lots of IRC chats and BBS convos with people all over the world. Fun times.

2 weeks ago

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Modem dial-up!
Beeeeeep ksshhshhshszzhshzzt beeeeeeiiiiiiiii----

My brother and I scoured the old geek papers for local BBSes we could call in without getting phone charges. We memorized all the prefixes. So many boring BBSes out there. But we found a few great ones.

2 weeks ago

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Wow you went in hardcore!

So many boring BBSes out there. But we found a few great ones

There were awesome ones. I remember one of the first I spent any time on was a Dungeons & Dragons BBS where people would be play a modified tabletop version. When I say I spent "time" on it, I mean I literally bribed the night security guy at my school so I could stay in the computer room until 4am instead of vacating at 11pm with everyone else XD
Later on I joined the rest of the nerd brigade on the Star Trek and X-files BBS but that was later.

2 weeks ago

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Oh nice! I think our favorites were ones with good door games, like TradeWars. Legend of the Red Dragon... And then there was one local BBS with a 32 phone line chat, for Broderbund games, that no one used. So all the local kids took it over.

Ooh, and MUDs. Then I found ones where you could program you own spaces (MUSE). Such a time sink.

2 weeks ago

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Haha yep the internet was a black hole for real life time right from the start
I remember MUDs and they apparently still exist although i will not check, no I will not. Nope. Not me because I don't have that kind of time anymore.... dammit

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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des luls!

1 week ago

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For me it was 1991 or 1992, when i were 15/16.

Long long time ago.

And i learned then all the english words and sentences that weren't teached in the school (so the big majority that i know nowadays).

6 days ago*

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1991?? Were you working at CERN in your teens, Masa? ;)

6 days ago

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No AOL and a other company (can't remember the name) was availabale in germany.
1,80 DM (=0,90€)/h for the phone line and 6 DM (= 3€)/h for the ISP

Let's say i worked nearly only to have internet :-D
It was a bit extreme but i met a lot of nice people and i met them partly in the reallife too.
Mostly traveling to other parts in germany and then ~5 of us meet each other.
And they came later around when i made a birthday party. One from the usa too.
It was a other time, without the faking self presentation, and i am happy that i made this experiences when i were able to.
This friendships were active for many years.

6 days ago

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I didn't know AOL started this early in Germany. I thought they had started in 1995 like in France. I used to visit my grandparents over the summer and was very excited to show them the internet in 1994 but no AOL yet.

And they came later around when i made a birthday party. One from the usa too.

Really cool

It was a other time, without the faking self presentation, and i am happy that i made this experiences when i were able to.

Very true. No catfishing, AI BS and people weren't obsessed with looks. Just people with common interests making a connection over the distance.

6 days ago*

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🙄A long time ago, I joined an internet secret society in name only....
Activity? I didn't do anything... I was just monitoring the human race.

but “majority rule” is often used when considering things, but majority rule made in a “short” amount of time is usually a paved route to hell with good intentions.
The most desirable situation is for both parties to have enough time to consider each other's comments, waiting as leisurely as waiting for a response from a user on the other side of the earth or the other side of Pluto.

SG residents should continue to have time to slow down and think.

I hope we don't get a bunch of power brokers who drag each other down with emotional name-calling, conspiracy theories, and factual inaccuracies, and then do nothing but lament that it's someone else's or another country's fault when the earth gets hit by a meteor.
It reminds me of the huge meteorite explosion in some country.

View attached image.
2 weeks ago

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I'm 100% on the same line as you.

2 weeks ago

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Remember when you could use text-based browsing? Turning off images so your 14k modem could keep up with loading pages…

2 weeks ago

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And text ads that weren't taking over whole screens. Good ole days.

2 weeks ago*

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And www sites with internet spiders (crawlers) that you needed to know to use it like nowadays google/duckduckgo etc..

6 days ago

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lol and the long lists of "site index" pages.

6 days ago

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