Undersea complex called Emerald Maiden hides a lot of dark mysteries. On the surface it appears to be a paradise, when in fact it’s not what it seems to be. Reveal the secret hidden in dreams and save your loved ones!
London 1957. You have been abandoned on an orphanage doorstep as a child. Now – 25 years later – you receive an envelope with an invitation on a mystery voyage and an old picture of you and your mother together. Why did your mom leave you and how is she connected to the secret organization? To discover the truth, you embark on a trip to the Emerald Maiden. Soon it becomes apparent that something very wrong is going on inside this supposed “playground for the rich and elite”. Relying on your wits alone, you will have to face the facilities darkest secrets, learn the truth about your family and flee before it’s too late!
Are you strong enough to challenge the ancient evil lurking deep under the sea in The Emerald Maiden?
16,723 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by Kenruyoh
353 Comments - Last post 54 minutes ago by Mayanaise
100 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Channel28
33 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Tecfan
4 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by reigifts
328 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by medion
391 Comments - Last post 13 hours ago by SeefKroy
1,390 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by jullebarge
29,695 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by Kingsajz
3,754 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by NekroNoob
10,126 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by LegolasGreenleaf01
180 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by Ev4Gr33n
113 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by meneldur
1,203 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by canis39
Yess! Thanks for a chance at redemption. The stakes are high for becoming THE EMERALD MAIDEN!
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Psst, over here
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I'm all alone... I couldn't get back through the link though... Was wondering why. Then I checked the status, and saw it was active, so not sure why I couldn't use the same link anymore...
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I changed the link in that comment in case any ne'er-do-wells stumbled upon it :P
change lowercase to uppercase and there you have it!
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Oooh tricky stuff! Thanks a lot for the freebie! Maybe my gf will play this one with me here soon, since we like to play these types sometimes!
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What luck! :)
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Whoa, that's a great recap picture! Time to celebrate! Thanks!!
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You went back in the archives for this one! :P
since the other thread is closed... for Ireland I found this handy page:
The important part is: "Unless at least one parent or an Irish-born grandparent was an Irish citizen at the time of your birth, you cannot claim Irish citizenship on the basis of extended previous ancestry (that is, ancestors other than your parents or grandparents). In addition, you cannot claim Irish citizenship on the basis that a relation such as a cousin, aunt or uncle was an Irish citizen if none of your parents or grandparents was an Irish citizen at the time of your birth."
For Scotland, they follow the UK's laws and your parent(s) would have had to have been born there for it to count.
If you or either of your parents or any of your grandparents are Jewish, I think you can become a citizen of Israel. From my few minutes of googling, it looks like people who move to Israel and go through this process are eligible for social benefits including health care while they await the formalization of their citizenship (which could take years). It might even be available to people who are not ethnically Jewish but who converted to the religion. I am not a Jew myself so this is just what I've heard and read.
Sorry I can't be of more help. I can just tell you, don't come to Missouri...
I've watched a lot of friends and family suffer needlessly because of the ridiculous healthcare situation in our country. Everything from people going into insurmountable debt to my co-worker literally dying because he was afraid to call 911 because he couldn't afford an ambulance ride. It is fucking ridiculous that "the richest country in the world" can't figure out what every other modern society figured out a long time ago.
Also if you don't already know, if you have prescriptions you might want to check out free discount card sites like https://www.goodrx.com/ and https://www.lowestmed.com/ my wife has a lot of prescriptions and most of them are actually cheaper using those free cards than using our shitty high-deductable insurance from my job. Also the prices vary wildly from one pharmacy to another. The whole system is such a scam...
Good luck bud, I hope you can catch a break soon. You seem like a good guy, but even if you were a bad guy you wouldn't deserve this. Nobody does.
Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness...
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Long wall of text! Hopefully I don't go over things the same way five times too much:
I'm going to have to take a look at some of this a bit more, but I think my family might have come across the ocean a little too early to be up for consideration then. Before my grandparents at least... I guess like America, about anywhere is going to be looking for contribution or money first. If I don't have that, a lot of opportunities are closed off, just like where I live now with the money situation. No wonder someone coined that phrase that money is the root of all evil. While I don't think it is 100 percent cut and try, just like any systems of governments, it is usually more about the people using or abusing the systems that makes it get so evil. Then it just stays out of control because everyone's sort of okay about it if it's not happening to them. So I guess most of it just gets ignored in general. It is strange how things like that will cycle from complete tyranny to overthrow, anarchy, then a reasonable established system for a while... I guess nobody keeps it clean though, and it just brings all the dirt in after a while, until it's so grimy it's not possible to clean anymore... Only solution is throw it out and start over with a new one. Still, there are a lot of things that could be done to at least salvage this one. It's bad, but we have not hit the "warring lawless private militia" level like in some of the lesser developed (and as a result, lesser cared about by the rest of the globe... sounds almost the same as my inferred predicament based on being unable to work so I cannot contribute much, so not much in return) but on a global scale.
I have a few of those rx cards in my pocket, in case insurance doesn't cover something I really need, or I'm suddenly dropped for some reason beyond my comprehension (always an error on the other side that can sometimes take a while to fix). Happened a few times, but yeah, I've gotten some good savings on a few things by trying a few of them out at the pharmacy a time or two. I think I was practically paying "rest of world" prices on some of my prescriptions sometimes, instead of triple or more! I've also had pharmacies totally not take my insurance if I transferred something to a different one and then forgot to ask. I have at least been acknowledged as sick by enough people to get medicaid here, along with a few other assistance programs in the state. It's weird how one part of the state makes me go through all this stuff before they give me assistance without working (work first new jersey program for general assistance), so I needed a medical deferral, and had to go through all these other steps... but after they had the state review my case, I was given the deferral based on medical for welfare part... but the state says I can work on the other side of things that I can work, and denied my case. It's a little bit ironic, yet almost laughable too.
Always sad to hear about someone dying because the billing is so excessive and stressful for people that just cannot pay it in a timely fashion, or don't want to pay in the first place, or just simply cannot afford it, whatever the case may be. I've gotten billed for ambulance stuff, and it is crazy expensive from what I remember. Very upsetting and a tinge of anger towards things like this. Even having one person die over this stuff should really be more looked into. There are plenty of things villainized by the media that are on television nonstop because 100 or so people die. Medical is a hell of a lot bigger of an issue on that side of things in my opinion than people overdosing on pain killers. At least with pain killers, you are monitored by a doc, but if you're poor like me, you probably will not gain access to high powered pain killers anywhere on medicaid. Poor people are the drug seekers, and I find anywhere that takes medicaid that's pain management will either hesitate when I ask about it, and try to give me much more dangerous NSAIDs (which don't help me even a fraction) since I have the osteoporosis. All my problems are blamed on that lately on the pain management side at least, since it is one thing they can actually see and all agree is real.
So, no pain management here, or anywhere I have been without money. A lot of doctors who will prescribe anything to almost anybody if you can afford to come in with no insurance. I am hopeful that I have a little bit of an easier time with the next part. I could not get medicaid in South Carolina unless I had kids. The funny thing is I'm trying to do the world a favor and not have any... I'm saving them mountains of resources that can then go to somebody else!! Yet, if you're not creating more problems for the lack of resources vs. population crisis, then you are not "rewarded". I don't think rewarded is the proper word, but it seems a lot like that in some cases. I decided to simply go herbal on pain and also found a charity-based medicinal marijuana doctor that I again... qualify for. Not many conditions that will qualify somebody, but the program here is loosening up some. I'm blabbing, but I feel that even though it does not help for a lot of the pain, it can relax muscles a bit, and helps with sleep... so it's nice to have that legally at least here. Even that doesn't feel like it used to when I didn't have so many probs though. They kinda just get in the way of everything once enough start to pile up. Luckily I can push through after years of dealing, and I know how to think in this certain cold/hot zone in my head. Just took me years and years to find the proper hot zone to sort of overthink my own conditions with lots of small techniques I've fallen out of lately the last few years. Mental power over pain is amazing... just meditation and things like that really made some of my mind stuff improve over time. It's still there, like I feel pains with other medications that block pain, but it can be interpreted in different ways that feel better. That's how it seems on this side at least.
Rest is up to fate and time and whatnot I guess, or however all that stuff works. It would not take much sacrifice to make a lot of people happier in this place. Just wanted to see if anyone knew much on the topic. It's so intertwined and confusing, hard to make heads or tails out of, but since the thought pops into my head here and there about possibly finding somewhere else, I thought it would be a nice discussion. I've got a couple of years, hopefully, to at least prepare a bit more as to what I'll do whether I win or do not win my case eventually. Thanks again for the information and all of the support trying to help out some! I am sure a lot of great things await me down the road, so I'm going to believe that as long as I am kind of stuck in between here... on the malfunctioning high ferris wheel at the top... waiting for some repairs or rescue.. hah!
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