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Thank you aez76 for the Doom. I remember the days when I was a child when we played in school, 10 kids squeezed in front of one small monitor. Ages ago :)
Since then I develop a different kind of taste for game, mainly with good stories, but I didn't mind actions, but not the stupid ones.
Then I played the new Doom and even though the story is stupid, the gameplay is really perfect and I loved it. I've seen some dev videos how they iterated every aspect of the gameplay and it's crazy how much work is done on things, which players thing are just naturally there.
So thanks again for the Doom, I can go back to the roots.

11 months ago

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Hah, I think we had the same childhood, those were my favorite days scrunched around the small tv's with friends, eventually getting old enough to have lan parties good times.
You're welcome, enjoy :)

11 months ago

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