
Cart 2115

Community Train Pop Quiz Question #5

What is the total CV contained within all the train carts up to this point?

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Sorry, but I got to answer it with this gif :D

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5 years ago

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Actually I think we wouldn't have reached that - the average GA in the train is probably somewhere around ~10 points, so if we counted everything as full CV we'd probably be around 10000+ (USD), but considering that a majority is Reduced CV we would more likely be around ~1k real CV (using a rough estimate of ~90% being reduced).
EDIT: Your answer would actually have been better for Question #3 (two carts back) but someone already beat you to the joke πŸ˜„

5 years ago*

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I actually had no idea. I just entered the train for the first time since its creating and didn't have a look at the GAs before #2100 yet. (will have a look at those now tho :) ) I rather look if each game belongs to my "hidden from feed games" yet and if not if I'd play them than for their actual worth.
If I'd guess seriously it's likely slightly above 2,5k considering that some games might be valued to 50P or even being unbundled.

Edit: Damnit, seems I missed that one. :D

5 years ago

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Nah, I think it's more than that. I think the overall average (and bundled somewhat close to it) is between 15 and 20 points. Non-bundled games (being mostly new games ) is about 30.

So if there's at least 10 percent of non-bundled giveaways it all adds up to 9200 10627 (assuming average bundled game is 15).

Edit: Just checked the FAQ. You get 15%, not 10 for bundled games as I thought.

5 years ago*

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