This is Guns of Icarus Online Collectors Edition (Standalone Game & Costume Pack & Soundtrack)
29 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by moronic
34 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by blalilulelo
22 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by Gamy7
9 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by VahidSlayerOfAll
127 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by andremarques971
1,256 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by hymntothesea
278 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Adamdoodles
2 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by wigglenose
415 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Mirzabah
51 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by DeliberateTaco
227 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by OneNonLy
342 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Hawkingmeister
10,084 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by FranckCastle
14 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by Mhol1071
anyone know how much $ in giveaways it takes to get between each level?
and does length of time the giveaway is open or the number of entries have any impact on the contributor points?
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Welcome to Steamgifts.
Here is a list with CV levels and corresponding real CV. Remember that bundle games will only give 15% of the actual value of the game and it will drop even further after the 5th copy of a game has been given away.
Regarding your second question: Length of a giveaway doesn't have any impact whatsoever. You only gain CV if there are at least 5 entries in your giveaways, though.
Contributor points are gained through a certain percentage of each giveaway's value created by users. You don't get points for giveaways you create yourself.
For other questions regarding the site, you can use the FAQ located at the top bar.
If you have any other questions, don't be afraid to ask or you could just use the forums. Most of us are pretty decent people :)
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Hey thanks for the welcome & informative links/answers, I've got a little bit more to question now though.
How do they value a package, all the individual items added together then multiplied by .15?
This giveaway isn't available for purchase so I'm not sure how it can be valued any other way.
I feel like I should have just listed this as the normal edition, I would've got more CV and someone would have got extra content they weren't expecting, I don't understand the logic for penalising bigger gifts, sorry.
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The point value to enter the giveaway reflects the cost of the game.
There is one exception, though and that is games or packs valued higher than 100 p or dollars. They only cost a max of 100p to enter, but will give you the actual CV.
If a game is removed from the store the last known value of the game or pack will be used.
In this case 15 multiplied by .15. So you'll get 2.25 CV for this giveaway, since it's a bundle game.
I hope this answers your questions. If I misunderstood something just let me know and I will try to clarify.
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Cheers you've been a great help,
am I right in assuming that if I put 2x $25 games in the same giveaway I will receive the full CV for both games?
It's too late as I've already put up the said giveaway but I am just curious.
Thanks anyway mate, have a good one :)
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Yes, if it's the same game it doesn't matter if you put them up separately or in one combined giveaway. You'll get the CV either way.
It's just more convenient for people to join those 'combined' giveaways, since they only need to use their points for one entry instead of two.
A quick reminder though: You won't get full CV for Chivalry since they are on the bundle list, but 7.5 CV for those games isn't too shabby either.
I'm glad I could help.
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oh thanks for that info, I thought that only bundles were penalised.
I went and bought each copy individually specifically to avoid that... omg lol.
Cheers again.
EDIT - Was about to buy fenix rage instead but even that is on the list, and there is no bundle that includes it? I don't understand the criteria for a game to be considered a bundle?
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Every game listed here will be counted as bundled no matter how one obtained said game.
If a game is in a bundle or has a discount of 90% it will inevitably end up on said bundle list, so check it often.
The threshold to get on the bundle list is 95% but since Steamgifts looks at US store prices and Russian currency is pretty weak at the moment every discount of 90% counts as more than 95% in the US store.
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I see what your saying and I can understand putting heavily discounted games on that list even if it's name is politically incorrect.
I'd like to point out that fenix rage is $15 and the "Lowest discount price: US$ 5.99".
I'm not trying to be argumentative but clearly there must be more to it? Thats not even a 65% discount.
I appreciate all the effort you've gone to on my behalf Ardal but I might just throw logic in the too hard basket and check the """bundle""" list before giving away free games in the future lol.
Cheers mate, You've taught me heaps.
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Fenix Rage is or was bundled in Indie Gala - Reverberation Bundle. So there you have it. At least it got on the bundle list for being in a bundle and not for a heavy discount :)
For a game to end up on the bundle list one condition must be met:
a) it is/was in a bundle
b) It is/was heavily discounted.
I hope this clears it up. And one other thing: once on the bundle list they stay on the list. No way to get off that thing:(
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Beside bundled games you should also avoid games given for free. The best way is type a gift name in GA creation form before you purchase it. If you can't find certain game, it means the game was once free.
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Can I enter to this giveaway, if I already have the 'basic' Guns of Icarus Online game?
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usually it will prevent you from taking such action but since you only own 1 of the 3 items it will probably allow you to enter.
Though the FAQ states;
"We ask users not to enter giveaways for packages if they already own the majority of the games. This allows for winners that will receive the most value out of their gift. In the end, the giveaway creator has the final say,"
I personally don't mind if you enter as I see every entry as a loss unless proven otherwise lmao, glass 99% empty type thing.
If your actually going to use the costume pack and soundtrack then go for it.
Good luck ;)
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Thank you very much!
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Entering for DLC's.
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thanks. ^^
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