In any case this image is from a discussion about what Eitri's powers might be. There were a lot of fun speculations over her wielding time-related powers, and some of the ideas were preeeetty OP. And probably not gonna happen in game but who knows lol.
Well, if we were to take another look into Norse mythology, Eitri and his brother Brokk were also tricked by Loki into competing over constructing a golden, mechanical boar for the god Freyr. Sooo.. yeah, they had some know how with robotics apparently.
Oh f the person who made this. Besmirching young Tatiana's name like that. Distasteful.
So what if Fafnir is a mechanical boar next XD although he didn't look very golden then and there, haha. And why does this make me think of the iron bull? Does not bode well either way, lol.
Looks like no more quality shitposts for you then lmao.
Have some FE news from E3 instead! FEH Book VI is gonna be lit!
EDIT oh found an Anna one XD Ballisticians are gonna be hella lit.
I don't think Fafnir looked like a boar in that trailer.. did he? Has been a while since I've seen it.. Let's hope Reginn will be able to set everything right. I wonder what Lif, Thrasir, Triandra and ... shoot I honestly can't re-- Plumeria! I wonder what they are up to...
Ah ehm.. That first image seems a little lazy and the second looks well drawn.. but I don't recall bazooka-wielding units riding tanks in Advance Wars :P
But I mean, Dimitri also doesn't LOOK like a boar and yet that is is Felix' nickname for him. Friggin Tsundere boi I love him so. XD But yes I'm also quite curious how the plotlines of the previous books will continue and possibly interact with what's happening.
Also, RE: bazooka Advance Wars, potential 3H spoilers incoming The evil organization in the shadows in 3H is shown to possess remarkable technology that would at times even seem futuristic to us, and much more so to the rather medieval-ish setting of 3H. There is a famously ever-burning village that legends say was struck by spears of light from the Goddess in her wrath, but you later find out that the actual cause for this place burning for centuries (I think) was man-made rockets and that the Goddess-interpretation of history wasn't the truth.
So if we ever had such an ambitious crossover with FE and AW, ballistician tanks and bazookas might become par for the course. XD
Speaking of plotlines: When will Fjorm finally die? Before or after confessing her crush to the summoner?
Ah, I see... Still, I think it's best both series stay separated. Unless my Robin amiibo unlocks a proper tactician in the game ;)
If they must, instead of it being bazookas, they could borrow some Hoshidan tech and make it fireworks. At least that would be historically accurate. Ineffective, but accurate :P
Well, it would be nice if they stuck to their own lore. There are more things that bug me about FEH. They focus too much on one character trait (like Farina, who keeps mentioning 20,000 gold, but not the actual reason she wants that amount of money) and how all characters pretend they have been summoned to my castle, despite not actually being summoned to my castle... Oh and the tap voice-lines often seem to suggest you're startling them or touching them inappropriately. I just tap on the side...
That is no way to talk about Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Please don't say such things about the last good WiiU game and indeed one of the best crossovers in FE-History, let alone any kind of crossover! :P
Why Fates? I don't think Camilla's boobs fit in any of the tanks...
And look I'm not dissing the game I'm just saying we got jebaited by what to expect lmao. It feels more like a Persona game than a Shin Megami Tensei. That doesn't mean it's bad. XD
I tend to accidentally tap them, since I play on mute I don't hear what they say and I only notice I tapped them due to the heart and talking symbol in the corner lighting up lol.
Speaking of ambitious crossovers, and this time I'll leave you a link (HYAAH!) too since I love some of the comments on this one:
That's right.. Didn't Ariana Grande have boob rockets?
I beg to differ. Censorship can be quite good in some cases. And in the case of TMS it was very good. In my opinion. But I'm dumb and weird, so...
Yes! It's Eliwood, Hector, Lyn and Alfonse in one, right? If only I had the Enigma...
Heh. I guess I can see that.. But I'll likely also forget it soon :P
Sorry, I won't reply to the other one right now. Not in a great mood at the moment. Not just because of terrible summons mind you. Shouldn't have overspent...
Also, I read that part in parenthesis in The Medic's voice (not sure if you ever watched Meet the Medic, the introduction trailer for this class in Team Fortress 2, but he be like "Oh don't be such a baby, ribs grow back!" and then he turns to a dove and whispers "No they don't!").
It has been a very long time since I've seen those, but I do think I remember that. I guess it's fair that you read it that way :P
Since you haven't replied to the longer message yet, I'll just drop it here. Sadly no summer Laegjarn yet... but I somehow got the two-piece duo... Fun?
Sorry I got home at like 23:30 or something yesterday and was just ready to drop dead to bed XD
As far as new summer acquisitions go, I got summer Lute and Summer Gunnthra :D Since the 3H banner still has over a month I am currently not sinking any orbs into it yet.
I don't see why you would have to apologise for that. I'm not a priority! :P
Ooh, I had that Lute last year ^^ Got her on the first, free summon actually. And then Joshua the next day. Sometimes I'm lucky when the summer starts. But the second summer banner.. I barely ever get anything from > -<
Tbh Joshua was the one I wanted from that banner but after getting Lute on my first freebie summon (just like you eh? noice) I felt like not pushing my luck and saving my orbs for a different banner. Same for the one with Summer Gunnthra actually xD
Heh, well getting Lute is still nice. She is, after Delthea, the strongest mage in all of Fire Emblem of course. Lore-wise that is. Don't care about stats :P
Still no summer Laegjarn. Doesn't help if you open a pool and there's no blue orb...
Aight I'm slowly but surely recovering from family.
So. Byleth. Legendary Byleth.
My first reaction was "oh noes, as much as I love 3H, IS please we have other games in the franchise". Then I was happy they picked male Byleth. You know. Since you need a boob-slayer XD And also it seems like he's a Fallen Edelgard counter.
As for trying to summon him... Now I got Dagr, Hel, and a Julia. I wanna say she was a 4-Star special but is that even possible? I might be misremembering. Speaking of remember... Don't remind me how many spare NY Peony I got on my quest for X-mas Bernie. And one spare Altina but no Dheginsea, I quit :V Now that banner is gone and so are most of my orbs.
Hmmmm do I continue with the rest of the FEH talk here or on your longer reply? I waited too long, now both of these are on page two haha.
Recovering from family? Is that some sort of disease?
Must not get jealous must not get jealous must not get jealous.
Sorry, but what the actual fudge. Not only do you get Dagr AND Hel, but I only pull bronze garbage from that banner! Sure, you've probably sunk in 50 orbs or what have you, but still, it's not fair. Probably because you have a FEH Pass. Privileged crap..
In other words: Congratulations~! I hope you enjoy the wonderful new (and old) golden heroes you've managed to pull! ^^
That I will leave up to you. You might as well just forget about the other message if you so desire.
No, family can just be incredibly draining, no matter how much you love them.
And well I sunk more like 120 Orbs into the banner but close enough. I ran out of multi map paralogues and story chapters to grind though whoops. But if you're jealous of me, I heard someone pulled two Byleths in their first summon pool so idk. Also given my current luck with Legendary Banners I'd probably keep getting others before him. Just look at Seiros and Ashera lmao. Ashera even started at 10% iirc?
Also I've been holding back on getting my blue Lilina in case her banner crops up still. It is summer after all.
Heh, I guess you're right then :P Was it a house-warming party?
Hah, it's alright. You deserve it for all the money you spend on the game. I'm a freeloader. Maybe it's about time they implement ads for orbs rewards. At least that way they can make some money off of me.
Oh, she'll come. Soon too because the next summer banner starts on the 7th. Not that it matters as there's no way I can ever summon anything. Too many banners, too little interest in overspending orbs.
I certainly hope the housewarming party will happen soon, lol. We shall see I guess. Everyone has different ideas and methods and I'm just sitting here like... aaaaaah. Screaming internally because most of the chaos could have been avoided. Disappointed but not surprised I guess.
Idk I'd hate to make you feel jelly all the time. We've been over this before, huh. I guess I can ask around again if anyone else plays FEH so you don't become unhappy talking about summons. There's plenty other parts we can talk about! Like those divine codes! I found out you can use the normal codes version 2 on version 1 manuals, just not the other way. Though I am thinking I'll try to get all of the new normals before I use the new codes on the old manuals. but I'm glad that not being able to get more of the first doesn't lock me out.
Ah so.. they were there to do.. what exactly? If it wasn't a housewarming.. were they helping out with stuff? Hooking up electrical stuff and all that? Surely they must have had a reason to cause chaos, right?
Oh no no! It's a two sided coin, you know? I enjoy talking to you about Heroes and other Fire Emblem stuff, and I'll just have to accept that you spend more orbs than I do and therefor have more luck. That and I think that people who pay have better luck by default. So please, make me super duper jealous with all your nice summons and I'll just make you jealous with ehm... six summons.. two bronze, four silver? Take that? No summer Laegjarn, no Dagr (no green) and no dame Selena (no green either). And tomorrow the new ones arrive. Fun!
I never use my manuals so ehm.. I'm not too familiar with how they work and what they do exactly... but ehm.. have fun with them!
EDIT: Fun~! Today I got two bronze heroes and two silver Shannas. Still no Laegjarn..
A yes there is a reason and it's quite a long and complicated story, so in the simplest terms: they wanna move here and they all came here to look at houses. To date they still have not purchased one but they already cancelled the house they're renting towards mid-July a while ago. I generally applaud leaps of faith but that is purely reckless. And while I am sure our family will sort stuff out, because we always do, just thinking about them staying under the same roof with me until they actually buy a house... gives me a massive migraine. Not because I hate them, Arceus forbid. It's just, they can be so draining and sometimes distance really does make the heart grow fonder.
They'll be back... soon. DX
By the way still no luck on Legendary Byleth. Another 20 (earned, not bought!) orbs down the drain. GIMME.
Also re:Manuals, it's great for merges or inheriting skills. I read somewhere gold merges are valid at around 5+, until then a +10 silver is always superior. I mostly only merge to improve/negate IVs, really. But some units with abilities like Distant Counter, now those are skills worth inheriting. I reckon you hate to fodder 5-Stars you summoned, so in that sense manuals are like a freebie. No need to feel like you lost a unit (if it was a manual you got without foddering, I mean).
Soooo apparently silhouettes for new Summer Heroes got accidentally leaked and one of the FEHtubers I casually enjoyed couldn't resist clowning on the speculations. XD
Butbutbut... You just moved there! Why do they suddenly want to come live there too? Can you never rid yourself of your family, have some time and space for you? :P
Hehe, I know that feeling. You'll get him, don't worry. Oh and two more Dagrs and a Hel of course~!
Hmm... I tend to kinda not want to use golden manuals (because I do make them out of spare golden heroes mind you).. > 3> That's just my weirdness; even though I don't need them and made them a manual, I still don't actually want to be rid of them...
Oh you silly goose. Those things don't leak, Feh often posts such silhouettes on their Twitter to spice things up. Nope, we're actually getting a summer Freya, Freyr, Ogma, Caeda and Plumeria duo (for reasons nobody will understand) and a freebie Norne ^^
Spoilers, the ladies don't enjoy being gawked at (at least Freya and Caeda say so).
So... Legendary Byleth banner... As usual, in the final hours, I dipped for a bit. There was an abysmal show as far as green orbs in the pool go. And. To add insult to injury. I managed to get the focus rate up to 12 fucking percent. 12% chance (feel free to do the math on how many pools that was without a 5-Star, lol). It was my last attempt. Only one green in the pool. The others were red and colourless. Okay I think, maybe I'll at least get Lif or Plumeria...
Nope. Bramimond. Pity broke, orbs broke. Sob. Sob. Sob. Sob. What a waste of my orbs when I could blow them on summer Freyr or something. ;w;
So... Legendary Byleth banner... As usual, in the final hours, I dipped for a bit. There was an abysmal show as far as green orbs in the pool go. And. To add insult to injury. I managed to get the focus rate up to 12 fucking percent. 12% chance (feel free to do the math on how many pools that was without a 5-Star, lol). It was my last attempt. Only one green in the pool. Silver Soren. The others were red and colourless. Okay I think, maybe I'll at least get Lif or Plumeria...
Nope. Bramimond. Pity broke, orbs broke. Sob. Sob. Sob. Sob. What a waste of my orbs when I could blow them on summer Freyr or something. ;w;
I feel your pain, dear. At least you got something out of it, a Brammimond, whether you like them or not. I got it up to 9% (which is of course far less than you got) and I spent a few more orbs than I wanted, but I got absolutely nothing. Still no Dagr, still no Hel. Even had to try a blue one (could have been Nott...) for two of my pools had no green options.
Oh and no watermelon Tiki of course. Because why? I hate this game :P
I know right? lately it feels like I get punished for spending more orbs lmao. although it did feel weird thinking "okay, pls, no 5-Star, I need to start a new summon pool for more green to get Byleth and don't want my rate to reset".
Is this a self-fulfilling prophecy after I pointed out that I had this kind of 'luck' with Seiros and Ashera? sob.
Do I need to point out that you got both a Dagr and a Hel from this banner? And a Brammimond? So saying that you get punished is a little much ;) You deserve all the good summons you can get, even if you don't quite like them. Soooo, you'll get that Freyr. And freya. And two Caeda duos. Mark my words ^^
And I'll just get a Raven, Gunther and Tanya and call it a day :P
I'm not saying I got nothing good but I also did spend hella orbs on this banner. Both Dagr and Hel reset my pity, as did Bramidude. ;W; And yes I turned Bramimond into a manual since his IVs weren't better or worse than my first one. might merge to get rid of his flaws idk.
We gotta find a way to boost each other's luck XD also remind me to claim my blue Lilina if her banner isn't back in time XD
Again, that is not how pity works. Pity breakers don't apply to heroes you don't have resetting your chances. To my knowledge it only applies to heroes you don't need anymore. Like getting another female Morgan or something (the regular one).
There is no such thing as boosting luck. The game is too random for that.
And I'll likely forget to remind you.. I don't really pay attention to the Hall of Forms once it is over.. But I'll try!
Really? Damn I gotta pay attention to that next time. I thought any banner 5-star is a pity break. Not sure about non-banner ones. I know the 4-Star specials have their own rate. But even if Dagr and Hel didn't reset my rate, someone else did. I started from the beginning 8% 3 times. Not doing it a 4th time the next few hours because imma not buy orbs and also 12 freaking percent. screw you male Byleth, after all the praise I gave you ;w;
EDIT ayoooo summer heroes are here but I oughta wait with them because I'm outta orbs for now. good thing there's time XD
Oh also did I mention, I think I forgot last TT, but I finally managed to crack the high score! Now I always score 793 on highest difficulty, now idea if I can go higher than that. The bonus ally made all the difference, I had no idea it was a multiplier. Though it was extra points like with ARs.
You're too good for him :3 And maybe I am wrong about the jargon, I just assumed it wouldn't apply to heroes you didn't have yet. But I'm no expert on those things soo.. you might be right after all, who knows~!
I didn't mean to sink orbs into the first summon of the new banner, but I started off with a bronze colorless, so I tried the green one too. Of course that wasn't anything good either... Buuut... Holy heck. Norne! I know she has a cute face, but daaaang that smile! I'm in love with her summer version :P (Not really of course) Her bikini is pretty tasteful too. Better than whatever they tossed onto Freya..
Really? You never used multiplier heroes? What's wrong with you? XD In the past, before it became Tempest Trials +, it was actually more difficult to get a good multiplier. The four (or three) banner heroes would give a higher multiplier than their normal counterparts (and the TT freebie). It's a good thing they equalised that. Keep in mind that the first time you crack the full high score you get a lot more points than normal!
Also, about the Tempest Trials, are we finally getting a conclusion to Fjorm's saga? Why not in an actual chapter? Is she going to die? What do you think of Nifl? She better be the next Mythic hero! :P She's a wolf dragon!
I thought Nifl was a dude (albeit an androgynous one)... didn't Fjorm refer to Nifl as a 'god'? But I did go over the TT intro a wee bit fast... hm... I guess I will have to wait and see till the wiki puts up the dialogue for me to re-read xD
And like I said I thought they just gave a few more points, wasn't aware of the multiplier. Note how this round is a TT though, not a TT+. Huh. because it's related to the main story or...?
Also RE: new heroes not resetting pity rate, I got summer Ogma in my first pool but my rate remained at 3% (respectively it would have raised to 3,25% but 'reset' because 5-Star hero).
Still no summer Lilina banner... but perhaps that is better for my lack of orbs. I can just forma her XD
So I actually paused a moment during TT to check. It says both 'God' and 'her' for Nifl so idk. It's not like they shy away from the word goddess in FE games so I wonder if it's meant to be a gender neutral thing or... idk XD
Oh ehm.. Maybe it is a he? I don't know. I probably was just dumb in calling them a she. Doesn't really matter, people mostly seem to fall over their feet anyway. Something with strange heels. I hadn't noticed actually..
Wait, this is not a TT+? Well, it doesn't really matter anyway, they were pretty much the same. I think the TT already changed that multiplier before becoming TT+.. Eh, I don't know why things are what they are...
Oh yes, all golden heroes from the focus reset the percentage. I forgot that golden heroes that do not come from the focus only lowered your rate with 1% or so. Anyway, I believe pity doesn't mean you don't like them, but really just that you already have them. But again.. what do I know?
Be more patient. The first summer heroes have only just dropped so the next summer banner will be last year's 3H one. After that you'll get your Lilina chance. Meanwhile Laegjarn only had 1 more day left and guess what I still have not gotten? Any summer hero (aside from the 3H duo).
According to the wiki, Nifl's gender is female. So why they don't call her goddess I don't know. Maybe god sounds more important? Also, have you checked the FEH chibi video and Fjorm's song? I forgot Fjorm was voiced by Christina Vee... this clearly is not her best work. Ouch...
I haven't watched either of those vids, don't ask me why XD
And I mean I'm fine with Nifl being either or neither or whichever. Loki has, in lore, switched gender and species on several occasions. Why should gods and goddesses be bound to how mortals understand things, right? XD
I was gonna write more but I got sidetracked by family stuff and forgot to hit send.
Well.. You should at least check the Book II chibi one. It's cute and silly.. and a little sad. But.. yeah.. check it out :3 And the song too, if you want. I don't think it has much bearing on any plot.. but it's a nice song. Maybe it's better in Japanese? I'm normally a Christina Vee fan, but this time.. not too sure..
I guess... but in the case of Loki it is veeeery clear that FEH imagined them as female. A little too clear... No, strike that. Much too clear. For the love of Freya woman, put on a freaking shirt! cough But yeah.. Nifl is just nice-looking. And a wolf dragon. Soooo.. I like ^^
Aww.. Maybe you'll write more some other time~!
And! And and and!! It actually happened. I had no illusion that the game actually liked me.. but it had some sympathy for me after all. After all these years, I have completed my collection of Laevateins and Laegjarns~! I got the summer Laegjarn!!!
And a regular Laevatein.. I was hoping that the .75% bonus that I still had in that pool would help me get Helbindi also.. but this is very similar to when the Muspell trio first joined. When on day one I got Laegjarn and on day two I got Laevatein and Helbindi from the same pool ^^ Ah, those were the days..
I'll check it out later some time, my internet flatrate ran out and imma have to recharge it first lol.
But congratz on getting your summer girl! Still holding out for Lilina banner but I wonder if it'll pop up AFTER the HoF claim period ends lol. But, I got summer Gaius! I'm happy because Awakening is definitely one of my favs in the franchise and I didn't own anyone from that banner yet. Still trying my luck on the one with Noire though, haha.
And as expected from a while back, the 3H Forging Bonds has returned. I'd rather it be an event I am missing accessories from (still ever so hesitant to buy any from the AR shop in case there is an event bringing them back lol). But at the very least I won't complain about free stuff being given away, including feathers.
Would be kinda funny if they made a genderbent version of Loki though, hehe. I mean, if we can have co-existing male and female avatars, why not lowkey some Loki XD Just with smaller tiddies for the male one, no need to go all bara XD
And sure, I'll dump my family matters on you some time. When I survived XD
Oh dear. Used up too much, did ya? And the month just started! Or is it not a monthly plan?
Oh that banner.. I have the Robin and Frederick from there. Not too bad. Congrats on getting Gaius :3 Checking the calendar we can learn that the Lilina banner won't start until the 15th, if I'm reading it correctly. So that's after the Hall of Forms runs out, isn't it? Just go for it :P
Noire? Really? I mean, I love Noire, but the artist really mucked up her design there. Those things aren't even breasts!
Oooh, they bring old accessories to the shop? So that's what those updates are for.. Yeah, I have pretty much every accessory in the game, so.. :P And I'm not complaining, I'm still trying to get a Catherine. She seems cool-ish.
I bet they'd make a male Loki parade around in a Borat thong or something. So yeah, as much as I hate Loki.. this is better than what I just described XD
Good luck! Stay strong! ^^
Also, last FEH thing: Isn't Amelia just super adorable in her Jotunheimr outfit? Almost makes me want to get a Feh Pass ^^
I only just saw Nifl's heels. jesus christ what even are those. how do they work. why. XD
And naw it's not a plan, it was a prepaid 1 TB over 30 days, lasting until whichever is used up faster lol. Don't worry I'll recharge soon enough.
I'd love me Robin and Freddy from that banner :D Especially Freddy, lol. As for Noire, well, that's her only representation in the game, the other 3 on that banner have alts available XD
But yes, all but the Abyss-reward golden accessories seem to be available there, plus some exclusives like that 8-bit Veronica. I have resisted the urge to buy anything but Vero from there since I hope the forging bonds or tap-battles will net me the accessory instead. Since we get feathers for doubles I'd rather save my AR currency for the exclusives. Not entirely sure which of the 8-bits up there are also exclusive and not otherwise. I feel like I didn't get the 8-bit Anna before because I couldn't do her mission. Eh. XD
OH but that reminds me. I wonder what the prices are for buying past FEH Pass resplendents. While I can look at them in the shop, I obvs can't buy them since I own them, and it doesn't show what their prices would have been. Since some people considered just getting FEH Pass once to buy what they missed instead of keeping the subscription live, I wondered how costly that might be. Or rather, what IS considers an 'appropriate' price for those heroes lol. I think you can't buy them unless you get the pass first, but if I you can look at their prices without that, do let me know, I'm very curious XD
Hot dawg, watch your language :P Can't a god of ice wear what she wants?
Well alright. Don't want to be out of internet for days!
I guess that's fair.. We do need a normal Noire. One who's wearing armor, with quite less boob showing.. She's fun, it would be nice if she had more going for her than two awkwardly drawn boobs...
I do think all 8-bit ones are exclusive. I bought that Veronica one so now I can spend all the currencies on all musical tracks ^^ Not that I use them. Even if I turn the sound on to listen to tap-lines, I keep the music off :P
Hahaha, I'll check it out for you, madam. I do believe they're outrageously priced. Like.. super insane for a costume! I mean, Mii Costumes for Smash Bros Ultimate are 80 cents a piece.. but this iiiiis... €5,49 per Resplendent Hero. Like I said, outrageous. A Feh Pass is €11,49 per month.. Yeah no, I love Amelia and her outfit, but she's not worth that kind of money.
I mean who am I to argue with a deity but I just don't get the logic of ballerina heels XD Would been cooler if she was a dragon wolf though (as in, beast unit with trans-form, pun may or may not be intended). I mean we got mythic dragons out the wazoo. This is Fire Emblem, not Dragon Quest Emblem XD
But yes normal Noire pls. BLOOD AND THUNDER!
Well the 8-bits, or at least some of them, were quest-exclusives. Hence my wondering if all of them that I don't have yet are shop exclusive or if they were from quests I just sucked at. Also jfc so basically half the FEH pass price goes to each hero, and you have like 50 cents left for the QoL I guess XD dang son I'm so glad I didn't miss out on any of them yet because that's hella sleep.
In other news I've been creeping up my way on the Squad Assault maps. Gotta strategize there since Fellguard can't save my bacon across every map. Would be boring that way too, granted, but at 20 energy per attempt I do try to not make mistakes (would it surprise you that I didn't use Fellguard on most of them yet? I don't wanna use her in the first round in case I need her later and then I forget I can still use her along the road lol). Suffice it to say that the FEH Pass ability to redo a turn has spared me some headaches when I was dumb, but of course if you pick the wrong team, you can repeat the last turn as many times as you want and still fail. Since these are a "everyone must live" kind of map. XD At least for grand hero battles you don't pay with Stamina if you fail, haha. Although on that note I feel like I've next to never used that Light Blessing thing. The maps I'd need them for are the maps you can't use them on so what is even the point lol.
In all fairness, the ballerina shoes make more sense if you think of Nifl as an ice skater. Kinda like Ice Mario in Super Mario Galaxy. She does have that ice crystal under her after all!
Hmmm.. I wonder who her parents were on my side... Who did I pair Tharja up with with... Could be Henry...
Yeah, if you start playing the game now and want to get them, you'll be paying more than for all DLC for the Sims 4 :P As for the 8-bits, I think that was just Alfonse, Sharena and Anna being exclusive to quests. I forgot. Was a loooong time ago!
Ooh, Squad Assaults are actually pretty fun. Trying to think of which heroes to use, usually sticking to the same ones over and over because you know they work well. If only FEH had an option to search for heroes with certain strengths over other types, like searching for all heroes who are strong against armored units. That would help. At least I wouldn't have to resort to using Michaiahs all the time :P
I do use Light Blessings on maps where you "must finish with all four heroes alive", like the book quests, and I'm just too lazy to do it again and again until I can get it right. Using a Light Blessing and then winning the battle counts as not having lost a hero, you know :3
Let me get the replies outta the way first before I bother you with a text assault. Ahum.
My first Noire-dad was Libra. I just loved the dynamic of the servant of Naga with the dark witch, lol. Granted, Noire's stories about her dad did make me feel sorry for Libra, but that aside, the Ending card when you pair those two was one of the ones I loved the most. Henry is a pretty good fit as well though!
And here I thought I was late to the game missing out on so many orbs and free summons... yeesh. Also re: 8-bits, I distinctly recall putting an 8-bit Claude on Claude's head without buying that one. I think I didn't finish the other quests for them but I'm also not sure if any of the 3H bits are exclusives or not.
I do agree that the tedious part of SA is remembering anyone having special qualities that might be unusual for them, e.g. good against beast (like Petrine with her lance). Granted good against dragon is easier to remember, ayooo Falchion here we come. I definitely did use some of my favourites/more built heroes to save the day, but I tossed in a rando here and there just via type matchup and hoped for the best. Except for one map I think I didn't have to restart any. Although that's in huge part thanks to being able to retry my last turn. Had a few close calls because I goofed up my map placement.
As for Light Blessings I do know how they work but like I said, I usually don't need them on the maps that allow them, and the maps I need them for don't allow them XD I might look up how many I've got piled later, right now I'm TT'ing away my stockpiled stamina from last night. Such a shame that it maxes at 99...
Frustration frustration frustration...
So let me tell you a longer-winded tale. Of last night.
On the Noire Banner, I've been steadily increasing my rate in 0,25% increments. As one does. Been grinding Squad Assault for orbs. Only been spending free orbs on this. My rate was at 5,25%. It is past midnight. I don't have the energy to keep grinding, nor do I see myself finishing enough SAs in the morning before FEH resets. Currently don't have any fun money to spend per se, gotta wait till next paycheck. But then I think, hey, on the android phone I used to play on I still have some credit in the Playstore, like 20 euros or something. Might as well use that up now with some orbs before it expires or something.
I should note I spent all of yesterday playing on mobile data which made grinding the maps a chore and also I'd be stuck in a "Retry" Loop if I tried to load a page on my laptop (which was tethered to the phone for internet) at the same time as the app tried to load into the next map etc. So yeah buying some orbs with leftover store credit seemed the better idea. Of course FEH doth protest when you run the app in more than one place. So I booted it up on the android phone. Shit. Need to run an update. It was relatively on par, so not a large update. Let's go.
Yep this ain't happening. Mobile data so slow it doesn't even reach the point where it tells me the download size and warns me if it'd take long on MD. Sigh. Close app on android. Reopen app on other phone. Or rather, continue, but as you may or may not know it tells you app was opened elsewhere and has to restart. So we go do that.
I get to the starting screen and then the loading screen part where FEH gives tips or you see one of the newest unit introduction blurb (Hilda was making fun of me, I know it). ... Yeah no. This ain't happening anymore...
Suffice it to say I did not get any more chances to make good on that increased rate before reset. Additionally, I still had enough energy for 6 tempest trial run maps (since I had just refilled it for another SA to get 2 more orbs to make it 20 to summon on that banner...). Which also pissed me off. I guess I shoulda completed those 6 runs but I wanted to get the summons out of the way first and then let the TT maps auto while I got ready for bed.
Oh yeah it was past 1am when I went to bed btw.
I might indulge you on why I was stuck with mobile data at a whopping 64 kb/s some other time. Sigh. Well, at least today I still have a chance to get my HoF girl before she's gone... thanks to my mum leaving her phone here for me to tether. For work purposes but you can bet after last night I'm also tethering for FEH. Or else I'd be maxed out in pissed-off-ness, lol.
Hmm.. No, I don't think pairing Libra to Tharja ever came to mind... I wish I remembered what colour her hair was.. Maybe orange-ish? It wasn't from Gaius though, he was with Olivia I think..
Hmmm.. I'm not too sure if I have that one, so maybe I missed that too. Who knows? I might have it, but I have so many accessories that I cannot be sure without checking :P
Petrine being strong against beasts is not that strange.. but she's not super duper strong herself, I think.. So if you're fighting Keaton and Lethe she's fine, but I don't think I'd pit her against Kaden :P
I can't go back in time like you can, so I have to rely solely on superior tactics (read: bait and defend) to win Squad Assaults. Except for that one time that I used the internet because it was one of those that you needed to beat within x turns and the enemy was just too annoying to outwit.
I rarely use them. I guess you're just a better player than I am... plus you can rewind time and I can't :P
Oooh, more things~! That is quite a sad and annoying tale, really. All that work for nothing. I hate that about Fire Emblem heroes. Really, they should come up with ways to make Summoning more fair and fun again. Did I get an Ingrid? No, just Tailtiu for the millionth time...
S-So ehm.. did you end up getting her? The Noire, I mean? Or did you have to settle for someone else?
If it was a tint more red than orange the only fathers that come to mind are Gregor, or Ricken. I feel like it woulda been the latter but who knows! Gaius and Olivia is a cute pair though I couldn't resist pairing him with Maribelle for the first run. That was quite something XD
Speaking of accessories, after finally having built a team that could plow through the heroes cycling through each day I was so disappointed that they repeated after a week. I was like "that can't be all, I'm sure I saw other gold accessories" and then L!Byleth was out and it turns out Abyssal for Legends has gold stuff too! So I went and got those. XD But then I had a hard time choosing which golden accessories to put on whom, especially my main reps XD Fallen F!Robin is still my number one slot in the number one team... for the time being, after much deliberation, I gave her the golden devil horns that I think are from forging bonds with halloween niles in their original form.
Hey I didn't say Petrine's advantage was strange, it was just an example for an excellent strength in unexpected places. Since usually Cavaliers die to beasts like cotton candy to water. Or flying units to archers. And hey even going back in time (no more than a single turn I might add, so if I mess up my team I'm screwed and have to expend the energy again too). Personally I've never been a fan of the bait and defend tactic, but there are some maps where you have no other choice and I feel like I don't have enough bait units that can tank every kinds of damage. Depends on the map. Well, I mean, NOW I have something that tanks almost everything, but of course map efficiency varies. Anyways. As much as I love FE for the strategy, it's just that FEH is this weird mix between too simplified and too complicated. And I rather enjoy it as a mindless pastime, admittedly. Especially in the beginning since I didn't have the best units to properly strategize with haha. I'm still leagues away from wrapping my head around the meta I guess. (Also why is this dumb divine dew so rare, my Fjorm still needs her weapon refine pls.) But naw I'm not a better player. If I was I'd wreck hell with just F2P supplies lol. Like people saving up hundreds of orbs and then summoning till they can +10 a new unit? holy guacamole XD
But nope, no Noire, no nothing from that banner since I was never able to relaunch the app before reset. All those invested orbs failing to get me the 5-Star, wasted. lol.
Oh my, those don't fit together at all! I'm pretty sure I paired Gregor with Nowi. Ricken.. Maybe I paired him with Maribelle. Man, it really has been too long ago since I did all of that :P
I think those devil horns came from a Illusory Dungeon rather than a forging bonds. Especially since costume heroes don't give away accessories. Could have been older Tempest Trial rewards too.. As for the golden accessories, yep Abyssal difficulty for Legendary and Mythic heroes give those away too. I think I have all accessories, save for.. a few you can get from the Aether Raids. I checked and I do have 8-bit Claude.
Is that so? Do cavaliers die to beasts quicker than others? I had never noticed.. Strange!
I never really saw the merit of making heroes +xx. Sure, you can win Aether Raids with it, but does that really matter much? We can't actually play versus other players.
As for the Divine Dew, you can get it more easily by upgrading other weapons, like Killing Edges.
Aww. That's really a shame.. Oh well I think tomorrow you'll get a chance for Lilina, if you didn't get her in blue stars. Speaking of Hall of Forms, I nearly dropped my phone when I was reminded how ridiculous Ursula's bikini is. Like dang... I'll just stick with Norne, thank you very much.
I don't mind appreciating the fine bods of lads and lasses... provided there is consent and they are adults, haha. I don't hate Ursula's look, I'm more confuzzled why there's 3 christmas units there XD Like, last time Fae was a bit of an oddball, but this time? lol. Also Jaffar is a grail unit, so why? idk. I mean I'm not complaining, since that means I own two of the units there, which is good. I wonder if they do this on purpose though, christmas units in summer, because their banners are very unlikely to appear so you're more likely to want the blue unit. Maybe. idk. I mean, not YOU, but people in general.
Okay so tbh I don't know if the beast to cavalier is an outright FEH rule or if I just had that in mind from the main games. I did notice however Panne and Yarne are definitely cavalier killers (which are also beasts). Oh also! It speaking of beasts. Ish. I noticed Nifl is a Dragon-Cavalier. Is that a first? I can't think of another right now. It seems fitting since she is a dragon and a beast and most beasts are cavalier classes. But I can only think of flying, infantry and armor dragons, no other cavalier dragon.
Speaking of troublesome beasts I had a bit of a cat problem yesterday, hence my late reply. Also ow my hand and also screw certain people. Ow.
What's an illusory dungeon? Is that like an old playmode? :o Also I know that by doing the stone upgrades I get dew, but that also takes a while. gotta get 50 every time (with a few exceptions needing just 20 but those refines are eh) and then gotta find a hero that actually has a weapon that doesn't need dew. Obvs all the named/good ones do the dew. XD
Yeah yeah, I'm just a dumb person who doesn't care about blue stars :P I think they try to find four heroes who have a deep connection in some way. This is just Zephiel's assassination all over again, but since the only young Zephiel present is a Christmas one, they did two more Christmas variations.. and Ursula just runs around naked in the snow. Makes sense, right?
You are correct, there has not been a cavalier dragon. In all fairness, she is more of a wolf anyway, so it makes sense she can run fast. But, it's cool. I remember the days when there weren't any bow cavaliers and BraveLyn being the first was amazing ^^
Ohh, right, Panne is a horse-killer, isn't she? Can't say anything about Yarne, I don't have him in FEH...
You had a cat issue? Or a cat-person issue? Did the cat scratch you? What happened, woman?!
Illusory Dungeons were the Tap Battles. Sadly that mode doesn't bounce into our game anymore, not even as a returning feature. I kinda miss it, it was pretty fun with good music ^^
All costume heroes with basic weapons can have their weapons upgraded. I only rarely spend that dew, but somehow each time I do, I also immediately run out :P
By the way, something strange I noticed.. For some reason, while doing Hall of Forms, it's very often the case that the next floor I need to do to progress has five enemies instead of four. So mean!
Imma answer a wee bit earlier today (and yet not early at all I guess lol) because I'll be/was playing some more DQ XI S on the Switch tonight and I don't wanna skip a day in our marvellous convo if I can help it. :D
I don't have Yarne in FEH but I was looking something up and I guess it makes sense that his weapon has the same quality as his mum's, being the same species and all :D Although instead of "Panne is a horse-killer" I read something like Pain-killer lmao. Did you know "Panne" is German for when an accident or mishap happens, usually one of technical nature, e.g. if some of the stage in a play falls over or if you forget to turn of your mic and then say something that is not good for you (be it embarrassing or exposing something you wanna keep hidden, like, GASP a political opinion XD). So like I guess I understand why she got renamed in the German/European version of Awakening. But I still don't get why they had to rename Robin and Morgan. Granted both of them being unisex names isn't aaaas common for non-English-speaking countries but I still don't get it. The hell kinda name even is Daraen. I never heard it before this game's localization. I also never heard Refuret. And Linfan? Like I hope I'm not offending anyone named that but it sounds stereotypically Asian (more Chinese than Japanese etc but ya feel?) and yet defies the naming logic of that world's Asian representatives. Granted I shouldn't delve too deep into the culture thing lest I get cancelled lmao. Also why did they rename Cherche to Zelcher? What's wrong with her name? (I know chercher is French for seeking/looking for something but how is that a problem? I mean Stahl kept his name too and it's German for steel so?) Like... I can accept localizing Names from an Asian market to the 'western' market. Especially since their naming gets extra layers depending on what Kanji they choose etc, and that nuance is just lost here with our regular alphabet. But why can't we all just stick to one localized version of names (can get hella confusing when you are a German Pokemon fan and want to look up how to beat Bianka's Miltank because guess what her English name is Whitney. Lol. And then in latter generations, one of the player trainer sidekicks is called Bianca but here she is called Bell. Or something. Granted I stopped playing in German long ago where I could help it but dayum. I get renaming the Pokemon but why the humans?). Oops somehow this became a wall of text.
And oooh Tap Battles. Yeah those are/were fun. Especially when I got accessories I didn't have before :D I want more. :D I wish you could just endlessly replay them even when the reward period is over, but I guess that would just keep bloating the app size lol. idk. Yeah I also always run out of dew. I basically use it the moment I got 200 XD And also also, when I notice the next stage has 5 enemies, I just do a previous one and focus on getting levels/ability to whichever unit is currently the bottom feeder, until it shows 4 or less. XD
By now I forgot what I actually planned to discuss lmao. Curse those naming conventions XD So have a Xane.
Hehe, you can reply whenever you like, miss. This "convo" isn't worth the loss of game time :P Thank you for replying though. Let's see what it is that you've written!
Ah, I never really thought of her name like that. That word exists in Dutch as well, but I can't say whether it gets used a lot these days, as I think it was reserved for a car malfunction while on the road. We probably borrowed it from Germany however.
Hey, what's wrong with Darian (different spelling)? I think that sounds pretty cool! As for names for men and women alike, we in the Netherlands have quite a handful, including Robin. But I would never have played the game in Dutch if that was an option. I really hate name changes for stupid reasons (Spirit Tracks is a very good exception, but that was in English still).
Heey, no talking smack about Whitney, she's one of the cutest Gym Leaders! Bianca just doesn't have the same ring to it as Whitney. And yes, I know it could somehow be a pun there, since you said the name was translated as Bell as wel ;)
I'm with you. I really hate name translations. For moves too! In Dutch, apparently, there's very little difference in naming of Quick Attack and Swift (where one is called "Snelle Aanval" and the other "Snel Aanval". You can probably translate that pretty well). Dumb stuff!
Nehh, that's too much of a hassle. I'll just have t try and lose. That's faaar more fair :P
Aww, but now I'll never know about your cat issue! And I do have Xane.. but I hadn't noticed he was able to get such insane buffs and debuffs... Not that I ever really pay proper attention to stats :P
Completely colourless pool on the Summer Byleth banner. Because of course lol. But I got Fallen F!Corrin, which I didn't have, so I'm not complaining. Time to earn (money for) orbs I guess XD But hey, more plot! And I can't wait for the next part of TT. The Plot thickens indeed. Also love Nifl's unintended sass (on account of her being frosty and all). And Azura's mom as enemy on the story map, le gasp? Dis gon' be guuuud. Normally I 'might' complain about Fates getting love (I mean I love it too, but over-representation lol) but... I feel like in comparison to 3H, ANY other game in the banner is welcome lmao.
Daraen sounds like a pretty exotic name. I'm not outright calling it wrong but it seems more male than unisex to me. Give me back my Robin any day XD
Fun fact, the move Swift is called Sternschauer in German. Which makes sense I guess since you get attacked(/showered) with stars lol. If anything I never quite understood the English name. It's not a speed priority attack and I don't see what being swift has to do with a guaranteed hit XD
I haven't checked out the story parts yet, just the Tempest Trials thing. So Laegjarn is coming back or something? Maybe she's one of those mysterious Líf / Thrasir recruits, like Triandra and Plumeria. Maybe this means they're finally wrapping up the game?!
Nah, it's okay that Fates gets some more heroes. Not even unhappy about Charlotte (I don't like her), as she was the first costume-only hero. It's about time she got a real version, I guess.
I haven't been able to get anything good the last few days. Just another brave Micaiah today because why would it be a summer elder Tiki?
Indeed, it's pretty exotic, but maybe not female enough to be a unisex name...
Probably a mistranslation from Japanese then. Those things happen (although more present in the early Spanish and Italian translations :P)
On that first image: I thought Nifl was going to be a Mythic hero, like Nott in the previous banner? Loki and Surtr would have been Legendary if that was a thing back then. Those were simpler times, when new heroes didn't all go to the "out of reach during most of the play time" pile.
On that second image: It's probably me, but I fail to see how that is funny exactly...
Sooo... I got me a summer ursula. Not the one I wanted from that banner but I guess that saves investing in her as a blue unit XD Yay? I also got the new Charlotte. Unexpected, but not complaining. Very curious storywise about Nyx with the two Plegian Dark Mages. I'm intrigued XD
I thought Nifl was gonna be a Mythic, and tbh I'm surprised that the swole princesses qualified as such. Not that I am complaining because they help me in the AR now. Since I figured out for the seasonal bonus slot you need a hero that has their element with a golden outline on the Hexagon. Like they do and like Reginn does. Also yay for that plot continuing :D
Such a pity I can't have you enjoying FE(H) shitposts lmao. Maybe I'm too easily amused.
EDIT and Guinevere pitybroke me on the 3H Summer banner. The Hilda one. Rude. Back to 3%.
Well, they are experts when it comes to curses.. And congratulations on your summons. You probably spent a lot of orbs, didn't you? I tried two summons from that Ursula banner, both of them a silver Donnel. That is my luck, I guess..
I really don't give a dang about AR. That mode can kiss my butt, honestly. It's not even fun anymore to be up against the five hundredth totem Edelgard. I don't really get why people make their teams super difficult rather than easy so that others can easily climb the stratos-ladder...
Maybe I'm just too difficult to entertain. I mean, I don't like memes, so.. It's probably me.
Oh ehm.. another golden, huh? So lucky! Have fun with the pretty mage killer!
Soooooooooo... I have a confession to make. I purchased orbs again. I picked Shinon as freebie from that banner because he was the last one I needed from that banner. And since I still had upped chance I figured I'd keep using that banner till it was reset and guess whom I got? Shinon. Makes me wish I woulda picked Fjorm as freebie for a merge or something but odds are that I would have gotten her then too lol.
Also I can legit confirm I'd be a lot more frustrated if I didn't have an Edgelord to counter everyone's Edgelord in AR. I swear 6 of my friendslist folks have her as rep now XD BUT. I can't deny I love having her as backup, like...? Abyssal difficulty has become tolerable with her on board. I'm half-tempted to try and get her one of those near or far save abilities they recently introduced because as good as she is tanking damage, that helps me none if one of the others dies on a 4-survivor map lol. But yeah, Edgelord + me actually trying to use my brain means I am currently hovering in and about AR tier 20. Just one more to get one of the damn thrones... I think there was something else I needed AR 21 for but I forget what lol. At the very least I'm finally starting to wrap my head around how this works, I guess. But every now and then, any of the game modes can make me feel like an idiot lol.
And hooooooly crap this morning on YT I watched someone's AR team which includes 3 Flayns and I guess having 3 units that do 30% damage reduction each to nearby allies is just as broken as Edgelord. They basically had Hero King Dimitri kill everything (recovery with Sol, if there was even any damage worth mentioning thanks to Flayn-trio. Plus their presence made them help each other survive too!) Makes me regret turning 2 Flayns into manuals, especially since that isn't inheritable... I'm clearly not smart XD That person may have been a top tier memelord but they definitely also know how to play haha.
Now I'm in need of more events that don't use regular energy so I can wrap up all those chain challenges and/or train more units in the tower. Cause obvs when there is an event using stamina I prefer using it on that XD Also I'm probably too broke on fun money to keep going for summer heroes but we shall see lol.
So.. you wanted a Shinon.. and got a Shinon? How is that bad exactly? I was aiming at Kris and got a Roderick, sooo.. Not going to spend orbs on that banner however, aside from Kris and BLysithea I already have all of them.
I'm stuck on tier 19, I think, thanks to the helping hand the game gives with forming a team. Not that I can win all that often.. But eh, it's alright. I really really really don't care at all for AR. So little in fact that I even forgot to buy the 4th anniversary cake XD
Flayn.. Flayn.. Hmmm... Since I forgot who that is I am going to assume I have none. They're that 3H staff flier with the... green(?) hair? shrugs Plus, there are plenty of "true solo abyssal, 1 turn clear" videos on YouTube that are truly insane.
Heh, next time we talk you're letting me know that you've summoned Lilina, two Hilda duos and both dream king Freyr and his beloved sister Freya. Even if you don't buy orbs, I'm sure you'll get those.
By the way, I saw they're adding more perks to Feh Pass users? They already have unfair summoning chance compared to non-paying players, should they really be granted even more perks?
No it's not bad it's just that weird kind of luck where of course you get the unit you just 'wasted' your freebie choice for. And um... so like. You know that returned banner with F!Julia etc. I got another Fellguard from it. Like... 100% unexpected didn't even know she was obtainable from it. And Fellguard was another unit I used a choice summon for. I wonder if it's a colourless curse, watch me get Sara any day now, lol.
RE: Flayn, I was talking about AR for her so I reckon nobody solos AR. Could be wrong, if anyone does a true solo on those they are indeed a madman. But also kinda cool. But also a madman.
And since when does FEH Pass have unfair summoning chance? That's news to me. We can do the auto-battle chain on training towers to do like 8 battles in a row without needing to press start each time and we can do over our last turn but I don't recall there ever being a boost in summoning chance to being a pass users. Or are you telling me the 4-Star special summons are pass-exclusive? Like idek lol.
Also true story your post was 2 minutes old when I started typing lol.
You got another totem from that banner? I got a surprise there too, one I did not have yet. The most legendary of all swordsmen, but so cursed with his success that he can barely contain his twitching sword-arm: Lissa's son ^ -^
Ehm, I'm sure that if you pump all kinds of steroids in your totem lady, you'll be set in one turn :P
No no, it's just a deduction based on your luck compared to mine. I don't pay while you do and even if you buy orbs and therefor spend more, it's clear to see you also have a better chance. So even if mine and your chance of getting a golden hero is said to be 3%, I have little doubt it is secretly slightly (or more) higher for you than for me.
Although I must confess to getting some semi-good stuff these previous days. Aside from Owain I also got a silver Orochi the other day, and she was my favourite from that banner, after Nifl, and today I also got a silver beach protector Ogma. Sure, he was silver but that leaves my 3.50% chance intact ^^
Owain is a riot honestly. I enjoyed his inclusion in Warriors to great comedic effect XD (NOW WHERE IS MY FE:W 2, KOEITECMO/NINTENDO?)
Dunno about steroids but you did remind me I could actually bother using Dragonflowers. But how come some people use 5/10/15 of them? is it a means for old units to catch up to new stats or?
Hahahaha luck. Well. I mean. Maybe a little. But I'd rather not disclose how much money I spent this week on FEH lmao. (Not that I do this every week but... I think I claimed most of the available free-orbs in not-time-limited modes. Got a few lunatic squad assaults and some blessed gardens because I never use my elements left, but other than that...) Speaking of silver though, on Nifl's banner I got no Benny. Hardly any blue in the pool to begin with, too.
And no I didn't type two days but you know me. Didn't wanna hit send prematurely and then boom bedtime and then boom bedtime again lol.
(You won't be getting a FEW2 ;) ) Owain has always been a fun guy to have on ones team ^^
I honestly don't know how exactly Dragonflowers work. They give a boost to stats, but I don't think you get to pick which stats they boost, so.. I don't really see the point. Plus, I like my heroes at the skill levels they should have :P Sorry, I can't help you here.
Oh but Benny will always be a 3/4 star hero. You'll get him sooner or later. Just like Orochi of course. But you do certainly have more luck and disposable income than me, so it's only natural you get all the nice heroes ^^
Hit send prematurely? This isn't intercourse, you can send as prematurely as you like, whatever that can mean XD When do you normally go to bed, if I might ask? To sleep of course. Don't mix metaphors here!
Oh ehm.. S-Sorry.. You can come back to this conversation when you have time.
Sorry to hear Kliff ruined your current chances of getting Hilda or others. Meanwhile I spet my free Mythic summon... to get a Mythic Ullr... >///>
I wonder why they made her female. Her gender was never specified in her original game, but Ullr was a male deity in Norse mythology... Interesting. A-Anyway, I'm happy with this new archer lady ^^
You can be happy about good summons, I'm certainly happy for you! I finally got Seiros (on Ullr's banner) so I can't complain, really.
I'm just annoyed by the ESGST extension not working cause now it's back to visiting and entering every GA manually instead of entering them from the main page, and also revisiting this GA to reply when I could just reply from the message page before. Plus all those shortcuts!
IF by any chance I have enough orbs left in time I'll give the Hilda banner another shot, it doesn't even have to be Hilda and & Marianne, any of the kids aside from Caspar is fine too. Orochi reset my Nifl banner so that one I'm done with for the time being. Nyx woulda been nice but any +1 is good. So now I'll be back to Summer Freyr attempts.
Might try Nohrian Summer after that one ends... depends on orbs and what else will be there. lol.
RE: earlier convo, I'm not entirely sure how DFs work, hence my questions. It's possible they boost depending on your units boons and banes but then when you merge, the DF count gets carried over so idk. Idk.
EDIT: You know how some time back I was joking that I'd get Sara because she was my 40-summon freebie choice and I seem to get those soon after? Yeah guess what. Broke my % on the Nohrian Summer banner, too.
Oh so we both got a blue mythic hero? ^^ Congrats on finally getting that Seiros~!
What is the ESGST exactly? It looks like a complicated acronym... Is it something special for this website in particular?
I was hoping to get a Nifl for my final ticket, but no blues sadly. She may not be a Legendary or Mythic, but she doesn't appear in the other banners, so.. what gives? When will we be able to get her again? I want my dragon wolf!
Oh that banner. I am lucky enough to have three of those.. and I don't really care too much for Nohr but ehm.. who knows. Might try Leo again...
No idea.. Maybe try to find a guide on them online?
W-What? Really? How is that possible?! Ehm.. ehm.... Maybe we should talk more about heroes we will summon! Heroes is clearly listening in to your conversation :P
ESGST is an extension with all sorts of useful gimmicks to enhance your steamgifts (and steam trades, but I don't use that) experience. It can do stuff like show you how many times you entered a giveaway, show you the store tags, your chance of winning any one GA at that moment in time, how many minutes it takes for your points to recharge enough to enter a GA... lots of useful stuff.
and my fav function was being able to enter/leave GAs directly from the main page instead of needing to open each GA and then enter it from in there. (you still have to manually click so it's not auto-entering for you, if that is a concern). it can also run white/blacklist checks for you if you're into that, though that only work if people have public and WL GAs since it basically crossreferences if you could (have) enter(ed), or at least that's how I think it works. you could also do all this manually but who has that kind of time right XD
basically you can customize it to show or now show whatever you want and my second fav function was being able to reply to you right from the messages page instead of having to come back to the GA each time haha. sometimes it's the small conveniences in life, ya know?
Okies back to FEH talk.
I don't own any of the Nohrian summer guys and gals (and neither the 3H ones unless 4-star caspar counts which he doesn't :V) so I was hoping to get at least one! Might try again later, that banner lasts a tiny bit longer than Ullr and the duo summer ones.
I might keep trying for a bit on Ullr banner cause even if I don't get her I might still get some more myths or legends I lack. I actually got a spare Eir that is, according to one site I perused, perfect IV, so I plan on merging my neutral one into her after using up them SP. Since unlike Hero Merit those don't get shared/passed over, you only get merging SP bonus.
Aaand now I'm trying to remember what other 40 summons freebies I got in the past that might visit me later. The ones where I did get a double were Edgegard, Shinon, Sara, and Azelle, at least those are the ones I remember. 40-freebies I remember picking that I don't have spares yet are Nifl (too soon) and Asbel and Fallen Lyon and Catherine (last time it was around). I thiiiink. Might have to just in general check some of them for neutral IVs. Trying to remember if I got Veronica in a repeat banner like Catherine or if I just got her from a normal one and then was 'ranting' about getting her spare after waiting so long to get even one. Also I think on the 3H banner I previously picked Flayn as a freebie but don't quote me. I definitely did not always have the money /orbs to make the most out of every 40 summon freebie banner.
RE: guides, might need one for the Abyssal level on Ullr and Sigurd, but maybe I'll figure it out. I did manage to complete the rest of the gang in special battles though :D
You call that useful stuff... but I don't really see the point to it for my own Steam Gifts usage. I really only enter for games on my wishlist and my winning chances are always insanely low. That's why I'm currently 4 games behind on my estimate.
Hmm.. That sounds a little useful.. And do you mean you can check what people have put you on their blacklist (if they have that on public)? Not sure what I would gain from that.. but I could at least glare at the people who have blacklisted me!
... you made it easier to talk to me? That sounds illogical.. But ehm.. yay?
As if these are just for FEH talk :P
Why would a 4* Caspar not count? He's totally fine and once upgraded you won't even remember he ever wasn't gold! On the topic of that banner... I ehm.. maaaay have pulled an Ashe from there? He seems nice, but I don't know him of course. I'm going to focus more on the other banner now, I really hope to get at least one more from there.
That's a big reason why I don't care for the colorless on that one, because I already have an Eir and don't need duplicates. The only colorless one I don't have is Louise and she is a normy. So nope. Might try blue or red at some point, but.. aim is at summer Dream Archaneans.
I had written something down here that was meant to joke around a little, but on second thought it might be more rude than funny, so I've removed it again. In any case, it's of course a shame when you get a hero you paid lots of orbs for earlier, but keep in mind that you picked that one at that time because you liked them a lot! You were given multiple options, but you chose them~! So who cares if you see them again, you got the ones you liked ^ -^
I always keep those battles until the last day of their availability and then spend the orbs gained on the Legendary / Mythic banner. And I always use guides for Lunatic, Infernal and Abyssal. I'm lazy, I'm not going to try and figure out how to do these things myself! :P
Soooooo I'll admit I didn't expect mah boi Caspar to win but we came in clutch, somehow! Not that I hate Freyja by any means but it always feels like a victory for mankind (no pun intended) when a boy wins over the boobs in these XD
Also yes I somehow got Summer Freyr today so that banner can rest in peace, for now. Would love to get the others some time but eh. Freyr was my want and I have him. Didn't have any success on that 3H banner that expired the previous day, so Caspar is all I got to show for it XD (Also yes Ashe is a good bean. A cinnamon roll. You must protect him!)
I did keep summoning at the Ullr Banner for a bit because I figured there's enough others on there that I didn't have yet. Like Mila, which I now have. And I still don't like her art tbh. XD Also whoops I keep posting 'XD' like a cringefest but I practically adopted that ever since forever ago I guess.
As for orb-battles, I used to leave them till the last day but then I'd forget and stuff so now I just try to get them out of the way while I can. Especially those coliseum tasks (when available) because the first few times I failed to notice that they refresh at higher difficulty when you complete them and like 10 minutes to reset the arena isn't even available anymore (if that happens to be the season's end) even if you refresh dueling swords so yee. XD
I also got the Pirate duo today, fuck yeah! tbh I was aiming for Naesala (and still plan to) because beast units are what got me into FE in the first place (Path of Radiance, good times). Also Vika cause she cute. And also to make up for the fact that Pirate Tibarn failed me whenever he was around lol.
As for that festivity banner... Go figure that all the units in the focus are units I already owned, lol. Remember me getting Guinivere not too long ago on a banner not related to her? That said there's a decent spread of cool 5-Stars unrelated to the banner as well. Got a spare Fallen Morgan boi and decided against foddering him. Maybe I'll make an army of them XD Reserves for now since my barracks always fill up too fast. And you're right of course, it's not like I hate getting a double of something I previously chose. After all, an extra 5-Star is an extra 5-Star, regardless of whether I fodder, merge or build them up later, anything that's not bronze or silver is a win, right?
Aaaand Feh Pass loyalty bonuses have rolled out. I'm a tiny bit annoyed that I 'only' got the 3 month special since, well, before moving to iOS I was subbed multiple months on android. In fact I only switched because google pay was being a prick about the payment one month and I was stuck in an endless loop of being unable to renew my subscription. Yeesh.
I could have sworn I read something about you wanting to make a joke but then leaving it because it'd be rude... (frantically ctrl+f's). Oh wait you skipped the joke. Why thooooo! I'm not easily offended or whatever XD You can be rude all you want!
Boobs? You mean that goat floatie! That's Freya's quality~! And she lost to shark boy... That's probably due to that virtual YouTuber..
I tried getting Caspar from that banner yesterday, as he's a silver hero so slightly easier to get, but I came out empty handed of course. Just a Nino and.. I dunno, some other green throwaway unit...
I agree, Mila's art is rather unfortunate. Someone really messed up her face... Which is really unfortunate, because the Earth Mother deserves better!
You are allowed to do that, I don't mind :) I often use smilies at the end of my sentences as well after all!
Ah, hehe, yeah I do keep an eye on those Coliseum Quests, but that's about all. Really keep a close eye on all other things. Does sometimes mean I have to play until late at night because I forgot something ^^;
Oh of course. You do get to walk away with them. I got a 4*-special Helbindi. Not fair... I'm trying to aim for Surtr there because I like his pirate king design (even though he sucks because he doesn't sear enemies to a crisp...). Vika is cute indeed. Looks pretty close to her normal design as well, so that is good. Naesala is a bit eh.. Not a big fan of his art and his transformed form looks like it has a bow...
So you got something good from there too? And you dare doubt that Feh Pass users get hidden benefits? :P I'm aiming for Henrietta of course, because she is a costume hero. After that would be the beautiful princess and last the unassuming flying cleric. Also, I think that is a stupid way of pronouncing Dedue. Should be three syllables...
Pff. As if those rewards are any useful. If you got ten orbs per day, THAT would be a loyalty bonus. And freaking unfair to people without a disposable income...
Oh. Well in that case, I think it went something like this: "Weh weh, I am so sad because I got all kinds of good heroes! Poor me!" Was better when I wrote it last time, but that's the gist of it. I'm not jealous, you're jealous XD
EDIT: BLAH! >: | 4.50%, 9 summons, 5 of them bronze and two of them Fa. I spent 40 orbs and NOTHING to show for it. Grah! It is so unfair! You get one golden hero after the other and I just get garbage... sigh
Okay, I'm done. It's just what it is. At least I have Ogma. Which came out silver, mind you.
EDIT2 - The Day After: Okay fine game, stop taking pity on me. Apparently it listened to this conversation or something. On that Bound Hero Battle banner (With Florina, Fiora and Jakob) I figured I might as well go blue (as I don't need any of them anymore).. and they randomly gave me the best version of Camus: Zeke. Fun?
-Also, I found out that my Ullr is unfortunately flawed. Atk-/Res+, but she is all about striking first, she doesn't need Def/Res, even giving it up with Life and Death.
Now that I got da real Freyr, getting the floatie wasn't that important :D Although I do hope I get her eventually, I'm definitely done spending orbs on that banner for now, haha. Also, wasn't Caspar's fish a tuna or something? Pretty sure Pirate Sutr is the one with a shark. Which kinda makes me wanna have him... although since I have animations turned off I'd probs never really see it lol.
I got Naesala though (with Vika for company) so at least for now I'm saving orbs for CYL I guess? idk. Either way not using up more orbs unless every other banner to follow sucks, lol.
Also I'm starting to lose track of refines, not like I can always apply them when they come out because lack of refine material (more so than SP anyways). I mean for the ones with a special effect and all... whelp. I need me a page that shows everyone that got refined so I can give them extra attention... time to scour a wiki I guess. Also my Ullr is also +Res, what gives lol. At least her flaw is HP and not Atk, I guess.
Woulda tried for Flora on their banner but her colour was not in the pool. Didn't bother spending orbs and the freebie was nothing of note. That's fine though, with the above mentioned I'm not gonna start complaining now. OR AM I... But just a reminder that for all the good pulls I get, many orbs sacrificed their lives lol.
I know you don't like memes much so I save the bad ones for someone else, but have these two since they made me chuckle. (Also why does Surtr have his eyepatch over his good eye lmao)
Oh ehm, I don't know. Is his fish a tuna? I just meant that his hair-style, -colour and appearance look rather shark-like. And yes, Surtr brings an actual shark. Does that surprise anyone? :P Haven't been able to snag him up yet (and doubt I'll ever will). Also was unable to get summer Leo. Oh well, next year again.. If there is a next year, of course.
And here we go again. Not one, no two of the costume heroes. How the heck do you keep doing that? Do you never stop to wonder how you can possibly get all those good heroes, 80% of the time?
I might end up ironing out my Ullrs flaw someday. Not that she needs it, she is pretty good as is. As for refines, I rarely really bother with the weapon's skills as they are too expensive. Unless it's a hero I really like (Marisa) and still use occasionally (also Marisa).
Unless you give me a better understanding of your spendings, I have concluded that you are insanely lucky and your FEH Pass gives you unseen summoning benefits. So what you didn't get a normal hero for a change? You got the special hero you wanted.
Hmm. Well at least they didn't focus on her boobs...
I don't get this one. I'm assuming they gave Surtr's new lance the same skills as Gustaf's axe? I can't say I find this to be all that funny, sorry. Also.. it's not that they put his eyepatch over his good eye.. they flipped his face, didn't they? Or was that done for the purpose of this meme? Because for the normal one the scar is over his left eye, while for the pirate it's over his right...
That last one is just painful. Chrom and Marth deserve that spot. Unlike some NAMELESS GUARDPERSON... cough But still.. good for him.
I mean the downside to getting a lot of the new things is that, even with them of course adding more new things, there'll come a time whenever the 'good' things you get are repeats, which is its own kind of disappointment. I mean, first world problem, yeah, but you've seen it with me, haven't ya XD
Also yee, nothing from the Nohrian Summer for me, though I would not have minded a Xander or Leo myself... However now I can try and orb-bomb for Pirate Tibarn! Or fail dramatically, haha. I'm not gonna disclose my spendings, but let's just say that at the very least I get. every. single. special. offer. Cause I'm putty in Feh's wings apparently lol.
Ullr is definitely a Playerphase unit, she tends to get herself killed when I let her auto lmao. And booooo you still hatin' on Alm/Caspar's alter ego Gatekeeper? For shaaaame! If it wasn't for memes, Caspar woulda lost against boobs also! XD
Also... another out of season HoF, eh? Halloween coming a lil' early XD
I have, but it also means that you get more of the new heroes that have super strong skills and such. That way you can make other cool heroes even stronger. All I get is blehhh...
Feh's wings are adorable.. but I'm not giving that stupid bird any of my semi-hard-earned moolah. It doesn't make much of a difference for me anyway. No free Tibarn from that pirate banner either. Just a bronze Legault. The game obviously hates me :P
You shouldn't be so lazy! Fire Emblem Heroes is not an idle game! Get your own hands in gear ^^ Also, don't you dare put a faceless NPC in the same line as a great hero of legend, uniter of his country, bringing on the twilight of the gods (which is one of the most epic tracks in FE-history) from the best Fire Emblem game from the last 10 years (that I know is a remake)! So, love him all you want, he will never be as great as Alm :P
Hmm. That image really shows what is wrong with the Fire Emblem franchise. Love and lovemaking have become more important than actual character development, hence why Ike is better than Corrin. Plus, Alm didn't need to choose, he had the love of his life and it would never have been Faye no matter how much some deranged (:P) fans would have wanted that. Romance is just better when you don't hand the reigns to the player.
I mean I agree that the support system has gotten out of hand... but Three Houses improved on that I feel. To elaborate, in Awakening, the child units made sense because time travel. Some characterization/support suffered from that since almost every man/woman could be paired up (which also explains why Lucina's are better since she had a limited number of potential mothers/sibling), but overall, being able to use those children alongside your battle-hardened parents made sense, and being able to try out different combos did add to replayability (especially if you're not a min-maxer on one save lol).
For Fates, while it is always nice to see child characters and how they differ based on parent combination, the plot explanation as to how you can fight side by side with a child your age seems lackluster. Granted, the whole pocket dimension thing is a good way to cover your bases as to why your Corrin still hasn't defeated Boss X when you're (story-wise) pressed for time, but using those separate realms to have your children basically grow up without their parents (since time passes faster there and their parents didn't age considerably in their own realm, just imagine how much time they have to spend without their parents; and conversely, how little of their child growing up the parents actually witness) seems both lazy and cruel in setup. It comes as no surprise then that most child paralogue plotlines are about the child escaping their realm either to see the world or because they miss their parents etc. Though I reckon at this point, everyone can agree that the writing wasn't this game's strong point to begin with, haha. To Fates' credit though, not every non-avatar unit can marry every candidate of the opposing gender (then again that is mostly true for the third route since the other two have only 2 or 3 combos that don't work, if memory serves). Bonus points for the first proper 'gay options', even if it was limited to a single character per gender, it is massive progress, all things considered (not accounting for the Ike-Soren Bromance from the Tellius games obviously :D)
Basically I love child units but I think a time-skip (similar to how it was handled in the earlier games) would have been more appropriate if you wanna make them playable.
In Three Houses your character can pretty much S-Rank anyone, including multiple same-sex candidates, but that's to be expected. However, first of all this S-Rank can only happen very late in the game (even if you qualify, you have to wait until close to the final map to actually advance the relationship), and furthermore, you can only get there post-timeskip. In fact even hitting A-Rank is impossible prior to your students turning adults. Which is neat given the implications you might have on your hands otherwise (even if most of them are similar age to Byleth). There are no child units. And while you can A-Rank your other units with one another (with some supports sounding closer to marriage proposals than others), if you want them to actually share an epilogue, you need to put in the effort for those guys and gals to actually have spent the most time together too. (There is a DLC mechanic to 'lock in' certain pairings if you are so inclined, but it's ridiculously expensive in Renown so I don't see anyone using it. Who knows, lol.)
For the Valentian guys and gals... I guess we can be glad they didn't rewrite mechanics and canon (for the most part) cause I've had enough of split timelines for a while. That's like Pokemon having Mega Evolutions in rebooted games and saying it must have been a parallel version of those worlds in order to retcon, lol. Although I guess there could be worse explanations.
Also FEH might not be an idle game but I still idle most of it anyways lol. I just wanna collect pretty gals and pals and have fun. Leave me beeeee XD
Oh, there is no denying that the child mechanic was handled pretty well in Awakening and absolutely abysmally in Fates. It's just that All games prior to Awakening handled the relationship thing a whole lot better. They shouldn't hand that control to us! What do we know? :P
The pocket dimension bit was garbage. Let's not forget that for Fates the child mechanic was basically "Hey, I think you're hot, let's make a baby right now, in the middle of a war, and leave it in another dimension where it will grow up faster so they can be the same age as us when we come to pick them up~!" Plus, in my partial playthrough of Birthright I barely found any proper chemistry between characters.
What is somewhat off putting about an S-Rank mechanic in Three Houses however, for me anyway, is that you meet the candidates in their school years. It's just weird to me to marry one character off to another while you've "known" them for "years"! Not that I'd ever pick up Three Houses... I'm afraid the only FE game I'll pick up (aside from Heroes) would be a Genealogy / Tracia remake.
Echoes handled the split of factions really well, being able to control both parties at pretty much any time. Three Houses should have gone that route. Would have been way more interesting, I imagine. And the one thing we can agree on in all of this (aside from Valentia being better :P) is that there should be more canonical same-gender romances. I do prefer it when it's canonical, not someone's wet fantasy...
It's true, there are a lot of pretty girls to collect. That is not the point of the game and you definitely shouldn't call this a waifu generator or whatever. That would be so degrading... Speaking of FEH, I was lucky enough to be granted a Devoted Henriette from that Hero Fest banner ^^ Alsoooo.. I want you to guess who I sent along with my Summoner in that new game mode. Can you guess? You should be able to. There's only one logical option!
EDIT: You haven't responded yet (and that is okay, take your time, or don't respond at all if you please), I want to add two things to this. One, did you see the Feh Channel video? I LOVE how Eirika looks in the attire of her brother. She's so pretty. She's always pretty, but I think I'm going to pick her as my free choice. Marth looks.. red? Sorry, I haven't immersed myself enough in the Dark Dragon game(s) to remember what the first Altean king looked like.. but the reference is nice. Marianne is naked and not interesting.. and they gave Gatekeeper to the unfortunate artist that ruined Mila. Which is also unfortunate. I do like his attack.. and he really is a wall. And his title is literally Nothing to Report, that is funny.
Also (sorry that this thing is so long now. Feel free to ignore everything, but I still want you to guess on that hero my summoner brought along in that new mode ^^), summons! I was granted a silver Vika today (yay ^^)... AND duo Veronica! Wow! That was a surprise. Yay ^ -^ Hope you're doing okay!
Sorry for being late on you, there was life, work, and me binging every free moment on a new Switch game (Monster Hunter Stories 2). I legit have so much fun with it that I have to force myself to go to bed around 1am ish lol. For brevity's sake I'll leave the child mechanic discussion as concluded, I think we're more or less in agreement here, haha.
Now, I did say pretty gals AND PALS. I wanna collect pretty boys too. Equality! That's why I was more interested in Summer Freyr than Freyja, though of course I would love to get my hands on her eventually. Not literally! Perv.
And before I forget, my guess was that your Summoner pair was with Silque, though I could be completely wrong about it! Did you also struggle with getting the bronze entries? I guess my summoner got along so well that I mostly hit silver and gold. Even though I maxed out rapport in the end I couldn't complete the events on every level. I think I missed one silver and 3 or 4 bronze versions of events. But I absolutely adored this type of event and I hope they do it again soon! Much more fun than some of the other modes haha.
I didn't see the FEH channel thing but of course I was aware of the new units. I love Marianne because she's wearing the Dancer garb and because of the reference to her Crest of the Beast. Marth... I guess I also wondered if that outfit really looked like a Legend. I mean when you compare it to Legendary Sigurd or Seliph, the difference is astounding, but Marth was just like... okay today it's a red cape. lol. I guess the special thing about him was that he was using the actual Fire Emblem as a shield.
Definitely in love with the Eirika concept :D As for Gatekeeper, I don't outright hate the art but the style really clashes with what most heroes look like. I mean, even with all the different artists, the heroes for the most part still look like they're from the same game. Resplendent Gatekeeper when? XD But yes, even with memes aside he is a good unit. I expected him to be a lancer but they made him a green unit, which makes it even more of a meme somehow. Ally NPC here we go. Finally my playing on auto is justified. That said I didn't pick my freebie unit yet. Might pick him if I can't summon him normally.
Congratzs on Pirate Veronica! Brigid blocked me on getting Tibarn and I don't wanna put more orbs into that banner as I plan on maxing out the CYL banner. When I get the orbs. lol.
So anyways sorry for the late reply XD Life finds a way.
Why hello there, stranger! For a moment I was starting to wonder if I'd ever see a reply from you again. But I understand! Life is so much more important, for real. And so are videogames ^^ And yet I still never catch you online, hmmm.. Oh well, you must be enjoying them after I retire downstairs to watch TV and play FEH ^^
That is okay, I think we do indeed agree on the subject.
Suuure, calling ME a perv. You deliberately wrote it that way so I'd be tricked into thinking you meant something unsavoury. So mean...
Silque? Why Silque? I don't have a regular Silque! No, you silly goose! I took Marisa along, of course! ^ -^
Ah, you really went all in? I just played enough to get to the boss. Was there really a point to maxing out Rapport? And with point I mean orbs, of course. Any reward that is not orbs is not really worth it for me :P
Yeah well when I made that edit, the new heroes weren't in yet, so you can't blame me for wondering if you had seen them... I'm holding off on summoning my freebie too. I wouldn't mind getting Gatekeeper, he really is a wall. The art is just a little strange. I'm not a big fan of his facial expression and I'm not sure why there's a dog and a cat fighting alongside him. Is that a 3H thing? Also, if you did watch the FEH channel on these heroes, you'd have gotten a decent explanation for Marth. I do better understand Marianne thanks to the Forging Bonds. And dangabbit, Eirika's first support was terrible. Stupid guys! >: |
By telling you about it now I am going to jinx it, but I had been on my lucky period up until now it seems. Since that update on the previous message I sent your way I was rewarded with not one, but two pirate kings. Yesterday I picked up Surtr (with 4% chance, so I overspent just a little bit to check the green orbs too. No Hinoka..) and today I was lucky enough to get that Tibarn you desire ^ -^ So now I have everyone from that banner. Time to focus on Ryoma.. maybe. Good luck on your summoning endeavours! As I said, my streak is now over, now that I've told you about it :P
It's okay, miss. That happens. You're not the first person I sent these kinds of messages to and eventually life just catches up. But that's fine, that happens :) Enjoy Monster Hunter!!
I updated my firefox and I removed and then reinstalled my ESGST extension. Hallelujah, worth it! Especially since I can now reply via the message page which makes everything so much more convenient. :D Maybe now you won't have to wait a week anymore.
Hmm Silque was the only one I recalled you talking fondly of, perhaps I forgot about Marisa. As for Gatekeeper's animal company, one of the updates in 3H was that you could interact with the many, many cats and dogs (they all have different names and their locations at the monastery change over time) and feed them and in turn they would sometimes give you items. Their names are often a play on or related to characters in-universe. When you load a map etc during the load time you can see overall player stats (if you're playing while connected online) and one of those stat lists is which cat or dog got the most attention from players that month. I think since Gatekeeper is fan favourite and this is a mechanic people wanted (most games with cats or dogs see players wanting to interact, and some devs do listen and make this a thing upon feedback), perhaps this was added as a nod to that. Could also be completely random though.
Dayuuum two pirate kings for you and no Tibarn for me. I did get yukata Ryoma but that's neither here nor there lol.
But yes MHS2 is so fun, I continue to have to force myself to go to bed instead of playing longer. Last night it was getting close to 2am, whoops.
Ehm.. I have already forgotten what that extension was.. What do those letters mean again? Anyway, it's nice that you can now reply more conveniently ^^
Well, Silque is a nice lady, I guess, but not really my type. Marisa is just very cool and quite pretty too ^^
It could simply be a reference to the fact that there are a lot of cats and dogs around the monastery, as you say, but your explanation is nicer, with both of them being a fan favourite. Strange how in a game that's all about tactics and pitting one army against another, people are most interested in some random NPC and the stray animals with typical names...
Hehehe, sorry. But as I said, the luck is all gone now. I didn't get anything good for my free summon on that new banner (the double special one) and on the Performing Arts banner, they refuse to give me blue orbs. So annoying :P
Oh dear. I guess Monster Hunter Stories is more difficult to put down than Ace Attorney Chronicles. While it's very tempting to keep playing, it's also not too difficult to put it down ^^
Enhanced SteamGifts and SteamTrades. The latter half which I don't use lol. But yes, now you don't have to wait another week... unless I end up binging MHS2 too much lol. AAC will get its turn eventually! Maybe. Heh. I do wanna play it. Hope I get my hands on physical.
I haven't summoned in a few days so here's hoping I'll get something cool next batch! And that I don't forget to summon on certain banners before time's up, haha. Also I marathoned the last few HoF maps last night because I usually just use the 3 Torches a day and leave it be. I dunno what it is, I struggled so much with the first few ones but these last three or four I always made it to the final map. Maybe I strategize better now idk.
OH DAMN. I guess all the wait paid off. So I hit 40 summons on the banner and I picked Marianne (figured I could use the other freebie for Gatekeeper then) and usually I keep going past the 40 summons until the 5-Star rate resets. So I summoned and then I got an Eirika owo - and then I noticed that this time you can keep going to 80 so despite the reset I kept going and I got Marth in the pool right after. So I kept going till 80 and used that for Gatekeeper (notable that there was no choosing a second Marianne, only the other 3 that I didn't freebie yet were pickable). Now I see it goes to 120. I am legit tempted here XD I'm saving the out-of-banner freebie for last, hope I won't forget.
Also got Plegian Katarina on the duo (re)banner. Still planning to go for Plumeria, especially since the base Focus rate is 6%, but we'll see. Now I gotta weigh my options. Do I keep going on the CYL banner for the celestial stone and free pick (even though I now have the set) or naw? I'm at 538/699 heroes now. I can +2 that one with 2 blue stars but I haven't quite decided whom to Forma. I got the Marisa bunny, I really want Halloween Myrrh and I prefer the L'Arachel over Doza but I skilled them both. Argh decisions!
I don't believe we Europeans got a physical release of AAC. I imported mine from the United States. Which is mildly unfortunate, because the early-purchase bonus that came with it only works with a US account. I could make one.. but then I have to pick with which account to play every time I boot up my Switch. So much effort :P
I'm not pleased with my results on the latest HoF. I only managed to get Myrrh's signature weapon. The others simply wouldn't show up for me. Very frustrating. Not that it matters, but it does matter a little to me!
That.. is such a waste of orbs. But congratulations either way ^ -^ I got a silver Lex for a free ticket from there today. Only had him as bronze, so that's something, I guess? :3
Pff, it doesn't matter what you do with those heroes, because they don't count anyway XD The only proper way to get a Marisa is by summoning her from her own bunny banner. Which I did in her first year because I'm a dedicated Connor Kelly collector ^ -^ (No, I don't have all of them, I lack the SoV Catria...)
EDIT: So I actually got three blue orbs in the dancer banner today, so I overspent to get them all.. two bronze and a silver Seteth. The luck streak was fun while it lasted, too bad it's gone again ^^
Ah so it's the usual about physicals. Crying shame that is. Might have to import also. How are we doing in terms of DLC?
I actually try to get anything but the signature weapon, I can get that afterward. Assuming I use a Forma Soul of course. And I do have a proper Marisa! That's why I said I got her. But now I gotta pick 2 outta three. In retrospect I handled my first HOFs poorly, but that was also before you could actually get any of the units involved so I didn't care too much either way.
Still no luck on that mixed bag of returns banner. No Plumeria nor Plegian duo. But I shall keep trying! Still undecided about tossing more orbs at the CYL banner. I guess I'm just waiting to see if there's anything else I'd rather spend orbs on first, seeing how I have all units. And the extra celestial stone only gets me more dragon flowers at this point. Which is a good thing to have but not something I'm keen to spend money on. I got a spare Tibarn as 4-Star special but eh. Not the pirate I wanted so he can go be a manual XD
Yeah. It's a good thing the Switch is region free. It's not like Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice got physical releases in the west either. So unless one knows Japanese and has a Japanese 3DS, one will have to get the games digitally ^^;
As for DLC, I'm not 100% sure (as I can't check with the game, since it doesn't recognise my eShop), but my "early purchase" copy did come with a code that gives extra art and music that I can only access on an American account. So that's a pity. I don't think they'll add much DLC beside that though, since the two games this title contains are older now of course.
But it's far more authentic if you get the actual weapons they are supposed to have! And since I don't plan on getting any of these blue starred heroes, I want to make them somewhat authentic ^ -^
I didn't get anything for the Forging Bonds tickets on the Brave banner. So, like previous years, I'm stuck training just the hero I pick. Which is very likely going to be the pretty princess ^^
As for the mixed banner.. I decided to give it another go today.. and was surprised to find Lìf and Thrasir ^ -^ Yay~!
EDIT: Ooh, Legendary Micaiah is coming~! Wouldn't mind snagging her up, even though her skills don't seem too great. I do want to keep my collection of Micaiahs complete however :P Funny that she's a colourless mage now as there already were a blue (normal), red (dancer) and green (brave) versions ^^
ESGST stopped working again so I removed and re-installed. Didn't bother customizing my settings this time around though. I sure hope this isn't gonna keep being a thing ;w;
Region free is such a big plus for the Switch. Honestly. Especially with certain games next to never getting localized. And in our case, not getting physical editions. Such horsecrap.
Why bother about HOF being authentic if you don't really care about it though, haha. Sounds like a bore XD
Congratz on getting the Hel duo! I really adore them. Even their edgy parts XD Or maybe especially those. Still keeping my hopes up for Plegia and/or Plumeria lol. Still a few days left to try at least!
Oh dear. You're going through great lengths just on my behalf, don't you? Well.. not just on my behalf of course, but still.. I-Is this conversation really so important?
I can only agree with this. I don't understand why in this day and age, with internet bringing games from all over the world within relative reach, consoles still have region restrictions. So behind on the times. And don't get me started on DVDs :P
Oh! While on the topic of region free consoles. We briefly discussed Ace Attorney before and I have a question. It's a bit of a strange question, hinging on a hypotheticality. Do you happen to have a copy of the underappreciated Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice? I ask this because I was trying to find a copy of it and found one on Amazon of the UK, but it's sold second hand by a store in Germany. I've tried contacting them but they refuse to properly reply, so I cannot be 100% sure it's an English title or a German one. In the case that I do decide to get their game and it happens to be German after all, I could try to send it to the only German person I know that might be interested in it... You! You.. used to live in Germany before, right?
Shush! I play the game my way and you play the game your wrong way XD
I'll start training them after getting Peleas to level 40. Looking forward to using them ^^
So far no Legendary Micaiah yet. I hope that changes at some point ^^
Why yes, young Padawan, what kind of old lady would I be if I were to neglect a youngling?
Also I have good news for you. European games are multi-lingual. Usually containing English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. Sometimes other languages, but those 5 are usually included. In fact I game stop'd my copy of Magical Starsign back in Canada. The box was German but I could demonstrate to the clerk that the game ran in English. Since DS games were still region free you should totally go for it! EU game releases being multi-lingual may in part be why they take a while, but it's also how I brushed up on my English, French, and a bit of Spanish by replaying Twilight Princess in those languages. Since I pretty much knew by heart what to do. Beat it a total of 13 times XD
So you reject my reality and substitute your own? Ruuuuude.
And yes I also hope for legendary Micaiah, though something about the art seems off to me, lol. Her face I mean. Also, go figure. I got Ashera instead. So it's like Seiros and others all over again. I never get them on their own banner or the banner after, lol. I also got Female Fallen Morgan so I think that Fallen set is complete now <3 AND. FINALLY. NEW YEAR PLUMERIA. from that other banner. Remember how many orbs I wasted on that one before lmao.
Kind old lady, huh? And what youngling? Almost 30 is almost old. Anyway, if you're sucha nice old lady, do you bake? ^^
You know what's funny? That is what I assumed, but wanting to confirm with the seller has taken me three days and the answer was very disappointing (when they finally decided a copy-paste reply was not going to cut it). Still.. I think I might pass on it. The deal might have been nice, but what am I going to do with a German casing? XD It also wouldn't be the first time I would experience the purchase of a game from Germany that didn't have an English language option, believe it or not.
You.. beat Twilight Princess.. 13 times?! Are you insane?! Super cool, sure, but.. also very insane.
I know I am, but what are you? ;)
I noticed that too. It seems that her eyes have sunk a bit too low on her face, don't they?
... Oh suuuure. Kijame immediately pulls a super good thing from the Legendary banner. Aaand of course even more good ones from other banner as well. You're so lucky ^^ What did I get today? Cherche and Virion :P Well at least they make a nice duo.
EDIT: As expected: nothing from the Legendary banner. Spent so many orbs today on 8 summons from different pools, but nothing good whatsoever. But I guess I can't really complain as I got the pirate princess duo on the last day of that banner, but still. This was what, 30 orbs? Something like that. It is what it is. Enjoy your abundance of good heroes ^^
Oops so guess who's been binging DQB2 on the switch for a bit. Last I checked I hit 915 hours, probably more by now XD But also the kids are sick so I'm a wee bit more self-quarantining than usual.
And no I'm not insane I just loved the game so much! It was a bit on the easier side and it felt a wee bit short, but overall very enjoyable. I mean I did buy the Wii U remake after all... minus the Wii U lmao.
So like. Don't hit me. In my quest to get legendary Micaiah I got Ashera, remember? Yesterday or the day before I got two more of her. In the same summon pool lmao. And a third 5-Star but I can't remember if it was one of them special upgrades or just regular interference. I was tempted to leave 60 more orbs on that banner because the starting odds are so nice but I mean you seen how it been with Ashera, Seiros, Byleth etc. I wasn't gonna get her on her own banner lmao. So I decided to keep them orbs for the up and coming scions. Fun stuff. ALSO I GOT MY GIRL MORGAN. Both regular and fallen. Not from the same banner methinks. Yeah idk although Awakening wasn't my first FE game it is definitely one of my favourite ones haha. All Morgans are precious.
... Wait, you have kids? You never mentioned kids! You were letting me flirt with you without telling me you had kids? XD cough I ask for that last statement to be removed. Anyway ehm.. How fun is DQB2? I mean, after over 900 hours, what can you still do that you haven't done before? :P
Ah you're also an "I buy games for a console I don't have (yet)" person, huh? That's good ^^ I don't often buy remakes if I've already played the original. Although I am tempted still to get TMS' remake, because they added that extra song...
Nah, I'm not gonna hit you. You did sink in 60 orbs after all. My spendings didn't even come close to that! You deserve every hero you get, although it would have been nice if one of those Asheras had decided to head my way instead of yours.. shrugs What can you do?
Oh. My. Gosh. You MUST turn on the battle animations once for a fight against Mùspell. Have you seen him? Now THAT is a dragon. Like.. DAAAANG...
I never said they were MY kids. lol. Unless you were talking about the Morgans, in which case, yes, yes they are :D And so you're still flirting-but-not eh? And how could I get bored with DQB2 when it's like the better version of minecraft :D also I love the story mode to bits. I think I played through that 7 times now? At least I think I'm on my 8th run lol.
I definitely spent more than 60 orbs. don't @ me, lmao. Woulda sent you one of them Asheras though, I mean I manual'd 2 of them and kept the good IV one.
Also okay so I didn't turn animations on yet but I was in love with Muspell's sprite... and I hate his actual art. lmao. Okay so now I checked and yes that's a sexy af dragon. I want an actual dragon version art instead of his human look lol
Well still, you said "the kids are sick", so it was only natural I assumed they spawned from you :P So what's up, you're their guardian or something? And no I'm not flirting with you anymore, if I ever was for real.. I mean, that would have been stupid anyway.. plus you lead me to believe you're old enough to be my mom, so..
Eight runs of the same story in a Minecraft version of DragonQuest? That's.. dedication? :P Still, I've never seen you online...
Hehehe, you really spend a lot of money on this game, don't you? It's people like you that keep this game going! I'm just a leech.
His art is kinda weird, isn't it? Like it's from some strange anime. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure or something... Oh well. He's quite hot, yet he still lacks the "BURN EVERYTHING" skill Surtr has. For a year two hero, Surtr is still so strong...
... I ehm.. I wouldn't say sexy.. I'm more into fur than scales XD Someone should make a wolf Nifl vs dragon Múspell poster... To Etsy!
I swear we had a discussion about crotch spawns before, but I digress. XD
I'm not surprised over you not seeing me online much, the internet varies in quality and the switch sucks at picking up the signal. I see you playing, Mr. Ace Attorney over there.
And eh, truly if everyone was F2P they'd stop doing it but I am spending the money because I enjoy and support the franchise. They might not do everything right but they sure tide me over FE game drought now XD Plus collectible gals and pals yo.
And yeah his art is kinda... anime. Not that that's a bad thing but this style does put me off a little lol. Also did you just confess to being a furry? Got'em! :D
Oh probably, but I don't expect you to remember all the details of our conversation as neither do I. Although I think you did mention you did not have kids of your own, so.. But it's not like it matters. I do hope they get well soon then.
It is true that the wireless reception of the Switch sucks. I have no idea how they managed to screw that up so badly after the WiiU and 3DS great reception.. And I'm only a wannabe attorney. I've now reached the final chapter however. Then a hopefully quick second run-through to pick up the achievement-accolades I missed. I don't like checking what to do beforehand. It happened earlier and it's just not the same. Although I would have missed this one if I hadn't seen it..
Mostly gals, really. Bronze gals too. I'm on my biorhythm low at the moment, it seems. Which is unfortunate. I'll just keep leeching until one of those Siberian heroes is mine. Preferably Larcei...
It's annoying that he's too strong for my current Tempest Trials team. I don't really care for his looks :P
Did I? Huh. Well, I am, yep. One of the side-effects from growing up in the 90s ;) What about it?
Jesus my cat stepped all over my keyboard again so my reply is gone. Ahem.
Has it really been 2 days already? Been binging on DQB2 after work, went to bed right before final battle and finished it this morning. Glorious. Last I checked was 940+ hours so definitely more now lol. I'll crack the 1k yet :D
Haven't summoned anything lately so I guess there is... NOTHING TO REPORT :D
And hey, the 90s were just 10 years ag... oh. Oh no.
You named your cat Jesus? That's.. odd. But hey, to each their own :P
Now I am kinda curious what else you wrote that was deleted by your cat...
Hehehe, good luck on getting those 1000 hours. Once you've done that, will you sit down and think about all the things you could have done in that time? :P
chuckles Clever. Of, like, the 10 summons I did on the previous four days there were only two silver.. It seems the fair winds that landed some pirates in my castle aren't blowing from the Jugdral direction.. Oh well..
If only. I mean, I'm from '92, as you know, probably, and I'm getting close to 30. So, yeah.. You old ma'am! :D
if I had named my cat Jesus, the sentence would have been starting like"Jesus, my cat, stepped..."
So I'm only up to 970+ hours (I think) in DQB2 but I decided to play Tokyo Mirage Sessions for a change of pace. Since I never even finished chapter 1 lol. So now I'm on chapter 3, binging as if it were a session. :D
Also I resisted the urge to max out summons on the repeat Forging Bonds banner. PRAISE ME!
Ah, to be 30 again... coughs So anyways Abyss is here and the art looks great for all of them. While I do think 3H is a tad over-represented (or at least it feels that way) I'm glad that we got new heroes instead of alts. Any new hero that was not released in any form is always a big plus to me! Which reminds me, do you know the Polygon video on naming and sorting all FE characters by archetype? my younger sister introduced me to it and it was a riot.
Pff, as if anybody cares for proper punctuation these days.
Heh. Session. I get it ^^ I told you that game was great. I love it. The music is just great. The vocal tracks that is. The soundtrack itself is not something to sit down and listen to, unfortunately. Some tracks are nice though...Gameplay? Oh, sure, that's fine as well. I loved stringing together sessions, even if it was all a bit repetitive.
Oooh, good giiiirl~! chuckles Today was my first day in over a week that, despite doing numerous summons, I didn't get a single bronze. I did get a four star special Mikoto too.. but already had one of those :P No Crusaders yet, aside from Nanna of course. She's so pretty! Her face is very nice, her dress quite pretty and her staff very cool!
Yeah yeah, you're 57, I know. If only you WERE 30 XD Just kidding, just kidding, chillax! And yeah, I figured they were DLC peoples. I can't say I really care although that thief looks interesting. And sighing causing misfortune? That sounds rather annoying :P
You know, since FEHeroes is listening in on this conversation, no doubt (I mean, why else did my Pirate high end in such a bronze low? I didn't keep count, but over the course of a week I got at least ten bronze and like.. five silver), I was hoping to drop an amazing Heroes idea on you ^^ You know what we need more heroes of? Tokyo Mirage Sessions! It's not fair that the team is not even complete! So we definitely need a Touma Akagi and Yashiro Tsurugi. That's two. Then there's Maiko Shimazaki, since she does fight in Encore. She should be a dancer. Of course we need Uta-Loid Tiki as well! But.. we need a fifth, don't we? Well who else is left but Barry Goodman? Now, I hear you think: "But Barry isn't a fighter. He gave his Mirage to Mamori." To that I say: Make him a Beast type! Normal Barry by day, evil heavy metal star Barry by night~! And yes, I know these are spoilers, but at the rate you're playing, you should know this by now :P
Am I obsessed? ... Maybe a little... Wouldn't have spent months recreating all costumes if I weren't...
I got me a Constance and a Yuri so far. Hoping for Muspell solely to have and maybe then forget about him. Definitely want Hapi cause I do like my redheads. Among other things. But oh, the dance/ball banners... hnnngh wat do. Time to get some of my workpay I guess. lol.
Currently on chapter 5, really enjoying things. Might be overdoing it with carnage reforging though, I keep using the low ATK ones to max them out again. Which normally isn't a problem but deadly when I get hit with a savage crew lol. Definitely a fun game. Had a blast with Yashiro's food sidestory, haven't laughed out loud this much in a while. Also holy crap Maiko's session skill, how is she NOT a mirage master? and ngl, since you can buy each accessory x9 I was sure my max members would be 9 but I guess 7 is it. Not complaining per se, just thinking how that's weird. Also bless second Hee-Ho Mart Anna for having Master Seals in her lottery XD Got everyone promoted at least once now. I love how you have half holy and half edgy looking. Then again could Navarl get any edgier if he tried lol. And with Barry having given Draug to Mamori, why not take Sir Lorenz since he's in the game? And what about Riku and Abel? Aaah the possibilities. Also that Excellus boss caught me hella off guard. During the pre-boss cutscene I was just saying "omg where do I know that gay pose from" and then I yelled the name at almost the same time as it appeared on screen lmao.
Also rude, you can still date a 57-year old when you're 33. :V You don't know what you're missing, Mr. Flirt-and-Run-but-oh-I-was-just-kidding-put-away-the-knife-PLEASE.
Wait, you got two of the new heroes without sinking in workpay? Like.. you really had that luck? And you still dare to suggest people with Feh Passes don't have any summoning advantages? :P Congrats though ^^
Well, Maiko was originally going to be a Mirage master, but that was scrapped for the original game. I guess for the encore they did want to add it, but not sink in the time to fully make her a Mirage master. So nope, I have no idea what her session attack is like, since it wasn't in the original game. She didn't get a duo move either.
You can win Master Seals in the lottery? I think that's new. If I recall correctly, the original game had exactly enough to promote every character twice (once to each side). And what do you mean "second Anna"? That's not Anna! She has a mask and everything! :P
Naaah, those aren't really important. I thought my idea was really cool... Especially since he gets all dark and edgy when left alone.. Kinda like totem Edelgard! Oh and he must have a skill that makes him immune to attacks effective against beasts since he is not actually a beast. Yeah... my idea is better. Unless they're going to add Tiki's biggest fan. Then anything goes XD chuckles Now that's not nice! Excellus is just.. eccentric. And you must keep in mind that the newest game in the series at this point was Awakening, so every Fire Emblem thing in TMS is from either Awakening or Dark Dragon, with a few extras sprinkled in. Maiko being part Azura is a chronological impossibility.
Oooh, are you going to stab me with that knife? Interesting ^^
But I'm not 33, I'm 29.. Wait.. Are you saying you would be 57 when I'd be 33? So you're 53 now? Well, that is good to know! But ehm.. neh. Other than my FEH-and-occasionally-other-games buddy, there's not much else going on. I'm sorry for possibly flirting with you at any time. That's just my problem.
EDIT: Yaaaaay~!! Three summons today.. all of them bronze. What did you get? Three Múspells and a Surtr? Pirate Surtr of course, because if anyone can get him now, it's you.
Ayoooo. I actually haven't gamed much, I was just too tired after work. Even took naps. Getting old sucks :D
And yes you can win Master Seals in the secret shop lottery, they are unlisted as prizes and I read somewhere the odds are 3/256. I won one consciously but I might have skipped another while just buttonmashing through lol. And yeah it makes sense that the characters in the game were from Awakening/Shadow Dragon since, albeit with a lot of time passing inbetween, Awakening is a historical sequel of sorts to the latter. Though, since TMS is essentially a consequence of SD's bad end, would Chrom and friends even exist? But eeeeh. Timeline shenanigans. (And I mean Gaiden characters coulda been there too, continent of Valm exists in Awakening... I digress XD)
I picked those numbers because together they make 90 and that's super old :D And gosh what are you, Sylvain, Inigo, or any other typical FE flirt? When's my invitation for tea and flowers comeing eh?
I took Muspell for my 40 summon freebie, but I did manage to summon a Hapi along the way. So I'm just missing Constance, which is a shame, but hell if I'd be complaining. Slapped some new skills on our remixed heroes. Not really much luck on the dance banners and I couldn't be bothered to add any orbs after the rate reset. But yes, as is tradition, Kjelle pity-broke me on one of them lol.
Hahaha, no kidding. To somewhat quote my late grandfather: Getting old is fun, being old is not.
They actually considered adding Alm I believe, back when it was more an any Fire Emblem game goes kinda game. But nope, settled for those two in the end. I'm fine with that, honestly. Plus Warriors came out not long after, so if people want more mixed Fire Emblem action that is actually just Fates, they have that~!
Thanks for the GA matey :)
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Thank you for the opportunity to relive Japanese folklore in stunning HD~! ^ u^
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Oh look we found another game to start a comment chain in, haha. And yes, it IS a great game :3
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... maybe I should have checked who made this giveaway ^^; Sorry!
Yeah, I loved playing it on Wii.. and its prequel on DS ^^
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Hey I do enjoy talking to you regardless in which GA XD
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Hahaha, alright then! It just would become confusing if we talked on two separate things however!
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We could always check how long we can keep this going without becoming super confuzzled XD
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But this giveaway is still active! Before you know it people might read this and get a totally wrong idea! :P
Also confuzzled.. that sounds super cute :P
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The wrong idea? With you? Never XD
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Yeah, I know you're old enough to be my mother, but other people don't know that! :P
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Good thing nobody ever reads other people's comments amirite XD
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But what if they dooo?
(Not replying to that other one tonight. Just go watch the Direct, silly)
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But but I was busy watching something else and now I am going to bed.
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Well, I do hope you found some time now. I don't want to spoil it all for you :P
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I got the cliffnotes version I guess? I did watch the Kazuya and BotW 2 trailers, if that's what you were hoping for XD
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Noo, you should have watched all the things!!
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How come, what exactly was the part you wanted to discuss with me xD
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Well ehm.. I don't know... but there was a lot more to it than just that... Like ehm.. Advance Wars... Life is Strange.. Metroid... Two Point Campus!
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Could you please warn me next time you toss a nightmare inducing image at me? Since when does Eitri have a Medabot?
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Actually... ah, well, never mind XD
In any case this image is from a discussion about what Eitri's powers might be. There were a lot of fun speculations over her wielding time-related powers, and some of the ideas were preeeetty OP. And probably not gonna happen in game but who knows lol.
Not nightmare inducing, probably.
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Well, if we were to take another look into Norse mythology, Eitri and his brother Brokk were also tricked by Loki into competing over constructing a golden, mechanical boar for the god Freyr. Sooo.. yeah, they had some know how with robotics apparently.
Oh f the person who made this. Besmirching young Tatiana's name like that. Distasteful.
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So what if Fafnir is a mechanical boar next XD although he didn't look very golden then and there, haha. And why does this make me think of the iron bull? Does not bode well either way, lol.
Looks like no more quality shitposts for you then lmao.
Have some FE news from E3 instead! FEH Book VI is gonna be lit!
EDIT oh found an Anna one XD Ballisticians are gonna be hella lit.
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I don't think Fafnir looked like a boar in that trailer.. did he? Has been a while since I've seen it.. Let's hope Reginn will be able to set everything right. I wonder what Lif, Thrasir, Triandra and ... shoot I honestly can't re-- Plumeria! I wonder what they are up to...
Ah ehm.. That first image seems a little lazy and the second looks well drawn.. but I don't recall bazooka-wielding units riding tanks in Advance Wars :P
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But I mean, Dimitri also doesn't LOOK like a boar and yet that is is Felix' nickname for him. Friggin Tsundere boi I love him so. XD But yes I'm also quite curious how the plotlines of the previous books will continue and possibly interact with what's happening.
Also, RE: bazooka Advance Wars, potential 3H spoilers incoming
The evil organization in the shadows in 3H is shown to possess remarkable technology that would at times even seem futuristic to us, and much more so to the rather medieval-ish setting of 3H. There is a famously ever-burning village that legends say was struck by spears of light from the Goddess in her wrath, but you later find out that the actual cause for this place burning for centuries (I think) was man-made rockets and that the Goddess-interpretation of history wasn't the truth.
So if we ever had such an ambitious crossover with FE and AW, ballistician tanks and bazookas might become par for the course. XD
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Speaking of plotlines: When will Fjorm finally die? Before or after confessing her crush to the summoner?
Ah, I see... Still, I think it's best both series stay separated. Unless my Robin amiibo unlocks a proper tactician in the game ;)
If they must, instead of it being bazookas, they could borrow some Hoshidan tech and make it fireworks. At least that would be historically accurate. Ineffective, but accurate :P
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Ssssh, don't remind IS that she's gonna join Hel's army next XD
I do like me some crossovers. Granted the FExSMT wasn't what I expected but oodles of fun regardless! Edgelord Chrom gets me every time lol.
Also, re:fireworks. Why not both? Fire Emblem Advanced Fates Wars. Hah!
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Well, it would be nice if they stuck to their own lore. There are more things that bug me about FEH. They focus too much on one character trait (like Farina, who keeps mentioning 20,000 gold, but not the actual reason she wants that amount of money) and how all characters pretend they have been summoned to my castle, despite not actually being summoned to my castle... Oh and the tap voice-lines often seem to suggest you're startling them or touching them inappropriately. I just tap on the side...
That is no way to talk about Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Please don't say such things about the last good WiiU game and indeed one of the best crossovers in FE-History, let alone any kind of crossover! :P
Why Fates? I don't think Camilla's boobs fit in any of the tanks...
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Her breasticles ARE the tanks. I mean wat.
And look I'm not dissing the game I'm just saying we got jebaited by what to expect lmao. It feels more like a Persona game than a Shin Megami Tensei. That doesn't mean it's bad. XD
I tend to accidentally tap them, since I play on mute I don't hear what they say and I only notice I tapped them due to the heart and talking symbol in the corner lighting up lol.
Speaking of ambitious crossovers, and this time I'll leave you a link (HYAAH!) too since I love some of the comments on this one:
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You did not just say that :P
Of course it doesn't mean that, because the game is awesome. Great character design, amazing vocal tracks and tasteful censorship ^^
Hehehe, you really should check them out. Some characters have pretty fun things to say ^^
... your pun was funny, but I'm not sure what to think of this :P
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Hey, boobie-rockets are nothing new. SCIENCE!
Tasteful censorship? Censorship is always distasteful, down with censors, REEEEE!
And I mean, you're not wrong. One of my fav things is how Bramimond has male and female voices :D
I'm always punny thank you very much. And Hector saying "Oho!" every time he jumps in a Hector Bros. game is now my headcanon, sorry not sorry XD
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That's right.. Didn't Ariana Grande have boob rockets?
I beg to differ. Censorship can be quite good in some cases. And in the case of TMS it was very good. In my opinion. But I'm dumb and weird, so...
Yes! It's Eliwood, Hector, Lyn and Alfonse in one, right? If only I had the Enigma...
Heh. I guess I can see that.. But I'll likely also forget it soon :P
Sorry, I won't reply to the other one right now. Not in a great mood at the moment. Not just because of terrible summons mind you. Shouldn't have overspent...
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Now now, don't talk down to yourself. You're a great person in your own right. (Blue units still count!)
And oh noes. Take yer time. I mean, I do that a lot too. A good conversation reserves the right to take its time XD
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That's not talking down on myself, that's just stating the truth! (No they don't! :P)
Feeling better tonight. Let's get to it ^^
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I'm glad you're feeling better!
Also, I read that part in parenthesis in The Medic's voice (not sure if you ever watched Meet the Medic, the introduction trailer for this class in Team Fortress 2, but he be like "Oh don't be such a baby, ribs grow back!" and then he turns to a dove and whispers "No they don't!").
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It has been a very long time since I've seen those, but I do think I remember that. I guess it's fair that you read it that way :P
Since you haven't replied to the longer message yet, I'll just drop it here. Sadly no summer Laegjarn yet... but I somehow got the two-piece duo... Fun?
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Sorry I got home at like 23:30 or something yesterday and was just ready to drop dead to bed XD
As far as new summer acquisitions go, I got summer Lute and Summer Gunnthra :D Since the 3H banner still has over a month I am currently not sinking any orbs into it yet.
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I don't see why you would have to apologise for that. I'm not a priority! :P
Ooh, I had that Lute last year ^^ Got her on the first, free summon actually. And then Joshua the next day. Sometimes I'm lucky when the summer starts. But the second summer banner.. I barely ever get anything from > -<
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Tbh Joshua was the one I wanted from that banner but after getting Lute on my first freebie summon (just like you eh? noice) I felt like not pushing my luck and saving my orbs for a different banner. Same for the one with Summer Gunnthra actually xD
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Heh, well getting Lute is still nice. She is, after Delthea, the strongest mage in all of Fire Emblem of course. Lore-wise that is. Don't care about stats :P
Still no summer Laegjarn. Doesn't help if you open a pool and there's no blue orb...
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Aight I'm slowly but surely recovering from family.
So. Byleth. Legendary Byleth.
My first reaction was "oh noes, as much as I love 3H, IS please we have other games in the franchise". Then I was happy they picked male Byleth. You know. Since you need a boob-slayer XD And also it seems like he's a Fallen Edelgard counter.
As for trying to summon him... Now I got Dagr, Hel, and a Julia. I wanna say she was a 4-Star special but is that even possible? I might be misremembering. Speaking of remember... Don't remind me how many spare NY Peony I got on my quest for X-mas Bernie. And one spare Altina but no Dheginsea, I quit :V Now that banner is gone and so are most of my orbs.
Hmmmm do I continue with the rest of the FEH talk here or on your longer reply? I waited too long, now both of these are on page two haha.
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Recovering from family? Is that some sort of disease?
Must not get jealous must not get jealous must not get jealous.
Sorry, but what the actual fudge. Not only do you get Dagr AND Hel, but I only pull bronze garbage from that banner! Sure, you've probably sunk in 50 orbs or what have you, but still, it's not fair. Probably because you have a FEH Pass. Privileged crap..
In other words: Congratulations~! I hope you enjoy the wonderful new (and old) golden heroes you've managed to pull! ^^
That I will leave up to you. You might as well just forget about the other message if you so desire.
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No, family can just be incredibly draining, no matter how much you love them.
And well I sunk more like 120 Orbs into the banner but close enough. I ran out of multi map paralogues and story chapters to grind though whoops. But if you're jealous of me, I heard someone pulled two Byleths in their first summon pool so idk. Also given my current luck with Legendary Banners I'd probably keep getting others before him. Just look at Seiros and Ashera lmao. Ashera even started at 10% iirc?
Also I've been holding back on getting my blue Lilina in case her banner crops up still. It is summer after all.
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Heh, I guess you're right then :P Was it a house-warming party?
Hah, it's alright. You deserve it for all the money you spend on the game. I'm a freeloader. Maybe it's about time they implement ads for orbs rewards. At least that way they can make some money off of me.
Oh, she'll come. Soon too because the next summer banner starts on the 7th. Not that it matters as there's no way I can ever summon anything. Too many banners, too little interest in overspending orbs.
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I certainly hope the housewarming party will happen soon, lol. We shall see I guess. Everyone has different ideas and methods and I'm just sitting here like... aaaaaah. Screaming internally because most of the chaos could have been avoided. Disappointed but not surprised I guess.
Idk I'd hate to make you feel jelly all the time. We've been over this before, huh. I guess I can ask around again if anyone else plays FEH so you don't become unhappy talking about summons. There's plenty other parts we can talk about! Like those divine codes! I found out you can use the normal codes version 2 on version 1 manuals, just not the other way. Though I am thinking I'll try to get all of the new normals before I use the new codes on the old manuals. but I'm glad that not being able to get more of the first doesn't lock me out.
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Ah so.. they were there to do.. what exactly? If it wasn't a housewarming.. were they helping out with stuff? Hooking up electrical stuff and all that? Surely they must have had a reason to cause chaos, right?
Oh no no! It's a two sided coin, you know? I enjoy talking to you about Heroes and other Fire Emblem stuff, and I'll just have to accept that you spend more orbs than I do and therefor have more luck. That and I think that people who pay have better luck by default. So please, make me super duper jealous with all your nice summons and I'll just make you jealous with ehm... six summons.. two bronze, four silver? Take that? No summer Laegjarn, no Dagr (no green) and no dame Selena (no green either). And tomorrow the new ones arrive. Fun!
I never use my manuals so ehm.. I'm not too familiar with how they work and what they do exactly... but ehm.. have fun with them!
EDIT: Fun~! Today I got two bronze heroes and two silver Shannas. Still no Laegjarn..
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A yes there is a reason and it's quite a long and complicated story, so in the simplest terms: they wanna move here and they all came here to look at houses. To date they still have not purchased one but they already cancelled the house they're renting towards mid-July a while ago. I generally applaud leaps of faith but that is purely reckless. And while I am sure our family will sort stuff out, because we always do, just thinking about them staying under the same roof with me until they actually buy a house... gives me a massive migraine. Not because I hate them, Arceus forbid. It's just, they can be so draining and sometimes distance really does make the heart grow fonder.
They'll be back... soon. DX
By the way still no luck on Legendary Byleth. Another 20 (earned, not bought!) orbs down the drain. GIMME.
Also re:Manuals, it's great for merges or inheriting skills. I read somewhere gold merges are valid at around 5+, until then a +10 silver is always superior. I mostly only merge to improve/negate IVs, really. But some units with abilities like Distant Counter, now those are skills worth inheriting. I reckon you hate to fodder 5-Stars you summoned, so in that sense manuals are like a freebie. No need to feel like you lost a unit (if it was a manual you got without foddering, I mean).
Soooo apparently silhouettes for new Summer Heroes got accidentally leaked and one of the FEHtubers I casually enjoyed couldn't resist clowning on the speculations. XD
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Butbutbut... You just moved there! Why do they suddenly want to come live there too? Can you never rid yourself of your family, have some time and space for you? :P
Hehe, I know that feeling. You'll get him, don't worry. Oh and two more Dagrs and a Hel of course~!
Hmm... I tend to kinda not want to use golden manuals (because I do make them out of spare golden heroes mind you).. > 3> That's just my weirdness; even though I don't need them and made them a manual, I still don't actually want to be rid of them...
Oh you silly goose. Those things don't leak, Feh often posts such silhouettes on their Twitter to spice things up. Nope, we're actually getting a summer Freya, Freyr, Ogma, Caeda and Plumeria duo (for reasons nobody will understand) and a freebie Norne ^^
Spoilers, the ladies don't enjoy being gawked at (at least Freya and Caeda say so).
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So... Legendary Byleth banner... As usual, in the final hours, I dipped for a bit. There was an abysmal show as far as green orbs in the pool go. And. To add insult to injury. I managed to get the focus rate up to 12 fucking percent. 12% chance (feel free to do the math on how many pools that was without a 5-Star, lol). It was my last attempt. Only one green in the pool. The others were red and colourless. Okay I think, maybe I'll at least get Lif or Plumeria...
Nope. Bramimond. Pity broke, orbs broke. Sob. Sob. Sob. Sob. What a waste of my orbs when I could blow them on summer Freyr or something. ;w;
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So... Legendary Byleth banner... As usual, in the final hours, I dipped for a bit. There was an abysmal show as far as green orbs in the pool go. And. To add insult to injury. I managed to get the focus rate up to 12 fucking percent. 12% chance (feel free to do the math on how many pools that was without a 5-Star, lol). It was my last attempt. Only one green in the pool. Silver Soren. The others were red and colourless. Okay I think, maybe I'll at least get Lif or Plumeria...
Nope. Bramimond. Pity broke, orbs broke. Sob. Sob. Sob. Sob. What a waste of my orbs when I could blow them on summer Freyr or something. ;w;
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I feel your pain, dear. At least you got something out of it, a Brammimond, whether you like them or not. I got it up to 9% (which is of course far less than you got) and I spent a few more orbs than I wanted, but I got absolutely nothing. Still no Dagr, still no Hel. Even had to try a blue one (could have been Nott...) for two of my pools had no green options.
Oh and no watermelon Tiki of course. Because why? I hate this game :P
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I know right? lately it feels like I get punished for spending more orbs lmao. although it did feel weird thinking "okay, pls, no 5-Star, I need to start a new summon pool for more green to get Byleth and don't want my rate to reset".
Is this a self-fulfilling prophecy after I pointed out that I had this kind of 'luck' with Seiros and Ashera? sob.
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Do I need to point out that you got both a Dagr and a Hel from this banner? And a Brammimond? So saying that you get punished is a little much ;) You deserve all the good summons you can get, even if you don't quite like them. Soooo, you'll get that Freyr. And freya. And two Caeda duos. Mark my words ^^
And I'll just get a Raven, Gunther and Tanya and call it a day :P
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I'm not saying I got nothing good but I also did spend hella orbs on this banner. Both Dagr and Hel reset my pity, as did Bramidude. ;W; And yes I turned Bramimond into a manual since his IVs weren't better or worse than my first one. might merge to get rid of his flaws idk.
We gotta find a way to boost each other's luck XD also remind me to claim my blue Lilina if her banner isn't back in time XD
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Again, that is not how pity works. Pity breakers don't apply to heroes you don't have resetting your chances. To my knowledge it only applies to heroes you don't need anymore. Like getting another female Morgan or something (the regular one).
There is no such thing as boosting luck. The game is too random for that.
And I'll likely forget to remind you.. I don't really pay attention to the Hall of Forms once it is over.. But I'll try!
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Really? Damn I gotta pay attention to that next time. I thought any banner 5-star is a pity break. Not sure about non-banner ones. I know the 4-Star specials have their own rate. But even if Dagr and Hel didn't reset my rate, someone else did. I started from the beginning 8% 3 times. Not doing it a 4th time the next few hours because imma not buy orbs and also 12 freaking percent. screw you male Byleth, after all the praise I gave you ;w;
EDIT ayoooo summer heroes are here but I oughta wait with them because I'm outta orbs for now. good thing there's time XD
Oh also did I mention, I think I forgot last TT, but I finally managed to crack the high score! Now I always score 793 on highest difficulty, now idea if I can go higher than that. The bonus ally made all the difference, I had no idea it was a multiplier. Though it was extra points like with ARs.
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You're too good for him :3 And maybe I am wrong about the jargon, I just assumed it wouldn't apply to heroes you didn't have yet. But I'm no expert on those things soo.. you might be right after all, who knows~!
I didn't mean to sink orbs into the first summon of the new banner, but I started off with a bronze colorless, so I tried the green one too. Of course that wasn't anything good either... Buuut... Holy heck. Norne! I know she has a cute face, but daaaang that smile! I'm in love with her summer version :P (Not really of course) Her bikini is pretty tasteful too. Better than whatever they tossed onto Freya..
Really? You never used multiplier heroes? What's wrong with you? XD In the past, before it became Tempest Trials +, it was actually more difficult to get a good multiplier. The four (or three) banner heroes would give a higher multiplier than their normal counterparts (and the TT freebie). It's a good thing they equalised that. Keep in mind that the first time you crack the full high score you get a lot more points than normal!
Also, about the Tempest Trials, are we finally getting a conclusion to Fjorm's saga? Why not in an actual chapter? Is she going to die? What do you think of Nifl? She better be the next Mythic hero! :P She's a wolf dragon!
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I thought Nifl was a dude (albeit an androgynous one)... didn't Fjorm refer to Nifl as a 'god'? But I did go over the TT intro a wee bit fast... hm... I guess I will have to wait and see till the wiki puts up the dialogue for me to re-read xD
And like I said I thought they just gave a few more points, wasn't aware of the multiplier. Note how this round is a TT though, not a TT+. Huh. because it's related to the main story or...?
Also RE: new heroes not resetting pity rate, I got summer Ogma in my first pool but my rate remained at 3% (respectively it would have raised to 3,25% but 'reset' because 5-Star hero).
Still no summer Lilina banner... but perhaps that is better for my lack of orbs. I can just forma her XD
So I actually paused a moment during TT to check. It says both 'God' and 'her' for Nifl so idk. It's not like they shy away from the word goddess in FE games so I wonder if it's meant to be a gender neutral thing or... idk XD
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Oh ehm.. Maybe it is a he? I don't know. I probably was just dumb in calling them a she. Doesn't really matter, people mostly seem to fall over their feet anyway. Something with strange heels. I hadn't noticed actually..
Wait, this is not a TT+? Well, it doesn't really matter anyway, they were pretty much the same. I think the TT already changed that multiplier before becoming TT+.. Eh, I don't know why things are what they are...
Oh yes, all golden heroes from the focus reset the percentage. I forgot that golden heroes that do not come from the focus only lowered your rate with 1% or so. Anyway, I believe pity doesn't mean you don't like them, but really just that you already have them. But again.. what do I know?
Be more patient. The first summer heroes have only just dropped so the next summer banner will be last year's 3H one. After that you'll get your Lilina chance. Meanwhile Laegjarn only had 1 more day left and guess what I still have not gotten? Any summer hero (aside from the 3H duo).
According to the wiki, Nifl's gender is female. So why they don't call her goddess I don't know. Maybe god sounds more important? Also, have you checked the FEH chibi video and Fjorm's song? I forgot Fjorm was voiced by Christina Vee... this clearly is not her best work. Ouch...
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I haven't watched either of those vids, don't ask me why XD
And I mean I'm fine with Nifl being either or neither or whichever. Loki has, in lore, switched gender and species on several occasions. Why should gods and goddesses be bound to how mortals understand things, right? XD
I was gonna write more but I got sidetracked by family stuff and forgot to hit send.
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Well.. You should at least check the Book II chibi one. It's cute and silly.. and a little sad. But.. yeah.. check it out :3 And the song too, if you want. I don't think it has much bearing on any plot.. but it's a nice song. Maybe it's better in Japanese? I'm normally a Christina Vee fan, but this time.. not too sure..
I guess... but in the case of Loki it is veeeery clear that FEH imagined them as female. A little too clear... No, strike that. Much too clear. For the love of Freya woman, put on a freaking shirt!
cough But yeah.. Nifl is just nice-looking. And a wolf dragon. Soooo.. I like ^^
Aww.. Maybe you'll write more some other time~!
And! And and and!! It actually happened. I had no illusion that the game actually liked me.. but it had some sympathy for me after all. After all these years, I have completed my collection of Laevateins and Laegjarns~! I got the summer Laegjarn!!!
And a regular Laevatein.. I was hoping that the .75% bonus that I still had in that pool would help me get Helbindi also.. but this is very similar to when the Muspell trio first joined. When on day one I got Laegjarn and on day two I got Laevatein and Helbindi from the same pool ^^ Ah, those were the days..
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I'll check it out later some time, my internet flatrate ran out and imma have to recharge it first lol.
But congratz on getting your summer girl! Still holding out for Lilina banner but I wonder if it'll pop up AFTER the HoF claim period ends lol. But, I got summer Gaius! I'm happy because Awakening is definitely one of my favs in the franchise and I didn't own anyone from that banner yet. Still trying my luck on the one with Noire though, haha.
And as expected from a while back, the 3H Forging Bonds has returned. I'd rather it be an event I am missing accessories from (still ever so hesitant to buy any from the AR shop in case there is an event bringing them back lol). But at the very least I won't complain about free stuff being given away, including feathers.
Would be kinda funny if they made a genderbent version of Loki though, hehe. I mean, if we can have co-existing male and female avatars, why not lowkey some Loki XD Just with smaller tiddies for the male one, no need to go all bara XD
And sure, I'll dump my family matters on you some time. When I survived XD
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Oh dear. Used up too much, did ya? And the month just started! Or is it not a monthly plan?
Oh that banner.. I have the Robin and Frederick from there. Not too bad. Congrats on getting Gaius :3 Checking the calendar we can learn that the Lilina banner won't start until the 15th, if I'm reading it correctly. So that's after the Hall of Forms runs out, isn't it? Just go for it :P
Noire? Really? I mean, I love Noire, but the artist really mucked up her design there. Those things aren't even breasts!
Oooh, they bring old accessories to the shop? So that's what those updates are for.. Yeah, I have pretty much every accessory in the game, so.. :P And I'm not complaining, I'm still trying to get a Catherine. She seems cool-ish.
I bet they'd make a male Loki parade around in a Borat thong or something. So yeah, as much as I hate Loki.. this is better than what I just described XD
Good luck! Stay strong! ^^
Also, last FEH thing: Isn't Amelia just super adorable in her Jotunheimr outfit? Almost makes me want to get a Feh Pass ^^
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I only just saw Nifl's heels. jesus christ what even are those. how do they work. why. XD
And naw it's not a plan, it was a prepaid 1 TB over 30 days, lasting until whichever is used up faster lol. Don't worry I'll recharge soon enough.
I'd love me Robin and Freddy from that banner :D Especially Freddy, lol. As for Noire, well, that's her only representation in the game, the other 3 on that banner have alts available XD
But yes, all but the Abyss-reward golden accessories seem to be available there, plus some exclusives like that 8-bit Veronica. I have resisted the urge to buy anything but Vero from there since I hope the forging bonds or tap-battles will net me the accessory instead. Since we get feathers for doubles I'd rather save my AR currency for the exclusives. Not entirely sure which of the 8-bits up there are also exclusive and not otherwise. I feel like I didn't get the 8-bit Anna before because I couldn't do her mission. Eh. XD
OH but that reminds me. I wonder what the prices are for buying past FEH Pass resplendents. While I can look at them in the shop, I obvs can't buy them since I own them, and it doesn't show what their prices would have been. Since some people considered just getting FEH Pass once to buy what they missed instead of keeping the subscription live, I wondered how costly that might be. Or rather, what IS considers an 'appropriate' price for those heroes lol. I think you can't buy them unless you get the pass first, but if I you can look at their prices without that, do let me know, I'm very curious XD
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Hot dawg, watch your language :P Can't a god of ice wear what she wants?
Well alright. Don't want to be out of internet for days!
I guess that's fair.. We do need a normal Noire. One who's wearing armor, with quite less boob showing.. She's fun, it would be nice if she had more going for her than two awkwardly drawn boobs...
I do think all 8-bit ones are exclusive. I bought that Veronica one so now I can spend all the currencies on all musical tracks ^^ Not that I use them. Even if I turn the sound on to listen to tap-lines, I keep the music off :P
Hahaha, I'll check it out for you, madam. I do believe they're outrageously priced. Like.. super insane for a costume! I mean, Mii Costumes for Smash Bros Ultimate are 80 cents a piece.. but this iiiiis... €5,49 per Resplendent Hero. Like I said, outrageous. A Feh Pass is €11,49 per month.. Yeah no, I love Amelia and her outfit, but she's not worth that kind of money.
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I mean who am I to argue with a deity but I just don't get the logic of ballerina heels XD Would been cooler if she was a dragon wolf though (as in, beast unit with trans-form, pun may or may not be intended). I mean we got mythic dragons out the wazoo. This is Fire Emblem, not Dragon
QuestEmblem XDBut yes normal Noire pls. BLOOD AND THUNDER!
Well the 8-bits, or at least some of them, were quest-exclusives. Hence my wondering if all of them that I don't have yet are shop exclusive or if they were from quests I just sucked at. Also jfc so basically half the FEH pass price goes to each hero, and you have like 50 cents left for the QoL I guess XD dang son I'm so glad I didn't miss out on any of them yet because that's hella sleep.
In other news I've been creeping up my way on the Squad Assault maps. Gotta strategize there since Fellguard can't save my bacon across every map. Would be boring that way too, granted, but at 20 energy per attempt I do try to not make mistakes (would it surprise you that I didn't use Fellguard on most of them yet? I don't wanna use her in the first round in case I need her later and then I forget I can still use her along the road lol). Suffice it to say that the FEH Pass ability to redo a turn has spared me some headaches when I was dumb, but of course if you pick the wrong team, you can repeat the last turn as many times as you want and still fail. Since these are a "everyone must live" kind of map. XD At least for grand hero battles you don't pay with Stamina if you fail, haha. Although on that note I feel like I've next to never used that Light Blessing thing. The maps I'd need them for are the maps you can't use them on so what is even the point lol.
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In all fairness, the ballerina shoes make more sense if you think of Nifl as an ice skater. Kinda like Ice Mario in Super Mario Galaxy. She does have that ice crystal under her after all!
Hmmm.. I wonder who her parents were on my side... Who did I pair Tharja up with with... Could be Henry...
Yeah, if you start playing the game now and want to get them, you'll be paying more than for all DLC for the Sims 4 :P As for the 8-bits, I think that was just Alfonse, Sharena and Anna being exclusive to quests. I forgot. Was a loooong time ago!
Ooh, Squad Assaults are actually pretty fun. Trying to think of which heroes to use, usually sticking to the same ones over and over because you know they work well. If only FEH had an option to search for heroes with certain strengths over other types, like searching for all heroes who are strong against armored units. That would help. At least I wouldn't have to resort to using Michaiahs all the time :P
I do use Light Blessings on maps where you "must finish with all four heroes alive", like the book quests, and I'm just too lazy to do it again and again until I can get it right. Using a Light Blessing and then winning the battle counts as not having lost a hero, you know :3
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Let me get the replies outta the way first before I bother you with a text assault. Ahum.
My first Noire-dad was Libra. I just loved the dynamic of the servant of Naga with the dark witch, lol. Granted, Noire's stories about her dad did make me feel sorry for Libra, but that aside, the Ending card when you pair those two was one of the ones I loved the most. Henry is a pretty good fit as well though!
And here I thought I was late to the game missing out on so many orbs and free summons... yeesh. Also re: 8-bits, I distinctly recall putting an 8-bit Claude on Claude's head without buying that one. I think I didn't finish the other quests for them but I'm also not sure if any of the 3H bits are exclusives or not.
I do agree that the tedious part of SA is remembering anyone having special qualities that might be unusual for them, e.g. good against beast (like Petrine with her lance). Granted good against dragon is easier to remember, ayooo Falchion here we come. I definitely did use some of my favourites/more built heroes to save the day, but I tossed in a rando here and there just via type matchup and hoped for the best. Except for one map I think I didn't have to restart any. Although that's in huge part thanks to being able to retry my last turn. Had a few close calls because I goofed up my map placement.
As for Light Blessings I do know how they work but like I said, I usually don't need them on the maps that allow them, and the maps I need them for don't allow them XD I might look up how many I've got piled later, right now I'm TT'ing away my stockpiled stamina from last night. Such a shame that it maxes at 99...
Frustration frustration frustration...
So let me tell you a longer-winded tale. Of last night.
On the Noire Banner, I've been steadily increasing my rate in 0,25% increments. As one does. Been grinding Squad Assault for orbs. Only been spending free orbs on this. My rate was at 5,25%. It is past midnight. I don't have the energy to keep grinding, nor do I see myself finishing enough SAs in the morning before FEH resets. Currently don't have any fun money to spend per se, gotta wait till next paycheck. But then I think, hey, on the android phone I used to play on I still have some credit in the Playstore, like 20 euros or something. Might as well use that up now with some orbs before it expires or something.
I should note I spent all of yesterday playing on mobile data which made grinding the maps a chore and also I'd be stuck in a "Retry" Loop if I tried to load a page on my laptop (which was tethered to the phone for internet) at the same time as the app tried to load into the next map etc. So yeah buying some orbs with leftover store credit seemed the better idea. Of course FEH doth protest when you run the app in more than one place. So I booted it up on the android phone. Shit. Need to run an update. It was relatively on par, so not a large update. Let's go.
Yep this ain't happening. Mobile data so slow it doesn't even reach the point where it tells me the download size and warns me if it'd take long on MD. Sigh. Close app on android. Reopen app on other phone. Or rather, continue, but as you may or may not know it tells you app was opened elsewhere and has to restart. So we go do that.
I get to the starting screen and then the loading screen part where FEH gives tips or you see one of the newest unit introduction blurb (Hilda was making fun of me, I know it). ... Yeah no. This ain't happening anymore...
Suffice it to say I did not get any more chances to make good on that increased rate before reset. Additionally, I still had enough energy for 6 tempest trial run maps (since I had just refilled it for another SA to get 2 more orbs to make it 20 to summon on that banner...). Which also pissed me off. I guess I shoulda completed those 6 runs but I wanted to get the summons out of the way first and then let the TT maps auto while I got ready for bed.
Oh yeah it was past 1am when I went to bed btw.
I might indulge you on why I was stuck with mobile data at a whopping 64 kb/s some other time. Sigh. Well, at least today I still have a chance to get my HoF girl before she's gone... thanks to my mum leaving her phone here for me to tether. For work purposes but you can bet after last night I'm also tethering for FEH. Or else I'd be maxed out in pissed-off-ness, lol.
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Hmm.. No, I don't think pairing Libra to Tharja ever came to mind... I wish I remembered what colour her hair was.. Maybe orange-ish? It wasn't from Gaius though, he was with Olivia I think..
Hmmm.. I'm not too sure if I have that one, so maybe I missed that too. Who knows? I might have it, but I have so many accessories that I cannot be sure without checking :P
Petrine being strong against beasts is not that strange.. but she's not super duper strong herself, I think.. So if you're fighting Keaton and Lethe she's fine, but I don't think I'd pit her against Kaden :P
I can't go back in time like you can, so I have to rely solely on superior tactics (read: bait and defend) to win Squad Assaults. Except for that one time that I used the internet because it was one of those that you needed to beat within x turns and the enemy was just too annoying to outwit.
I rarely use them. I guess you're just a better player than I am... plus you can rewind time and I can't :P
Oooh, more things~! That is quite a sad and annoying tale, really. All that work for nothing. I hate that about Fire Emblem heroes. Really, they should come up with ways to make Summoning more fair and fun again. Did I get an Ingrid? No, just Tailtiu for the millionth time...
S-So ehm.. did you end up getting her? The Noire, I mean? Or did you have to settle for someone else?
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If it was a tint more red than orange the only fathers that come to mind are Gregor, or Ricken. I feel like it woulda been the latter but who knows! Gaius and Olivia is a cute pair though I couldn't resist pairing him with Maribelle for the first run. That was quite something XD
Speaking of accessories, after finally having built a team that could plow through the heroes cycling through each day I was so disappointed that they repeated after a week. I was like "that can't be all, I'm sure I saw other gold accessories" and then L!Byleth was out and it turns out Abyssal for Legends has gold stuff too! So I went and got those. XD But then I had a hard time choosing which golden accessories to put on whom, especially my main reps XD Fallen F!Robin is still my number one slot in the number one team... for the time being, after much deliberation, I gave her the golden devil horns that I think are from forging bonds with halloween niles in their original form.
Hey I didn't say Petrine's advantage was strange, it was just an example for an excellent strength in unexpected places. Since usually Cavaliers die to beasts like cotton candy to water. Or flying units to archers. And hey even going back in time (no more than a single turn I might add, so if I mess up my team I'm screwed and have to expend the energy again too). Personally I've never been a fan of the bait and defend tactic, but there are some maps where you have no other choice and I feel like I don't have enough bait units that can tank every kinds of damage. Depends on the map. Well, I mean, NOW I have something that tanks almost everything, but of course map efficiency varies. Anyways. As much as I love FE for the strategy, it's just that FEH is this weird mix between too simplified and too complicated. And I rather enjoy it as a mindless pastime, admittedly. Especially in the beginning since I didn't have the best units to properly strategize with haha. I'm still leagues away from wrapping my head around the meta I guess. (Also why is this dumb divine dew so rare, my Fjorm still needs her weapon refine pls.) But naw I'm not a better player. If I was I'd wreck hell with just F2P supplies lol. Like people saving up hundreds of orbs and then summoning till they can +10 a new unit? holy guacamole XD
But nope, no Noire, no nothing from that banner since I was never able to relaunch the app before reset. All those invested orbs failing to get me the 5-Star, wasted. lol.
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Oh my, those don't fit together at all! I'm pretty sure I paired Gregor with Nowi. Ricken.. Maybe I paired him with Maribelle. Man, it really has been too long ago since I did all of that :P
I think those devil horns came from a Illusory Dungeon rather than a forging bonds. Especially since costume heroes don't give away accessories. Could have been older Tempest Trial rewards too.. As for the golden accessories, yep Abyssal difficulty for Legendary and Mythic heroes give those away too. I think I have all accessories, save for.. a few you can get from the Aether Raids. I checked and I do have 8-bit Claude.
Is that so? Do cavaliers die to beasts quicker than others? I had never noticed.. Strange!
I never really saw the merit of making heroes +xx. Sure, you can win Aether Raids with it, but does that really matter much? We can't actually play versus other players.
As for the Divine Dew, you can get it more easily by upgrading other weapons, like Killing Edges.
Aww. That's really a shame.. Oh well I think tomorrow you'll get a chance for Lilina, if you didn't get her in blue stars. Speaking of Hall of Forms, I nearly dropped my phone when I was reminded how ridiculous Ursula's bikini is. Like dang... I'll just stick with Norne, thank you very much.
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I don't mind appreciating the fine bods of lads and lasses... provided there is consent and they are adults, haha. I don't hate Ursula's look, I'm more confuzzled why there's 3 christmas units there XD Like, last time Fae was a bit of an oddball, but this time? lol. Also Jaffar is a grail unit, so why? idk. I mean I'm not complaining, since that means I own two of the units there, which is good. I wonder if they do this on purpose though, christmas units in summer, because their banners are very unlikely to appear so you're more likely to want the blue unit. Maybe. idk. I mean, not YOU, but people in general.
Okay so tbh I don't know if the beast to cavalier is an outright FEH rule or if I just had that in mind from the main games. I did notice however Panne and Yarne are definitely cavalier killers (which are also beasts). Oh also! It speaking of beasts. Ish. I noticed Nifl is a Dragon-Cavalier. Is that a first? I can't think of another right now. It seems fitting since she is a dragon and a beast and most beasts are cavalier classes. But I can only think of flying, infantry and armor dragons, no other cavalier dragon.
Speaking of troublesome beasts I had a bit of a cat problem yesterday, hence my late reply. Also ow my hand and also screw certain people. Ow.
What's an illusory dungeon? Is that like an old playmode? :o Also I know that by doing the stone upgrades I get dew, but that also takes a while. gotta get 50 every time (with a few exceptions needing just 20 but those refines are eh) and then gotta find a hero that actually has a weapon that doesn't need dew. Obvs all the named/good ones do the dew. XD
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Yeah yeah, I'm just a dumb person who doesn't care about blue stars :P I think they try to find four heroes who have a deep connection in some way. This is just Zephiel's assassination all over again, but since the only young Zephiel present is a Christmas one, they did two more Christmas variations.. and Ursula just runs around naked in the snow. Makes sense, right?
You are correct, there has not been a cavalier dragon. In all fairness, she is more of a wolf anyway, so it makes sense she can run fast. But, it's cool. I remember the days when there weren't any bow cavaliers and BraveLyn being the first was amazing ^^
Ohh, right, Panne is a horse-killer, isn't she? Can't say anything about Yarne, I don't have him in FEH...
You had a cat issue? Or a cat-person issue? Did the cat scratch you? What happened, woman?!
Illusory Dungeons were the Tap Battles. Sadly that mode doesn't bounce into our game anymore, not even as a returning feature. I kinda miss it, it was pretty fun with good music ^^
All costume heroes with basic weapons can have their weapons upgraded. I only rarely spend that dew, but somehow each time I do, I also immediately run out :P
By the way, something strange I noticed.. For some reason, while doing Hall of Forms, it's very often the case that the next floor I need to do to progress has five enemies instead of four. So mean!
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Imma answer a wee bit earlier today (and yet not early at all I guess lol) because I'll be/was playing some more DQ XI S on the Switch tonight and I don't wanna skip a day in our marvellous convo if I can help it. :D
I don't have Yarne in FEH but I was looking something up and I guess it makes sense that his weapon has the same quality as his mum's, being the same species and all :D Although instead of "Panne is a horse-killer" I read something like Pain-killer lmao. Did you know "Panne" is German for when an accident or mishap happens, usually one of technical nature, e.g. if some of the stage in a play falls over or if you forget to turn of your mic and then say something that is not good for you (be it embarrassing or exposing something you wanna keep hidden, like, GASP a political opinion XD). So like I guess I understand why she got renamed in the German/European version of Awakening. But I still don't get why they had to rename Robin and Morgan. Granted both of them being unisex names isn't aaaas common for non-English-speaking countries but I still don't get it. The hell kinda name even is Daraen. I never heard it before this game's localization. I also never heard Refuret. And Linfan? Like I hope I'm not offending anyone named that but it sounds stereotypically Asian (more Chinese than Japanese etc but ya feel?) and yet defies the naming logic of that world's Asian representatives. Granted I shouldn't delve too deep into the culture thing lest I get cancelled lmao. Also why did they rename Cherche to Zelcher? What's wrong with her name? (I know chercher is French for seeking/looking for something but how is that a problem? I mean Stahl kept his name too and it's German for steel so?) Like... I can accept localizing Names from an Asian market to the 'western' market. Especially since their naming gets extra layers depending on what Kanji they choose etc, and that nuance is just lost here with our regular alphabet. But why can't we all just stick to one localized version of names (can get hella confusing when you are a German Pokemon fan and want to look up how to beat Bianka's Miltank because guess what her English name is Whitney. Lol. And then in latter generations, one of the player trainer sidekicks is called Bianca but here she is called Bell. Or something. Granted I stopped playing in German long ago where I could help it but dayum. I get renaming the Pokemon but why the humans?). Oops somehow this became a wall of text.
And oooh Tap Battles. Yeah those are/were fun. Especially when I got accessories I didn't have before :D I want more. :D I wish you could just endlessly replay them even when the reward period is over, but I guess that would just keep bloating the app size lol. idk. Yeah I also always run out of dew. I basically use it the moment I got 200 XD And also also, when I notice the next stage has 5 enemies, I just do a previous one and focus on getting levels/ability to whichever unit is currently the bottom feeder, until it shows 4 or less. XD
By now I forgot what I actually planned to discuss lmao. Curse those naming conventions XD So have a Xane.
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Hehe, you can reply whenever you like, miss. This "convo" isn't worth the loss of game time :P Thank you for replying though. Let's see what it is that you've written!
Ah, I never really thought of her name like that. That word exists in Dutch as well, but I can't say whether it gets used a lot these days, as I think it was reserved for a car malfunction while on the road. We probably borrowed it from Germany however.
Hey, what's wrong with Darian (different spelling)? I think that sounds pretty cool! As for names for men and women alike, we in the Netherlands have quite a handful, including Robin. But I would never have played the game in Dutch if that was an option. I really hate name changes for stupid reasons (Spirit Tracks is a very good exception, but that was in English still).
Heey, no talking smack about Whitney, she's one of the cutest Gym Leaders! Bianca just doesn't have the same ring to it as Whitney. And yes, I know it could somehow be a pun there, since you said the name was translated as Bell as wel ;)
I'm with you. I really hate name translations. For moves too! In Dutch, apparently, there's very little difference in naming of Quick Attack and Swift (where one is called "Snelle Aanval" and the other "Snel Aanval". You can probably translate that pretty well). Dumb stuff!
Nehh, that's too much of a hassle. I'll just have t try and lose. That's faaar more fair :P
Aww, but now I'll never know about your cat issue! And I do have Xane.. but I hadn't noticed he was able to get such insane buffs and debuffs... Not that I ever really pay proper attention to stats :P
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Completely colourless pool on the Summer Byleth banner. Because of course lol. But I got Fallen F!Corrin, which I didn't have, so I'm not complaining. Time to earn (money for) orbs I guess XD But hey, more plot! And I can't wait for the next part of TT. The Plot thickens indeed. Also love Nifl's unintended sass (on account of her being frosty and all). And Azura's mom as enemy on the story map, le gasp? Dis gon' be guuuud. Normally I 'might' complain about Fates getting love (I mean I love it too, but over-representation lol) but... I feel like in comparison to 3H, ANY other game in the banner is welcome lmao.
Daraen sounds like a pretty exotic name. I'm not outright calling it wrong but it seems more male than unisex to me. Give me back my Robin any day XD
Fun fact, the move Swift is called Sternschauer in German. Which makes sense I guess since you get attacked(/showered) with stars lol. If anything I never quite understood the English name. It's not a speed priority attack and I don't see what being swift has to do with a guaranteed hit XD
EDIT oooh found a Berkut crop :D
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I haven't checked out the story parts yet, just the Tempest Trials thing. So Laegjarn is coming back or something? Maybe she's one of those mysterious Líf / Thrasir recruits, like Triandra and Plumeria. Maybe this means they're finally wrapping up the game?!
Nah, it's okay that Fates gets some more heroes. Not even unhappy about Charlotte (I don't like her), as she was the first costume-only hero. It's about time she got a real version, I guess.
I haven't been able to get anything good the last few days. Just another brave Micaiah today because why would it be a summer elder Tiki?
Indeed, it's pretty exotic, but maybe not female enough to be a unisex name...
Probably a mistranslation from Japanese then. Those things happen (although more present in the early Spanish and Italian translations :P)
On that first image: I thought Nifl was going to be a Mythic hero, like Nott in the previous banner? Loki and Surtr would have been Legendary if that was a thing back then. Those were simpler times, when new heroes didn't all go to the "out of reach during most of the play time" pile.
On that second image: It's probably me, but I fail to see how that is funny exactly...
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Sooo... I got me a summer ursula. Not the one I wanted from that banner but I guess that saves investing in her as a blue unit XD Yay? I also got the new Charlotte. Unexpected, but not complaining. Very curious storywise about Nyx with the two Plegian Dark Mages. I'm intrigued XD
I thought Nifl was gonna be a Mythic, and tbh I'm surprised that the swole princesses qualified as such. Not that I am complaining because they help me in the AR now. Since I figured out for the seasonal bonus slot you need a hero that has their element with a golden outline on the Hexagon. Like they do and like Reginn does. Also yay for that plot continuing :D
Such a pity I can't have you enjoying FE(H) shitposts lmao. Maybe I'm too easily amused.
EDIT and Guinevere pitybroke me on the 3H Summer banner. The Hilda one. Rude. Back to 3%.
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Well, they are experts when it comes to curses.. And congratulations on your summons. You probably spent a lot of orbs, didn't you? I tried two summons from that Ursula banner, both of them a silver Donnel. That is my luck, I guess..
I really don't give a dang about AR. That mode can kiss my butt, honestly. It's not even fun anymore to be up against the five hundredth totem Edelgard. I don't really get why people make their teams super difficult rather than easy so that others can easily climb the stratos-ladder...
Maybe I'm just too difficult to entertain. I mean, I don't like memes, so.. It's probably me.
Oh ehm.. another golden, huh? So lucky! Have fun with the pretty mage killer!
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Soooooooooo... I have a confession to make. I purchased orbs again. I picked Shinon as freebie from that banner because he was the last one I needed from that banner. And since I still had upped chance I figured I'd keep using that banner till it was reset and guess whom I got? Shinon. Makes me wish I woulda picked Fjorm as freebie for a merge or something but odds are that I would have gotten her then too lol.
Also I can legit confirm I'd be a lot more frustrated if I didn't have an Edgelord to counter everyone's Edgelord in AR. I swear 6 of my friendslist folks have her as rep now XD BUT. I can't deny I love having her as backup, like...? Abyssal difficulty has become tolerable with her on board. I'm half-tempted to try and get her one of those near or far save abilities they recently introduced because as good as she is tanking damage, that helps me none if one of the others dies on a 4-survivor map lol. But yeah, Edgelord + me actually trying to use my brain means I am currently hovering in and about AR tier 20. Just one more to get one of the damn thrones... I think there was something else I needed AR 21 for but I forget what lol. At the very least I'm finally starting to wrap my head around how this works, I guess. But every now and then, any of the game modes can make me feel like an idiot lol.
And hooooooly crap this morning on YT I watched someone's AR team which includes 3 Flayns and I guess having 3 units that do 30% damage reduction each to nearby allies is just as broken as Edgelord. They basically had Hero King Dimitri kill everything (recovery with Sol, if there was even any damage worth mentioning thanks to Flayn-trio. Plus their presence made them help each other survive too!) Makes me regret turning 2 Flayns into manuals, especially since that isn't inheritable... I'm clearly not smart XD That person may have been a top tier memelord but they definitely also know how to play haha.
Now I'm in need of more events that don't use regular energy so I can wrap up all those chain challenges and/or train more units in the tower. Cause obvs when there is an event using stamina I prefer using it on that XD Also I'm probably too broke on fun money to keep going for summer heroes but we shall see lol.
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So.. you wanted a Shinon.. and got a Shinon? How is that bad exactly? I was aiming at Kris and got a Roderick, sooo.. Not going to spend orbs on that banner however, aside from Kris and BLysithea I already have all of them.
I'm stuck on tier 19, I think, thanks to the helping hand the game gives with forming a team. Not that I can win all that often.. But eh, it's alright. I really really really don't care at all for AR. So little in fact that I even forgot to buy the 4th anniversary cake XD
Flayn.. Flayn.. Hmmm... Since I forgot who that is I am going to assume I have none. They're that 3H staff flier with the... green(?) hair? shrugs Plus, there are plenty of "true solo abyssal, 1 turn clear" videos on YouTube that are truly insane.
Heh, next time we talk you're letting me know that you've summoned Lilina, two Hilda duos and both dream king Freyr and his beloved sister Freya. Even if you don't buy orbs, I'm sure you'll get those.
By the way, I saw they're adding more perks to Feh Pass users? They already have unfair summoning chance compared to non-paying players, should they really be granted even more perks?
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No it's not bad it's just that weird kind of luck where of course you get the unit you just 'wasted' your freebie choice for. And um... so like. You know that returned banner with F!Julia etc. I got another Fellguard from it. Like... 100% unexpected didn't even know she was obtainable from it. And Fellguard was another unit I used a choice summon for. I wonder if it's a colourless curse, watch me get Sara any day now, lol.
RE: Flayn, I was talking about AR for her so I reckon nobody solos AR. Could be wrong, if anyone does a true solo on those they are indeed a madman. But also kinda cool. But also a madman.
And since when does FEH Pass have unfair summoning chance? That's news to me. We can do the auto-battle chain on training towers to do like 8 battles in a row without needing to press start each time and we can do over our last turn but I don't recall there ever being a boost in summoning chance to being a pass users. Or are you telling me the 4-Star special summons are pass-exclusive? Like idek lol.
Also true story your post was 2 minutes old when I started typing lol.
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You got another totem from that banner? I got a surprise there too, one I did not have yet. The most legendary of all swordsmen, but so cursed with his success that he can barely contain his twitching sword-arm: Lissa's son ^ -^
Ehm, I'm sure that if you pump all kinds of steroids in your totem lady, you'll be set in one turn :P
No no, it's just a deduction based on your luck compared to mine. I don't pay while you do and even if you buy orbs and therefor spend more, it's clear to see you also have a better chance. So even if mine and your chance of getting a golden hero is said to be 3%, I have little doubt it is secretly slightly (or more) higher for you than for me.
Although I must confess to getting some semi-good stuff these previous days. Aside from Owain I also got a silver Orochi the other day, and she was my favourite from that banner, after Nifl, and today I also got a silver beach protector Ogma. Sure, he was silver but that leaves my 3.50% chance intact ^^
Really? You type two days for one message? :P
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Owain is a riot honestly. I enjoyed his inclusion in Warriors to great comedic effect XD (NOW WHERE IS MY FE:W 2, KOEITECMO/NINTENDO?)
Dunno about steroids but you did remind me I could actually bother using Dragonflowers. But how come some people use 5/10/15 of them? is it a means for old units to catch up to new stats or?
Hahahaha luck. Well. I mean. Maybe a little. But I'd rather not disclose how much money I spent this week on FEH lmao. (Not that I do this every week but... I think I claimed most of the available free-orbs in not-time-limited modes. Got a few lunatic squad assaults and some blessed gardens because I never use my elements left, but other than that...) Speaking of silver though, on Nifl's banner I got no Benny. Hardly any blue in the pool to begin with, too.
And no I didn't type two days but you know me. Didn't wanna hit send prematurely and then boom bedtime and then boom bedtime again lol.
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(You won't be getting a FEW2 ;) ) Owain has always been a fun guy to have on ones team ^^
I honestly don't know how exactly Dragonflowers work. They give a boost to stats, but I don't think you get to pick which stats they boost, so.. I don't really see the point. Plus, I like my heroes at the skill levels they should have :P Sorry, I can't help you here.
Oh but Benny will always be a 3/4 star hero. You'll get him sooner or later. Just like Orochi of course. But you do certainly have more luck and disposable income than me, so it's only natural you get all the nice heroes ^^
Hit send prematurely? This isn't intercourse, you can send as prematurely as you like, whatever that can mean XD When do you normally go to bed, if I might ask? To sleep of course. Don't mix metaphors here!
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Gosh dangit ESGST extension stopped working for me and even restarting firefox didn't help :V
In case you were wondering what I was busying myself with. I shall get back to you! One day... XD
Also Kliff reset my rate at the Hilda banner. rude.
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Oh ehm.. S-Sorry.. You can come back to this conversation when you have time.
Sorry to hear Kliff ruined your current chances of getting Hilda or others. Meanwhile I spet my free Mythic summon... to get a Mythic Ullr... >///>
I wonder why they made her female. Her gender was never specified in her original game, but Ullr was a male deity in Norse mythology... Interesting. A-Anyway, I'm happy with this new archer lady ^^
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You can be happy about good summons, I'm certainly happy for you! I finally got Seiros (on Ullr's banner) so I can't complain, really.
I'm just annoyed by the ESGST extension not working cause now it's back to visiting and entering every GA manually instead of entering them from the main page, and also revisiting this GA to reply when I could just reply from the message page before. Plus all those shortcuts!
IF by any chance I have enough orbs left in time I'll give the Hilda banner another shot, it doesn't even have to be Hilda and & Marianne, any of the kids aside from Caspar is fine too. Orochi reset my Nifl banner so that one I'm done with for the time being. Nyx woulda been nice but any +1 is good. So now I'll be back to Summer Freyr attempts.
Might try Nohrian Summer after that one ends... depends on orbs and what else will be there. lol.
RE: earlier convo, I'm not entirely sure how DFs work, hence my questions. It's possible they boost depending on your units boons and banes but then when you merge, the DF count gets carried over so idk. Idk.
EDIT: You know how some time back I was joking that I'd get Sara because she was my 40-summon freebie choice and I seem to get those soon after? Yeah guess what. Broke my % on the Nohrian Summer banner, too.
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Oh so we both got a blue mythic hero? ^^ Congrats on finally getting that Seiros~!
What is the ESGST exactly? It looks like a complicated acronym... Is it something special for this website in particular?
I was hoping to get a Nifl for my final ticket, but no blues sadly. She may not be a Legendary or Mythic, but she doesn't appear in the other banners, so.. what gives? When will we be able to get her again? I want my dragon wolf!
Oh that banner. I am lucky enough to have three of those.. and I don't really care too much for Nohr but ehm.. who knows. Might try Leo again...
No idea.. Maybe try to find a guide on them online?
W-What? Really? How is that possible?! Ehm.. ehm.... Maybe we should talk more about heroes we will summon! Heroes is clearly listening in to your conversation :P
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ESGST is an extension with all sorts of useful gimmicks to enhance your steamgifts (and steam trades, but I don't use that) experience. It can do stuff like show you how many times you entered a giveaway, show you the store tags, your chance of winning any one GA at that moment in time, how many minutes it takes for your points to recharge enough to enter a GA... lots of useful stuff.
and my fav function was being able to enter/leave GAs directly from the main page instead of needing to open each GA and then enter it from in there. (you still have to manually click so it's not auto-entering for you, if that is a concern). it can also run white/blacklist checks for you if you're into that, though that only work if people have public and WL GAs since it basically crossreferences if you could (have) enter(ed), or at least that's how I think it works. you could also do all this manually but who has that kind of time right XD
basically you can customize it to show or now show whatever you want and my second fav function was being able to reply to you right from the messages page instead of having to come back to the GA each time haha. sometimes it's the small conveniences in life, ya know?
Okies back to FEH talk.
I don't own any of the Nohrian summer guys and gals (and neither the 3H ones unless 4-star caspar counts which he doesn't :V) so I was hoping to get at least one! Might try again later, that banner lasts a tiny bit longer than Ullr and the duo summer ones.
I might keep trying for a bit on Ullr banner cause even if I don't get her I might still get some more myths or legends I lack. I actually got a spare Eir that is, according to one site I perused, perfect IV, so I plan on merging my neutral one into her after using up them SP. Since unlike Hero Merit those don't get shared/passed over, you only get merging SP bonus.
Aaand now I'm trying to remember what other 40 summons freebies I got in the past that might visit me later. The ones where I did get a double were Edgegard, Shinon, Sara, and Azelle, at least those are the ones I remember. 40-freebies I remember picking that I don't have spares yet are Nifl (too soon) and Asbel and Fallen Lyon and Catherine (last time it was around). I thiiiink. Might have to just in general check some of them for neutral IVs. Trying to remember if I got Veronica in a repeat banner like Catherine or if I just got her from a normal one and then was 'ranting' about getting her spare after waiting so long to get even one. Also I think on the 3H banner I previously picked Flayn as a freebie but don't quote me. I definitely did not always have the money /orbs to make the most out of every 40 summon freebie banner.
RE: guides, might need one for the Abyssal level on Ullr and Sigurd, but maybe I'll figure it out. I did manage to complete the rest of the gang in special battles though :D
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You call that useful stuff... but I don't really see the point to it for my own Steam Gifts usage. I really only enter for games on my wishlist and my winning chances are always insanely low. That's why I'm currently 4 games behind on my estimate.
Hmm.. That sounds a little useful.. And do you mean you can check what people have put you on their blacklist (if they have that on public)? Not sure what I would gain from that.. but I could at least glare at the people who have blacklisted me!
... you made it easier to talk to me? That sounds illogical.. But ehm.. yay?
As if these are just for FEH talk :P
Why would a 4* Caspar not count? He's totally fine and once upgraded you won't even remember he ever wasn't gold! On the topic of that banner... I ehm.. maaaay have pulled an Ashe from there? He seems nice, but I don't know him of course. I'm going to focus more on the other banner now, I really hope to get at least one more from there.
That's a big reason why I don't care for the colorless on that one, because I already have an Eir and don't need duplicates. The only colorless one I don't have is Louise and she is a normy. So nope. Might try blue or red at some point, but.. aim is at summer Dream Archaneans.
I had written something down here that was meant to joke around a little, but on second thought it might be more rude than funny, so I've removed it again. In any case, it's of course a shame when you get a hero you paid lots of orbs for earlier, but keep in mind that you picked that one at that time because you liked them a lot! You were given multiple options, but you chose them~! So who cares if you see them again, you got the ones you liked ^ -^
I always keep those battles until the last day of their availability and then spend the orbs gained on the Legendary / Mythic banner. And I always use guides for Lunatic, Infernal and Abyssal. I'm lazy, I'm not going to try and figure out how to do these things myself! :P
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Soooooo I'll admit I didn't expect mah boi Caspar to win but we came in clutch, somehow! Not that I hate Freyja by any means but it always feels like a victory for mankind (no pun intended) when a boy wins over the boobs in these XD
Also yes I somehow got Summer Freyr today so that banner can rest in peace, for now. Would love to get the others some time but eh. Freyr was my want and I have him. Didn't have any success on that 3H banner that expired the previous day, so Caspar is all I got to show for it XD (Also yes Ashe is a good bean. A cinnamon roll. You must protect him!)
I did keep summoning at the Ullr Banner for a bit because I figured there's enough others on there that I didn't have yet. Like Mila, which I now have. And I still don't like her art tbh. XD Also whoops I keep posting 'XD' like a cringefest but I practically adopted that ever since forever ago I guess.
As for orb-battles, I used to leave them till the last day but then I'd forget and stuff so now I just try to get them out of the way while I can. Especially those coliseum tasks (when available) because the first few times I failed to notice that they refresh at higher difficulty when you complete them and like 10 minutes to reset the arena isn't even available anymore (if that happens to be the season's end) even if you refresh dueling swords so yee. XD
I also got the Pirate duo today, fuck yeah! tbh I was aiming for Naesala (and still plan to) because beast units are what got me into FE in the first place (Path of Radiance, good times). Also Vika cause she cute. And also to make up for the fact that Pirate Tibarn failed me whenever he was around lol.
As for that festivity banner... Go figure that all the units in the focus are units I already owned, lol. Remember me getting Guinivere not too long ago on a banner not related to her? That said there's a decent spread of cool 5-Stars unrelated to the banner as well. Got a spare Fallen Morgan boi and decided against foddering him. Maybe I'll make an army of them XD Reserves for now since my barracks always fill up too fast. And you're right of course, it's not like I hate getting a double of something I previously chose. After all, an extra 5-Star is an extra 5-Star, regardless of whether I fodder, merge or build them up later, anything that's not bronze or silver is a win, right?
Aaaand Feh Pass loyalty bonuses have rolled out. I'm a tiny bit annoyed that I 'only' got the 3 month special since, well, before moving to iOS I was subbed multiple months on android. In fact I only switched because google pay was being a prick about the payment one month and I was stuck in an endless loop of being unable to renew my subscription. Yeesh.
I could have sworn I read something about you wanting to make a joke but then leaving it because it'd be rude... (frantically ctrl+f's). Oh wait you skipped the joke. Why thooooo! I'm not easily offended or whatever XD You can be rude all you want!
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Boobs? You mean that goat floatie! That's Freya's quality~! And she lost to shark boy... That's probably due to that virtual YouTuber..
I tried getting Caspar from that banner yesterday, as he's a silver hero so slightly easier to get, but I came out empty handed of course. Just a Nino and.. I dunno, some other green throwaway unit...
I agree, Mila's art is rather unfortunate. Someone really messed up her face... Which is really unfortunate, because the Earth Mother deserves better!
You are allowed to do that, I don't mind :) I often use smilies at the end of my sentences as well after all!
Ah, hehe, yeah I do keep an eye on those Coliseum Quests, but that's about all. Really keep a close eye on all other things. Does sometimes mean I have to play until late at night because I forgot something ^^;
Oh of course. You do get to walk away with them. I got a 4*-special Helbindi. Not fair... I'm trying to aim for Surtr there because I like his pirate king design (even though he sucks because he doesn't sear enemies to a crisp...). Vika is cute indeed. Looks pretty close to her normal design as well, so that is good. Naesala is a bit eh.. Not a big fan of his art and his transformed form looks like it has a bow...
So you got something good from there too? And you dare doubt that Feh Pass users get hidden benefits? :P I'm aiming for Henrietta of course, because she is a costume hero. After that would be the beautiful princess and last the unassuming flying cleric. Also, I think that is a stupid way of pronouncing Dedue. Should be three syllables...
Pff. As if those rewards are any useful. If you got ten orbs per day, THAT would be a loyalty bonus. And freaking unfair to people without a disposable income...
Oh. Well in that case, I think it went something like this: "Weh weh, I am so sad because I got all kinds of good heroes! Poor me!" Was better when I wrote it last time, but that's the gist of it. I'm not jealous, you're jealous XD
EDIT: BLAH! >: | 4.50%, 9 summons, 5 of them bronze and two of them Fa. I spent 40 orbs and NOTHING to show for it. Grah! It is so unfair! You get one golden hero after the other and I just get garbage...
Okay, I'm done. It's just what it is. At least I have Ogma. Which came out silver, mind you.
EDIT2 - The Day After: Okay fine game, stop taking pity on me. Apparently it listened to this conversation or something. On that Bound Hero Battle banner (With Florina, Fiora and Jakob) I figured I might as well go blue (as I don't need any of them anymore).. and they randomly gave me the best version of Camus: Zeke. Fun?
-Also, I found out that my Ullr is unfortunately flawed. Atk-/Res+, but she is all about striking first, she doesn't need Def/Res, even giving it up with Life and Death.
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Now that I got da real Freyr, getting the floatie wasn't that important :D Although I do hope I get her eventually, I'm definitely done spending orbs on that banner for now, haha. Also, wasn't Caspar's fish a tuna or something? Pretty sure Pirate Sutr is the one with a shark. Which kinda makes me wanna have him... although since I have animations turned off I'd probs never really see it lol.
I got Naesala though (with Vika for company) so at least for now I'm saving orbs for CYL I guess? idk. Either way not using up more orbs unless every other banner to follow sucks, lol.
Also I'm starting to lose track of refines, not like I can always apply them when they come out because lack of refine material (more so than SP anyways). I mean for the ones with a special effect and all... whelp. I need me a page that shows everyone that got refined so I can give them extra attention... time to scour a wiki I guess. Also my Ullr is also +Res, what gives lol. At least her flaw is HP and not Atk, I guess.
Woulda tried for Flora on their banner but her colour was not in the pool. Didn't bother spending orbs and the freebie was nothing of note. That's fine though, with the above mentioned I'm not gonna start complaining now. OR AM I... But just a reminder that for all the good pulls I get, many orbs sacrificed their lives lol.
I know you don't like memes much so I save the bad ones for someone else, but have these two since they made me chuckle. (Also why does Surtr have his eyepatch over his good eye lmao)
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Oh ehm, I don't know. Is his fish a tuna? I just meant that his hair-style, -colour and appearance look rather shark-like. And yes, Surtr brings an actual shark. Does that surprise anyone? :P Haven't been able to snag him up yet (and doubt I'll ever will). Also was unable to get summer Leo. Oh well, next year again.. If there is a next year, of course.
And here we go again. Not one, no two of the costume heroes. How the heck do you keep doing that? Do you never stop to wonder how you can possibly get all those good heroes, 80% of the time?
I might end up ironing out my Ullrs flaw someday. Not that she needs it, she is pretty good as is. As for refines, I rarely really bother with the weapon's skills as they are too expensive. Unless it's a hero I really like (Marisa) and still use occasionally (also Marisa).
Unless you give me a better understanding of your spendings, I have concluded that you are insanely lucky and your FEH Pass gives you unseen summoning benefits. So what you didn't get a normal hero for a change? You got the special hero you wanted.
Hmm. Well at least they didn't focus on her boobs...
I don't get this one. I'm assuming they gave Surtr's new lance the same skills as Gustaf's axe? I can't say I find this to be all that funny, sorry. Also.. it's not that they put his eyepatch over his good eye.. they flipped his face, didn't they? Or was that done for the purpose of this meme? Because for the normal one the scar is over his left eye, while for the pirate it's over his right...
That last one is just painful. Chrom and Marth deserve that spot. Unlike some NAMELESS GUARDPERSON... cough But still.. good for him.
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I mean the downside to getting a lot of the new things is that, even with them of course adding more new things, there'll come a time whenever the 'good' things you get are repeats, which is its own kind of disappointment. I mean, first world problem, yeah, but you've seen it with me, haven't ya XD
Also yee, nothing from the Nohrian Summer for me, though I would not have minded a Xander or Leo myself... However now I can try and orb-bomb for Pirate Tibarn! Or fail dramatically, haha. I'm not gonna disclose my spendings, but let's just say that at the very least I get. every. single. special. offer. Cause I'm putty in Feh's wings apparently lol.
Ullr is definitely a Playerphase unit, she tends to get herself killed when I let her auto lmao. And booooo you still hatin' on Alm/Caspar's alter ego Gatekeeper? For shaaaame! If it wasn't for memes, Caspar woulda lost against boobs also! XD
Also... another out of season HoF, eh? Halloween coming a lil' early XD
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I have, but it also means that you get more of the new heroes that have super strong skills and such. That way you can make other cool heroes even stronger. All I get is blehhh...
Feh's wings are adorable.. but I'm not giving that stupid bird any of my semi-hard-earned moolah. It doesn't make much of a difference for me anyway. No free Tibarn from that pirate banner either. Just a bronze Legault. The game obviously hates me :P
You shouldn't be so lazy! Fire Emblem Heroes is not an idle game! Get your own hands in gear ^^ Also, don't you dare put a faceless NPC in the same line as a great hero of legend, uniter of his country, bringing on the twilight of the gods (which is one of the most epic tracks in FE-history) from the best Fire Emblem game from the last 10 years (that I know is a remake)! So, love him all you want, he will never be as great as Alm :P
Hmm. That image really shows what is wrong with the Fire Emblem franchise. Love and lovemaking have become more important than actual character development, hence why Ike is better than Corrin. Plus, Alm didn't need to choose, he had the love of his life and it would never have been Faye no matter how much some deranged (:P) fans would have wanted that. Romance is just better when you don't hand the reigns to the player.
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I mean I agree that the support system has gotten out of hand... but Three Houses improved on that I feel. To elaborate, in Awakening, the child units made sense because time travel. Some characterization/support suffered from that since almost every man/woman could be paired up (which also explains why Lucina's are better since she had a limited number of potential mothers/sibling), but overall, being able to use those children alongside your battle-hardened parents made sense, and being able to try out different combos did add to replayability (especially if you're not a min-maxer on one save lol).
For Fates, while it is always nice to see child characters and how they differ based on parent combination, the plot explanation as to how you can fight side by side with a child your age seems lackluster. Granted, the whole pocket dimension thing is a good way to cover your bases as to why your Corrin still hasn't defeated Boss X when you're (story-wise) pressed for time, but using those separate realms to have your children basically grow up without their parents (since time passes faster there and their parents didn't age considerably in their own realm, just imagine how much time they have to spend without their parents; and conversely, how little of their child growing up the parents actually witness) seems both lazy and cruel in setup. It comes as no surprise then that most child paralogue plotlines are about the child escaping their realm either to see the world or because they miss their parents etc. Though I reckon at this point, everyone can agree that the writing wasn't this game's strong point to begin with, haha. To Fates' credit though, not every non-avatar unit can marry every candidate of the opposing gender (then again that is mostly true for the third route since the other two have only 2 or 3 combos that don't work, if memory serves). Bonus points for the first proper 'gay options', even if it was limited to a single character per gender, it is massive progress, all things considered (not accounting for the Ike-Soren Bromance from the Tellius games obviously :D)
Basically I love child units but I think a time-skip (similar to how it was handled in the earlier games) would have been more appropriate if you wanna make them playable.
In Three Houses your character can pretty much S-Rank anyone, including multiple same-sex candidates, but that's to be expected. However, first of all this S-Rank can only happen very late in the game (even if you qualify, you have to wait until close to the final map to actually advance the relationship), and furthermore, you can only get there post-timeskip. In fact even hitting A-Rank is impossible prior to your students turning adults. Which is neat given the implications you might have on your hands otherwise (even if most of them are similar age to Byleth). There are no child units. And while you can A-Rank your other units with one another (with some supports sounding closer to marriage proposals than others), if you want them to actually share an epilogue, you need to put in the effort for those guys and gals to actually have spent the most time together too. (There is a DLC mechanic to 'lock in' certain pairings if you are so inclined, but it's ridiculously expensive in Renown so I don't see anyone using it. Who knows, lol.)
For the Valentian guys and gals... I guess we can be glad they didn't rewrite mechanics and canon (for the most part) cause I've had enough of split timelines for a while. That's like Pokemon having Mega Evolutions in rebooted games and saying it must have been a parallel version of those worlds in order to retcon, lol. Although I guess there could be worse explanations.
Also FEH might not be an idle game but I still idle most of it anyways lol. I just wanna collect pretty gals and pals and have fun. Leave me beeeee XD
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Oh, there is no denying that the child mechanic was handled pretty well in Awakening and absolutely abysmally in Fates. It's just that All games prior to Awakening handled the relationship thing a whole lot better. They shouldn't hand that control to us! What do we know? :P
The pocket dimension bit was garbage. Let's not forget that for Fates the child mechanic was basically "Hey, I think you're hot, let's make a baby right now, in the middle of a war, and leave it in another dimension where it will grow up faster so they can be the same age as us when we come to pick them up~!" Plus, in my partial playthrough of Birthright I barely found any proper chemistry between characters.
What is somewhat off putting about an S-Rank mechanic in Three Houses however, for me anyway, is that you meet the candidates in their school years. It's just weird to me to marry one character off to another while you've "known" them for "years"! Not that I'd ever pick up Three Houses... I'm afraid the only FE game I'll pick up (aside from Heroes) would be a Genealogy / Tracia remake.
Echoes handled the split of factions really well, being able to control both parties at pretty much any time. Three Houses should have gone that route. Would have been way more interesting, I imagine. And the one thing we can agree on in all of this (aside from Valentia being better :P) is that there should be more canonical same-gender romances. I do prefer it when it's canonical, not someone's wet fantasy...
It's true, there are a lot of pretty girls to collect. That is not the point of the game and you definitely shouldn't call this a waifu generator or whatever. That would be so degrading... Speaking of FEH, I was lucky enough to be granted a Devoted Henriette from that Hero Fest banner ^^ Alsoooo.. I want you to guess who I sent along with my Summoner in that new game mode. Can you guess? You should be able to. There's only one logical option!
EDIT: You haven't responded yet (and that is okay, take your time, or don't respond at all if you please), I want to add two things to this. One, did you see the Feh Channel video? I LOVE how Eirika looks in the attire of her brother. She's so pretty. She's always pretty, but I think I'm going to pick her as my free choice. Marth looks.. red? Sorry, I haven't immersed myself enough in the Dark Dragon game(s) to remember what the first Altean king looked like.. but the reference is nice. Marianne is naked and not interesting.. and they gave Gatekeeper to the unfortunate artist that ruined Mila. Which is also unfortunate. I do like his attack.. and he really is a wall. And his title is literally Nothing to Report, that is funny.
Also (sorry that this thing is so long now. Feel free to ignore everything, but I still want you to guess on that hero my summoner brought along in that new mode ^^), summons! I was granted a silver Vika today (yay ^^)... AND duo Veronica! Wow! That was a surprise. Yay ^ -^ Hope you're doing okay!
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Sorry for being late on you, there was life, work, and me binging every free moment on a new Switch game (Monster Hunter Stories 2). I legit have so much fun with it that I have to force myself to go to bed around 1am ish lol. For brevity's sake I'll leave the child mechanic discussion as concluded, I think we're more or less in agreement here, haha.
Now, I did say pretty gals AND PALS. I wanna collect pretty boys too. Equality! That's why I was more interested in Summer Freyr than Freyja, though of course I would love to get my hands on her eventually. Not literally! Perv.
And before I forget, my guess was that your Summoner pair was with Silque, though I could be completely wrong about it! Did you also struggle with getting the bronze entries? I guess my summoner got along so well that I mostly hit silver and gold. Even though I maxed out rapport in the end I couldn't complete the events on every level. I think I missed one silver and 3 or 4 bronze versions of events. But I absolutely adored this type of event and I hope they do it again soon! Much more fun than some of the other modes haha.
I didn't see the FEH channel thing but of course I was aware of the new units. I love Marianne because she's wearing the Dancer garb and because of the reference to her Crest of the Beast. Marth... I guess I also wondered if that outfit really looked like a Legend. I mean when you compare it to Legendary Sigurd or Seliph, the difference is astounding, but Marth was just like... okay today it's a red cape. lol. I guess the special thing about him was that he was using the actual Fire Emblem as a shield.
Definitely in love with the Eirika concept :D As for Gatekeeper, I don't outright hate the art but the style really clashes with what most heroes look like. I mean, even with all the different artists, the heroes for the most part still look like they're from the same game. Resplendent Gatekeeper when? XD But yes, even with memes aside he is a good unit. I expected him to be a lancer but they made him a green unit, which makes it even more of a meme somehow. Ally NPC here we go. Finally my playing on auto is justified. That said I didn't pick my freebie unit yet. Might pick him if I can't summon him normally.
Congratzs on Pirate Veronica! Brigid blocked me on getting Tibarn and I don't wanna put more orbs into that banner as I plan on maxing out the CYL banner. When I get the orbs. lol.
So anyways sorry for the late reply XD Life finds a way.
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Why hello there, stranger! For a moment I was starting to wonder if I'd ever see a reply from you again. But I understand! Life is so much more important, for real. And so are videogames ^^ And yet I still never catch you online, hmmm.. Oh well, you must be enjoying them after I retire downstairs to watch TV and play FEH ^^
That is okay, I think we do indeed agree on the subject.
Suuure, calling ME a perv. You deliberately wrote it that way so I'd be tricked into thinking you meant something unsavoury. So mean...
Silque? Why Silque? I don't have a regular Silque! No, you silly goose! I took Marisa along, of course! ^ -^
Ah, you really went all in? I just played enough to get to the boss. Was there really a point to maxing out Rapport? And with point I mean orbs, of course. Any reward that is not orbs is not really worth it for me :P
Yeah well when I made that edit, the new heroes weren't in yet, so you can't blame me for wondering if you had seen them... I'm holding off on summoning my freebie too. I wouldn't mind getting Gatekeeper, he really is a wall. The art is just a little strange. I'm not a big fan of his facial expression and I'm not sure why there's a dog and a cat fighting alongside him. Is that a 3H thing? Also, if you did watch the FEH channel on these heroes, you'd have gotten a decent explanation for Marth. I do better understand Marianne thanks to the Forging Bonds. And dangabbit, Eirika's first support was terrible. Stupid guys! >: |
By telling you about it now I am going to jinx it, but I had been on my lucky period up until now it seems. Since that update on the previous message I sent your way I was rewarded with not one, but two pirate kings. Yesterday I picked up Surtr (with 4% chance, so I overspent just a little bit to check the green orbs too. No Hinoka..) and today I was lucky enough to get that Tibarn you desire ^ -^ So now I have everyone from that banner. Time to focus on Ryoma.. maybe. Good luck on your summoning endeavours! As I said, my streak is now over, now that I've told you about it :P
It's okay, miss. That happens. You're not the first person I sent these kinds of messages to and eventually life just catches up. But that's fine, that happens :) Enjoy Monster Hunter!!
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I updated my firefox and I removed and then reinstalled my ESGST extension. Hallelujah, worth it! Especially since I can now reply via the message page which makes everything so much more convenient. :D Maybe now you won't have to wait a week anymore.
Hmm Silque was the only one I recalled you talking fondly of, perhaps I forgot about Marisa. As for Gatekeeper's animal company, one of the updates in 3H was that you could interact with the many, many cats and dogs (they all have different names and their locations at the monastery change over time) and feed them and in turn they would sometimes give you items. Their names are often a play on or related to characters in-universe. When you load a map etc during the load time you can see overall player stats (if you're playing while connected online) and one of those stat lists is which cat or dog got the most attention from players that month. I think since Gatekeeper is fan favourite and this is a mechanic people wanted (most games with cats or dogs see players wanting to interact, and some devs do listen and make this a thing upon feedback), perhaps this was added as a nod to that. Could also be completely random though.
Dayuuum two pirate kings for you and no Tibarn for me. I did get yukata Ryoma but that's neither here nor there lol.
But yes MHS2 is so fun, I continue to have to force myself to go to bed instead of playing longer. Last night it was getting close to 2am, whoops.
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Ehm.. I have already forgotten what that extension was.. What do those letters mean again? Anyway, it's nice that you can now reply more conveniently ^^
Well, Silque is a nice lady, I guess, but not really my type. Marisa is just very cool and quite pretty too ^^
It could simply be a reference to the fact that there are a lot of cats and dogs around the monastery, as you say, but your explanation is nicer, with both of them being a fan favourite. Strange how in a game that's all about tactics and pitting one army against another, people are most interested in some random NPC and the stray animals with typical names...
Hehehe, sorry. But as I said, the luck is all gone now. I didn't get anything good for my free summon on that new banner (the double special one) and on the Performing Arts banner, they refuse to give me blue orbs. So annoying :P
Oh dear. I guess Monster Hunter Stories is more difficult to put down than Ace Attorney Chronicles. While it's very tempting to keep playing, it's also not too difficult to put it down ^^
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Enhanced SteamGifts and SteamTrades. The latter half which I don't use lol. But yes, now you don't have to wait another week... unless I end up binging MHS2 too much lol. AAC will get its turn eventually! Maybe. Heh. I do wanna play it. Hope I get my hands on physical.
I haven't summoned in a few days so here's hoping I'll get something cool next batch! And that I don't forget to summon on certain banners before time's up, haha. Also I marathoned the last few HoF maps last night because I usually just use the 3 Torches a day and leave it be. I dunno what it is, I struggled so much with the first few ones but these last three or four I always made it to the final map. Maybe I strategize better now idk.
OH DAMN. I guess all the wait paid off. So I hit 40 summons on the banner and I picked Marianne (figured I could use the other freebie for Gatekeeper then) and usually I keep going past the 40 summons until the 5-Star rate resets. So I summoned and then I got an Eirika owo - and then I noticed that this time you can keep going to 80 so despite the reset I kept going and I got Marth in the pool right after. So I kept going till 80 and used that for Gatekeeper (notable that there was no choosing a second Marianne, only the other 3 that I didn't freebie yet were pickable). Now I see it goes to 120. I am legit tempted here XD I'm saving the out-of-banner freebie for last, hope I won't forget.
Also got Plegian Katarina on the duo (re)banner. Still planning to go for Plumeria, especially since the base Focus rate is 6%, but we'll see. Now I gotta weigh my options. Do I keep going on the CYL banner for the celestial stone and free pick (even though I now have the set) or naw? I'm at 538/699 heroes now. I can +2 that one with 2 blue stars but I haven't quite decided whom to Forma. I got the Marisa bunny, I really want Halloween Myrrh and I prefer the L'Arachel over Doza but I skilled them both. Argh decisions!
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I don't believe we Europeans got a physical release of AAC. I imported mine from the United States. Which is mildly unfortunate, because the early-purchase bonus that came with it only works with a US account. I could make one.. but then I have to pick with which account to play every time I boot up my Switch. So much effort :P
I'm not pleased with my results on the latest HoF. I only managed to get Myrrh's signature weapon. The others simply wouldn't show up for me. Very frustrating. Not that it matters, but it does matter a little to me!
That.. is such a waste of orbs. But congratulations either way ^ -^ I got a silver Lex for a free ticket from there today. Only had him as bronze, so that's something, I guess? :3
Pff, it doesn't matter what you do with those heroes, because they don't count anyway XD The only proper way to get a Marisa is by summoning her from her own bunny banner. Which I did in her first year because I'm a dedicated Connor Kelly collector ^ -^ (No, I don't have all of them, I lack the SoV Catria...)
EDIT: So I actually got three blue orbs in the dancer banner today, so I overspent to get them all.. two bronze and a silver Seteth. The luck streak was fun while it lasted, too bad it's gone again ^^
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Ah so it's the usual about physicals. Crying shame that is. Might have to import also. How are we doing in terms of DLC?
I actually try to get anything but the signature weapon, I can get that afterward. Assuming I use a Forma Soul of course. And I do have a proper Marisa! That's why I said I got her. But now I gotta pick 2 outta three. In retrospect I handled my first HOFs poorly, but that was also before you could actually get any of the units involved so I didn't care too much either way.
Still no luck on that mixed bag of returns banner. No Plumeria nor Plegian duo. But I shall keep trying! Still undecided about tossing more orbs at the CYL banner. I guess I'm just waiting to see if there's anything else I'd rather spend orbs on first, seeing how I have all units. And the extra celestial stone only gets me more dragon flowers at this point. Which is a good thing to have but not something I'm keen to spend money on. I got a spare Tibarn as 4-Star special but eh. Not the pirate I wanted so he can go be a manual XD
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Yeah. It's a good thing the Switch is region free. It's not like Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice got physical releases in the west either. So unless one knows Japanese and has a Japanese 3DS, one will have to get the games digitally ^^;
As for DLC, I'm not 100% sure (as I can't check with the game, since it doesn't recognise my eShop), but my "early purchase" copy did come with a code that gives extra art and music that I can only access on an American account. So that's a pity. I don't think they'll add much DLC beside that though, since the two games this title contains are older now of course.
But it's far more authentic if you get the actual weapons they are supposed to have! And since I don't plan on getting any of these blue starred heroes, I want to make them somewhat authentic ^ -^
I didn't get anything for the Forging Bonds tickets on the Brave banner. So, like previous years, I'm stuck training just the hero I pick. Which is very likely going to be the pretty princess ^^
As for the mixed banner.. I decided to give it another go today.. and was surprised to find Lìf and Thrasir ^ -^ Yay~!
EDIT: Ooh, Legendary Micaiah is coming~! Wouldn't mind snagging her up, even though her skills don't seem too great. I do want to keep my collection of Micaiahs complete however :P Funny that she's a colourless mage now as there already were a blue (normal), red (dancer) and green (brave) versions ^^
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ESGST stopped working again so I removed and re-installed. Didn't bother customizing my settings this time around though. I sure hope this isn't gonna keep being a thing ;w;
Region free is such a big plus for the Switch. Honestly. Especially with certain games next to never getting localized. And in our case, not getting physical editions. Such horsecrap.
Why bother about HOF being authentic if you don't really care about it though, haha. Sounds like a bore XD
Congratz on getting the Hel duo! I really adore them. Even their edgy parts XD Or maybe especially those. Still keeping my hopes up for Plegia and/or Plumeria lol. Still a few days left to try at least!
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Oh dear. You're going through great lengths just on my behalf, don't you? Well.. not just on my behalf of course, but still.. I-Is this conversation really so important?
I can only agree with this. I don't understand why in this day and age, with internet bringing games from all over the world within relative reach, consoles still have region restrictions. So behind on the times. And don't get me started on DVDs :P
Oh! While on the topic of region free consoles. We briefly discussed Ace Attorney before and I have a question. It's a bit of a strange question, hinging on a hypotheticality. Do you happen to have a copy of the underappreciated Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice? I ask this because I was trying to find a copy of it and found one on Amazon of the UK, but it's sold second hand by a store in Germany. I've tried contacting them but they refuse to properly reply, so I cannot be 100% sure it's an English title or a German one. In the case that I do decide to get their game and it happens to be German after all, I could try to send it to the only German person I know that might be interested in it... You! You.. used to live in Germany before, right?
Shush! I play the game my way and you play the game your wrong way XD
I'll start training them after getting Peleas to level 40. Looking forward to using them ^^
So far no Legendary Micaiah yet. I hope that changes at some point ^^
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Why yes, young Padawan, what kind of old lady would I be if I were to neglect a youngling?
Also I have good news for you. European games are multi-lingual. Usually containing English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. Sometimes other languages, but those 5 are usually included. In fact I game stop'd my copy of Magical Starsign back in Canada. The box was German but I could demonstrate to the clerk that the game ran in English. Since DS games were still region free you should totally go for it! EU game releases being multi-lingual may in part be why they take a while, but it's also how I brushed up on my English, French, and a bit of Spanish by replaying Twilight Princess in those languages. Since I pretty much knew by heart what to do. Beat it a total of 13 times XD
So you reject my reality and substitute your own? Ruuuuude.
And yes I also hope for legendary Micaiah, though something about the art seems off to me, lol. Her face I mean. Also, go figure. I got Ashera instead. So it's like Seiros and others all over again. I never get them on their own banner or the banner after, lol. I also got Female Fallen Morgan so I think that Fallen set is complete now <3 AND. FINALLY. NEW YEAR PLUMERIA. from that other banner. Remember how many orbs I wasted on that one before lmao.
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Kind old lady, huh? And what youngling? Almost 30 is almost old. Anyway, if you're sucha nice old lady, do you bake? ^^
You know what's funny? That is what I assumed, but wanting to confirm with the seller has taken me three days and the answer was very disappointing (when they finally decided a copy-paste reply was not going to cut it). Still.. I think I might pass on it. The deal might have been nice, but what am I going to do with a German casing? XD It also wouldn't be the first time I would experience the purchase of a game from Germany that didn't have an English language option, believe it or not.
You.. beat Twilight Princess.. 13 times?! Are you insane?! Super cool, sure, but.. also very insane.
I know I am, but what are you? ;)
I noticed that too. It seems that her eyes have sunk a bit too low on her face, don't they?
... Oh suuuure. Kijame immediately pulls a super good thing from the Legendary banner. Aaand of course even more good ones from other banner as well. You're so lucky ^^ What did I get today? Cherche and Virion :P Well at least they make a nice duo.
EDIT: As expected: nothing from the Legendary banner. Spent so many orbs today on 8 summons from different pools, but nothing good whatsoever. But I guess I can't really complain as I got the pirate princess duo on the last day of that banner, but still. This was what, 30 orbs? Something like that. It is what it is. Enjoy your abundance of good heroes ^^
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Oops so guess who's been binging DQB2 on the switch for a bit. Last I checked I hit 915 hours, probably more by now XD But also the kids are sick so I'm a wee bit more self-quarantining than usual.
And no I'm not insane I just loved the game so much! It was a bit on the easier side and it felt a wee bit short, but overall very enjoyable. I mean I did buy the Wii U remake after all... minus the Wii U lmao.
So like. Don't hit me. In my quest to get legendary Micaiah I got Ashera, remember? Yesterday or the day before I got two more of her. In the same summon pool lmao. And a third 5-Star but I can't remember if it was one of them special upgrades or just regular interference. I was tempted to leave 60 more orbs on that banner because the starting odds are so nice but I mean you seen how it been with Ashera, Seiros, Byleth etc. I wasn't gonna get her on her own banner lmao. So I decided to keep them orbs for the up and coming scions. Fun stuff. ALSO I GOT MY GIRL MORGAN. Both regular and fallen. Not from the same banner methinks. Yeah idk although Awakening wasn't my first FE game it is definitely one of my favourite ones haha. All Morgans are precious.
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... Wait, you have kids? You never mentioned kids! You were letting me flirt with you without telling me you had kids? XD cough I ask for that last statement to be removed. Anyway ehm.. How fun is DQB2? I mean, after over 900 hours, what can you still do that you haven't done before? :P
Ah you're also an "I buy games for a console I don't have (yet)" person, huh? That's good ^^ I don't often buy remakes if I've already played the original. Although I am tempted still to get TMS' remake, because they added that extra song...
Nah, I'm not gonna hit you. You did sink in 60 orbs after all. My spendings didn't even come close to that! You deserve every hero you get, although it would have been nice if one of those Asheras had decided to head my way instead of yours.. shrugs What can you do?
Oh. My. Gosh. You MUST turn on the battle animations once for a fight against Mùspell. Have you seen him? Now THAT is a dragon. Like.. DAAAANG...
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I never said they were MY kids. lol. Unless you were talking about the Morgans, in which case, yes, yes they are :D And so you're still flirting-but-not eh? And how could I get bored with DQB2 when it's like the better version of minecraft :D also I love the story mode to bits. I think I played through that 7 times now? At least I think I'm on my 8th run lol.
I definitely spent more than 60 orbs. don't @ me, lmao. Woulda sent you one of them Asheras though, I mean I manual'd 2 of them and kept the good IV one.
Also okay so I didn't turn animations on yet but I was in love with Muspell's sprite... and I hate his actual art. lmao. Okay so now I checked and yes that's a sexy af dragon. I want an actual dragon version art instead of his human look lol
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Well still, you said "the kids are sick", so it was only natural I assumed they spawned from you :P So what's up, you're their guardian or something? And no I'm not flirting with you anymore, if I ever was for real.. I mean, that would have been stupid anyway.. plus you lead me to believe you're old enough to be my mom, so..
Eight runs of the same story in a Minecraft version of DragonQuest? That's.. dedication? :P Still, I've never seen you online...
Hehehe, you really spend a lot of money on this game, don't you? It's people like you that keep this game going! I'm just a leech.
His art is kinda weird, isn't it? Like it's from some strange anime. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure or something... Oh well. He's quite hot, yet he still lacks the "BURN EVERYTHING" skill Surtr has. For a year two hero, Surtr is still so strong...
... I ehm.. I wouldn't say sexy.. I'm more into fur than scales XD Someone should make a wolf Nifl vs dragon Múspell poster... To Etsy!
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I swear we had a discussion about crotch spawns before, but I digress. XD
I'm not surprised over you not seeing me online much, the internet varies in quality and the switch sucks at picking up the signal. I see you playing, Mr. Ace Attorney over there.
And eh, truly if everyone was F2P they'd stop doing it but I am spending the money because I enjoy and support the franchise. They might not do everything right but they sure tide me over FE game drought now XD Plus collectible gals and pals yo.
And yeah his art is kinda... anime. Not that that's a bad thing but this style does put me off a little lol. Also did you just confess to being a furry? Got'em! :D
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Oh probably, but I don't expect you to remember all the details of our conversation as neither do I. Although I think you did mention you did not have kids of your own, so.. But it's not like it matters. I do hope they get well soon then.
It is true that the wireless reception of the Switch sucks. I have no idea how they managed to screw that up so badly after the WiiU and 3DS great reception.. And I'm only a wannabe attorney. I've now reached the final chapter however. Then a hopefully quick second run-through to pick up the achievement-accolades I missed. I don't like checking what to do beforehand. It happened earlier and it's just not the same. Although I would have missed this one if I hadn't seen it..
Mostly gals, really. Bronze gals too. I'm on my biorhythm low at the moment, it seems. Which is unfortunate. I'll just keep leeching until one of those Siberian heroes is mine. Preferably Larcei...
It's annoying that he's too strong for my current Tempest Trials team. I don't really care for his looks :P
Did I? Huh. Well, I am, yep. One of the side-effects from growing up in the 90s ;) What about it?
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Jesus my cat stepped all over my keyboard again so my reply is gone. Ahem.
Has it really been 2 days already? Been binging on DQB2 after work, went to bed right before final battle and finished it this morning. Glorious. Last I checked was 940+ hours so definitely more now lol. I'll crack the 1k yet :D
Haven't summoned anything lately so I guess there is... NOTHING TO REPORT :D
And hey, the 90s were just 10 years ag... oh. Oh no.
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You named your cat Jesus? That's.. odd. But hey, to each their own :P
Now I am kinda curious what else you wrote that was deleted by your cat...
Hehehe, good luck on getting those 1000 hours. Once you've done that, will you sit down and think about all the things you could have done in that time? :P
chuckles Clever. Of, like, the 10 summons I did on the previous four days there were only two silver.. It seems the fair winds that landed some pirates in my castle aren't blowing from the Jugdral direction.. Oh well..
If only. I mean, I'm from '92, as you know, probably, and I'm getting close to 30. So, yeah.. You old ma'am! :D
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if I had named my cat Jesus, the sentence would have been starting like"Jesus, my cat, stepped..."
So I'm only up to 970+ hours (I think) in DQB2 but I decided to play Tokyo Mirage Sessions for a change of pace. Since I never even finished chapter 1 lol. So now I'm on chapter 3, binging as if it were a session. :D
Also I resisted the urge to max out summons on the repeat Forging Bonds banner. PRAISE ME!
Ah, to be 30 again... coughs So anyways Abyss is here and the art looks great for all of them. While I do think 3H is a tad over-represented (or at least it feels that way) I'm glad that we got new heroes instead of alts. Any new hero that was not released in any form is always a big plus to me! Which reminds me, do you know the Polygon video on naming and sorting all FE characters by archetype? my younger sister introduced me to it and it was a riot.
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Pff, as if anybody cares for proper punctuation these days.
Heh. Session. I get it ^^ I told you that game was great. I love it. The music is just great. The vocal tracks that is. The soundtrack itself is not something to sit down and listen to, unfortunately. Some tracks are nice though...Gameplay? Oh, sure, that's fine as well. I loved stringing together sessions, even if it was all a bit repetitive.
Oooh, good giiiirl~! chuckles Today was my first day in over a week that, despite doing numerous summons, I didn't get a single bronze. I did get a four star special Mikoto too.. but already had one of those :P No Crusaders yet, aside from Nanna of course. She's so pretty! Her face is very nice, her dress quite pretty and her staff very cool!
Yeah yeah, you're 57, I know. If only you WERE 30 XD Just kidding, just kidding, chillax! And yeah, I figured they were DLC peoples. I can't say I really care although that thief looks interesting. And sighing causing misfortune? That sounds rather annoying :P
You know, since FEHeroes is listening in on this conversation, no doubt (I mean, why else did my Pirate high end in such a bronze low? I didn't keep count, but over the course of a week I got at least ten bronze and like.. five silver), I was hoping to drop an amazing Heroes idea on you ^^ You know what we need more heroes of? Tokyo Mirage Sessions! It's not fair that the team is not even complete! So we definitely need a Touma Akagi and Yashiro Tsurugi. That's two. Then there's Maiko Shimazaki, since she does fight in Encore. She should be a dancer. Of course we need Uta-Loid Tiki as well! But.. we need a fifth, don't we? Well who else is left but Barry Goodman? Now, I hear you think: "But Barry isn't a fighter. He gave his Mirage to Mamori." To that I say: Make him a Beast type! Normal Barry by day, evil heavy metal star Barry by night~! And yes, I know these are spoilers, but at the rate you're playing, you should know this by now :P
Am I obsessed? ... Maybe a little... Wouldn't have spent months recreating all costumes if I weren't...
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Excuse you, I very much do care for punctuation.
I got me a Constance and a Yuri so far. Hoping for Muspell solely to have and maybe then forget about him. Definitely want Hapi cause I do like my redheads. Among other things. But oh, the dance/ball banners... hnnngh wat do. Time to get some of my workpay I guess. lol.
Currently on chapter 5, really enjoying things. Might be overdoing it with carnage reforging though, I keep using the low ATK ones to max them out again. Which normally isn't a problem but deadly when I get hit with a savage crew lol. Definitely a fun game. Had a blast with Yashiro's food sidestory, haven't laughed out loud this much in a while. Also holy crap Maiko's session skill, how is she NOT a mirage master? and ngl, since you can buy each accessory x9 I was sure my max members would be 9 but I guess 7 is it. Not complaining per se, just thinking how that's weird. Also bless second Hee-Ho Mart Anna for having Master Seals in her lottery XD Got everyone promoted at least once now. I love how you have half holy and half edgy looking. Then again could Navarl get any edgier if he tried lol. And with Barry having given Draug to Mamori, why not take Sir Lorenz since he's in the game? And what about Riku and Abel? Aaah the possibilities. Also that Excellus boss caught me hella off guard. During the pre-boss cutscene I was just saying "omg where do I know that gay pose from" and then I yelled the name at almost the same time as it appeared on screen lmao.
Also rude, you can still date a 57-year old when you're 33. :V You don't know what you're missing, Mr. Flirt-and-Run-but-oh-I-was-just-kidding-put-away-the-knife-PLEASE.
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That's because we're both old people :P
Wait, you got two of the new heroes without sinking in workpay? Like.. you really had that luck? And you still dare to suggest people with Feh Passes don't have any summoning advantages? :P Congrats though ^^
Well, Maiko was originally going to be a Mirage master, but that was scrapped for the original game. I guess for the encore they did want to add it, but not sink in the time to fully make her a Mirage master. So nope, I have no idea what her session attack is like, since it wasn't in the original game. She didn't get a duo move either.
You can win Master Seals in the lottery? I think that's new. If I recall correctly, the original game had exactly enough to promote every character twice (once to each side). And what do you mean "second Anna"? That's not Anna! She has a mask and everything! :P
Naaah, those aren't really important. I thought my idea was really cool... Especially since he gets all dark and edgy when left alone.. Kinda like totem Edelgard! Oh and he must have a skill that makes him immune to attacks effective against beasts since he is not actually a beast. Yeah... my idea is better. Unless they're going to add Tiki's biggest fan. Then anything goes XD
chuckles Now that's not nice! Excellus is just.. eccentric. And you must keep in mind that the newest game in the series at this point was Awakening, so every Fire Emblem thing in TMS is from either Awakening or Dark Dragon, with a few extras sprinkled in. Maiko being part Azura is a chronological impossibility.
Oooh, are you going to stab me with that knife? Interesting ^^
But I'm not 33, I'm 29.. Wait.. Are you saying you would be 57 when I'd be 33? So you're 53 now? Well, that is good to know! But ehm.. neh. Other than my FEH-and-occasionally-other-games buddy, there's not much else going on. I'm sorry for possibly flirting with you at any time. That's just my problem.
EDIT: Yaaaaay~!! Three summons today.. all of them bronze. What did you get? Three Múspells and a Surtr? Pirate Surtr of course, because if anyone can get him now, it's you.
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Ayoooo. I actually haven't gamed much, I was just too tired after work. Even took naps. Getting old sucks :D
And yes you can win Master Seals in the secret shop lottery, they are unlisted as prizes and I read somewhere the odds are 3/256. I won one consciously but I might have skipped another while just buttonmashing through lol. And yeah it makes sense that the characters in the game were from Awakening/Shadow Dragon since, albeit with a lot of time passing inbetween, Awakening is a historical sequel of sorts to the latter. Though, since TMS is essentially a consequence of SD's bad end, would Chrom and friends even exist? But eeeeh. Timeline shenanigans. (And I mean Gaiden characters coulda been there too, continent of Valm exists in Awakening... I digress XD)
I picked those numbers because together they make 90 and that's super old :D And gosh what are you, Sylvain, Inigo, or any other typical FE flirt? When's my invitation for tea and flowers comeing eh?
I took Muspell for my 40 summon freebie, but I did manage to summon a Hapi along the way. So I'm just missing Constance, which is a shame, but hell if I'd be complaining. Slapped some new skills on our remixed heroes. Not really much luck on the dance banners and I couldn't be bothered to add any orbs after the rate reset. But yes, as is tradition, Kjelle pity-broke me on one of them lol.
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Hahaha, no kidding. To somewhat quote my late grandfather: Getting old is fun, being old is not.
They actually considered adding Alm I believe, back when it was more an any Fire Emblem game goes kinda game. But nope, settled for those two in the end. I'm fine with that, honestly. Plus Warriors came out not long after, so if people want more mixed Fire Emblem action that is actually just Fates, they have that~!