
One key as a late Christmas gift and one as an early New Year's gift!!
Please enjoy! :)
(Also you can check out my Twitch channel
(Totally not shameless advertising....)
(Totally not...)


9 years ago

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Thanks man! You too!!! :D

9 years ago

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Thank you, this is the only FEAR game I'm missing, along its DLC Reborn.

9 years ago

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Happy early New Year!
Yeah totally not! xD
It's ok though and thank you, hope you got many follower or subscriber? :3
I never use twitch because of my slow connection :(

9 years ago

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Happy New Year, zeruel132!

Double thanks for the giveaway.

9 years ago

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I'm really sorry! didn't mean to dangle the price in front of you when you can't join, my bad for not checking.
Hope you will accept this as compensation?

Enjoy my level 4 friend!

9 years ago

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I... I... I... I don't know what to say.. :O
You are amazing! Like seriously, you're really damn generous.
Well, the least I can do, is to add you to my whitelist.
Again, thank you. Thank you so much! :)

9 years ago

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You are most welcome. And with it accept my humble apologies for taunting you when you couldn't join.
Have a wonderful day!

9 years ago

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Dude, since some of these keys in the bundle are for games that I don't really have to activate, would you like them to give away, so you could boost your CV a bit? It's the least I could do.

9 years ago*

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Nah, man. They're all yours to do with as you please.

Boost your own why don't you, so you get to level 5 soon? =)

9 years ago

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One day I'll make it! :D

9 years ago

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Keep the positive attitude, you'll get there AND higher!

9 years ago

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Aaaand this is why I always come back. EVERYONE IS SO AWESOME AND POSITIVE!!! :D
Not like Charlie Sheen... Oh wait! ;D
Ba dum tss

9 years ago

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Oooh, man! You actually made me LOL!

Good times!

9 years ago

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I guess my jokes are.... WINNING?
Turned cringy, huh? I'll show myself out.

9 years ago

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You can stay. I'm (only slightly) embarassed to say I really enjoyed Sheens shenanigans. The song someone made from his interview actually was on my playlist for longer than I care to admit. You're still good!

9 years ago

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Oh, he's a legend. An idol to be admired, at least in my fucked up book! :D

9 years ago

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Mine too! Not everyone can fuck things up with his panache!

You and I would be sorry losers if we tried, the man is a fracking hero.

9 years ago

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I mean, some people have Superman, some have George Washington, some have God. We have Charlie Sheen!
Also, I think I need to make my own pantheon with my gods that I worship.
Charlie Sheen - The God of Merriment and Alcohol
Tommy Wiseau - The God of Drama and Creativity
Shia LeBouf - The God of Shame, Sin and Cannibalism
Bill Cosby - The Trickster God
Keemstar - The God of Cringe
Scarlet Johannson - The Goddess of Love ;)
And the last one I'd worship
Jennifer Love Hewitt - My Future Ex-Wife

9 years ago

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Oh my....

9 years ago

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I agree fully with you!

And you can have Jennifer as soon as I tire of her... Hahahahahaha!

9 years ago

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This is why I love this place; you never know when you'll meet someone who shares my particular kind of mental illness. I love it!

You sir, have cordially been invited to my whitelist.

You are one sick fuck, and that's what I like about you!

9 years ago

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I might be slightly ill, I mean, I do think that I'm coming down with a fever, but this is uncalled for!
I'll get Keemstar on your ass! DRAMA ALERT!
Also, I think the Jennifer timeline goes like this:
1) Me and Jennifer hook up
2) Jennifer feels horrible, goes to you to make herself feel better. You two hook up.
3) I go to your apartment, I'm in the dark. Me and you accidentally hook up.
4) Jennifer marries me out of pity.
5) After 3 years of shooting Ghost Whisperer, I get fed up and yell that ghosts don't work that way.
6) Jennifer divorces me.
7) You get married with her
8) You get fed up with her being so Jennifer-Love-Hewitt-like
9) You two get divorced
10) Jennifer runs back to me, because she's in a slump that she can't get out of, gives up and lets me have her. And THEN comes "present day", which isn't present at all and me and her are FWB.
11) Turns out you just forgot the name of JENNIFER Lawrence and then you marry her. Finally you can be happy.
12) You become a science teacher and they make a documentary out of you.
13) Leonardo DiCaprio wins an Oscar thanks to the movie and I get portrayed by Steve Buschemi.
Thank you for taking me under your wing though! :)

9 years ago

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Sorry for calling you "sick", I should have called you "the most incredibly disassociated person alive, combined with a severe case of the imbeciles".

Man you've made me laugh tonight, I'm calling a contest in your name, for your glory!

9 years ago

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I'm still working on the proper lore behind this, but don't worry, the Wikia page will be ready in a sec. I already have the movie rights sold to Warner Bros.. Stephanie Mayer will write a Twilight style book about this too.
Also, let's make sure that the contest is bloody and gory! :D

9 years ago

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For you

I will add blood and gore.

9 years ago

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Also, a fun thing: Have you read about how gay male geese in the wild will sometimes form a threesome with a female for a while, and drive her away once she lays eggs so that they can raise them together?

9 years ago

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Random. Yes, that's how I'm going to categorize this comment, and not as a suggestion for how you and I are going to raise Jennifers children.....

9 years ago

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Look, as long as you pay alimony, we'll be fine. Soon we'll tell you that they're not yours, but first we'll drain you of money. Your wife earns millions anyway. :)
The candy bars that you send us every day is already not the best, but still... so... better milk it! :D

Plus, I'm gonna head off to bed, so don't expect an immediate response. :)
Gotta find out in which bed my lover will be sleeping in tonight!

9 years ago*

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Sleep well you wonderful sick fuck!

Dream about things that will never happen, as all your lovers are belong to me!

hahahahahaha, you've made my day random person, hope you sleep well!

9 years ago

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