
Decided to do some giveaways as Halloween is right around the corner and maybe you might decide you want to go as a Ghost. Maybe similar to Casper The Friendly ghost? Well, have I got the perfect game for you as not only will you become Invisible but your mind will too once you get a hold of this neat game called Invisible Mind. It may not fully guarantee that you will become a ghost but it will reveal a world created with your mind and help you to learn more about yourself for you to figure out a way to truly become ghost-like. With that said, get ready for this giveaway because I am giving away 5 copies of Invisible Mind that I had gotten from the previous Groupee's Firestarter Bundle. Please only join if you don't own the game and want to play this game.

Please note: I use SGTools to do checks to ensure people that people who won giveaways use their won keys for their account so only join if you will use it on your account and do check steam accounts to see if you own the game. Also, Don't forget to click "received" when you won. Good luck everyone.

Giveaway Ends: 9pm EST Time on 10/29

Random Question
Do you believe that Ghost exist?

Check out my other active giveaways below
Mu Cartographer (2 copies/Lvl 2) -
The Lost Battalion: All Out Warfare (2 copies/Lvl 2) -
Grey Phobia (2 copies/Lvl 2) -
Randal's Monday (2 copies/Lvl 3) -

I would say that it depends on what you think ghosts are. I don't believe in rattling chains or white sheets. I do think that a given area can be charged with such a large amount of energy that it can "record" an event. Nothing ever really dies, it just transforms because everything is energy and energy dissipates but does not cease to exist. Whether that energy is being controlled by a will is left up to interpretation.

7 years ago

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Thank you ^_^

7 years ago

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