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Quick poll: what is the origin story of your nick?

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First used it during the couple of months after finishing college and before my job started. At that exact point in time I wasn't in employment or education or even training. Just lazing around waiting for the next chapter of my life to begin. Hence, the nick.

Ahhhh, those were the days.

1 week ago

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Congrats on reaching the next chapter tho!

1 week ago

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It's from a character from a show I liked when I was young. Although it's a somewhat common name so I sometimes find the username already taken.

1 week ago

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I loved Quantum Leap, great show.

1 week ago

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Hm, do I really want to demystify that here and now?

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1 week ago

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You're so cagey about it, we'll get the truth out of you one day, Waxy!

1 week ago

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I'll give it a shot: when boasting with your friends you actually drank the worm from a Tequila bottle, and it felt like wax in your mouth.

3 days ago

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lol, nice try ^^

3 days ago

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it was the end result of a naming progression while i was in high school, started with senkrail followed by sennoan and ended up with saorren, it was also part of a custom character profile i did for english class in high school about a snow wolf which I made art work of in art class.

If we are going by steam, that was given to me by my ex in college, and finally my newest name i have stuck with the last 2 years is Mahdz.

1 week ago

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Alex from my name (from Ukrainian Oleksandr, by EN version is always Alexander, greek things etc. :)). Forestry — it was a great mode for Minecraft a long time ago about petals and bees.

1 week ago

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last name, it means "wolves".

1 week ago

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i am sour pants >:)

1 week ago

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A name and a pun. I guess.

1 week ago

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Quick poll: what is the origin story of your nick?

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1 week ago

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When I was born, my mother and my father were still not agreeing about what name would I have.

1 week ago

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Wow......That hurts.

1 week ago

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Nah. The problem is that I just ended with a name that so many people mix and forget and end calling me something similar but not the same. Imagine that your name is Billy Joe, but most people call you, for the most part of your life, one of these:
Billy Jack
Billy Jim
Billy John
Billy Jeremy
Billy Joohoo
Billy Jauncy
Billy Jesse
Billy Jordan
Billy Julian
Billy Jasper

And then the other side:
Braxton Joe
Brody Joe
Beckett Joe
Brad Joe
Barry Joe
Benny Joe
Brandon Joe
Brayden Joe

And the final touch, two names that are none of yours, like.... Barry Julian.

Here some people have middle name and others don't. Sometimes people use middle name and sometimes not. From a certain point of my life I started using only my first name and all that misnomering towards myself disappeared. I could go on and on but that's the bulk of it.

So your nickname is "Word of Furry"? That's the thing.

1 week ago

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I know that feeling. My last name contains a common first name here.

Many people call me by my last name instead of my first.

1 week ago

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So they call you Fury instead of Sword? Dunno, I think I'd prefer Fury. "I'm Nicholas Fury". "How does your mother call you?" - "Fury" - "And your kids?" - "If I had any, Fury".

It could be the best cinematic name if it weren't for Idiocracy's "Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho", porn superstar and president of the USA.

1 week ago

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I'd say I'm called Flurry instead of Sword :D

And this kinda made me want to see Idiocracy now :D

1 week ago

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If you haven't seen that movie, go watch it now. You will see the world with different eyes after.

3 days ago

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"I'm Nicholas Fury". "How does your mother call you?" - "Fury" - "And your kids?" - "If I had any, Fury".

And then he has a wife and she calls him Nick??! Wtf Disney!!

1 week ago

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It was inspired by my late cat. Means something like "ginger tail" in Ukrainian.

1 week ago

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Nice cat name. I like the sound of it!

1 week ago

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It wasn't a cat name. Just when I were thinking of a new nick, I looked at my cat and thought about his tail. So nickname was born.

1 week ago

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Ok, so 2003 I stumbled upon some ad for a fictional town in lord of the rings universe, where you could write your own character and imerse in the story. Lil' young Nin was intrigued, bc she never heard of such a place and went to apply. Coincidentially I got an elvish dictionary for my B-day and I needed a name for a ranger. So can be elvish, right? Yes. I love Lilies - not the smell, they seem to be stinking to me - and sword is also awesome for a ranger. I went with Swordlily - which is Ninglor in elvish.
Some lotr facts: Sîr Ninglor is a river in middle-earth. I'm not a sir tho. So no river. Just Ninglor is fine. Or Nin. Or Queen Nin xD

Oh right, the 03 part: I didn't want to forget when I actually started writing. Worked like a spell :3

1 week ago

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All hail Queen Nin ! Very nice backstory.

Out of curiosity, have you tried LOTRO? It was not the best game in the world, but it tried (and still does) interesting things .

1 week ago

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I did indeed. Since I... kinda spend a lot of my 20's in MMOs. I really really loved a lot about it. And I might have played it RP style - which might or might not always have worked bc of ppl who had no idea about lore -.-
Since I refused to go in a guild and play with randos... I mostly did things solo. I honestly would have loved it as a SP game, but... yeah shrugs
Really looking forward to the shire game <3

1 week ago

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I have good memories of LOTRO, I played it with a friend. We both played dwarves and used the system of families (which was a LOT of fun : " oh you're his father? Well you don't look you age! Probably the beard"). We made a WAY TOO LONG stop at the shire, just to farm pipe weed......

And then we entered black forest... "say, did you see this tree? Looks like it was moving? OH NO IT MOVES"

Good times :D

I also really have high hopes for the shire game. It would be nice to have a new good LOTR game.

1 week ago*

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I never came this far. Last stop was in Angmar i think. I kinda really would like to play it again... but me an MMOs... Let's just not reopen that chapter >.<

Yeah, that would be great. And not one solely about fighting - looking at you Middle-Earth Shadow of whatever xD

1 week ago

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" Igel " means hedgehog in German and is a nickna,e of mine in real life. That's because I find hedgehogs cute, I'm extremely nearsighted and have a short spiky haircut. The " 2005 " part was just randomly picked, because just ' igel ' was already used by someone back when I started here.

1 week ago

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navi is Ivan (my name) backwards, but as there are already many navi thanks to zelda, I just added a little bit more.

1 week ago

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high-school shortening of my real surname (with the article because why not? xD)

1 week ago

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World of Warcraft...
back in Vanilla I shared an account with my brother, so in Vanilla, TBC(brother stopped playing after vanilla) and the start of WOTLK(into part of Ulduar) I played a Warrior with a different name... after some guild drama I ended up going to a different(and better) guild that wanted to recruit my alt for some time now... on its offspec a Holy priest(I enjoyed doing everything, tanking, healing and dps! I just wanted to raid :D)... that my brother had named Carenard, they ended up recruiting another holy priest the next week and let me switch back to my main spec of Shadow and I stayed with them for the rest of the expansion where many players of the game quit after to(lich king was done, so we were happy with our game experience). Ended up deciding the name was unique enough and I liked it so I started using it on site after site after site... and it just became my default.

Fun Fact: my Path of Exile and Runescape accounts... are my old default username which I won't state here.... but it shouldn't be overly hard to find.

1 week ago

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I stuck around a while longer. But WOTLK was the addon I got the most from I guess. Raiding and all that. Good times, good times. Still in contact with a few ppl from back then :3

1 week ago

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I came back in WOD and most of Legion.
decided to "cash" out my gold via wow tokens(as soon as these came out... I stopped paying for the game, and used gold for game time) and left the game with around $500 in bnet balance.

1 week ago

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Which is probably less then you initially spent on it...

1 week ago

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probably closer to even, many years of subs plus costs of expansions and ... a few store mounts/pets

1 week ago

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Back in BBS days, I had a different handle. The main realtime BBS chat site we used was a commercial site for Broderbund games. They never used it, and they didn't even have someone monitoring it to help people who needed support. So it was a teenager hangout, and we'd help those who stumbled in who actually needed support... usually by telling them it wasn't there and to try somewhere else on the site. (This happened maybe 3 times ever in 3-5 years.)

At some point, the BBS admin decided to try to block all us regular users (something about tying up all the phone lines constantly) by banning our handles. So we had to create more accounts. So many. I used some book character names (because the shelf was there). Eventually they stopped bothering, and Yamara was the one that was left.

Yamara is a comic strip found in Dragon Magazine back in...uh...mid 80s? Somewhere. (Believe there's still a website for it.) And she was a halfling thief. The comic goes some funny places, and I read it a lot at the library, as they had a huge stash (support your library, they have cool stuff!). I usually manage to claim Yamara, but Steam has a lot of people who also read Dragon Magazine, so I went with Yamaraus (which always sounded like a dinosaur to me). Rawr.

1 week ago

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Such a cool backstory. And I'm not saying that just because it involved BBS, rebellion, comic strips and a halfling thief... and dinosaurs?

1 week ago

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Depending on who you ask in my closest group of friends, it has something to do with this prehistorical meme, me having a bad day after a sleepless night and Tyler Durden. Figure out what you will.

1 week ago

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CM PUNK CM PUNK CM PUNK ....and tea, its ingrained in the culture of my country.

1 week ago

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Shadowshiv was a weapon you could find in the old days of The Bard's Tale games (C64 era).

6 days ago

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Fun to talk about it. I put a lot of thought into the name eldonar back then. In the end it has several meanings.
El - Hebrew for God. Donar - Teutonic god of thunder, other form of Thor. So Thundergod and El Don, as in the Boss. ;)
So I'm the Thundergod Boss haha

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5 days ago

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Playing UT2k4 onslaught and mostly doing vehicular support... which lead to the nickname vehicularmanslaughterman... which was consistently too long for everything, so picked a vehicular adjacent name and stuck with it. 365 was a clan name and i just never dropped it due to it being easier to consistent get the name over just "ignition"

5 days ago

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Well, ok, it's my name and birth year. BUT on Steam I am "WarYore" (pronounced like warrior). The name Chad actually means "brave warrior, defender of the city" or something like that. So, yeah, it's all just my name in various forms.

5 days ago

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It's my toon name of the first character I started on World of Warcraft. I sucked at that game, not much of a fighter, lol. Have found an mmorpg which suits me better :)

4 days ago

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Kyo came from Kyokushin (a karate style I used to practice), then I joined a Call of Duty team called Resp (and the clantag was RE) so I played a bit with the PSN name adding a G, ending up as Kyog_RE. Then the G stayed everywhere

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3 days ago

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