
So a lot of kids want to be a firefighter when they grow up
Instead of saying thanks, answer me:
Did you also wanted to be one? If not, what did you wanted to be as a child?

Wanted to be a chef. Now I'm too lazy to prepare a normal meal. Things can change.

5 years ago

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A truck driver, weirdly enough. Apparently I wanted to do that so I could honk the horn

5 years ago

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Thank you!

5 years ago

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Thanks a lot for the gift =)

I don't recall ever wanting to be firefighter, but I recall thinking truck driving would be ok. And actually I end up doing trucking professionally for some time in my adulthood. And I'm still probably going to do it occasionally, but certainly not interested doing it full-time ever again unless some unexpected future event causes it to be my only choice.

5 years ago

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