Dujanah is an experimental game about death, war and grieving. It's got handcrafted claymation graphics, an entire in-game arcade, occasional toilet humour, and some of the most beautiful writing I've seen in any medium.
Thank yous are always welcome, but if you'd like to answer a question instead: what are some of the weirdest or most unusual games you've played?
165 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by AKFalcon
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Frog Fractions
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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.
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I own that one as well, but haven't given it a whirl yet! I enjoyed Dujanah so much I really should, once I've recovered.
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This looks wonderful... thanks for the recommend!
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Definitely interested; thanks!
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Noice, been looking at this weird indie game, got it on my wishlist.
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All You Can Eat
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I like weird stuff... so far, I think these would qualify as the most bizarre games I've had the pleasure to experience:
The Hex
Damn Virgins
Bad Mojo Redux
My favorite of the lot would be The Hex. That said, I have sadly not played much of Bad Mojo. It doesn't work on my desktop potato that runs Win7, all I got when I tried was a black screen. Got to play a tiny bit on a friend's laptop that had Win8 as the OS. Hum... I think I'm gonna install it on my laptop, it's new-ish compared to my desktop pc and has Win10 so hopefully the game will work on that one.
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Oh, man, the Awkward Steve Duology looks almost too relatable. I might have to give that one a shot.
I've heard nothing but good things about The Hex! Generally a recommendation followed by "shh, just try it, I don't want to spoil anything," which is usually a good sign.
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J. King-Spooner is a dope dev. Cool to see this as a giveaway - thanks!
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That's a tough one; I tend to actively seek out weird games. The Ecco the Dolphin games usually get pretty weird toward the end (some don't wait that long), and Glowfish has a lot of that same spirit, despite being a casual game. Broken Reality, also on Steam, is a neon pastel paradise that satirizes the Internet and social media. Katamari's a good candidate, of course, even if just for its concept. There are tons of old NES games that are really weird just because of how ill-conceived they are, like Chubby Cherub (might classify more as disturbing) and Kiteretsu Dai-Hyakka (a lot of things just... happen; it's like if Yume Nikki, another weird game, were a Platformer, but weirder). That doesn't even count those unlicensed NES games that are just a hot mess of 1s and 0s, like Robodemons, which is absolutely surreal, but not AT ALL because it's trying to be. It's kind of a big question; I don't think I could really pick a #1 weirdest game, but I'm definitely keeping an eye on this thread for new experiences!
ADDENDUM: I forgot about Islands: Non-Places on Steam; it's like if someone cracked open my head, poured out all of the horrors and trauma related to them, and made a game based on what was left.
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I remember playing Ecco 2 as a teenager. I expected some kind of cute eco-friendly thing with dolphins and got Gravitorbox and water tunnels in the sky. Since I was terrible at it I used a level select cheat and the succession of weird places made even less sense. I loved the whole thing.
I also second what you say on NES games.
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Me too! I rented Ecco 2, and that was my first experience with the series. It came with a card that had cheats on it, including the level select, and of course, I went straight to the last one on the list, which was the time machine. Problem is that the flags weren't activated, so it was just a small screen with a thing where there was nothing you could really do; it was pretty special. There was also the Tubes of Medusa, where falling off would cause the game to glitch, so it'd keep moving forward, while Ecco fell to his grizzly death against the earth below in an eternal loop. Of course, it wasn't until many years later that I got to experience City of Forever; that's about when you realize that the shrooms were laced with acid.
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Yeah those cheats could glitch the game in a whole lot of ways (I think I remember that empty time machine thing too :D). But I like glitches so it was part of the charm :)
I also liked the level names a lot. Things like Fin to Feather, The Hungry Ones, or the strange alien things like Gravitorbox or Globe Holder. They added an extra poetic layer I never expected to find there.
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Ice-Pick Lodge tends to make weird games with amazing settings and terrible balancing. The first I played was The Void, which was extremely bleak and pretty tedious, but had a great atmosphere. A few years ago I played Pathologic (never tried the recent remake yet) and it's become one of my favourite games ever. I loved how it included theatrical elements and the writing was absolutely amazing.
I also play a lot of RPG Maker games and there are many weird things among them. Since you have a Hello Charlotte avatar you probably already know about it, so I'll just namedrop Yume Nikki, Space Funeral (two classics), Hylics, Mothlight / Orogenesis (experimental animation) and many more I can't remember now.
In terms of weirdness it's probably hard to beat Cavyhouse though. Their first game, This Starry Midnight we Make, is some kind of... Onmyo divination simulator where you have to reproduce star patterns to resolve strange problems. Their second one, Forget Me Not, is a clicker where you play as an alchemist who grows living organs on a tree. They both have that kind of strangeness that's only found in Japanese games.
Also some random unrelated weird things: Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor, Knee Deep, and anything from Cosmo D (Off-Peak, The Norwood Suite).
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Thanks, I like weird games as long as they're not trying too hard.
A few that come to mind:
Baobabs Mausoleum - Only played the first Ep but it was pretty good
D4 Dark Dreams Don't Die - Quirky narrative based game. A shame they never finished the final episodes but still worth it as is.
Catherine - Puzzle and horror for sure, but you're chased by a giant baby in your nightmares. It's weird.
LISA - It's like a darker Earthbound, which was also pretty weird at times (and an amazing game)
Game Soup - Haven't played this one yet, but it's a bunch of little minigames that reminds me of Warioware: Smooth Moves on the Wii which was also weird.
PUSS - A cat themed avoid-em-up that seems rather strange, haven't played it yet either. The aesthetic reminds me of Cheap Golf which I have played and is not quite what you'd expect.
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PUSS really earns that psychedelic tag. The neon and pastels also remind me a bit of Hypnospace Outlaw, which is a good thing.
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Thank you, APocketfulofStars
And to answer your question, here are 3:
Soda Drinker Pro - https://store.steampowered.com/app/347720
Proteus - https://store.steampowered.com/app/219680
Knock-Knock - https://store.steampowered.com/app/250380
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Probably not the weirdest one but The Cat Lady definitely deserve a mention when talking about weird games.
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Games from here such as Sonic Dreams Collection was the first one that came to my mind at the moment.
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Thank you!
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Thank you.
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You're welcome! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
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Description sounds pretty interesting, I'll definitely do it :D
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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.
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The Cat Lady was brutal, although not the weirdest thing I've gotten through. Love it to smithereens, it's the only game that's ever let me play a suicidal middle aged woman with a cancer-stricken young bestie before.
My run was probably less depressing than normal, since I got the golden ending.
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Loved The Norwood Suite, which means I really ought to play Off-Peak at some point, too. I've never heard of The Pasture or Rest House. It's a shame that I can't play first-person games without getting motion sick. >.>
The Cat Lady's soundtrack was an absolute banger. The creator's friend essentially donated his entire album to the project to use royalty-free, so he had a lot to work with.
The whole thing's on Spotify, if you didn't know, along with the rest of their work!
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