
You pull your left arm free and swing wildly at the being, but it quickly restrains your arm again with unnerving precision. The one with the sword still lodged in its side leans in close, its oddly beautiful hands pressing against your face with a horrifying gentleness. Before you can react, its fingers sink into your eye socket with unnatural force. At the same time, the other being mirrors the action to your other eye, its delicate hands sliding into your skull. They twist in unison, their grip tightening as they rip your skull apart with a sickening snap.

Your body splits in two, your organs spilling out in a grotesque flood, splattering through the air like a gruesome storm. As the halves of your body swing in their hands, you feel an eerie detachment, as if your physical form is no longer yours to control. Even though they still hold each half of your body by the skull, you continue to fall, in your new, ethereal form.

Thanks for the game !

4 weeks ago

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