Due to popular demand, almost 13,000 entries! I'm hosting another giveaway to give everyone another chance to win! I love this game and it brings me great pleaseure to offer those who perhaps cannot afford it, a chance to win!
So in aid of my YouTube channel I'm doing another two free PUBG giveaways!
To double your chances, enter below for the second code giveaway: https://promosimple.com/ps/b99b
If anyone is interested, here's my YouTube channel with some Battlegrounds Gameplay!
https://m.youtube.com/user/MrCiaran555 (now GW5Gaming)
104 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by aperager
34 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Formidolosus
16,725 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Kenruyoh
329 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Tsukichild
49 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by wigglenose
409 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by WaitingforGodot
353 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by Mayanaise
42 Comments - Last post 16 seconds ago by cHendler
18 Comments - Last post 37 seconds ago by pingu23
1,427 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by afa1425
9,939 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by Georgeous
32 Comments - Last post 28 minutes ago by Lugum
29,717 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by Kingsajz
134 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by PonBaron
What about the other PromoSimple giveaway that now shows an error?
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That ended this morning my Friend, "Blackhawksean" was the winner :)
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But 3 hours ago, you said:
"I have another giveaway with 13 Hours left here: www.promosimple.com/ps/b893"
So there were at least 10 hours left...
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You're right I posted that this morning, my apologies. The GA said ended so I clicked select winner, emailed him for his steam name and gifted him the GA... Sorry for the confusion! On the bright side I've done another giveaway so just enter that one instead :)
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Bright side? :'(
You left the other "Level 0+" giveaway run for only 1 week and there were almost 13.000 entries.
Now, you're hosting a 4 week giveaway with "Level 0+" requirements yet again.
Well, good luck to all 50.000 participants i guess...
(also, i cannot find a user named Blackhawksean on Steam, but ok...)
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You had and have the same chance as everybody else dude! There's no need to be upset! It's at level 0+ because I believe everybody deserves a chance. You're suspicious aren't you haha. His steam name isn't Blackhawksean that's his go to email name. Add me on steam "GW5Gaming", I will disclose his steam name to you privately so you can ask him did he receive his game and ask him what I said I'd call him on my twitter congratulations to prove Blackhawksean! Then you can come back here and leave a comment with an apology for making my giveaway look fake....
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I'm not going to waste time proving something, especially when that person could have been instructed by you to say certain things.
Leaving aside the fact that you mislead some of us, these PromoSimple giveaways are, if not a scam, then at least bugged or something, since i completed both tasks yet, same as before, i have 0 entries.
And 1 minute after i wrote this comment, my 2 entries became available again...like i said, if not "fishy", then bugged to say the least.
Nevertheless, i only ever apologize when i am truly mistaken, and something tells me that this isn't the case.
So yeah...thanks for the giveaway, i guess.
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Listen, I have two screen shots of my giveaway confirmations from steam via email... want genuine proof then add me on discord and I'll send you them . I'm starting to tire of your negativity - you've been offered 4 chances total to win a £26 game, appreciate it. No doubt you've already put people off entering due to your negative attitude
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Yyyyyeah...almost 700 entries in 2 hours, but i've "put people off"...ohhhkay.
And bare in mind that you should work on your semantics and overall perception.
There's a big difference between "negative attitude", "realistic perspective", "suspicion" and "a simple conversation".
If you can't discern which is which, then "oh well"...
Because i don't remember saying that i don't appreciate the SG giveaway, because i do.
What i DID say, however, (more or less indirectly), was that me and definitely others would have appreciated it even more if it at least had some requirements to enter and/or a lower time frame...
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The prolonged time frame is purely because I cannot afford to gift the game again until this date so apologies for that.
Apologies for the apparent misconception on my behalf but to me when someone goes out of their way to try find the winner on steam screams suspicion.
For all those concerned about it being fake here's your proof, hope this helps-
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Once you have seen the proof I'd appreciate you delete your comments, whether you see them as negative or not, they definitely taint the positivity of the GA. Perhaps I let my emotions run a little by accusing you of ruining GA but when you are trying to do something out of the kindness of your heart and someone questions it, it can be frustrating
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I think you're mistaking "kindness" with "hopefully more subs for my YT channel".
Hence your "need" for more entries.
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Wow you're relentless! No one is under any obligation to subscribe to be in with a chance. If it was a need for subscribers I'd make this giveaway exclusive to subscribers only, which I think you'll find I have not done... You have mistaken my kind gesture for greed. Spending £53 (two codes) for a few subscriber doesn't strike me as cost effective, would you agree?
Right now there are two people playing a game I've gifted them and they're having an awesome time, that's why I do it... perhaps my kindness is wasted on folk like you.
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Relentless in an effort to help everyone open their eyes, including you.
Nor did i say that anyone was obliged to subscribe. Yet many will, and if not from here, then from the other giveaway which has the mandatory condition for the participants to subscribe.
But why would you? Why not post a link here, where you'll have tens, or even hundreds of thousands of "visitors"? It's a "no-brainer".
Well, you did leave a link here on SG that leads to a PromoSimple giveaway which cannot be entered unless people subscribe to your channel, so...
On the contrary...13.000 entries in a 1 week giveaway got you a few hundreds of subscribers, and now you're hosting a 4 week giveaway...so you do the math.
(and this is not including the PromoSimple giveaway)
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Open their eyes to what, a free giveaway and one in exchange for a sub that doesnt have to be permenant? Not all hero's wear capes bro... you've done everyone a great service... How is £53 worth 200 subs that will inevitably unsubscribe when the giveaway is over! I wouldn't pay £53 for 2000 subs never mind 200. Quit thinking you're trading standards and do something useful with your day...
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Nope. To the fact that there will always be a hidden agenda, or a catch, if you will.
You already have 300 subs courtesy of the first 2 copies, 1 here and 1 on YT. (which only lasted 1 week)
2 more copies with a span of 4 weeks will definitely bring in more subscribers. (and i think you meant £52)
And how do you know that they will unsubscribe? Are you a fortune teller? Can you foresee the future?
And even more interesting is this:
If you're so sure that everyone will unsubscribe, then why host the YT giveaway at all in the first place?
Why not just host all the copies of the game here?
Apart from this conversation, i've already done a lot, thanks for "asking" :)
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I dont understand this conversation- the guy gives us 1 copy of the game, other one is for his subscribers, if you dont want to take a part, you dont have to. Description field is 100% his, he can advertise his yt channel, his instagram or even say that his elbows are sexy. It's his right to do that.
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I am fully aware of that, but you're missing the point entirely.
And considering the fact that i don't repeat myself, read the above discussion carefully and maybe, in the end, you'll understand.
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Thank you, I thought I was going crazy for a minute!
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Correction I've given away 2 copies. I originally set up my giveaway on promosimple, it had the option to ask for a sub in return... I thought to myself hell yeah awesome! it was not a "hidden agenda", it was an after effect of the site I happened to use and I'm sure plenty will agree that it's not unreasonable. Then I found steam gifts which was much more user friendly and as I already had one giveaway I posted that on here... if you'd prefer I'll not include such a link to my future give always to save people the horror of subscribing
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Read my reply again, but carefully this time, and please try not to change the subject or deviate in any way...
I mean you did everything else except answer anything close to what i just asked and affirmed.
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You asked me why I didn't advetise both for free on here and I answered you... if you want me to simplify then Sure... I already had a giveaway on promosimple and I only had the money to give away two copies. One had already been promised to promosimple to which people had entered. If I advertise two copies on here that makes 3 copies I have to give away... which I could not afford. And to answer you're question about subs leaving once the giveaway is over... the reason they subbed in first place is due to giveaway not my content, once they have nothing more to gain theres no reason to stay subbed, perhaps me being naturally elf conscious about my videos. And since we are nitpicking ... it's closer to £54
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And yet to those kinds of people you give away a game from the kindness of your heart?
This is the "paradox" which i'm having a bit of trouble understanding.
As for the "nitpicking", 54 pounds would mean 63 euros, whereas a single copy is 30 euros, but i guess that's irrelevant.
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My intention wasn't originally to gain subscribers anyway so whether they unsub afterwards doesn't bother me in the slightest... I'm sure the person who won will stay subbed as gesture of good faith and we are now friends on steam so perhaps we will play together, for the rest; they're more than welcome to unsub. "Those kinds of people"? Not sure what you mean by that
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This kind:
So then why advertise your channel in the first place?
If you couldn't give a damn about subscribers, why the whole "So in aid of my YouTube channel I'm doing another two free PUBG giveaways!" description?
Apparently you care about your YT channel and, as any other person, you would like some subscribers.
But then you say "whether they unsub afterwards doesn't bother me in the slightest"...i don't get it lol.
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That doesn't make them a kind of person? I wouldn't say that makes them a good, bad or ugly persons at all, everybody has free will
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And again, you missed my reply as a "whole".
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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.
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I think the only c*nt here is you, since:
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No one has to ask for my opinion; this is public. Plus you dont have to insult someone to be a cnt. And whether or not you directly meant to you actually did insult this poor chap by insinuating he's doing this for subs. Maybe cnt isn't the right word but you're definitely a cockwomble
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Whatever you say, duffer.
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What's wrong, avortonule? The weather that bad in Budapest?
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Well, someone had to make me laugh today.
Go ahead, be my guest and "fire away" with the petty, infantile insults. It shows a lot about your character.
The weather is actually fine in "Bucharest", Romania.
Oh i'm sorry, i thought your intellect would at least grasp basic geography information, but apparently that's also too much to ask.
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If I don't declare that it's related to my YouTube channel then post clicking on the link they'll feel deceived at least that's how I would feel, as without declaration one would assume it is completely free of any requirement to be bitterly dissapointed perhaps if they don't have an account to sub with. YouTube subscribers is a just an egotistical bonus as such. Either way I gain nothing from a few hundred subs, as YouTube now only pays for ad clicks and not views I would need up and above of 100.000 subs in order to have any sort of monetary gains. So now it's your turn to do the math. Does this giveaway have potential provide these numbers? I would suggest not, the only way to do this is through decent content and relaying with your community which I strive to achieve. Now get off my back, do what you will with the giveaway and spend your time criticising someone else's kind gesture as it seems that's all you're good for.
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GW5Gaming - Forget this negativity. Thank you very much for the GA and all you do! Just ignore people like this.
You are a good person!
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Thanks man appreciate it
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No need to thank!
We (at least I) thank you!
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some people just don't like the odds ¯_(ツ)_/¯
doesn't mean you have berate about it.
On a side note, wonder how many blacklists this guy got after this whole thread
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Blacklists? Lol...
I'll let you know when and if i start to care about something like that.
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Yeah haha he's deleted comments to avoid more black listing
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For the record, a level 1 or level 2 GA has a somewhat higher chance of going to a human player as opposed to a fake account.
Considering you send it as a Steam Gift, that at least can't be resold anymore (only the entire account).
Oh. and thanks for doing this of course :)
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Nice man, thanks for letting me know
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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You're very welcome!
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thanks !!!
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You're welcome :)
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Thanks for another chance at this one!
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No problem my pleasure!!
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No problem!
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Thx for the chance, GL to all!
BTW, did you run over Giani`s cat?
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You're very welcome! Good luck to you!
You know it think it may have been his dog!? XD
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I love infantile sarcasm. It indicates a lot about your character.
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The fact you used sarcasm in your reply also says a lot...
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Where exactly did i use sarcasm?
Do you even know what sarcasm means?
Again, it's all about semantics ("i love infantile sarcasm" was not sarcasm since i really do love it when others use it).
Where you both used sarcasm, i used a more mature and realistic approach by showing you the nature of your personalities using a simple deduction method.
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If you actuallyt love infantile sarcasm then I'm Donald trump. Not sure who's got the bigger issue.
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Not sure? You did just answer that "question" with the first statement.
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You reckon you're Sherlock Holmes?
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Not at all. I don't "reckon", i merely "know" certain facts.
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GW5Gaming is running circles around your intellectual posturing GiANi, just let it go already.
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Uhm, my last comment directed to GW5 was 20 hours ago, so...did i not let it go, or...?
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I just read it and seeing you had the last reply I think my point might have been valid still,... If you still reply it means you are too self enamored to realize how obtuse you really are and there is no hope for you.
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My, my, we have a regular "genius" amongst us.
You think you know it all, don't you? "Barging" in, throwing indirect insults left and right.
But then again, i love it when "internet people" do this.
"Cliché" doesn't even begin to describe you. Yet i'm the obtuse one.
Your perspective and judgement are both "interesting" to say the least.
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Yeah, I figured you out alright. Every reply you make will prove me right even more. Just as I knew you can`t let it go :) Or prove me wrong and be quiet, though I rather just watch you flail about, it is quite comical ;)
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You figured me out, didn't you? Well then allow me to do something i almost never do, namely repeat myself - "we have a regular genius amongst us."
What can i say? You really do know it all. "clap" "clap" "clap"
But on a more serious note, you haven't the vaguest of ideas on "how i function", nor do you have the slightest idea of what type of personality i have.
You like to think you know, which is kind of sad, but no, you've absolutely no idea in the end.
But then again, what could i have asked of another simpleton from "teh internetz".
Since you know everything, i wonder...how can your brain hold so much precious information and not just explode? Or implode, actually.
I already did let it go then, but 20 hours later, you just had to come along uninvited and restart the conversation.
I never have, and never will take orders, especially not from the likes of you.
I say what i want, when i want to, since it is called "freedom of speech".
The only comical thing about this whole "mess" is that even though i had let it go, you just had to reawaken the conversation just to tell me to let it go...gotta love people who just throw words into sentences without even thinking first.
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If you had let it go, why bother replying. You obviously feel the need to restitute your tainted internet imago with this diatribe. Keep it coming! Or just let it go.
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You have got to be kidding me. Did you really want to make me laugh out loud, or was it just an involuntary thing?
Why bother? I just said "why" in my previous reply, but obviously your brain is a little slow, so allow me to repeat myself:
So...really? "Why?"
I did let it go, but you felt the need to continue the conversation, as you are now, apparently.
Also, kudos on all the "academic" word play. I truly lol'd.
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Oh my,... the irony. Let me quote my very first post directed at you...
" ...seeing you had the last reply I think my point might have been valid still,... If you still reply it means you are too self enamored to realize how obtuse you really are and there is no hope for you."
You evidently did not understand what I said since you just keep replying and proving my point right, it`s remarkable.Your bruised ego has hijacked your brain and allows me to live there rent free.
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Well, it's official then. Your perspective, personality and overall knowledge either never existed, or are slowly dying within you.
I'm afraid you're a lost cause, but even though it's sad, don't worry, since yours is a story out of over 7 billion others.
I know it's remarkable, but not regarding that. The only remarkable thing is that you cannot, for some reason, look into the 2 important mirrors (the intellectual and spiritual ones) to realize not only "who", but "what" you really are.
My ego has not only never been bruised, but has never surfaced itself fully to "take control" as you might potentially assume.
As for the brain...well, actually, this would be too much for you to handle, so i'll just move on to the next thing.
In any case, go right ahead. Keep me on this emotional roller coaster where at first i feel sad for you and then i laugh out loud.
I'll be honest with you. I'm impressed at how much the human species is devolving recently. For some, this might be happening at an alarming rate, but personally, i find it hilarious.
So again, go ahead, keep replying the way that you do and make your species proud, son.
Cheers for now.
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Rent free. Maybe go outside and get some fresh air buddy.
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Tell you what.
You start educating yourself in general and i'll consider your "advice". Though i did just come back from a swim...so i've probably had enough fresh air for today.
But hey, you start opening your eyes and teaching that little brain of yours how to properly assimilate valuable, useful and pertinent information and who knows, maybe i'll get some more fresh air, since you know what they say, "you can never have enough".
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So I am an uneducated "genius" with "academic" wordplay, a simpleton with a little brain,...
Keep the argumentum ad hominem coming. Just shows that you are grasping at straws.
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Yup. You're a "genius" in a sarcastic way and a simpleton in a more serious way.
(you love your latin, but if i were you, i'd stop embarrassing myself with its use)
Anyway, considering the long sentences and arguments that i've been leaving, in comparison to your replies, the only thing it has been showing for quite some time now is your lack of proper response.
I'm sorry that you're unable to respond in an appropriate way, but hey, we can't all be intelligent, right?
Don't worry, your time will probably come...one day...
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I don`t need to type long winded, senseless sentences to point out the obvious, you are doing that for me, ad nauseum.
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Ok, bardus mutus.
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I've only just seen the rest of this thread haha, he's deleted them all so I can't enjoy the read :( thanks anyway!! :D
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You missed out man, his endeavor seemed masochistic by nature climaxing to the point where he suffered a stroke, judging by the last gibberish he failed to delete. All he accomplished was getting blacklisted which is ironic seeing the crux of his persecution.
It is you we are thanking <3
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Tu melius vigilate dorsum vestrum posthac die, Emanuel.
Dum adhuc potest frui vita ;)
Plus ego quam amplam, et urbanum, dixit omnibus, ut prorsus sit, sed quod sit sicut in "dolor onerare '.
Et hoc paenitet vivere, sed non nimium diu.
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I left my last comment there for you to see exactly what you are and contemplate on the situation while you're still here.
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Yo! Thanks for the giveaway :3
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No problem ! Good luck!
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No problem :)
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Thanks for the wishlist giveaway. )
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You're very welcome! I wish you the best of luck buddy
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Thank you!
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Thanks for entering, good luck
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Thank you bruh :D~
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No worries!!
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thanks :3
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You're very welcome
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Thanks, mate!
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No problem! Best of luck mate
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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.
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No problem dude
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You're welcome
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gracias :)
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Usted es agradable :)
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Thank you!
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No problem!
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No worries! Good luck!
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Thank you!!! :)
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Thanks! How dare you make so good giveaway that it upsets people? :b
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You're welcome! I know right! Shame on me... 😂
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No problem buddy
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Np :)
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eeee go to wi
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Eeeeeeee! 😂
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