
What the heck is this, lol

1 month ago

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It's basically just a walking simulator that they CALLED quadrobics-related. For those that don't know, quadrobics is the act of running around on "all fours" (like an animal), usually while wearing an animal mask of some sort but that part isn't required... it's not just wearing massive claws and a mask while walking around normally. In fact, most "quadrobers" (never heard that specific term but it makes sense) do NOT wear massive claws because they need their front paws (or as humans would call them, hands) for walking/running/climbing and those claw things would interfere with that.

1 month ago

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The more you know...

1 month ago

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So... it simulates quadrobics by ... giving people massive claws and a mask and then having them run around like a normal person NOT doing quadrobics? It makes no sense.

1 month ago

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That must be related to how quadrobics became a meme in Russia once a lot of people learned this even exists and has a word for, only after Russian political authorities started a media hype campaign claiming that quadrobics is bad for teenagers’ mental health and must be prohibited. Sad story actually. One does not need to know what quadrobics even is, to start shouting it must be prohibited for everyone.

1 month ago*

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Yeah ... how DARE those literal children go outside and PLAY? What's wrong with them?

(that was sarcasm, BTW). Seriously though, it's the younger kids, pre-teen or barely into teens at the latest, that do the "I'm an animal and I run on all fours" thing, for many reasons not the least of which is once puberty hits and they physically start growing up it becomes more difficult to maintain. Sure, some people continue the "I'm an animal" phase pretty much forever, but then they start getting costumes and dressing up, then we call them "Furries" ... and I do know some people who consider Furries to be inherently bad but every furry I've ever known has actually been more content with themselves and in a better place mentally and emotionally than a lot of "normies" I've known... because they have an outlet for the silly, the creative, and the just plain "fun" that most adults refuse themselves based solely on the "act your age" nonsense. Agism is just as toxic as sexism, IMHO.

ETA: Oh, and I would like to point out that there are as many different reasons for becoming a "quadrober" or a furry as there are quadrobers and furries... but 99.9% of them are fully aware that they are human. In my personal case (although I don't call myself a furry anymore) I had what I call a spiritual experience when I was 11 years old involving a group (not a pack in this case) of wolves at a local sanctuary. Short version, you could take a "tour" to see some of the wolves that can never be returned to the wild for various reasons (usually an old injury that prevents them from running with a pack so they would likely starve to death). At one point, the tour guide made some sort of sound trying to get the wolves to react, and they just looked at him. I tried it and EVERY WOLF within hearing, including one that wasn't even part of the sanctuary, responded by howling simultaneously. I cannot begin to describe that feeling, surrounded by wolves that are responding to ME, not just making noise but acknowledging my feeble attempts to communicate.

1 month ago*

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Excellent analysis 100% agreed, and wow that's an amazing story! Really cool to hear thanks for sharing.

4 weeks ago

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Thank you

3 weeks ago

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