
Cart #975
Side car

Hello. It's been a little while since I last made a giveaway (about 4 months). What better way to get back into it than joining the community mega train? I always put this disclaimer on my giveaways, in one way or another:

I have bought a few bundles over the past year or so from Fanatical, and I am randomly giving away a few of the games. To the best of my knowledge, none of the games from these bundles have any sort of regional restrictions.

Today's giveaways happen to be from the Summer Mystery Bundle from last year (Aug 2021). I'm still not sure why I always buy a Mystery Bundle (or two) with every order, I very seldom get anything I like from them. Oh well, my loss is somebody else's gain. The key has not been revealed until the moment I made this giveaway, so it SHOULD still be fresh.

hi! previous link seems to be wrong.

1 year ago

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Thanks. I've fixed it. I was in the process of making my small train and Delocos beat me to posting the next cart by mere seconds. lol. I forgot to update the previous to their cart in the process.

1 year ago

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Thanks a bunch! Activated and marked received :)

1 year ago

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