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133 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by CheMan39
Hi. I won your giveaway but you have not provided a key for the game yet. Please do so.
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First of all
If I win a gift, when can I expect to receive it?
Harassing me before the week is up because you're impatient is going to get you no where.
Secondly, you should make sure you have always followed all the rules before you break another one.
Have a nice day.
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Dear friend.
People on this site were always so kind to me that I used to get the keys in a few hours maximum.
There was a longer period once but I've contacted the giver and we had a deal without any problem and misunderstanding.
Saying "Hi" and "Please" I was just making a reminder for you and did not expect such... reaction.
Will try my best not to brake YOUR rules again...
Have a nice day and weekend.
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They are not my rules. They are the site rules.
If you'd checked my profile you would have seen that I had several hundred giveaways end in the last couple weeks.
I must check each and every winner before I send them more so than regular users because I'm a moderator and must set the standard we ask other users to abide to.
Your intent does not excuse you from the FAQ and Guidelines set by the site, not by myself.
If I have less giveaways, yes, I send them faster because there are less users to check. If I have 100 end one day after another, it takes me awhile to get through them all because I don't want to sit here for hours on end and have other things to do.
Anyways, while some users may not mind, you may indeed irritate some users when you only consider that you were forgotten, not what is happening with the creator's life.
Cheers! Have a good weekend yourself! :)
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Also, offhand, the "Please do so." Sounds like a demand, not a reminder. Regardless of using the polite form. :)
Hence why you probably got a such a strong reaction from me.
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Yes, I've only waited for 30h not 1 week before contacting you. Ok. Lets call my message a polite demand (you can blame my poor English vocabulary). Let me say that again - I had no intent to demand. Anyway... I cannot understand how this can become harassing or irritating. Unless... you were already harassed or irritated by someone or something else.
Beleive me - I would just ignore this reminder if I was busy (this is not an endless noisy phone call or door bell) and provided the key once I had time for it. IMHO, there was no reason for anger.
But people are so different... :)
If you want to set a standard - I would advise you to start not from the weird rules but from a vision that people have good intentions by default. ;)
P.S. I have some suggestions which can help me and other users to avoid similar problems I've got. It would be nice if you could pass them to site developers|owners:
I use both filters "Hide games you already own?" and "Hide DLC if you're missing the base game?" and I expect them to work properly. Many times I've entered many giveaways on the last seconds. That is how I've won the same games and DLCs twice. If the site allows this - that is not the users fault. It should be fixed.
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If you have 100 giveaways ending each day, you think you're the only one who decided I wasn't fast enough to their liking when I'm granted according to the site rules 7 days to deliver? It's on you to know the rules. I've pointed them out. Site rules.
You and I are different people. Each person has their own way of reacting to things. As a moderator it's more my duty to respond to you with a clear outline of the site rules in the hopes you won't do it to someone else.
There was no anger, merely informing you that you'd broken a rule, and my enforcement of the multiple win rules, and advising you not to contact winners before the 7 day period.
It's not anger. :)
Changes have already been implemented in terms of syncing, and how often it's done automatically and even removing you from other giveaways of the same game if you've won and also preventing you from entering those giveaways for 7 days. However, that doesn't change your past behavior.
It's not the site's fault that you didn't notice when you tried to activate the game or DLC a second time and it said, Product already owned.
That's on you. At that point you should have asked the Giveaway creator for a reroll.
I feel like you're trying to shift responsibility away from yourself as much as you wish. Doesn't work. Sorry.
It's a well known fact that the Steam API doesn't report DLCs. Search the forums. It's your responsibility to report duplicate wins to the Creator and ask them to request a reroll. If you don't and mark it received... then you're in error.
Ignorance of the rules, doesn't grant you immunity from them.
While I can understand expecting them to work properly, still doesn't change the fact when you tried to activate them a second time, it would have informed you that you already owned them. Unless you're using a script or just never paying attention. Or all those times before you weren't paying attention those times.
Regardless, site improvements will continue, but we can't demand more information than Steam will give us, the API only reports so much. The burden therefore lies with the winners to be responsible, honest, and attentive. The creators are spending some sort of money to offer the entrants something for free. Withholding it from other entrants because a winner doesn't pay attention to already owning it, shouldn't be anyone else's fault.
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thanks buddy! :)
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