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Keep the train rolling!

And here are some fun facts to go along with my carts:

No.1: Approximately 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year.

No offence, sounds like a tabloid fake news. Highly doubtful without a legitimate proof.

5 years ago

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Just for you I just researched that fact and according to Wikipedia the number is actually "40000 toilet-related injuries". Which means every person for whatever reason dying on a toilet ends up in this statistic. Infant drowning in Toilet? --> Statistic. Bitten by a spider/snake/whatever while on toilet? ---> Statistic. Break your seat, receive a wound and die of infection? ---> Statistic.

I hope that clears it up.

Wow, the things you can learn on Wikipedia:

Exploding toilets

In the Victorian era, there was a perceived risk of toilets exploding. These scenarios typically include a flammable substance either accidentally or deliberately being introduced into the toilet water, and a lit match or cigarette igniting and exploding the toilet.[15] In 2014, Sloan's Flushmate pressure-assisted flushing system which uses compressed air to force waste down the drain was recalled after the company received reports of the air tank failing under pressure and shattering the porcelain.

5 years ago*

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Well, Wiki is not a reliable source. Scientific research is needed, in this case, I guess, there must be an official statistics gathered by US medical institutions.

5 years ago

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Yeah, exploding toilet, Fallout 2, it gave me nostalgia.

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5 years ago

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I believe half of those injuries mainly because of alcohol.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Bro, I was eating.

5 years ago

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We must stop these roving gangs of violent toilets before it's too late!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Did he really fired bazooka on that snake? XD

5 years ago

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How else could he kill demon snake from toilet?

5 years ago

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Yes, of course, how could I thought of anything else. XD

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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