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Great game! FAR better than GRIS! Fight me!😈

4 days ago

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Haven't played it yet to confirm. but may be true :D

1 day ago

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I'll fight you!!!

TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bring your sword CultofPersonalitea, drop your hat and let's fight it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't tried this, to be honest. But, man, I loved GRIS so much. It was simply beautiful

14 hours ago

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Do try this out if u want to experience a story about dealing with loss. I had high hope from GRIS, because everybody raving about it constantly. This was way after having played journey and lost words. But GRIS left me disappointed in many ways.
Just my experience though, not disregarding your love for it... At the end of the day. We were left happy by a couple of Indie games! That's a win!!

14 hours ago*

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I'll take your word for it. To be honest, it looks beautiful too.

14 hours ago

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