
The most important thing for a thief is looking like an innocent cat:

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9 years ago

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Haha, I've seen this gif yesterday at the button, it's so damn cute! :3

9 years ago

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So... what happens when nobody presses the button? :| That reminds me of 'Lost'

9 years ago

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Nobody knows.^^ There are many assumptions, but we will only get to know what happens when it happens. Many people think it's the best to get a small as possible flair (press at 1 second) or to don't press, we'll see what's better. :)

9 years ago

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This is how you do it right

9 years ago

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Oh my god, a cat thief! :3

9 years ago

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Thanks for the puzzles and the giveaways - I've been wanting to complete my Thief collection! (I currently have the oldest and the newest installments in the series.)

9 years ago

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My favourite series in video games. It seems I have all versions on GOG and Steam already :)

9 years ago

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Well, then maybe you will enjoy (and don't already own) the games of the last two giveaways which will start as soon as the current set of giveaways ended. :)

9 years ago

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Woohoo, just got the game. Thanks a lot =)

9 years ago

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You're welcome! :3

9 years ago

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Check the last two giveaways I added, maybe you will win again. :)

9 years ago

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