
Cart# 1973
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have you ever had surgery?

nope, and I hope it stays that way as long as possible.. :P

also, next(s) ;)

6 days ago

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lets hope it stays that way, I have 2 so far... 1 being very common(wisdom teeth)... the other to remove the gallbladder that committed seppuku

6 days ago

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oh, right, wisdom teeths...
well, I indeed had surgery then xD

6 days ago

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I had gallbladder surgery about a year and a half ago. The surgeon said it was the worst gallbladder he had ever seen. I am curious, how long was it between your first gallbladder attack and your surgery? For me it was over 10 years. I don't recommend it. :)

6 days ago

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Mine was a few days... Surgeons said if they knew how bad it was they would have fit me in earlier
edit: stupid phone auto corrected things

6 days ago*

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I had stomach surgery last year.

All went well :)

6 days ago

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Yeaaaaahhhh..... Appendicitis.

I remember sitting in a wheelchair, and a nurse looked at my freshly available Xrays.... then looked at me.... looked again at the Xrays, left the room, closed the door. But I could hear her: she picked up the nearest phone, called someone and said "I do not understand how he is still alive.".... :O :O :O

Went into surgery immediately after. But, in the end (so far! :D), everything worked ok. Huge (sexy!) scar, but otherwise no permanent consequences. :D

6 days ago

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Technically, I died about five years ago after a surgery to fix my heart. They brought me back pretty quickly though. Then I needed the same surgery again a couple of years ago - didn't die after that one!

6 days ago

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Too many, and I don't wanna talk about it.

6 days ago

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just did, which is the reason i didnt update this in a week.

infected impacted wisdom tooth. and i ended up removing all 4 at once.

13 hours ago

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