
Quickly Quicky Quick #81
Please allow me to cancel GA if key is used.


1 year ago

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Thanks :3

1 year ago

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Thx for sharing & GL to all

1 year ago

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THX for the giveaway~

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Tnx For Giveaway ♥

1 year ago

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Hello matrixino.

You need to open a ticket in the Other category about this giveaway:

By now you have ignored the fact that the title was revoked by the developer months ago and the game currently is not on your account. Either you take care of this issue or we have to suspend you for not activating a win.


1 year ago

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Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. I didn't ignore anything, i was never notified about it.
I definitely activated the game when i won it using the code provided. That's why i marked it as received. If the developer then removed the game, why is it my problem? At the time of winning the game was still there for me on Steam and I activated it.
Now I see it was removed from my account later on.
What should I do now? A post where?

Edit: I opened a ticket. Not sure If everything i correct.

1 year ago

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If you open the Steam client once a title was revoked from your account then there is a pop up informing you about this revocation.
What you need to do in order to get this sorted is what I've already told you: Open a ticket in the "Other" category.
You should also inform the creator of the giveaway by leaving a comment on said giveaway - just like the other winners did.
As you surely are aware, as per the rules of Steamgifts everything win must be on your account and no win can be removed from your Steam library. If a win doesn't show up on your account then that's treated as a non-activated win which is cause to be suspended. Hence the ticket that you needs to open in order to not get suspended.

1 year ago

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Already did both things, thanks. I tought the "game exists in library" check was already done by now, few days after a GA ends. Guess it takes more time then. Anyway I don't remember getting a notification for its removal by Steam. Maybe someone else at home dismissed it (my son probably..).

1 year ago

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These checks are done manually, not automatically after a fix time. They can happen at any point in time and do so regularly multiple times over time. They certainly will be done whenever users get reported for non-activated wins.
Just make sure that such reports aren't dismissed anymore in the future. As said, a mod unaware of the general revocation would simply suspend you for this issue which is why this needed to be taken care of asap since it's already months later now.

1 year ago

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Yup understood. Anyway I think the GA creator should notify all the winner in this case. You can never know who uses a PC at home. I have childs who play or just use my PC. You can't rely on a notification banner to be seen always.

1 year ago

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The giveaway creator neither is responsible for what is in your library and what isn't nor are they notified whose games are revoked and whos are not. Yes, if three out of five winners report it to you, then you could assume that the other two winners lost the game, too. I get where you're coming from and some creators would do so (I myself did that in the past). But creators are not obligated to take this responsibility off the individual user/winner who is responsible themselves to take care that their wins show up in their library. If other people are using your PC - that's also something only you can control. Anyways, let's leave it at that in the comments of this giveaway unrelated to the issue.

1 year ago

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