
Unpopular opinion: strawberries are overrated.

Hm, I don't find strawberries best fruit ever but I wouldn't say they're overrated, pretty good, especially on/in cake.

5 years ago

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Well, I don't mind 'em. But when every second candy comes in an artificial strawberry flavour? They're not that good.


5 years ago

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Artificial strawberry flavor is definitely overrated. Fresh strawberry pie with homemade cream on top? That's a different story.

5 years ago

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I think everything in life is overrated. Maybe I'm just a nihilist.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thank you so much for the giveaway =)

5 years ago

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GL :3

5 years ago

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The fruit maybe, but I like strawberry flavoured stuff ๐Ÿ˜‹

5 years ago

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I feel like real strawberries are pretty good, but just so inconsistent! Some are sweet as anything, and some taste like water.

Or maybe Australia just keeps letting me down ._.

Long live strawberry milk, though. And Pocky.

5 years ago

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We really suffer as a result of the Coles-Woolworths duopoly and their preference for stocking fruit that looks nice for a long time on the shelf rather than fruit that actually is nice to eat. I much preferred it when I could go to a little grocery store and speak to the guys that selected the fruit at the markets. You can still occasionally get tasty fruit at the supermarket but you usually only get two or three days before it is covered in mould.

5 years ago

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1000% with you.

5 years ago

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I never got into strawberry milk (or banana milk) - they seemed a bit too sugary for my taste (I'm thinking of them as alternatives to choc milk). Did you have spearmint milk? I have heard that spearmint milk and milkshakes are a uniquely Western Australian thing.

I did get talked into sharing a friend's obsession with Strawberry Freddo for a while at university, though.

5 years ago

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HANG ON, SPEARMINT MILK IS A THING?! You weird Perth people.

5 years ago

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Yeah, it is here. Haven't you ever been brushing your teeth and thought "if only I could have a milky beverage that tasted like this"? Hahaha!

Spearmint flavoured milkshakes are actually not bad, but I have avoided the packaged milk.

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5 years ago

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Strawberry and watermellon win/win

5 years ago

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Mate, you order two-scoops of gelato with these flavours and you are ready for the best day of your life.

5 years ago

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Hvala puno! (x2)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I love strawberries. They're not overrated ๐Ÿ™…โ€โ™€๏ธ

5 years ago

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5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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You know, "Cat" is the example in the Comment Formatting help page, it never occured to me to write something else when inserting an image in comments, always assuming the image would work for everyone... :S

I assume the .PNG image didn't work on your browser?

5 years ago

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Oh, not at all, it worked fine! I just found it funny that you kept the sample text XD

5 years ago

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i have a hard time with all the berries
i dont like the bitterness
yet i love the kiwi

5 years ago

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Oo, really? Even blueberries? They're pretty mild.

Kiwis are great, but please don't eat their skin... >_<

5 years ago

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Even blueberries? They're pretty mild.

Depends on the variety and where you live.

But yes. Strawberries are overrated.

5 years ago

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I actually find raspberries unpleasantly sweet. Blueberry skins can be quite tannic/astringent/dry but most other berries shouldn't be bitter if they are ripe.

5 years ago

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But strawberry flavor pairs well with so many other flavors! (ยดโŒฃ`สƒฦช)

5 years ago

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Hmm... that is true. Works with citrus and sweet things... hmm...

5 years ago

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Fresh strawberries are the best!! Agree that store ones are super inconsistent and stored for ages, but nothing beats just ripened strawberries.

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5 years ago

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I got to pick fresh strawberries from a farm, once. No regrets :D

If only they were all like that...

5 years ago

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Surely you don't think elephants are overrated too.

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5 years ago

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Frankly, I don't like strawberries all that much, either. I prefer cherries :)

5 years ago

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Cherries are something else!

But glazed cherries... now that is an abomination.

5 years ago

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+1 for glace cherries being an abomination...and anything with artificial cherry flavour brings back bad childhood memories of Brondecon expectorant.

5 years ago

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HAHAHAHAHHA! Oh man... yes. I had tonsillitis as a kid, and somehow, they managed to give me cherry-flavoured antibiotics?! 'Nam flashbacks...

Now I'm curious to hear your stance on Cherry Ripes, though? :o

5 years ago

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I used to really dislike them as a child but I don't find them quite as intensely unpleasant now. I'm talking about when a lucky dip into the Cadbury Favourites comes up with the dreaded thin bar - I would still never buy one. I don't know if they changed the formulation, but I can't help noticing how much coconut is in them now, like they crossbred the Cherry Ripes I remember in my childhood with Bounties. Maybe I find them less offensive because they aren't as strongly flavoured as they used to be (if that is true) or because my appreciation for dark chocolate has grown, or maybe it is just relief that it isn't a Turkish Delight.

5 years ago

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Weird, but yeah, same here. Pretty sure they've always had coconut, but maybe there's more now? I feel like Cherry Ripes don't really have that nauseatingly strong (fake) cherry flavour I thought they did. Could be they changed it, or it might just be that thing where kids have keener taste buds or whatever. Or just, y'know, me being a fussy eater as a kid :P

Turkish Delights are definitely... interesting. And I really like dark chocolate now, but damn, still can't stand licorice. Best not get into that, I feel like we could just go on forever about foods I can't stomach XD

5 years ago

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Hahaha! Yeah, we can leave that for another time. If you also feel like Cherry Ripe is not so full on anymore, it's possible that they have changed the recipe. I did some research and found that some other customers have noticed the same thing - here's a review (from by somebody that actually liked the product that haunted our childhood chocky bar nightmares:

"OK, sure, the size is reduced. But I don't really mind that - sugar is the new fat and all that. I really only bought a Cherry Ripe for a taste of my 1970s childhood, not to consume an entire day's calorific requirement. The good news is that the chocolate seems to be the same dark chocolate of old. The bad news, the truly awful news, is that the vital internals of the Cherry Ripe have changed. I expected to see the intense crimson of glace cherry pieces interspersed with dried coconut. Instead, the insides are now a washed out red in colour because they consist entirely of dried coconut with a little 'cherry syrup'. There are no cherry pieces. Much like a Bounty bar, as another reviewer alluded to. Abject disappointment ensued. Perhaps the new recipe was formulated by the accountants in Cadbury's 'Accounts Payable' section. Well, they really nailed it. The coffin, that is. Rest in peace Cherry Ripe."

I also found that it is apparently something that you develop an appreciation for with age, although they also claim it to be Australia's favourite chocolate bar, so I'm not sure how much credence to put into this study.

5 years ago

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Oh yeah, I saw something about it being Australia's favourite chocolate bar. These liars and their propaganda :P

I'm glad it seems like we're not the only ones, but now I feel like the question of whether Cherry Ripes are weaker is perfect Mandela Effect material... is it us, the bar, or is this some huge group delusion? XD

Dunno how this person likes glace cherries, but I respect their... dedication to their tastes. Cherries are pretty expensive now, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if they've cut back on the slightly more authentic flavour of old to make this preservative-heavy 'cherry syrup' that's about as real as artificial strawberry. Not complaining, though. I actually like Bounties, sue me ;-;

5 years ago

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I'm going to have to look up the Mandela Effect - it this another Reddit thing?

Yeah, I prefer Bounty and new pinkish pseudo-Bounty Cherry Ripe over those horrid things (but fresh cherries are great).

5 years ago

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Fresh cherries are damn fine.

As for the Mandela Effect... it's kinda a Reddit thing? It originally started because people swore that Nelson Mandela had died in prison decades ago, and not in 2013 as he actually did. People talking about how they "remember" watching it on the news, his wife crying etc. So they called that kind of mass misremembering the Mandela Effect, and now it's a thing.

My fave example is Fruit Loops vs. Froot Loops. Pretty sure I remember that it was Fruit Loops at a point, but I'm probably just schizophrenic.

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5 years ago

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Ah, okay. Yeah, memory is a fluid creation, formed and reformed countless times - that's why eyewitness testimony is so unreliable. Having said that, smell (and therefore taste) is said to be the sense most closely linked with memory, and the addition of the visceral reaction that we both had to childhood Cherry Ripe gives that memory a fair bit of strength. "Froot Loops" does look strange, and I would not argue with someone that said that they used to be called Fruit Loops, but I would confidently take issue if they told me that they used to taste like fruit and not sugar.

5 years ago

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It depends on the strawberry variety and where it was grown. I live in Scandinavia, where the weather normally is cooler, making for a longer growth period, and the summer-days are long, exposing the berries to more sun. Both factors contribute to tastier berries. Also, stores want strawberry varieties with long shelf-life and are less concerned about the taste.
To me, strawberries are strictly seasonal. When I by strawberries, it's from a temporary market booth which sells freshly picked, locally grown berries. Taste-testing the berries before I decide to by is a must.
I don't by strawberries from the store (longer distribution chain makes for less fresh berries = lower quality), and I never, ever by imported ones.

I'm also not fond of heat-treated strawberries or strawberry-flavoured candy.

5 years ago

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Wow, you sound like a strawberry connoisseur! You're absolutely right about stores. They tend to always stock up on hardier berries, and even then, I have seen so many punnets that are moulded over D:

I really should go travelling more. Where I live, there's pretty much no hope of getting fresh produce without going broke. Trying out real strawberries is now on my bucket list!

5 years ago

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Strawberry season is a rather big deal where I come from. Having an informed opinion is common. But I will admit to valuing tasty food more than average :p
Summer here up north is short but intense. You're very welcome to visit ^_^

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Cats are crazy. I had a cat that really liked strawberries, though? Weirdest thing, she used to always sleep on them and rub up against them. It was too cute :')

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I'm allergic to them, so I am with you!

5 years ago

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raspberrys are better anyways ^^

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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lol i just had them for breakfast. great with nutella bread :D

5 years ago

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But everything is great with nutella bread? XP

5 years ago

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true, but still :D

5 years ago

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Apple is overrated, especially Macintosh ;)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thanks for the game! I don't find strawberries overrated, but my brother's allergic to them xD

5 years ago

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You're welcome!

And damn, I know a few people allergic to strawberries. How? Why? Mysteries, man.

5 years ago

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