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Another weird question: how many hours do you sleep a day? And how many hours are you ABLE to sleep a day whenever possible?

I usually go to sleep between 10 to 11 PM and get up before 6 AM. I often wake up around 3 AM but have no problem going back to sleep afterwards. I'm not sure what's the maximum time I could possibly sleep, but normally I can't sleep when the sun is up.

5 months ago*

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I go to bed between 1:00 and 1:15 and get out around 9:30 but how many hours I sleep I can't say, sometimes 7 to 7½ hours, sometimes I am lucky if I get 5 hours of sleep since falling asleep and staying asleep is both broken for me...

How about you? Since you ask questions but nobody is asking you!

5 months ago

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It's okay, I like asking questions :)

But for me, the answer is roughly 5 hours of sleep. I iusually get to sleep at 0:00 , and read 1 hour . So sleeping at 01:00. And then , whatever the day, I've got a little one that wants to rise and shine whenever he wants. Usually something between 5;00 and 6:00. Weekdays are fine. Week ends are ....not :D

I'm still capable to sleep more than 10 hours, but I rarely get the opportunity.

5 months ago

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Oh man. My husband and I took turns for that. I'd take evening restless kid watch, and he'd take morning restless kid watch.

5 months ago

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Seems like a good system, It's good you have somone you can count on.

5 months ago

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5 hours? I mean I am used to not many hours, it's only now that I get more hours but 4 to 5 was the norm for me as well, if I got lucky and that is exhausting, hope you can manage to keep going and do all things on so little sleep!

5 months ago

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I play to much during the week. So, I have days were I'm not sleeping enough. Like about 4-5 hours from 3 am to 8 am. However, on the weekend I sleep longer from 12 pm to 9 pm or longer. Also, Tuesay I'm at my girlfriends place and go to bed a lot earlier. And Friday I don't start the PC in the evening, also going to bed earlier.

So, all in all I probably sleep about 7-8 hours in average. However, my sleep schedule is super messy with short and long nights. Not very healthy.

5 months ago

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Usually 6 hours is enough for me.
I sleep 8 hours if I am beaten

5 months ago

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0-10hrs of sleep
likely average of 7-9

5 months ago

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From around 11-12 in the night to around 7-8 in the morning. Some healthy 8 hours, usually uninterrupted and with ease.

5 months ago

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6-7ish? When I feel sick I can sleep up to 9, maybe 10. When I'm almost dead, maybe more, haven't been confirmed.
ADHD makes it hard to stay in bed and try to sleep unless the planets aligned and that's my chosen future. Usually I wake up around the normal alarmclock-time.

5 months ago

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I usually sleep for 6 hours, when I have projects to present I sleep for around 3 hours. On weekends I sleep for like 8-10 hours.

5 months ago

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At the moment 9-10 hours/night. Sometimes I take a nap during day (1-2 hours).

5 months ago

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I can't get much more than 7 3/4 hours sleep. And I usually wake up at 6:30a. If I go to bed later, I wake up around the same time, even if I slept poorly. Sometimes if I'm really exhausted, I can get a midday nap. Sleeping in doesn't work. These days I wake up at least once a night, but often am able to get back to sleep.

My husband gets 4-5 hours, wakes at 4am for no fathomable reason, gets insomnia, and sometimes manages to get a nap around 6am.

5 months ago

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First time on the train seeing someone who black listed me - thought it be before now

5 months ago

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Yeah, I keep to my morals

5 months ago

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That's pretty low but not to be unexpected from you I have found.

5 months ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

5 months ago*

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Keep your drama out of the train please.

I'm free to blacklist whoever I want, especially if all that means I won't be able to enter their giveaways, buddy. I won't be judged for keeping up personal boundaries you know nothing about.

5 months ago

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Say no drama, post a lot of drama for no reason. I will never address you again hypocrite. And as I have said before this train is not the place for this. Cheers.

5 months ago

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You clearly have no idea what's going on, so a bit of info:
I don't want to be associated with someone, so in order not to win a game from them, I blacklisted them.
That's my "hypocrisy", not wanting games from somebody, and standing by it by blocking myself, gaining nothing.
(also wasn't me who brought up the blacklisting, but wigglenose, who does this every single time because they aren't used to being blacklisted - which is "meaningless" for them as they don't enter giveaways. I'm sure most people are aware of this)

I will never address you again hypocrite

Good, because it wasn't addressed to you to begin with, yet your couldn't keep it to your judgmental self.
Stop being like a nosy kid, and mind your own business. Nobody likes a clueless person stirring stuff up unwarranted, then calling others hypocrite while inciting drama.

edit: just as a reminder, the train has a "DO NOT HARASS/INSULT PEOPLE ON THE TRAIN FOR ANY REASON!" rule that you ignore since your first comment. Regardless if you understand, or even read the reasoning of what is going on between wigglenose and me - that is generally not of your business but you needed to butt in - you should dial it back.

edit: this is the "I will never address you again hypocrite" addressing me again, again proving that he doesn't care about understanding the situation that is still none of his business. Doesn't want any explanation, just wants to whiteknight and trashtalk be for the sake of some old grudge and just generally be mad. Explanation is "pseudo-intellectual garbage"... the communication equivalent of pearl before swines.

I came across some "eccentric" people here, but this is top 3 material in deranged weirdness.

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5 months ago*

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Only as a sidenote:
It's weird to speak to the masses and explain them the discussion you have/had with a other user and how they have to/should see it. Special after you made, direct before, the reminder about the train rule "DO NOT HARASS/INSULT PEOPLE ON THE TRAIN FOR ANY REASON!".

And to speak than about "weird and eccentric" people that you came across on sg, is somehow very funny in this context.

Ps.: I don't need a answer.

5 months ago*

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I don't prefer people spreading lies about me. Nor do I like cowardly, angry men who act like all is good in the eye of the public, then come after me to harass and think it's all good because they did good whiteknighting, and their ugly shit is not visible.
I don't tell people how they should feel, I tell them my point of the events, because otherwise a manipulative, lying trash is the only point of view, and that shapes the community.

You can roll to your back and accept people berating you, if you feel that the best course of action. But if somebody is so adamant on hating me that causes drama, lies about me and it leads people to believe it, then it's not me causing the drama by defending myself.

I don't expect impartiality from you either, so I'm not particularly surprised that I don't see you talking to them about not harassing me. Or starting the drama by insulting me - about someone else's blacklisting. Shows your priorities.

5 months ago

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Post those messages publicly for all to see or even better, just send them to support.
The user who is giving you problems made the whole community worse since the first day he joined. Try to ignore him via the ignore script, that helps.

5 months ago

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Support said they broke no site rules, and their behaviour outside of Steamgifts is not theirs to judge/punish. I'm okay with the second part.

Edir: didn't notice that I messed up the imgur link, thanks

5 months ago*

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behaviour outside of Steamgifts is not theirs to judge/punish

Yeah, that's true and rightfully so.
The ignore script brought me peace of mind and made being here more enjoyable again

5 months ago

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You did all of this from a misunderstanding? I never said a single word about the quality of games, it's weird that you started spreading that around.

If you wouldn't that dedicated to hating me, and would have read what i wrote instead writing mehatemail, you would have get that.

5 months ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

5 months ago

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5 months ago

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5-6 hours, kinda wanna retrain my body to sleep more tho.

5 months ago

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I can always get to sleep easily. The problem is actually going to bed! I am usually up late playing games.

5 months ago

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varies, but i think t's usually between 6-8 which I think is a decent amount of time. If feeling particularly lazy on a day I probably add a few more hours on top of it.

5 months ago

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I almost always sleep for exactly 6.5 hours. No matter when I go to bed, I wake up 6.5 hours later and can't fall asleep again. If I do sleep longer, it's a sure sign that I'm getting sick

5 months ago

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currently it ranges from 4 to 6 hours. I'm working on getting it upto 7 to 8.
I've never enjoyed sleep through the day, at most I would be up by 10. If I got up later, I feel a sense of failure for the rest of the day :(

5 months ago

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I plead the fifth...

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5 months ago

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5 months ago

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5 months ago

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Thanks! :-)

5 months ago*

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If you're interested in any of the games from the ongoing HB Adult Swim bundle's T1, I think you'll be able to see them now.

(I think I blacklisted you for your win count because I can't recall anything specifics... while I stand by the idea that nobody "needs" an 1000+++ th win, but it's unfair to cherrypick you just because I came across your profile. You have just as much right for the public-ish GAs of mine as anyone)

5 months ago

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I inadvertently sleep for 15 hours.
I have been overworked on earth for a week sleeping 3 hours a day.
But, well, I have no trouble sleeping 6 hours a day.
Eventually, though, it's going to go into cold sleep. 😪🧊🛌🧊

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5 months ago

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I sleep around 7-8. If let to sleep, I am like the dead... once slept over 12 hours because I didnt hear the alarm. Not "I woke up, turned it off, and went back to sleep", but I didnt hear the alarm and it kept ringing until my phone died.

5 months ago

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Mostly around 8 but with a lot of breaks, in average each 1- 2h a break at the moment and this is better as (in) the last 6 months.
So the sleep isn't much refreshing in the end.

5 months ago

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Too little. Usualy around 5h. Yes.

5 months ago

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Thank you for the game! :)

Btw its 6 hours on work days and 8 hours at the weekend. I would sleep more at the weekend but my dog is very persistent.....^^

5 months ago

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It's very correct :)

And I know what is is to have a persistent animal. My cat overlord would not let me sleep either :D

Congratulations for your win !

5 months ago

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