
Which game of the past few years did you enjoy playing the most? For me it's Baldur's Gate 3. Amazing game and I'm 2/3rds of the way to finishing my first playthrough. Looking forward to doing an evil playthrtough next 👿👿👿

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Horizon Forbidden West was fun for action and story.
Dave the Diver was fun for quirky game that kept giving fun mini games as story elements, between satisfying fish stabbing and restauranting.
Citizen Sleeper was just an engaging story, that I was surprised to enjoy as much as I did.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom was a nice new way to look at familiar terrain, and it's hilarious to see what odd machines my son and husband devise.

6 days ago

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Oh, and just started in on Core Keeper a week or so ago. Really loving the Stardew mining vibes plus some Minecraft exploration/base building.

6 days ago

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Huh, come to think of it, i haven't really played that recent games. Weird.

6 days ago

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Between large backlogs, inevitable discounts/bundles, and the ever-increasing amount of free games, it isn't weird at all that we haven't played many recent games.

6 days ago

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Wild hearts
Ive never played a Monster Hunter game, but from the looks of it. This game outdid it. Great game, mid story, Fantastic combat!

6 days ago

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BG3 was amazing, but Act III was so overwhelming I never finished it. Taking a break to regain my strength before I get to finishing it.

6 days ago

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Enjoying V Rising at the moment.

Dave the Diver and Valheim are both awesome.

6 days ago

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Yes! I only played a tiiiny bit of Dave the Diver and had fun but I'll definitely commit to it it once I finish my current playthrough of BG3 (and FF16 soon, that one is a priority).

6 days ago

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Death Stranding, love those 2 hrs cinematic scenes towards the end. Never thought building and sharing structures would be this fun. I spent a lot of time planning and building zip-lines to minimize delivery time as much as possible.

6 days ago

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If you want more obscure recommendations, look up your favorite games on IsThereAnyDeal, then scroll down to the "Similar games" section. That's how I found out about Super Beast Hunt: a free platformer with responsive controls and solid level design, but no marketing budget.

6 days ago

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Cats love boxes (that's the name of the game)

6 days ago

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I really enjoyed Prey (2017) this year. Very nice level and character design for a shooter game!

5 days ago

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