Welcome to the twenty second week of the 52 weeks of Christmas!!! What is the 52 weeks of Christmas you might ask? I will be giving away a new game each week for 52 week. To make things more fun, I will be asking a new question each week also. I hope that by doing this I may brighten someones week. I even create a group on Steam where you can follow every giveaway(link at the bottom).I hope you will have as much fun as I do with this.
New Week, New Questions
This week I am going to try something new, there will be 2 questions this week and you can answer whichever one you want or both.
Question 1
During an interview with Destructoid, Bungie co-founder Jason Jones made a statement about the Keyboard and mouse. The way the statement is worded, it could be assumed that he meant that nobody played with the Keyboard and mouse or that the keyboard and mouse is not relevant anymore. This statement brought talks about the relevancy of the keyboard and mouse. Ars Technica wrote an article about the fact that kb/m is losing the fps market while RPS wrote one in defense of the kb/m. Watching the overall market of fps not just on pc, do you think the relevancy of the kb/m is slowing down or dying?
Question 2
The modern military shooter has grown to become one of the most prevalent sub-genre in gaming this generation. The biggest games in the genre is Call of Duty. The game follows a formula of high octane, Hollywood action, crazy story, twitch shooting and linear gameplay. The success of Call of Duty has influence many franchises to the point that many tried to emulate what is now known as the “COD formula”. However many tried it and failed in their attempt, the most recent being Medal of Honor Warfighter which lead to the franchise being shelved. Do you like this genre? Do you think that devs need to stop trying to create a COD clone or COD killer and make a genuine new experience? What would you say could improve this genre?
My responses 1
My responses 2
God bless. :)
5 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by nguyentandat23496
1,256 Comments - Last post 43 minutes ago by hymntothesea
26 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by doomofdoom
278 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Adamdoodles
19 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Gamy7
164 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Superefg
263 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by Adamdoodles
407 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Ch1cWolf
50 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by Raggart
38 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by MouseWithBeer
1 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Talleyrand
93 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by Zipsy
256 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by SilentGuy
48 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by SilentGuy
Thanks for giveaway...
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Tanks for the opportunity!
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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thanks for the giveaway!
Answer to Q1: To be honest I think the PC market and console markets should be analyzed separately and not lumped together. I haven't read them, but if those articles questioning the relevance of keyboard+mouse are about the PC market then I honestly think they have no idea what they talking about. In my mind a keyboard+mouse setup is superior for FPS games because you cannot aim as fast or accurately with a gamepad, and the same can be said for maneuvering. I'm not even sure I would call this an opinion because it seems like a matter of physics. Gamepads are great, even preferable for certain types of games (such as platformers), but the FPS is not one of them because it's a method of control that is limiting. On a side note, I think this is a contributing reason why multiplayer is not cross-platform between PC and console for most if not all FPS games. Taking a couple of games I have played, it would be a mess to put the two groups together in Left 4 Dead 2 or PAYDAY: The Heist for example.
Anyway, to get back on topic, until some new control scheme comes along that surpasses keyboard+mouse in the PC arena then it will remain the defacto standard. Now the thing with the console market is that by its very nature it is heavily gamepad driven; this is to say the games are often played from the comfort of a couch or more of a social experience with multiple people gathered around a single display -- both situations that don't seem to lend themselves well to the use of keyboard+mouse, in particular from a convenience standpoint.
Answer to Q2: I am kind of bored of the genre to be honest, just like the World War II shooter before that. I think the market is oversaturated with these type of games. Do we really need a new Call of Duty game every year like clockwork? Personally, I don't think so. I'd rather try and seek out a somewhat new experience than to try and fix a tired formula.
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I pretty much agree with this guy.
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me too
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I agree to a certain degree, I love my xbox controller with the wireless dongle on the pc (my xbox hasn't been turned on for at least 3 years) for certain games, and while I do not believe the gamepad to be superior, I believe it to be preferable for comfort. Besides, almost all xbox fps or tps games have a form of auto-aim (some you cannot turn off) and I remember a dev saying something about the balance of the cross-platform multiplayer which was (according to him) perfect because of the auto-aim for the xbox users.
As for the second question; I think it would be okay to release a new CoD game for the PC every year, because of the advancements in hardware, but to release one every year for a stale platform is lunacy (I have my suspicions that they held back for years in order to have graphical improvements the next game, I don't believe in learning to put the hardware to better use if you have a huge team working on it for 6 years straight on, they should have mastered the platform after CoD 5 or 6 or whatever)
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cant buy this game in my country, so thx for opportunity!
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wich country?
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Thank you!
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merry christmas!
Q2: Well i dont really like it and i think it will regulate itself. I'm sure sooner or later People will stop buying one game over and over if theres an alternative with some new innovations. And Franchises trying so jump on the same train failing is a good start.
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Very much appreciated! ^^
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thank you.
devs that think that keyboard and mouse is dead for fps games, should work at mcdonalds.
but i would guess it is how the US market looks like so they bank on that. so not sure who to blame for that, if it's working for them. good luck with that. but when i hear a "competitive console FPS game" first and only thing that comes up to mind is "no stfu"
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Hm, interesting questions.
For the first, usage of keyboard/mouse versus controller versus anything is a lot determined by the game's genre. Some games require gazillion of possible input combinations - these games keyboard is a must, usage of any controller is only in expense of game-play. For others where the input question is not about "what" rather "when" (read: reflexes), a controller is a better choice.
For the second - I hate CoD and all clones. It is a topic that is so overused, no one can show anything even remotely new in it, quickly becoming boring as hell.
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Both control schemes are different, I guess each of them will have its uses. (Not expecting a decline of keyboards or mice in office applications any time soon, so keeping them in gaming seems natural.)
Also, thanks!
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Thanks for the giveaway!
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Back in time most games(FPS) used KBM as primary controller because it allowed full control over game (in terms of movement,inventory management, environment interaction). Of course there was FPS games for consoles but controlling was either awkward due to lack of analog stick or game itself allowed using d-pad+buttons to control itself because it doesn't require more advanced controls. With premiere of PS2,XBOX,GC producers/publishers saw true financial potential in console market and new controllers (dual analog sticks) has proven sufficient in most areas. Then game producers adjusted game mechanics to new controlers and perfected it. Here is the problem: If a game is fully playable using modern controllers and offers nearly identical(yes - mouse offers better precision but there is smaller and smaller difference between the two every day) gaming experience to KBM why bother to "support" "legacy" controller if today consumer would see only abundance of unused keys on a less convient than gamepad controller especially on platform that generates like 10-25% of total sales. It's just easier and more profitable to port from gamepad controller scheme(along with the whole game) to keyboard and not the other way around. Is KBM losing ground? Yes. Is KBM dying? No. While gamepads may be equal or even supperior way to play games KBM will still be primary way to control PCs therefore game makers will need to cater for those who will insist on using them. My predictions? Until we get really cool toys like quantum computers,nano scale electronics/devices or new controllers which uses brainwaves,thoughts,eye movement etc. KBM may very slowly get more attention as line between PC and console (and mobile device) will slowly blur out. We have phone and tablets that are as capable as low-end PC and offers some simple games, PCs that get smaller and smaller yet still capable of playing modern games, consoles that are like PCs for games (PS4?).
There is nothing wrong per-se with so called "COD-formula". It's good that there are FPS which provide epic,movie blockbuster like single player experience with fun,little arcadeish multiplayer. The thing is Activision oversaturated market with yearly releases while exploiting this type of FPS to the absolute limits. This resulted in bored and tired players who are unwiling to "invest" in a new game(Medal of Honor) which copied good old gameplay mechanics. MoH just couldn't beat 6 years(counting since MW4) of iterative perfecting of this sub-genre while being a less known IP and offering mediocre to ok gameplay especially when Warfighter was released like week or two before Black Ops 2. I think there is no point or place for making COD clones games (not until Activision makes a horrible mistake somewhere anyway) or modern military shooters in that matter (Battlefield 3 fill the other half of that coin).
I think there are now some place in good old sci-fi or WW1,(post)WW2 categories. Personally i would like to see something different, something fresh. Whole FPS genre need just more novelty. Maybe something a little crazy and not so stiff like Borderlands, maybe some kind of fantasy shooter (like Skyrim-FPS like). It is also important to introduce(or rather mainsteam) new gameplay mechanics which are proven to be extremely fun if done correctly like procedurally generated world/environment, more sandbox elements,multiplayer other than static maps(persistent world or something akin to Planetside 2). If only producers would take the risk in making something new and forget just for a while in making gazillions of dollars... if only consumers would be a little smarter and finally start to vote with their wallets...
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Something fresh, eh? Check out Shootmania. It's soon to come on steam. I hope this becomes the new counter-strike frenzy. The new cs:go just doesn't feel like the old cs 1.6. Hope shootmania has that element in it. :)
I could never fully enjoy CoD:MW2, in fact none of today's modern games because of my weak pc. So I never even played it that much. And so many CoD's coming out every year, that's just too much. With so many games, they're gonna split the community in to thirds, quarters even. Really hated CS Source for that back then, but oh well.
ps. thank you for giving away a great game
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Tanks. :)
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Q1 There is no substitute for the precision of a keyboard and mouse. I don't care what kind of fancy thumb sticks you attach to a controller. It doesn't matter. K+M are not going anywhere and as crap as I am at shooters in general, I can't imagine using a controller anymore.
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thank you
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Thanks! :D
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much appreciated
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Awesome giveaway, sir!
Q1: I don't think that the kb/m is loosing in anyway... no matter how you look at it you can't have the same controll with a controller. There are a lot of people playing games with controllers these days becouse it's cheaper to buy a console, than to build a gaming PC, and consoles are more or less limited to controlers.
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Thank you :)
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