Another round, more down... I think this should entice some of you. But... what else could be coming up? Have you made the nice list yet?
Are you on the cusp? Better get to stalking. Or pleasing. Or both! Find out... I promise, my rules are pretty damn simple, but not easy to figure out as of yet.
Anyway, hey! Join up! And by the way... here are the regional restrictions.
I will be buying the game directly for anyone who does not meet the required code, if it so happens you are outside the ROW limitations of this game, so I'm not creating a region-locked giveaway.
If you cannot agree to me sending you steam wallet/gift card/paypal/other means, then you simply cannot acquire my freebie. Please note that these are my only terms and conditions for this round, if you don't meet the acceptable region-locks.
I want my blacklist event to be open to EVERYONE! Unless you're stupid enough to already have me on your blacklist... What a shame...
That's karma! Sorry, you lovely 92 or so... if you'd otherwise be interested in joining. It was your free shot. ;) I still love you! ❤️❤️❤️
Always will - that's why I try to keep a clean blacklist - and after this event I'll purge it back to zero. Part of my inspiration for creating this event too... as a parody sort of thing.
And something fun to do!! People are too uptight and serious in this world. We need more fun! Let's get psycho-jigsaw-style with life, and embrace our inner crazy!!!
Medicine... :snicker: I hate it, but I have to take it for some conditions. Down to only about 18 pills a day from well over 60! The ones I take are for health now... mostly. And pain relief/anxiety stuff.
Grats to me! :pats self on back:
Forgiveness is what I'm about. Pure hearts guide us to truth and wisdom - aka love. Which for me... is Truth. The only real thing in this world filled with illusion.
Hamelin lyrics here: cuz all we have is now.
Here I am
I'm your savior
You will be free
Or... maybe you are your own savior and don't realize it? That's what it's all about. The mysteries of the heart... Hold the key, or toss it... Only You have the power.:3
Later and, in case you are wondering, here's the affected regions:
103 Comments - Last post 39 minutes ago by Ratha
70 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Foxhack
54 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Aetternumm
1,135 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by sfkng
79 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by MeguminShiro
16,630 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by Kenruyoh
891 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by nhahtdh
38 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by imminiman
116 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by HitScan
239 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by PoeticKatana
128 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by RGVS
134 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by HitScan
24 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by coleypollockfilet
971 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by hawkeye116477
Game's worth the sin. May the RNG be with me on this one!
Thanks for the opportunity
Woah, it's rare to find good powermetal suggestions these days.
and something in different genre
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Heh... well, that brings up an interesting thing: According to the rules, it just ended my fun about 10 hours ago on my main thread, but maybe I can find other ways to bump my own thread within rules... as people respond and I umm... space out answering them. ^_____^
They really should fix the reply bump - so we can't bump our own threads... period. Then nobody can abuse the system at all. I'm going to use it to my advantage while it's legit though....
The above was part of my suggestion on bugs/suggestions thread in my long rant about shit that's confusing on steamgifts right now...
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That's a good suggestion. I've got a few I've been mulling over, but haven't actually posted into the forums yet.
And for the time being, I'll head back there and give it another bump so you don't have to ;)
Ps I'm not certain if I'm immune, but we're about to find out! I've heard really good things about this game, so I'll bite on this one.
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Damn another bug? SG sure had a lot of bugs come out this year, did support even know about this one? (recalls Touhou auction...)
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The crux of the issue is... I think... support(+) needs support these days on steamgifts unfortunately. They are as confused on issues as the average user. Not much is getting done from what I can see on anything (though I have heard from sources things are being discussed on some of my concerns, which I hope is honestly the case), but I'll give 'em time to do something about my own concerns I raised. I hope it can create some kinds of positive changes in the community.
GabeN isn't the only one profiting by doing very little, if you get my drift... :clears throat:
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Yes, complacency, complacency seems to oft rise through an age of decadence. Complacency killed Sears, now GE, soon JC Penny's. Innovators will soon have their day again.
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And here I thought the Majima Everywhere system wasn't in the prequel! But this amount of insanity and interest in stalking can mean one thing, Majima has taken over Candy-brudda's account! As such, I urge anyone on the fence about joining this giveaway to join and fight back the Majima menace! Sadly, I have already done my part once before against this threat, so I must leave it to a new generation of criminal crashers! You may be blacklisted in the process, but is it not worth it to save Doctor Kandy-aru?!
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Blacklists... A pity we cannot find other ways to mediate discussions and giveaways, but we are but peasants in this royal abode, myself included.
We shall see how this plays out, but I look forward to the results as we climb the black ladder :3
Candy for all! <3 Candy is Love - much like Tea is Love. It may not necessarily save us, but it cannot hurt to have a little candy and/or tea in our lives at times...
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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You may. I'll have to send you a digital steam gift card code if you win, so you can buy it through Steam on your own. Or I'll find a key that you can use in your region.
If that's okay, and you can do that, please enter!
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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You're welcome! :3 I wish you Happy Holidays!
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oh definitely yes for this one. Loved sleeping dogs for a similar game play style. Have you tried sleeping dogs? i rank it no 1 game to play if its in your backlog.
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Nah..... but I have been wanting to play it!!
So... when I have free time. I will work on this! I had to get it just because... it looks really neato and I liked GTA and it sounded similar, but without all the horrendously over-blown hype.
I have definitive experience one I think? I'll check it out sometime!
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Yeah the definitive edition includes everything. Yayyyy
Please Please play it... Puppy Eyes
I Want the entire world to enjoy Sleeping Dogs even if they dont like dogs
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Naughty or nice, this is too good. One of my desperately sought after games, hoo-boi. It has karaoke. KARAOKE. That is BADASS, I need this in my life ><
I also hate meds. I remember I was on a string of antibiotics as a kid, and it actually made me fear drinking straight-up water, because I'd keep associating the water with pills. Childhood trauma, man, never gets old :')
Glad you've cut that pill list down by over two thirds, nice! ^^
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Hah! You read it all... probably. Nicely done!
That's not an easy thing in the world of steamgifts. Most people seem uhmm how to put this nicely... :clears throat:
"ocularly challenged" on here!
Do you think the bigger text would help?
I can understand the associations - I have some of my own with neuroplasticity and certain events that have happened in time. None related directly to pills though - at least not those kinds of pills.
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Bigger text will only help if you're angry on Humble ;) I think most people only have eyes for the lucky 5-figure code that'll get 'em secret gibs haha!
That sounds difficult, but at least you don't have them with 'those' pills, considering you have to take so many and so many kinds :(
On a brighter note with associations, my friend has synesthesia! And that's cool, because, well, who doesn't want to be told they have the 'aura' of a lilac colour, or that they smell like oranges :S
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i was trying to skip all these words by scrolling fast, but alas YOUR LARGE BOLDED TEXT HAS CAUGHT ME!
hello general fab-onbi
ps you also caught me with this gib since im proud to say i actually finished sleeping dogs (which someone in the comment thread already compared this to) - so now ill be entering this one
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Luckily for you, you have double-awesomeness powers already! Multiple shields active!
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Well, there's a difference between dedicatedly reading things, and with being able to understand what is being read. Irregular formatting really does make it challenging for those of us with visual perception issues to really follow along with things.
With that in mind, I was going to stay out of your event, given how unclear certain parts remained, but Yakuza is a rather seductive lure. :P
Well, if there's anything overly important, other than [Enter and get blacklisted, review for remove, special random who knows conditions can maybe possibly unblacklist you], do let me know. After all, I wouldn't want my misperceptions to be confused with poor intentions. :P
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Yeah, I am purpose-driven in my system of modeling it as such. It's a representation/mockery/parody of the steamgifts system integrated into my own little event. It was my initial inspiration. I just plug pieces in as I go, mindlessly ambling along, not letting anybody have any clear-cut rules... It's perfection, in my eyes, since I am the creator. As steamgifts goes, so go I. There will be a few twists and turns probably to come. I haven't decided that part yet, on what will or will not get added in. We'll see with time! Maybe things will become clearer? Maybe more muddled, if that's even possible at this point in time?
Anyway, my special conditions can give immunity, but somebody has to meet them. You're pretty much right about what you say. The rules change every single round, depending on how much weight I give various ones on my list of potentially damaging or saving ones... Kinda like another system we have here, as I already mentioned.
I have removed a few blacklisted people that later met conditions upon re-checking. I don't re-check often, but had a situation that gave me good insight to do so. Anyway, whitelisted people don't have to review it... so far I have found any whitelisted winners in good enough standing not to remove them or to blacklist put of any that won games so far. If they don't meet specific requirements, they're (whitelisted people) going to be given a second chance and simply a temporary demotion instead of complete blacklisting from the whitelist... kind of like a simple downgrade. A second fail at a check will create a blacklist though upon later entry if they haven't regained whitelist status again by that time, based on my rules, somehow. I think I covered everything new though. You've pretty much got the gist of it though. I just happen to ramble and be very wordy and pontificate a lot... I think it's my autism spectrum, but that's probably just an excuse.
It's like getting suspended because one doesn't know about a rule, since the established rule isn't officially established, yet a staff member will decide to suspend you anyway. I got three days off because of this same philosophy of disregarding a "non-rule", when it was actually the fault of the support member. I have prepared my paper, and will discuss it in the future under bugs/suggestions thread, which of course, gets absolutely no attention at all... Hehe! They are caught in a catch 22, but unfortunately they are too blinded by power/corruption to see it as such, hence why I have referenced The Peter Principle and Dunning-Kruger Effect. It's pretty insane here, so why not add to it a bit! As long as somebody is winning a game and having fun, it's all good! That's the gift of giving! <3
Happy Holidays! :D
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Okay, now I have to bite the poisoned apple! ;)
I'm glad that I haven't needed any meds in many years. My father experienced what can happen though, if you don't take or get all prescribed meds, just two days ago. He is an epileptic now, has to take 8 meds in the morning and 6 in the evening. He has been in short term care for about 6 weeks and was just about to return home, when he experienced a new attack. The medical center reported that it seems that he hadn't received one of his meds for a complete week ...
I'm so mad with them, after I gave clear instructions just two weeks ago to observe that he takes all his meds. That was pretty much all they had to take care of.
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Wow, that sounds like a really bad thing to have going on... Epileptic episodes are pretty scary to deal with, and can be dangerous for the person, if they're not aware they are about to have one... I cannot believe how negligent some people can be about things like that. If it were them going through it, they sure as hell would care... It's sad there is not more empathy and compassion around us in the world these days... My girlfriend has seizures too, but hers are epileptic in nature, where she thrashes about, but can feel them coming on... like she'll feel out of it - tired, dizzy and have other odd things happen to alert her to lay down and prepare for a possible attack. I definitely feel very helpless when I have to watch her go through these... Being powerless to stop it is really a scary situation to have to be in... All I cna do is watch, try to talk to her, and keep her secure from getting hurt until it ends.
I do not have epilepsy, but I do have abnormal brain activity in my frontotemperal and parietal regions after two EEGs, and right now they're diagnosing it as absence seizures... since nobody is sure.
I have taken many anti-convulsants. I'm taking Gabapentin and Clonazepam for now... I have stopped taking the Tegretol I was prescribed, since it was creating more rage episodes in me. So far, I don't know if I've had any real problems being off of the Tegretol, but my girlfriend doesn't notice the episodes for now. What would happen is I would blank out suddenly, and not be very coherent/responsive (probably from my neuro-lyme disease) and then after just a moment or a few moments, would start going on as though nothing happened.
I don't even realize when they happen, so that's the really scary part about not knowing you do not know... unless somebody is around to observe, at least in the case of my own brain thing... whatever this particular deal might be. I have some other brain disorders, but that's the one that kinda relates, since it's right now being considered a form of seizure disorder by the neurologist that I am seeing - for lack of a better term or grouping to place it into.
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I'm sorry for anyone experiencing similar medical issues. In case of my dad his seizures come more like yours, without any early signs (for him). He hasn't experienced a seizure where he trashes around him (yet), as is usually the case for epileptics.
As far as we have witnessed, he just suddenly starts talking gibberish at which stage then usually some doc or nurse took care of him. He experienced a pretty severe case in July, where is seizure wouldn't come to an end even under an.artificial coma. Recently it looked much better, till those people messed up his medics. :(
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A really fun game and probably my favorite game I played this year. I hope the winner will enjoy that one :)
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This look interesting! Did not join the Injustice 2 as not interested in such game and it seems that this looks like an awesome game :D.
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You're making it difficult to say no, but I still prefer the lack of blacklist...
How do I get immunity though, I can't fathom your randomness enough to see it
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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1024 Whitelists...
Road to 2048...
My inner mathematician and programmer are pleased with you^^
intrestingly I wrote in plural, oh so many voices, don't know today is a strange day
Thanks for the giveaway!
Always nice to read your texts and ideas so....
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heh heh!
I didn't even catch the 1024! And I'm a numbers guy usually...
Nice catch, and now my mind's starting to churn over some more numbers! ^____^
Always welcome! Please - no need to thank me. I am happy to be here for others. That's the example I wish I could live up to - but something I always aspire for... to be here. For you. Each of you. ;)
At the end of the day, or week, or lifetime, if I can say I did that... then I'll feel like my life was worth living. wink
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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Glad I found one on it then! Let's see how things unravel then. I'm kinda on thin ice with "the law" here, but we'll see! I don't wanna leave you all empty-handed if I can help it.
Making steamgifts great again!!
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Regarding region restriction, not sure what that store is, but there is no package matching that description. Most probably a RoW (with some countries excluded) or WW key.
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I have no idea.... but I'm throwing it out there from ^ Just how it was labeled under their restrictions. I'll cover anybody though, regardless. ;)
I like parity and fairness across the board, as much as possible! ^_____^
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oowoo thank u
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So generous of you! (✧ω✧)
Had to create a new thank-you-gif to match this great giveaway! (And I like it very much :P)
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I could watch that for a long time... without stopping. @_____@
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Damn, you finally got me.
I guess now all I want for Christmas is to be added to another blacklist.
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Haven't won anything for 2 years. I'm so desperate, lol.
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I'm in! Thanks so much for the great GA!
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Well this one is tempting enough that I'll risk it. Thanks!
I'm in Mexico which doesn't show in the restricted regions but there seem to be some other South American countries in the list so that's strange.
I also haven't finished the other game I won from you so hopefully that's not a problem.
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I guess I stumbled on the thread at just the right time, I've heard enough good things about this game that I'll join this and see what happens...
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I'm glad I checked this today, I've heard so much great stuff about this game. Thank you!
And being down to 1/3 of the meds is a huge step forward. :)
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It would be criminal not to enter this one. Thanks for the chance, and congrats on reducing your needs for medication
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I want to try my luck here! :-)
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Merry Christmas and congrats on the reduction in medical obligations! Regardless of 2hummunity or not, it's too good of an opportunity to get this excellent game so I'll have a go, even if this gift might be complemented by some coal :)
May the new year bring you more winning :3
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Oh noes! A game where you can whack people with a ginormous traffic cone! o_O I wanted to stay away from these giveaways, but as an avid collector of virtual traffic cones, I can't resist any longer… :'-(
(If you want to take a look, here's the album, there should be screenshots from 418 games so far: -- who knows, maybe you're the type of person who would find it at least a little entertaining. :-) So thanks for this chance, and happy holidays! :-) )
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