Recently I've been really getting into an musical artist who is just... absolutely breathtaking.
DPR Ian is a Creative Director, Executive Producer, Director & Editor, SFX/Colorist, DP/Cinematographer, Singer, Lyricist, Songwriter/Music Producer who also plays guitar, bass, piano, drums.
His musical journey focuses mostly on his perspective with life living with Bipolar and DID, making music for people to relate to who struggle with their own demons.
So Beautiful is his very first song of many, on his first album Moodswings In This Order a.k.a. MITO. (Yes, it is a play on words as it can sound like Moodswings in Disorder)
I hope you enjoy๐
TMI about me below:
I personally found connection to his music through my MDD and it has helped me immensely. After really listening to one of his songs, I didn't feel so alone with the thoughts of mine that scared me, I felt heard, even though he'd never met me at all. Sometimes, that's all you need. I'm happy to say that my depressive episodes have reduced from roughly twice a week (as they'd always been ๐ฐ) to about once a month since finding his music.
Of course there's more to it. He inspired my first official step into complete independence which terrified me beforehand but once I made the steps, accepted those feelings, and acclimated to my new life, I've never felt freer and I have his music to thank for pushing me through it.
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136 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by akfas
Can't say it's my kind of thing. But I'm happy to hear that it helped you in such a big way, that you were able to lead a much better life. Doesn't really matter in the end what helps us, as long as we find something that does :)
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It's nice to hear it was at least given a chance, and thank you so much for the message!
You're entirely right and I really hope that everyone who needs it finds that special something. ๐
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I just had to Google what both MDD and DID stand for. I have a personality disorder myself, but I don't really know all the abbreviations in english. I've had a girlfriend with bipolar many years ago, before we knew what was happening. It wasn't easy to live with for me as the partner, and I can't imagine it was very easy for her either. Both MDD and DID sounds like real challenges to learn to live with, and have what you yourself would define as a comfortable life.
I know for a lot of people it's a major relief just to be heard, understood and knowing you're not alone. That doesn't "cure" anything of course, but it can make a world of difference. It did to me at least, and to my wife who was just diagnosed with autism.
I'm glad you're trying to spread some awareness about it. Some countries have great focus on mental illness, but it can always get better!
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I appreciate you sharing bits of your story as well.
An interesting part of what you mentioned reminds me that many people feel hopelessness in the cycle of wanting for a "cure", when actually one of the best things a person struggling with mental health can do to is practicing acceptance.
I remember when the stimulant portion of my ADHD medication was causing me heart problems and I returned to my doctor requesting to be put under a different medication. If I recall correctly, the solution we came to was prescribing me medication directly for my Generalized Anxiety with the reasoning being, once it helps my anxiety and calms my brain from the racing thoughts, I'd have more space to focus on the task at hand. In that same sense, once I had the opportunity to really see and open up my heart for myself, getting through my days afterward felt like both sides of me working together, than one side carrying the load alone. ๐
I hope more countries will open up more to being properly educated and assisted in mental health, I'm certainly fortunate to grow up in an area that's allowed me to embrace and discuss this all proudly and openly, I could only wish the same opportunity for others.
And who knows, maybe this music will help someone, maybe the openness in this discussion will help another. ๐
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You're right. "Cure" was the wrong word to use, but it was the closest word I could find. Acceptance is a better word, and for me, it was a big relief when I finally started listening to the signs my mind and body was sending me.
My goal with these comments was also to try and catch the eye of people that might just enter and quickly be on their way. Maybe a wall of text will give them a seconds pause and read the description!
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Interesting. I didn't know about DPR Ian.
I know someone near me who is in the same situation as you. I'll try introducing this, maybe it will have a connection too!
Thanks for both the giveaway and the context.
Know that you're not alone in this. Others may be afraid because they do not understand what it is. But some do.
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Thank you for taking the time to read and check it out ๐
The specific song of his that I found relation to was his song Don't Go Insane.
At first, I kinda just laughed at the video, shrugging it off for being a little different but when I sat down with each and every line, putting my own spin and interpretation on the lyrics, it slowly brought me more and more peace until somehow, it clicked.
I hope this helps and best of luck to you and that person in your life ๐
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Thanks โค๏ธ
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Really happy to hear listening to his music has been helping you! I believe that anything that makes us feel better/more confortable without hurting us or others is always valid.
Given your rec below, I listened to Don't Go Insane - what a bop! Any other recommendations?
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I am more than glad that you asked ๐
If you want to stay under the same artist, I'd recommend DPR IAN - So I Danced for similar boppy vibe ^-^ (Though honestly, I've listened to and loved all of his discography, all his music videos are fantastic and lore filled as well)
Originally, I linked DPR IAN - OFFICIAL MIITO MOVIE (PART I) which is a cinematic masterpiece while also being a sample of his second album but I swapped it out for his debut song because this video has flashing lights and blood, which might turn away a vast audience of people which didn't seem fair in retrospect.
As for switching up the artist... I could recommend DPR LIVE - Martini Blue. It's a bit different, this artist using more rap and about half the lyrics being Korean but DPR IAN also had a hand in helping DPR LIVE creating his own style of music. All the artists under the company are all actually a close knit group of friends who wanted to make interesting art, lore, and encourage unique self expression between each member.
So while they all work together and help each other as if each released album is their own, every single person's music is a completely different style than the others. I really hope you enjoy and I really appreciate you taking the time to read๐
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Thank You Kindly! <3
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Thanks for the giveaway
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Thank you for the chance ;)
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Np! And Happy Cake Day!!! ^-^
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Thank you!
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Thanks for the opportunity!
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Thank you for the opportunity! :)
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I like DPR Ian but I didn't really know that much about the meaning of his music, so I'll surely read into the lyrics more. I'm glad it's helped you,through your own journey, and hope things are going well for you these days
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With that username, did you perchance find his music through Seonghwa's dance cover or is it just a coincidence? ๐
If I knew I'd find a fellow Atiny here, I'd have shared a few more songs long ago.
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Thank you for giveaway <3
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Thanks ๐
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Thank you!
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glad to hear! ๐
if you are open to other genres maybe you can try this:
RIVERSIDE - Discard Your Fear
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Thank you!
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vlw! thx!
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Thanks! Good luck to everyone ^^
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Thank you for this giveaway :)
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