You know, the name of this game has always bothered me. It should be "Loren the Amazon Princess" or "Loren: The Amazon Princess" or even "Loren, the Amazon Princess"...
Anyway, it's a decent RPG/visual novel hybrid where instead of playing as the fabled hero of old, you play as her slave. (It's less bleak than that description implies.) You can choose between a male and a female protagonist, and there are several love interests, including multiple gay options. The Steam version has minor censorship (less revealing outfits + slightly altered CGs), but the developer has a very simple official workaround to re-enable the "suggestive content" toggle: (note that even the uncensored version is not an eroge, more explicit games have been released unaltered on Steam since this game was released)
I'm pretty sure this key includes the DLC as well. It's been a long time since I bought the bundle that included this.
Good luck!
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47 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by Kingsajz
Thanks hope to win it wthog ^_^
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Thanks for the chance, I see this game come by very rarely :3
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Oh Wow, Many Thanks for the Wonderful Giveaway.
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gracias ;3
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Thanks :))
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I mean, if it had a patch to "adjust outfits that were too revealing" and, more so, CGs that were too sexual, I find it hard to believe that it isn't eroge...
If it isn't and doesn't want to be an eroge, why have such outfits and CGs in the first place? Why go beyond the boundaries of tasteful?
Makes no sense... This genre is plagued by this and I just don't get it; on one hand, if you want to make erotica or pornography, go and do so while, on the other, if you want to include mature themes in your story, do it tastefully and not gratuitously... The fact that a staple of the VN genre is to shove in erotica and even pornography into "normal" stories is just so absurd.
Maybe I'm too cynical but this genre has this negative reputation, unfortunately, quite deservedly.
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In order for Loren to be an eroge, there would have to be an explicit sex scene somewhere in the game.
There isn't. All of the romance CGs (of which you will see one in a single playthrough if you have successfully pursued a romance) show kissing at most, and even in the uncensored version, only one character's CGs (Chambara's) contain any "explicit" content at all (female nipples, no genitals anywhere). The accompanying text isn't any more vulgar, unless you consider phrases like "and they became one that night" or "he gave himself to her" to be pornographic.
There are AAA games with more sexual content than Loren does. The developers were overreacting when they censored the Steam version of the game. I don't disagree with you that a lot of visual novels have gratuitous sex scenes (which I personally dislike as well, so I usually don't mind too much when Steam only gets the all-ages version; publishers like MangaGamer usually sell the uncensored version on their website anyway), and that does affect people's perception of them, but it's really hard for me to consider this particular game an eroge when nearly all of its romance scenes are, content-wise, equivalent to the first Dragon Age game, underwear and all.
I will agree that the "suggestive" outfits are ridiculous, though. The "modest" outfits aren't even much better in that regard, lol.
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Thank you for replying and clarifying! Mine is longer, if you care for it (if not, cool, but, :/)
I am glad to hear that the game is, from what you imply, of the tasteful variety - no, what you describe in terms of "explicit content" or accompanying text/context does not sound distasteful, pandering or pornographic.
Indeed, if I understood correctly, it is of the Dragon Age/Mass Effect/Witcher 2-3 variety (aka akin to what we can see in movies and TV shows); that is, then, needless to say, completely O.K.
The entire point of it is that there is nothing wrong with mature themes as long as they are a) handled tastefully and b) used for a good reason; if it isn't gratuitous, explicit/graphic, fetishized and otherwise pornographic and if it is used to convey things like love, passion, desire, lust, romance, cheating, a character's personality/emotions (and so on) - it is completely fine and I wholeheartedly approve of it.
Personally, I really mind eroge; they fail to do what I described right there - they are normal stories about X and Y themes/topics, but, then... They also contain a developed "romance" story (and sometimes game mechanics) AND they contain multiple (at least one per route) porn scenes - yes, not sex scenes, but porn scenes (as I described them earlier).
It's just silly to me and brings the whole thing down.
I really dislike that this is a staple of the VN medium, to the point where the only two genres of VN are eroge (normal story with porn) and nukige (porn with minimal story to set it up).
As the medium becomes more mainstream and more popular with the West, I do hope that VN authors stop (having to) pander to otakus/weebs and that they are able to write games without pornographic content.
Otherwise, it is quite a distasteful blight on an entire genre (it really does have a bad rep for that, hence my original comment).
My stance is even extreme, I think: if a VN had porn in it, I don't want to play it, even the all-ages version (so, say, something like Cho Dengeki Stryker or maybe even the Fate series); matter of principle.
BUT - that is why I am happy about your clarification about Loren The Amazon Princess; I might play it, provided that it indeed does not have distasteful sexual content, nude or not.
What I also do mind is what you mentioned earlier, when Devs release "all-ages" versions of games and then provide patches, right there, on the Steam forums - or, like, in the Reviews.
It is, IMO, a roundabout way to get pornographic content on Steam - and there ARE cases where the original not only has explicit sex scenes but is straight-up pornographic.
The most infamous one is the Sakura Series (nukige series) but, just a few days ago, a doujin anime-style game was released on Steam... One that is originally a hentai and rape-focused game, with the game mechanics entirely designed about that!
Naturally, the Devs have/will (their statement) provide "patches"...
Yeah, outfits (and often designs entirely) for female characters are, needless to say, a much publicized and well-known issue for games and other geek mediums.
It's quite unfortunate when your female characters look like they came out of an erotic/porn fantasy experience. :X
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Thanks for this Giveaway! :)
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