
About the game

Oleg Maddox continues to expand its world-famous Il-2 Sturmovik ™ series of flight simulators. The latest offering is called Il-2 1946 and adds 36 new planes, four new, gigantic scenarios, over 100 new ground objects and almost 200 new campaign missions. This new work also includes all previous content of the Il2 series: IL-2 Sturmovik ™: Forgotten Battles, Ace Expansion Pack and Pacific Fighters ™. An astonishing anthology has now emerged from the study with an airplane of yore, which convinces with the colossal number of 229 controllable and a total of over 300 aircraft!
New aircraft: 32 new playable fighters and bombers and four new aircraft controlled by artificial intelligence!

New scenarios: Huge new historical maps of the Kiev region; a scenario in Manchuria that draws attention to a border region between the USSR, China and Japan-occupied Korea; a large bonus card from Burma and a card for Internet games from Khalkin Gol / Nomonhan.
New campaigns: Nine new campaigns with almost 200 missions, of incredible realism and amazing attention to detail. There are extensive careers for the German, Soviet and Japanese fighter and bomber pilots who offer a variety of tasks, ranging from flying a jet plane to occupied Europe, to intercepting American B-29 fortresses via Iwo Jima and the Japanese home island !
Alternative history: Three of the nine campaigns offer an excursion into a different course of history, which represents hypothetical battles between the Soviet Union and Germany in the ongoing World War II in 1946.
Nearly 1000 new paintings: The new planes - like many of the older ones in the series - come with a series of new historical paintings that cover many of the planes and squadrons that served in World War II.


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