
So, Bioshock Remastered was released... did you play it? What do you think about?

I already played all three games, but now I'm playing the remastered version, and honestly, I can't see big difference, at least about graphic, just small things here and there, but unfortunally the game still has all kind of issues from the older version plus new issues ;( (still playing and enjoying the experience, but could be better if it had the issues fixed

Good luck everyone! :3


8 years ago

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Thank you for making this giveaway. ^_^

I have both BIOSHOCK's REMASTERED. I didn't play them, but I think making them was a waste of time.

8 years ago

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Thanx 4 the Chance :-D

8 years ago

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I got both Bioshcok remasters (1 and 2) since had the old ones on steam but didn't touch them yet since made all trophies on playstation. Would gladly return to Rapture but need better pc to see if there are differences xD

8 years ago

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