
humble gift link

Thanks !

4 years ago

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Thank you! ;)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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:o thank you !!! :OOO

4 years ago

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I'm sorry and apologize if I'm repeating information that you already know.

TL;DR version: Please be aware that owners can still enter this giveaway.

Expanded version:
Because of how steam doesn't report ownership of DLC, SG cannot tell what DLC an individual owns, unless it is a standalone appid. As a result, and as usual with Game of the Year / Gold / Complete editions, people can own the entire contents of a package and still be allowed by SG to enter.

However, as per the guidelines Try to refrain from entering giveaways for packages if you already own the majority of the games contained within. The giveaway creator may request a new winner if they believe you own too many of the packaged games., it is up to you to decide if you want to allow people to enter for DLC or not, and if yes, if there is a max ownership threshold above which you don't want them to enter (ie "you may enter for the DLC if you do not have "XYZ" or "ABC" DLC, but you may not enter if you have "123" DLC")

Of course, if the user doesn't have the game on their steam account, they do not have the DLC, either. However, if the base game appears on their account, and if you care about checking, the only way to tell which DLC they do have on their account is to friend them on steam, and then try to purchase the DLC for them as a gift (not going through with the purchase, of course, but getting to the stage where it will tell you "you cannot give this item to this friend because they already own it" (or similar).

Again, I'm sorry if it is information that you already knew.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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thx for the giveaway

4 years ago

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