
Salute, madames! Salute, sirs! o7

What a fantastic event... Who would think, huh? Jumping on this train on nostalgia on the last station as I am not active here as I used to be... but so many memories, so many wonderful moments and emotions I have in mind regards this awesome community. Chapeau bas to cg, who behind this initiative!

10 years... my account is 9 and a half year old. Damn. Yet after activating my account I wasn't active for a year I think.
So many happened during this time. How could I even imagine that (almost) on the 10th anniversary of the day everything started I will be also celebrating half year of my son. Huh!

Yeah. Nostalgia is a good word for what I am feeling seeing what's happening here :).

That's why I have chosen Witcher game as it's my favourite book series and for sure one of the best games I have ever played!
Besides third Witcher (previous ones are also great!) I also would have to choose whole Europa Universalis (yet 2nd part is in my heart forever) and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, where I found so many friendships all over my country that are strong till today (starting 18 years ago!).

What are your numeros unos, dos, tres regarding games or books? ^^

PS. I'm terrible with region locks, I have no idea how to easily give the game nowadays, please bear with me. I will buy it for a winner after giveaway ends. That's why I am raising Contributor Level a bit - to catch up Summer Sale.

PS.2 Feel free to join my second giveaway! Dragon Ball: Fighter Z

PS.3 I still remember basic formatting!

Big cheers to all wonderful people I have met here and all those I haven't! o/

Congrats fellow 9.5 account holder ^_^
I'm an old soul so I'll say Deus Ex (the OG one), Skyrim, and to put a book in there I'll cheat and say the Hyperion Cantos :D
Hvala puno!

2 years ago

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Congratulations on your baby son and tnx for the 2 giveaways!

2 years ago

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Books: Most of Brandon Sanderson's stuff. Have to finish Brent Week's Lightbringer series before finally judging. George Orwell's classics are also interesting reads.

Games: I'm a fan of the old Thief games (damn Nostalgia^^) and their spiritual successors like Dishonored, DeusEx, Bioshock.

Cheers back at you ;)

2 years ago*

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A lot that could be 2nd or 3rd, but 1. would be Deus Ex.

2 years ago

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Older RPGs still hold special place in my gaming heart. Childhood pixel heroes. Gratitude for witching hour.

2 years ago

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Thanks a lot TormenT.
Nostalgia is indeed a very powerful feeling: I still feel pleasure re-reading books and replaying games from my youth, despite (or maybe, precisely for) knowing them thoroughly. Here's my top three lists:

1) The Lord of the Rings
2) Dune
3) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

1) DOOM II (1994)
2) Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
3) Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Cheers mate :)

2 years ago

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Games: not easy to pick only 3, but here they are :)

  • Day of Tentacle
  • Doom (1993)
  • Soldier of Fortune 1 the dismemberment really marked my teenage brain :)

Books, even if I don't read as often as I would like ...

  • Dune
  • "Être sans destin"
  • The Road Ahead

Thanks and happy half birthday to your son :D

2 years ago

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⚜️ Tks for this giveway πŸ‘

2 years ago

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