
The end of 2019 is near, so I decided to clean up some old keys and spread the love and peace of christmas time.

If this GA is for a special group, there are no obligations - no points, no CV, no gifting back, no PoP, free to enter for all.

Sorry for paste and copy this text, but I'm planning to do some GAs, and I don't feel like writing a special text for every game.

I wish you all happy holidays and a happy new year! Nice to have such a great community around, I really appreciate that. Most of you are always there for me with a lot sympathy and patience even if we don't know us in so called "real life". But I'm sitting here and write this to you, so what is not real about it?

Anyway, I care for you. Stay healthy!

🐭 Good luck 🐭


5 years ago

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Thank you for this opportunity, darling =)

5 years ago

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That was a nice comment,thank you! 😉

5 years ago

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